Correspondence (uncountable) plural correspondence except for below.- (uncountable) Friendly discussion.
- (uncountable) Reciprocal exchange of civilities, especially conversation between persons by means of letters.
- (uncountable) An agreement of situations or objects with an expected outcome.
- (uncountable) Newspaper or news stories, generally.
- (uncountable) Postal or other written communications.
- (set theory) Another name for a relation, plural correspondences.
Find words for Correspondence
extensive; poetical; contraband; mutual; clandestine; spurious; noteworthy; seditious; mere; frank; subsequent; spicy; voluminous; lifelong; irresponsible; varied; intimate; diplomatic; heated; imperishable; amatory; objectionable; spiritual; copious; cipher; empirical; commercial; glorious; ungrammatical; vivacious; indiscreet; desultory ; relative; curious; sympathetic.
answer—; conduct—with; enter into—with; establish—with; express—with; file—; influence—; interchange—; invite—; maintain—; manage—; neglect—; open—with; receive—; renew—; return—; safeguard—; treat—; —communicates; —enlightens.
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