Preservation (plural Preservations)- The act of preserving; care to preserve; act of keeping from destruction, decay or any ill.
- William Shakespeare, Henry VIII
- Nature does not require
Her times of preservation, which, perforce
I give my tendence to
- Nature does not require
- Ecclesiastes. xxxiv. 16
- The eyes of the Lord are upon them that love him, his is ther mighty protection, a preservation from stumbling, and a help from falling.
- Sir John Davies
- Every seneseless thing by nature's light
Doth preservation seek, destruction shun
- Every seneseless thing by nature's light
- John Locke
- Our allwise maker has put into man the uneasiness of hunger, thirst and other natural desires, to determine their wills for the preservation of themselves, and the continuation of their species.
- William Shakespeare, Henry VIII
bottling up, care, cold storage, conservancy, conservation, continuation, corking up, cover, creation, custody, dead storage, defense, dispensation, dry storage, eternal re-creation, eternal return, eternalization, eye, guard, guardianship, holding, holding in, immortalization, inhibition, keeping, lee, locking in, maintenance, perpetuating, perpetuation, prehension, preserval, protecting, protection, protective custody, providence, refuge, repression, retaining, retainment, retention, retentiveness, retentivity, safeguard, safeguarding, safekeeping, safety, salvation, saving, security, shade, shadow, shelf-room, shelter, shield, steady-state universe, storage, storage space, stowage, suppression, sustentation, tenacity, upkeep, visitations of providence, ward, warehousing, watchful eye
- Finnish: säilyttäminen (1)