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Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by sesame » 30 May 2022, 23:28

Russia has weathered the economic war imposed on it and is emerging victorious. The Western powers who thought they could cripple Russia are now finding to their chagrin that they have crippled themselves. With gas and food prices at record highs, the USA is beginning to look more like a third world country. Worse things are forthcoming as Russia and China begin to erode the power of the dollar. Powerful Middle eastern countries like Saudi Arabia ad UAE have practically told the USA to foook up. The US economy has largely survived on the strength of the dollar as the international currency. The US could waste trillions by just printing money because its dollar was required by the rest of the world for much of international trade. As the dollar loses its power and becomes just paper, expect a rapid growth in inflation and rapid decline in the standard of living. Already, the US is becoming a lawless nation where crime has doubled in the last three years. With hundreds of millions of guns circulating in the land and life becoming unbearable, the US will crumble socially as well.

As for Eritrea, PIA, as usual saw the correct strategy and supported Russia when the rest of Africa was dithering. We have gained a powerful ally, Already, there are reports that Russia has provided Eritrea with advanced drones and is training technicians to operate them.

Way to go Wedi Afom!

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Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by Meleket » 31 May 2022, 11:16

እንጌራ ጀላዕ፡ ኣይበላዕ!

ፎስተር ዳላስን በየዓመቱ እየኮነንን፡ እኛ ከ 70 ዓመታት በኋላ እንዲህ እያልን እንዳንሆን እንጂ :mrgreen:

“ ምንም እንኳን በፍትሕና ፍትሓዊነት ዓይን ሲታይ፡ የዩክሬን ህዝብ ፍላጐትና የሃገረ መንግሥቱ ሉዓላዊነት መከበር የሚገባው ቢሆንም፤ ከስትራቴጂካዊ ሃገራዊና ዓለማዊ ጥቅማችን ኣኳያ ሲታይ፡ ሩሲያ በሉዓላዊቷ ዩክሬን ላይ እያደረገች ያለውን የማን አለብኝነት ወረራ ልናወግዝ ኣይገባንም ይልቁንስ ልናበረታታት ይገባናል . . . ”

Meleket wrote:
30 May 2022, 09:24
ሓዉና Berhane Alazar ነዡይ ከም ፀሓይ ዝደመቐ ሓቂ እንተዘንብቦ፡ እንታይ ዓይነት መልሲ ምሃበሉ ነቢሩ፧ እንድዒ! :mrgreen:
Meleket wrote:
28 May 2022, 05:17
ኣዬ ቦተሊካ! ነዡይ ናይ ፎስተር ዳላስ ኣገላልጻ፡ ምስዚ ሕጂ ዓለምና ዘላቶ ኵነት እንተርኢናዮ፡ ኣብ ዓይኒ ብጻይና ዛሎ ገፈል ኣብ ክንዲ ነድህብ ኣብ ዓዒንትና ዛሎ እንተተዓዘብና
"ሽሕ እኳ ብዓይኒ ፍትሒን ፍትሓዉነትን ክርኤ እንከሎ፡ ልዑላዊ መሰል ሕዝቢን መንግሥቲን ኡክሬን ኪኽበር ዚግባእ እንተዀነ፡ ምስ ስትራቴጂካዊ ረብሃ ሃገርናን ዓለምናን ብምዝማድ ሩስያ ኣብ ልዕሊ ልዑላዊት ሃገር ሃገረ ኡክሬን እትገብሮ ምትእትታውን ወተሃደራዊ ዕንደራን ክንኩንኖ ኣይግባእን እኳ ደኣ ክንድግፎ ይግባእ . . ."
ከም ማለት'ዶ ኣይዀነን፡ ፍረድ ንነፍስኻ ኢዩ እቲ ጕዳዩ ንብል ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነትን ሃበንን! :mrgreen:
Temt wrote:
27 May 2022, 16:40

. . .
To begin with, in the 1950s, the then US Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles stated: “From the point of view of justice, the opinion of the Eritrean people must receive consideration. Nevertheless, the strategic interests of the United States in the Red Sea Basin and world peace make it necessary that the country be linked with our ally Ethiopia.” . . .
Berhane Alazar

Posts: 6173
Joined: 28 Feb 2013, 17:55

Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by sesame » 31 May 2022, 13:25

ደብተራ መለኸት

ዓጋመ ዓጋመ ትሽትት ኣለኻ።

I will try to explain to you the facts of life. When Ukraine becomes a tool of NATO, it threatens the security of Russia. Try to understand this. It is not nuclear physics. Russia tried peacefully to dissuade Ukraine from adopting such a hostile stance. The Ukrainians, lacking finesse and being as stupid as the Agames, refused to listen. They forgot that Russians could not tolerate NATO missiles pointing at them at their border.

Now try to imagine what might have happened to that little monkey. It is what is happening to the Agames :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posts: 4534
Joined: 16 Nov 2013, 13:15

Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by kerenite » 31 May 2022, 14:25

sesame wrote:
31 May 2022, 13:25
ደብተራ መለኸት

ዓጋመ ዓጋመ ትሽትት ኣለኻ።

I will try to explain to you the facts of life. When Ukraine becomes a tool of NATO, it threatens the security of Russia. Try to understand this. It is not nuclear physics. Russia tried peacefully to dissuade Ukraine from adopting such a hostile stance. The Ukrainians, lacking finesse and being as stupid as the Agames, refused to listen. They forgot that Russians could not tolerate NATO missiles pointing at them at their border.

