Efforts underway to improve relations between TPLF and EPLF – Wektawi Gudayoch

Melat Mulugeta

Wektawi Gudayoch on Mereja TV is a daily program on Mereja TV where journalist and invited guests to discuss events and affairs happening in Ethiopia recently. In today’s segment, in-house journalists Esubalew Sajen, Addisalem Abebe, and Fasil Aregay discuss the need for Federal government’s for TPLF and Eritrea reconciliation, Professor Berhanu Nega’s response on the situation concerning ownership claims of Addis Ababa and the harassment on Eskinder Nega, Dr. Debretsion’s statement about the current understandings of Tigray people, internet and messaging services cut off and the response from Ethiotelecom, and budget proposal for the year 2019-2020 challenged by the Ethiopian parliament.

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