የጋዜጠኞች መብት ተሟጋች መስከረም አበራን ባስቸኳይ ከእስር እንዲፈታ መንግስትን ጠየቀ

Ethiopian police should unconditionally release online journalist Meskerem Abera and cease harassing members of the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday.

ዓለማቀፉ የጋዜጠኞች መብት ተሟጋች ኮሚቴ (ሲፒጄ) የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት የዩትዩብ ጣቢያ ጋዜጠኛዋን መስከረም አበራን ባስቸኳይ ከእስር እንዲፈታ ዛሬ ባወጣው መግለጫ ጠይቋል። ዓቃቤ ሕግ በመስከረም ላይ የወንጀል ክስ እንዳይመሠርት የጠየቀው ድርጅቱ፣ መስከረም ባስቸኳይ ከእስር ተፈትታ ሥራዋን እንድትቀጥል እንዲፈቀድላት ጥሪ አድርጓል። ሲፒጄ መስከረም ከሥራዋ ጋር በተያያዘ ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ ለእስር መዳረጓ “በጣም አሳዛኝ ነው” ብሏል። ድርጅቱ አያይዞም፣ መንግሥት ጋዜጠኞችን ማዋከብ እንዱያቆም ጠይቋል።

Ethiopian police should unconditionally release online journalist Meskerem Abera and cease harassing members of the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday.

Federal police detained Meskerem, the founder and editor of private YouTube-based media outlet Ethio Nikat Media, in the capital Addis Ababa on December 13, her husband, Fitsum Gebremichael, told CPJ by phone.

On December 15, a federal high court extended her detention by 14 days for police to investigate allegations that she incited violence, disseminated misinformation, and defamed the military through Ethio Nikat Media and social media platforms. She is due back in court on December 29, Fitsum said.

Meskerem was held for weeks following her arrest in May in relation to a similar accusation, but was never formally charged.

Ethiopia must release journalist Meskerem Abera after second detention this year