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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 28 Apr 2023, 03:23

House lawmakers on Thursday voted against a resolution that would have forced President Biden to withdraw 900 U.S. troops from Somalia, House lawmakers rejected Gaetz’s resolution in a 102-321 vote.

Americans are still lying, There are probably more than 900 US troops in Somalia.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 28 Apr 2023, 20:14

This image is part of the leaked classified material that was circulated in a Discord chatroom and obtained by The Washington Post. The Post informed the Department of Defense that this imagery would be published with this story and redacted some information at their request. The top-secret document illustrates China’s efforts and aspirations toward establishing military facilities overseas. (Obtained by The Washington Post)

This map is part of the leaked classified material and it shows Somalia is among African countries where China plans to build a military base, I think Somalia should kick US troops out of its territory and welcome China with open arms and the sooner the better, The United States military presence in Somalia is neither for the sake of fighting ragtag al-Shabaab nor for imposing democracy, It is in fact avid highly ambitious desire to take possession of Somalia's untapped natural resources.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 29 Apr 2023, 21:42

According to a new baseless American propaganda report, the United States has spent $2.5 billion on counterterrorism assistance in Somalia since 2007, This total excludes spending on U.S. military or intelligence operations in Somalia, which is undisclosed, This is utter nonsense, the US should pay compensation to defenceless Somalia for the destruction and war crimes it has caused since 1992.

The United States destabilization of Somalia has driven some ten million Somalis from their homes and has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

Mogadishu building destroyed by American missile strike.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 05 May 2023, 10:32

Launch of the Somalia – EU Joint Operational Roadmap: A Renewed Focused Engagement

02.05.2023 Mogadishu

The Federal Government of Somalia and the European Union have today launched a Joint Operational Roadmap setting the path for a renewed focused engagement for the next two years. The Joint Operational Roadmap is the culmination of extensive high-level and technical exchanges between Mogadishu and Brussels throughout the past months, including the Somalia-EU Political Dialogue held on March 06, 2023.

The High Representative/Vice-President of the European Union, Josep Borrell Fontelles, lauded the joint elaboration and endorsement of an Operational Roadmap, stating: “The EU and Somalia are long-term partners and this truly inclusive process in defining joint priorities is an example of a successful partnership.” He also further stated: “I want to commend the Federal Government’s serious efforts and progress in building peace and development in Somalia benefitting the Somali population. The strategy and successful ongoing operations to fight al-Shabaab are remarkable. Together, the EU and Somalia are promoting sustainable peace, security and development along the principles of the international rules-based order.”

The rest of the article. ... t_en?s=153

Out of the blue, Somalia has suddenly become the focus of European Union attention.

Somalia must not blindly trust this operational roadmap, the so called EU/West use terms like security, peace, development, trade and investment to conceal their own self-serving interests.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 12 May 2023, 14:25

A US fighter plane on patrol over Somalia 2021.

The European Union is in desperate need for critical minerals that enable clean energy transition and it is now building strategic partnerships with minerals-rich Somalia to secure the supply of critical minerals, In the meantime, the US government which is utterly obsessed with Somalia is quietly tightening its iron grip on Somalia with military, American policymakers actually believe that Somalia's untapped natural resources belongs to America.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 20 May 2023, 05:39

Somalia Expels Two European Union Workers

May 17, 2023

The Somali government has expelled two European Union employees accused of illegally taking photos of prisoners at a detention center.

In a brief statement broadcast by Somali National Television, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it made the decision after receiving a request from Somali Attorney General Sulayman Mohamed Mohamud to remove the two from the country.

The ministry identified the workers as Jacek Jozef Ochman of Poland and Ralf Bernhard Gehlig of Germany and accused them of "violating the laws and rules of the country."

They were also accused of interfering in the internal affairs of Somalia.

The Somali government asked the EU to remove the men from Somalia within 72 hours. VOA Somali has learned that they left the country on Tuesday.

The two were working for the European Union Capability Building Mission in Somalia (EUCAP Somalia).

Multiple sources confirmed to VOA that the expulsions are related to the detention of Iranian boats and 36 fishermen accused of illegal fishing in Somali waters. Most of the fishermen are Iranians, according to the sources.

VOA Somali obtained a letter sent by Mohamud to Minister of Foreign Affairs Abshir Omar Jama. In it, Mohamud said Ochman and Gehlig visited the prisoners on April 30 at a detention center belonging to the Somali maritime police at Mogadishu's airport and "secretly" took pictures of them.

