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Italian corridore (= corridoio) long passage, from correre, to run.


  • (UK) IPA: /ˈkɒɹɪˌdɔː(ɹ)/, /ˈkɒrɪˌdə(ɹ)/, SAMPA: /"kQr\I%dO:(r\)/, /"kQr\I%d@(r\)/
  • (GenAM) enPR: kôrʹədôr', IPA: /ˈkɔɹəˌdɔɹ/, SAMPA: /"kOr\@%dOr\/
  • noicon(file)


Corridor (plural Corridors)
  1. A narrow hall or passage with rooms leading off it.
  2. A restricted tract of land that allows passage between two places.
  3. Airspace restricted for the passage of aircraft.

Derived terms

Find words for Corridor


vaulted; angling; lengthened; spacious; interminable; golden; gloom-shrouded; dreamland; solitary; labyrinthine; tortuous; majestic; deserted; dusty; footworn; myriad (pi); curtained; endless; sloping; bleak; thronged; polished; resounding; murky; circular; concrete; black; eerie.


brighten—; clatter in—; cross—; darken—; glimmer through—; guard—; light—; line—; narrow—; pass through—; patrol —; run through—; scrub—; shuffle along—; stroll in—; sweep—; traverse—; watch—; widen—; —connects; —joto; —links; —opens into; —resounds with; —unites.


access, adit, air lane, air line, air lock, air route, airspace, airway, aisle, alley, ambulatory, aperture, approach, arcade, area, areaway, artery, avenue, belt, breezeway, channel, cloister, colonnade, communication, conduit, confines, connection, continental shelf, couloir, country, covered way, defile, department, district, division, entrance, entranceway, entry, entryway, environs, exit, ferry, ford, gallery, gangplank, gangway, ground, hall, hallway, heartland, hinterland, in, ingress, inlet, intake, interchange, intersection, junction, land, lane, loggia, means of access, milieu, neighborhood, offshore rights, opening, outlet, overpass, part, parts, pass, passage, passageway, path, pergola, peristyle, place, portico, precincts, premises, purlieus, quarter, railroad tunnel, region, salient, section, soil, space, terrain, territory, three-mile limit, traject, trajet, tunnel, twelve-mile limit, underpass, vestibule, vicinage, vicinity, way, way in, zone


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From Italian corridore.



Corridor m. (plural Corridors)

  1. passage, corridor