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Primate (plural Primates)
  1. (zoology) A mammal of the order Primates, including simians and prosimians.
    Primates range from lemures to gorillas
  2. (informal) A simian anthropoid; an ape, human, or large monkey.
  3. (ecclesiastical) In the Catholic Church, a rare title conferred to or claimed by the sees of certain archbishops, or the highest-ranking bishop of a present or historical, usually political circonscription.
  4. (ecclesiastical) In the Anglican Church, an archbishop, or the highest-ranking bishop of an ecclesiastic province.


aboriginal, aborigine, abuna, amphibian, ancient, angwantibo, antediluvian, anthropoid, anthropoid ape, antipope, ape, ape-man, aquatic, archbishop, archdeacon, archpriest, autochthon, aye-aye, baboon, back-number, behind the times, biped, bishop, bishop coadjutor, bushman, canine, cannibal, canon, capuchin, cardinal, cardinal bishop, cardinal deacon, cardinal priest, carnivore, cave dweller, caveman, chacma, chaplain, chimpanzee, coadjutor, cosmopolite, curate, dated, dean, diocesan, drill, ecclesiarch, entellus, eolithic man, exarch, feline, fossil man, gibbon, gnawer, gorilla, guenon, guereza, hanuman, has-been, herbivore, hierarch, high priest, hominid, humanoid, insectivore, invertebrate, langur, lemur, macaque, mammal, mammalian, man, man of old, mandrill, marmoset, marsupial, marsupialian, metropolitan, missing link, mountain gorilla, neolithic man, old hat, old-fashioned, old-timey, oldfangled, omnivore, orang, orangutan, out of fashion, out of season, out-of-date, outdated, outmoded, papa, patriarch, penitentiary, pontiff, pope, preadamite, prebendary, prehistoric man, prehuman, prelate, primitive, proboscis monkey, protohuman, quadruped, rector, reptile, rhesus, rodent, ruminant, rural dean, saki, scavenger, styleless, subdean, suffragan, troglodyte, unfashionable, ungulate, varmint, vermin, vertebrate, vicar


  • IPA: /ˈpraɪmeɪt/ SAMPA: /"praImeIt/