"A crime has been committed by taking secret photos of prisoners at a security installation to tarnish the reputation and dignity of the nation," the letter said.

The letter also said the action to take the photos secretly violated the Somali penal code.

It said Ochman led the EU team that visited the installation and ordered the pictures, and that Gehlig took them.

The attorney general said he asked the Foreign Ministry to remove the men from Somalia because they have immunity and cannot be criminally prosecuted.

VOA Somali contacted the EU mission in Somalia and the attorney general for comment but has not received a response.

In March, the Somali Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources issued a press release stating that foreign vessels had been fishing illegally in Somalia's exclusive economic zone since January 2023.

The ministry did not identify which countries the vessels belonged to, but said they did not have access agreements and licenses from the Somali government.

The ministry said illegal fishing constitutes a "significant threat" to Somalia's fishing stock, food security and marine ecology. It urged all foreign vessels fishing illegally to leave Somalia's waters. ... 97572.html

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 20 May 2023, 05:54

"A crime has been committed by taking secret photos of prisoners at a security installation to tarnish the reputation and dignity of the nation," the letter said.

This is fabulous news, I thought the President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was a yes-man.

Do not hesitate to expel European and American diplomats if they are suspected of espionage or interference in Somalia's internal affairs, they are the root cause of all the problems Somalia is facing today.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by Fiyameta » 20 May 2023, 05:57

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 20 May 2023, 06:16

Hi mereja owner, please delete Fiyameta pictures, this elderly individual is clearly suffering from severe obsessive compulsive disorder.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 26 May 2023, 07:21

EU releases EUR 20.5 million in budget support to Somalia

25.05.2023 Mogadishu, Somalia Press and information team of the Delegation to SOMALIA

The European Union (EU) has approved a EUR 20.5 million budget support payment to the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), under the EU’s Somalia State and Resilience Building Contract and Support to Debt Relief Action (SRBC). This coincides with the FGS and EU launching the Joint Operational Roadmap for a renewed engagement between the EU and Somalia, which outlines joint priorities for the next two years.

The EU looks forward to continue supporting and working closely with Somalia to tackle these challenges to ensure that more and better services are delivered to Somali citizens.”

Source: ... somalia_en

Alright but what the European thieves are not telling the world is that the EU is in fact stealing considerably more money from Somalia than it is giving in the form of humanitarian aid, Currently, An estimated between US$1.5 billion and US$2 billion worth of seafood is being stolen by the European fishing industry from Somali waters each year,

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 26 May 2023, 09:41

The United States of America is not taking its eyes off mineral-rich Somalia

May 22, 2023

A delegation from Somalia's National Intelligence and Security Agency have paid a visit to the United States at the invitation of the US government for talks with U.S. officials from the Pentagon, CIA and FBI in Washington and New York, According to a source familiar with the visit who did not want to be identified as they are not authorized to speak to the media.

Source: Voice of America (VOA).

Over the past 40 years the USA has used all kind of tactics to destabilize Somalia but the most ridiculous excuses USA has used to justify its bombing campaign of Somalia in 2017 was a purported letter stating that Al-Shabab was supplying other countries with uranium.

Here is the fake letter Donald Trump’s administration used to justify its bombing campaign of Somalia.( 2017)

Old News 2017 - Screenshot Image.

Truth be told, Somalia’s vast mineral wealth and impressive nutrient-rich ocean have made it a target for destabilization by Western imperialism.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 13 Jun 2023, 08:23

Secretary of the Army Wormuth on the U.S. Army and its Global Engagement

FPC Briefing

The Honorable Christine Wormuth, Secretary of the U.S. Army

Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 3:00 p.m. ET

New York City

June 6, 2023

New York Foreign Press Center Briefing on U.S. Army Secretary Christine Wormuth.

QUESTION: Absolutely. Pearl Matibe, with Premium Times, Nigeria. Secretary Wormuth, as I was saying, I think it’s important that I thank you for having taken the time to come and explain to us about the 30,000-view of your global operations. A couple of things stand that I think I just want to ask you about.

And then at the top you ask – you mentioned numbers, which I really appreciate the data. Over – in Somalia over the last five to seven years, you had withdrawn troops from Somalia and then made a decision to have them return. Could you speak a little bit about your thinking in terms of that? What was – what motivated, and what?

