ኤርትራ ጦሯን ከኢትዮጵያው ትግራይ ክልል ባስቸኳይ እንድታስወጣ አሜሪካ መጠየቋን ብሉምበርግ ዘግቧል።

  • Ethiopia in civil conflict after assault on northern region
  • State Department says reports of Eritrean involvement credible

ኤርትራ ጦሯን ከኢትዮጵያው ትግራይ ክልል ባስቸኳይ እንድታስወጣ አሜሪካ መጠየቋን ብሉምበርግ ዘግቧል። የኤርትራ ወታደሮች በትግራይ እንደሚገኙ ማረጋገጫ መገኘቱን የጠቀሱት የአሜሪካ ውጭ ጉዳይ መስሪያ ቤት ቃል አቀባይ፣ ሁኔታው በጣም አሳሳቢ ነው ብለዋል።

The U.S. called for the immediate withdrawal of Eritrean troops from neighboring Ethiopia’s Tigray region, following “credible” reports of their involvement in a civil conflict.The reports relate to an assault that Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed ordered on the northern regional state Nov. 4, after blaming it for an attack on a military base to try and steal weapons. Eritrea’s involvement would confirm that the conflict has become regional.

አሜሪካ ይህን ማሳሰቢያ የሰጠችው፣ አንዳንድ ምዕራባዊያን ዲፕሎማቶች የኤርትራ ወታደሮች ትግራይ ላይ ታይተዋል የሚል መረጃ ለዐለማቀፍ ዜና አውታሮች መስጠታቸውን ተከትሎ ነው። ብሉምበርግ ለአሜሪካ ውንጀላ እና ማሳሰቢያ የኢትዮጵያ እና ኤርትራ መንግሥታትን አስተያየት ጠይቆ ምላሽ እንዳላገኘ አክሎ ገልጧል። የተመድ ዋና ጸሐፊ ትናንትና የኤርትራን ተሳትፎ የሚያረጋግጥ ማስረጃ አላገኘንም ማለታቸው ይታወሳል።

“This is a grave development,” a U.S. State Department spokesperson said in an emailed statement. “We urge that any such troops be withdrawn immediately.”The U.S. adds credence to accusations by the former rulers of Tigray that Eritrea is supporting the Ethiopian army against them. United Nations officials said earlier they’ve observed troops wearing Eritrean uniforms in the region.

READ MORE : https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-11/u-s-urges-withdrawal-of-eritrean-troops-from-ethiopia

A member of the Ethiopian Defense Forces inspects a damaged military vehicle in Ethiopia’s Tigray region.

A member of the Ethiopian Defense Forces inspects a damaged military vehicle in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. Photographer: Eduardo Soteras/AFP/Getty Images