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Re: 2 Ukrainian armies already destroyed - Why NATO won't win in Ukrainian

Post by Educator » 30 Jan 2023, 23:47

"NATO is no longer making rational strategic decisions when it comes to Ukraine. The only logical move now is to make peace with Russia. Instead, NATO is making decisions based on anger and emotion. "

The goal of the war is to weaken the Ukrainian government and coerce it in to signing a pact that gives away the eastern part of Ukraine to Russia and the remaining Ukraine to Israel. And the plan is going accordingly without any obstacles. In 20 years, the western Ukraine will be ruled by fake religious Jews and the real Ukrainian elits will be working and living in the western countries similar to the diaspora Ethiopians in DC spending their time talking about politics back in their birth country ( confirm with Horus if you don't believe me). They may go back home once every five or ten years, and die in the USA or western Europe where their kids make their only home.

Ukraine is done. RIP.

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Re: 2 Ukrainian armies already destroyed - Why NATO won't win in Ukrainian

Post by Right » 31 Jan 2023, 00:36

It is the Ukrainians who are acting stupid and they are being used against their own interests.

Why would the West supply them with the weapons to fight? Do they really think they can defeat Russia and live in peace in that hemisphere?
The US and the West have already harvested the skilled and the brightest Ukrainians and they are supplying weapons to the rest to fight to death.
The West doesn’t give a [deleted] about humanitarian - if you don’t believe me then ask the Palestinians.

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Re: 2 Ukrainian armies already destroyed - Why NATO won't win in Ukrainian

Post by Misraq » 31 Jan 2023, 01:01

This war hurt the United States and western Europeans economically. Russia is also hurt. China is the biggest beneficiary of all. When the United States froze billions of dollars worth of Russian Oligarchs, the rest rich world like Saudi Arabia quicly started to ditch the dollar for fear that their dollars will be hostage one day if they don't comply. The saudis started to trade with any other currency. They also started to switch their reserve from dollars to gold.

China massively increased its treasury of Gold speeding the dollar default as a vaible world currency that gave the U.S an edge by printing trillions during crisis. Therefore a new super power is emerging faster than what we thought and all in all, the western world made a big miscalculation when they confronted Russia using Ukrain. They thought it was an easy adventure like Syria, Libya or Iraq

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