Curd (plural Curds)- The part of milk that coagulates when it sours or is treated with enzymes; used to make cottage cheese.
Derived terms
Curd (third-person singular simple present Curds, present participle Curding, simple past and past participle Curded)
- To form curd; to curdle.
Derived terms
Devonshire cream, albumen, batter, blood clot, bonnyclabber, butter, buttermilk, casein, certified milk, cheese, clabber, clot, clotted cream, coagulate, coagulum, condensed milk, cornstarch, crassamentum, cream, dairy products, dough, egg white, embolus, gaum, gel, gelatin, ghee, glair, glop, glue, gluten, goo, gook, goop, gruel, grume, gumbo, gunk, half-and-half, heavy cream, jam, jell, jelly, legumin, light cream, loblolly, lopper, loppered milk, margarine, milk, molasses, mucilage, mucus, nonfat dry milk, oleo, oleomargarine, pap, paracasein, paste, porridge, pudding, pulp, puree, putty, raw milk, rob, semifluid, semiliquid, size, skim milk, soup, sour cream, starch, sticky mess, syrup, thrombus, treacle, turn, whey, whipping cream, yogurt
- Rhymes: -ɜː(r)d