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Chute (plural Chutes)
  1. A framework, trough, or tube, upon or through which objects are made to slide from a higher to a lower level, or through which water passes to a wheel.
  2. parachute

Derived terms


Ferris wheel, avenue, bank, bevel, bezel, blowhole, brolly, carousel, cascade, cataract, channel, chimney, chute-the-chutes, chutes, collapse, comedown, country rock, crash, debacle, debouch, declension, declination, defluxion, deposit, descending, descension, descent, dike, door, down, downbend, downcome, downcurve, downfall, downflow, downgrade, downpour, downrush, downtrend, downturn, downward trend, drogue chute, drop, dropping, easy slope, eaves trough, egress, emunctory, escape, estuary, exhaust, exit, fall, falling, falls, fleam, floodgate, flume, flying horses, force, gangue, gentle slope, glacis, grade, gradient, gravitation, guide, gutter, hanging gardens, harness, helicline, hillside, inclination, incline, inclined plane, launching ramp, lode, lodestuff, loophole, matrix, merry-go-round, mineral deposit, opening, ore bed, out, outcome, outfall, outgate, outgo, outlet, pack, parachute, parachute jump, pay dirt, penstock, pentrough, pitch, plummeting, pore, port, pounce, ramp, rapid, rapids, riff, riffle, ripple, roller coaster, roundabout, runway, sally port, sault, scarp, seesaw, shaft, shelving beach, shoot, shroud lines, side, sky dive, slide, slope, sluice, spiracle, spout, steep slope, stiff climb, stock, stoop, swing, swoop, talus, tap, teeter-totter, trough, umbrella, vein, vent, ventage, venthole, vomitory, waterfall, way out, weir, whip, whirligig