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Contrition (uncountable)
  1. The state of being contrite; sincere penitence or remorse.
  2. The act of grinding or rubbing to powder; attrition; friction; rubbing.

Adjectives for Contrition

veritable; authentic; apparent; heartfelt; warm; mock; pitiful; sudden; blind.

Verbs for Contrition

afflict with—; arise from—; break with—; bruise with—; display—; dissolve in—; exhibit—; languish in—; melt in—; pray in—; reduce to—; repent in—; sow—; strike with—; suffer—; wear with—; weep in—; —softens.


abject apology, acknowledgment, apologies, apology, attrition, ayenbite of inwit, bitterness, breast-beating, compunction, confession, contriteness, excuse, grief, mea culpa, penance, penitence, penitently, regret, regretfulness, regrets, regretting, remorse, remorse of conscience, remorsefulness, repentance, repining, rue, ruth, shame, shamefacedness, shamefastness, shamefulness, sorriness, sorrow, wistfulness


  • IPA: /kənˈtɹɪʃən/, SAMPA: /k@n"trIS@n/
