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  1. Simple past tense and past participle of saturate.


Saturated (comparative more Saturated, superlative most Saturated)

  1. (not comparable) Full; unable to hold or contain any more.
  2. (comparable) Soaked or drenched with moisture.
  3. (not comparable, chemistry, of a solution) Containing all the solute that can normally be dissolved at a given temperature.
  4. (chemistry) Having all available valence bonds filled; especially of any organic compound containing only single bonds between carbon atoms.


allayed, awash, bathed, bloated, brimful, brimming, bulging, bursting, capacity, chock-full, choked, chuck-full, cloyed, congested, cram-full, crammed, crawling, creeping, crowded, deluged, dipped, disgusted, distended, drenched, dribbling, dripping, dripping wet, drowned, engorged, engulfed, farci, fed-up, filled, filled to overflowing, flooded, flush, full, full of, full to bursting, glutted, gorged, honeycombed, hyperemic, immersed, in spate, inundated, jaded, jam-packed, jammed, macerated, oozing, overblown, overburdened, overcharged, overfed, overflowed, overflowing, overfraught, overfreighted, overfull, overgorged, overladen, overloaded, oversaturated, overstocked, overstuffed, oversupplied, overweighted, packed, packed like sardines, permeated, plenary, plethoric, ready to burst, replete, round, running over, sated, satiated, satisfied, seeping, shot through, sick of, slaked, soaked, soaking, soaking wet, soaky, sodden, soggy, sopping, sopping wet, soppy, soused, standing room only, steeped, stuffed, stuffed up, submerged, submersed, supercharged, supersaturated, surcharged, surfeited, swamped, swarming, swollen, teeming, tired of, topful, waterlogged, watersoaked, weeping, weltering, wet, whelmed, with a bellyful, with a snootful, with enough of, wringing wet

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