SECRETARY WORMUTH: Thank you, Ms. Matibe. I really appreciate the questions. I think in terms of the United States decision to put back some forces in Somalia, I think that that was largely driven by the fact that, as I said, the violent extremist organizations have not gone away, and certainly the groups in Somalia continue to be of concern. And I think there was a view that the previous administration’s decisions to remove all troops from Somalia was not in the best national security interest of the United States. And so I think we’re able to do more typically when we have some boots on the ground. ... engagement

Pearl Matibe is a Zimbabwean, Washington, DC-based foreign correspondent, and media commentator with an expertise on U.S. foreign policy and global affairs.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 13 Jun 2023, 08:32

Contrary to what Secretary Christine Wormuth said, It is evident that the United States of America military's ongoing presence in Somalia has nothing to do with fighting terrorism but simply very largely driven by America’s determination to secure natural resources critical to USA economy and national security.

Somalia is sitting on a rich pile of the world’s most valuable natural resources that the USA so eagerly wish to acquire and to deny rival powers access to these resources, particularly China.

Image credit Italian newspapers.
Last edited by AbyssiniaLady on 14 Jun 2023, 06:33, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by Fiyameta » 13 Jun 2023, 08:45

A Wikileaks cable revealed that, in 2006 U.S. head for African affairs Jendayi Frazer ordered Meles Zenawi to invade Somalia, to which he responded the order was a "god sent," resulting in 20,000 civilian deaths, thousands of women and girls raped, and over 2 million Somali became homeless as a result of the invasion and subsequent occupation by Tigray forces.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 13 Jun 2023, 08:59

The United States imperialism has a long history of military presence in Somalia dating back to the early 1990s.

This picture was taken 31 years ago over Mogadishu.

U.S. Army Delta Force special operations soldiers ride on AH-9 "Little Bird" helicopters over Mogadishu, Somalia (c. 1992)

And this picture was taken 31 years later over Somalia.

A US fighter plane on patrol over Somalia 2021.

A history of America's preoccupation with resource rich-Somalia.

Somalia has suffered untold miseries at the hands of USA for more than 40 years just because it has an abundance of the world’s most valuable natural resources that USA so eagerly wish to acquire.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 18 Jun 2023, 10:42

The global demand for uranium is expected to skyrocket within a decade and minerals rich-Somalia is extremely well-positioned to respond to the growing need for uranium fuel, Somalia holds the world's largest high-grade uranium reserves, while the United States holds only less than 1 percent low-grade uranium reserves, Therefore, A fundamental objective of the United States government is to secure access to Somalia’s natural resources which are used in many modern technologies and that is what US national security interests in Somalia is really about.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 18 Jun 2023, 12:19

Somalia Minerals.

Image Credit - The Italy Geological Survey Website. Year Published 1980.

Africa is richly blessed with abundant natural resources.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 19 Jun 2023, 17:54

January 30, 2020

U.S. Army General Stephen Townsend, Commander, U.S. Africa Command

U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) Commander General Stephen Townsend responds to a question from Senate Armed Services Committee Chair James Inhofe about Africa's strategic importance to U.S. national security.

General Stephen Townsend: So you ask why should America care for Africa? Africa provides possesses important natural resources that America needs, General Townsend also warns that China and Russia are acting on their own behalf for positional advantage on the African continent, China and Russia are seeking to counter the strategic access that we need for American security and American prosperity, we don’t have to compete everywhere in Africa, we have to pick and choose, the general said. January 30, 2020.


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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 20 Jun 2023, 10:58

In February 2020, One US B-52 Bomber and ten fighter jets fly in low level over Kismayo town and Somali Koyama Islands to bully and threat Somali civilians, the military planes caused panic and anxiety attack to Kismayo and Koyama Islands residents, the Koyama Islands are located 45 kilometer off Kismayo town.

The US wants to use Africa as a pawn to contain China but Africa as a whole including minerals rich-Somalia is not willing and will not become a pawn for the US to contain China.

Today is not like 1980s-1990s, Somalis know who their true enemies are and what they are after, which is natural resources.

China is friend of Somalia and Africa.

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Re: Minerals of Somalia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 21 Jun 2023, 20:56

Somali President, Austin Discuss Future, Partnership During Pentagon Meeting

June 21, 2023

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III hosts Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud for a meeting at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., June 21, 2023.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III welcomed Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to the Pentagon today praising the Somali leader for real progress.


The US imperialism needs Somalia more than Somalia needs the US.

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