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Vegetarian food.


Vegetarian (plural Vegetarians)
  1. A person who does not eat animal flesh, or, in some cases, animal products.
    • 1897, Robert Hunter and Charles Morris, Universal Dictionary of the English Language, volume 4, page 5045:
      Vegetarian Society [] A society [] formed at Manchester in 1847, to promote the use of cereals, pulse, and fruit, as articles of diet; and to induce habits of abstinence from fish, flesh, and fowl, as food.
    • 1897, Robert Hunter and Charles Morris, Universal Dictionary of the English Language, volume 4, page 5045:
      vegetarian [...] One who abstains from animal food, living exclusively on vegetables, milk, eggs, and the like. The more strict vegetarians eat vegetables and farinaceous food only, abstaining from eggs, butter, milk, and in some cases, honey.
  2. An animal that eats only plants; a herbivore.


  • (animal that eats only plants): herbivore (standard term)

Coordinate terms



Vegetarian (not comparable)

  1. Of or relating to the type of diet eaten by vegetarians (in all senses).


Apostolic, Apostolici, Brillat-Savarin, Encratic, Encratite, Lenten, Lucullus, Pythagorean, Pythagorist, Rechabite, Shaker, Spartan, Stoic, abstainer, abstemious, abstinent, ascetic, banian, board-and-roomer, boarder, bon vivant, botanic, bulbous, cannibal, cannibalistic, carnivore, carnivorous, celibate, cereal, chaste, commensal, connoisseur of food, consumer, continent, dietetic, diner, diner-out, dining, eater, eater-out, eating, epicure, farinaceous, feeder, feeding, flesh-eater, flesh-eating, fruitarian, fruitlike, fruity, gastronome, gastronomic, glutton, gluttonous, gourmand, gourmet, grain-eater, grain-eating, graminivore, graminivorous, granivore, granivorous, grass-eating, gymnosophist, herbaceous, herbal, herbivore, herbivorous, herbose, herbous, herby, high liver, hungry mouth, hydropot, insect-eating, insectivorous, lactovegetarian, leguminose, leguminous, luncher, man-eater, man-eating, meat-eater, meat-eating, mensal, mouth, nephalist, nephalistic, nourishing, nutritious, omnivore, omnivorous, omophagist, omophagous, on the wagon, pantophagist, pantophagous, phytivorous, phytophage, phytophagous, picnicker, plant-eater, plant-eating, plantlike, postprandial, prandial, predacean, predacious, preprandial, radicated, radiciform, radicular, rhizoid, rootlike, sexually abstinent, sworn off, teetotal, teetotaler, teetotalist, trencherman, tuberous, vegetable, vegetable-eating, vegetal, vegetational, vegetative, water-drinker, weedy


vegetable; popularized following 1847 foundation of British Vegetarian Society .


  • Rhymes: -ɛəriən




Derived terms

See also



Vegetarian c.

  1. A vegetarian.
