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Redundancy (plural redundancies)
  1. The state of being redundant; a superfluity; something redundant or excessive; a needless repetition in language; excessive wordiness.
  2. Duplication of components or circuits to provide survival of the total system in case of failure of single components.
  3. Duplication of parts of a message to guard against transmission errors.
  4. (chiefly UK, Australian, New Zealand) The state of being unemployed because one's job is no longer necessary; the dismissal of such an employee; a layoff.


inundation, landslide, lavishness, logorrhea, luxury, macrology, money to burn, more than enough, needlessness, noise, ornamentation, outpour, overabundance, overaccumulation, overadornment, overage, overbounteousness, overcopiousness, overdose, overflow, overlap, overlavishness, overluxuriance, overmeasure, overmuchness, overnumerousness, overplentifulness, overplenty, overplus, overpopulation, overprofusion, oversufficiency, oversupply, padding, palilogy, payroll padding, periphrase, periphrasis, plenty, pleonasm, plethora, prodigality, productivity, profuseness, profusion, prolificacy, prolificity, prolixity, rampancy, rankness, redundance, reiteration, reiterativeness, repetition for effect, repetitiveness, roundabout, signal, spate, stammering, stuttering, superabundance, superfluity, superfluousness, superflux, surplus, surplusage, talkativeness, tautologism, tautology, teemingness, tirade, tumidity, turgidity, unnecessariness, verbality, verbosity, EDP, abundance, amplitude, avalanche, battology, bedizenment, bit, channel, circumambages, circumbendibus, circumlocution, cloud of words, communication explosion, communication theory, copiousness, data retrieval, data storage, decoding, deluge, diffuseness, diffusion, diffusiveness, duplication, duplication of effort, effusion, effusiveness, electronic data processing, embarras de richesses, embellishment, encoding, enough, entropy, excess, expletive, extravagance, extravagancy, exuberance, fat, featherbedding, fecundity, fertility, filling, flatulence, flood, fluency, formlessness, frill, frills, frippery, gingerbread, gush, gushing, inflatedness, inflation, information explosion, information theory,


  • (UK) IPA: /ˈriˌdʌndən̩si/ ̩
  • (US) IPA: /ˈrɪdʌndən̩(t)si/ ̩



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