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Proletariat (countable and uncountable; plural proletariats)
  1. The working class or lower class.
  2. The wage earners collectively, excluding salaried workers.
  3. (history) In ancient Rome, the lowest class of citizens, who had no property.

Verbs for Proletariat

assail—; debar—; denounce—; grind—; incite—; restrain—; restrict—; smother— stir—; support—; suppress—; trammel—; tyrannize over—; —defies; —degrades; — inflames; —labors; —rises; —revolts; — strikes.


bourgeoisie, common people, common run, common sort, commonage, commonality, commonalty, commoners, commons, laborers, linendrapers, lower classes, lower middle class, lower orders, lumpen proletariat, middle class, middle orders, ordinary people, peasantry, plain folks, plain people, rank and file, shopkeepers, small tradesmen, the lower cut, the other half, the third estate, toilers, toiling class, upper middle class, vulgus, working class, working people

Alternative forms


From French prolétariat, from Latin proletarius (a man whose only wealth is his offspring, or whose sole service to the state is as father), from proles (offspring, posterity)


(US) enPR: 'prōlĭʹtârēət, IPA: /ˌproʊlɪˈtɛəriət/, SAMPA: %pr\oUlI"tEr\i@t


See also