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Citizen (plural Citizens)
  1. A person that is a legally recognized as a member of a state, with associated rights and obligations.
  2. A person that is a legally recognized resident of a city or town.
  3. A resident of any particular place to which the subject feels to belong.
  4. A civilian, as opposed to a soldier, police officer etc.

Adjectives for Citizen

distinguished; patched; individual; prejudiced; plodding; enlightened; enthusiastic; indefinite; unworthy; substantial; intelligent; god-fearing; ordinary; peaceable; law-abiding; disillusioned; callous; staid; home-loving; ornamental; defenseless; competent; simple; plain-speaking; public-spirited; conscious; active; conspicuous; callous; vile; half-starved; influential; venerable; indignant; average; private; generous; illustrious; cultivated; belligerent; busy; esteemed; perspicacious; small-salaried; luckless; prosperous; grave; respectable; admirable; eminent; cloaked; reputable; representative; loyal; worthy; useful; law-abiding; duteous; bespectacled; patriotic; well-known; honorable; lamented; mutinous; plain; simple; quiet; easygoing; innocent; tight-lipped; august; pugnacious; disgruntled; beleaguered; iron-bellied; wistful; regretful; ordinary; humble; average; mere; prosaic; typical; able-bodied; courageous; husky; young; stalwart; bibulous; sanguine; careless; selfish; blind; serious-minded; straight-thinking; reckless; conscientious; high-minded; foremost; valued; wealthy; prominent; leading; outstanding; revered; self-sacrificing; hard-working; progressive; zealous; loyal; kindly; honest; decent; cultured; altruistic; worthy; well-meaning; stolid; solid; independent; untrammeled; noble; exemplary.

Verbs for Citizen

conscript—s; disfranchise —; entitle as —; harangue —s; interview —; oppress —; privilege —; protect —; regiment —s; register as —; tax —; wheedle —s; —s assemble; — demand; — elect; — enjoys, — possesses; — protests; — rally; — vote; — vows.

Synonyms for Citizen

burgher; national

Antonyms for Citizen

alien; illegal; foreigner; stranger; subject


civilian, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, deditician, denizen, dweller, franklin, free citizen, freedman, freedwoman, freeman, freewoman, householder, hyphenate, hyphenated American, immigrant, inhabitant, metic, national, native, naturalized citizen, nonbelligerent, noncombatant, nonnative citizen, nonresistant, nonresister, oppidan, ratepayer, resident, subject, taxpayer, towner, townsman, townswoman, villager, voter, burgess, burgher, citizen by adoption,