Now try to imagine what might have happened to that little monkey. It is what is happening to the Agames :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did I read little monkey? Lol

You higdef goons follow blindly the instructions of the big monkey aka yemane monkey who happens to be the second man in the godforsaken eritrea as we speak.

If by any chance, he tells you thru his bado 3 that that his regime has retracted its stance and it supports the ukraine sovereignty then we will witness a U-turn. Alll of you zombies will tell us that the russian invasion was an outright aggression.

P. S. Why are you hiding behind mama astobia skirt here at mereja and venting your bla bla..

Visit eri sites and post what you are posting here goHafat zombies. I tell you, you know it and you are avoiding them because the genuine eris there will make you curse the day you were born. Lol

Posts: 6173
Joined: 28 Feb 2013, 17:55

Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by sesame » 31 May 2022, 14:29


ጸላዕላዕ'ዶ ኢሉካ:: Your Agame TDF is getting foocked. We are enjoying the show!

Posts: 3089
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by Meleket » 01 Jun 2022, 04:35

“እንዳ ፈለስኪኖስ” እስከ ነዛ ማንም ካድሬ ገለ በሉላ ካብተበሃልና፡ ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ገለ ክንብለልኪ . . . :mrgreen:

እስቲ የውሸት ዜና ለምታስተጋባዋ ለታላቂቱ ተራ ካድሬ ለsesame እንግጠምላት . . .

"ኣጨበጭባለሁ እጄ እስኪመላለጥ፡
የሩሲያን ድርጊት ከልቤ በመምረጥ። :lol:

ሉዓላዊነት” የሚባለው ቃል፣
ተገፍትሮ ይግባ በጥልቁ ገደል። :mrgreen:

sesame ካድሬይቱ ይሄ ነው እምነቴ፣
የሰው ሃገር ላፈርስ ሳላስብ ለቤቴ። :lol:

ሩሲያ ይሻለኛል የምን ዩክሬን ዩክሬን፡
እየተለማመጥኩ ከሰጡኝ ቴክኒሻን፡
ሚሳይል ከሰጡኝ ከለገሱ ድሮን፡
እንዳሻቸው ያርጉ ያጥፏት ድምጥማጧን:lol: [እንጌራ ጀላዕ ኣይበላዕ]

ምኑ ይሳነኛል ‘አውራ ነኝ’ ያፍሪካ፡
እኔ ከተናገርኩ ማነው የሚያሽካካ፡
የምን ዲሞክራሲ ምን ሚሉት ፋብሪካ፡
ግዛቴ ከወዲህ እስከ ስሪላንካ።" :mrgreen:

ብለሽ እስቲ ኣስቂን sesame ካድሬይቱ፡
በህልምሽ የሆንሽዉ እቴጌ ጣይቱ። :lol:

ኣንቺ በሃገርሽ እንዳሻሽ ልትሆኚ፡
ሌላውን ባገሩ የምትመቀኚ፡
ለኅሊናሽ ፍረጅ ‘ልዕልት’ እንድትሆኚ። :lol:

ትንታኔሽ ሁሉ ዓለም ያስደመመ፡
ወራሪን ደግፎ ዕርቃኑን የቆመ።

sesame wrote:
31 May 2022, 13:25
.. .. .. ..

sesame wrote:
30 May 2022, 23:28
. . . Already, there are reports that Russia has provided Eritrea with advanced drones and is training technicians to operate them.

ከኢትዮጵያውያን ወንድሞቻችን ጋር ሆነን ተዝናናንብሽ ኣይደል በኤርትራዊ ኣማርኛ፡ እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች በኤርትራዊ ጭዋነትና ኩራት ትህትናም ጭምር።
Posts: 6796
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Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by » 01 Jun 2022, 04:45

You dont speak for us you filthy vermin. Russia is doing great. Keeping vermin Zelensky and Nato rodents in check 8)
Meleket wrote:
01 Jun 2022, 04:35
“እንዳ ፈለስኪኖስ” እስከ ነዛ ማንም ካድሬ ገለ በሉላ ካብተበሃልና፡ ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ገለ ክንብለልኪ

እስቲ የውሸት ዜና ለምታስተጋባዋ ለታላቂቱ ተራ ካድሬ ለsesame እንግጠምላት . . .

"ኣጨበጭባለሁ እጄ እስኪመላለጥ፡
የሩሲያን ድርጊት ከልቤ በመምረጥ። :lol:

ሉዓላዊነት” የሚባለው ቃል፣
ተገፍትሮ ይግባ በጥልቁ ገደል። :mrgreen:

sesame ካድሬይቱ ይሄ ነው እምነቴ፣
የሰው ሃገር ላፈርስ ሳላስብ ለቤቴ። :lol:

ሩሲያ ይሻለኛል የምን ዩክሬን ዩክሬን፡
እየተለማመጥኩ ከሰጡኝ ቴክኒሻን፡
ሚሳይል ከሰጡኝ ከለገሱ ድሮን፡
እንዳሻቸው ያርጉ ያጥፏት ድምጥማጧን:lol: [እንጌራ ጀላዕ ኣይበላዕ]

ምኑ ይሳነኛል ‘አውራ ነኝ’ ያፍሪካ፡
እኔ ከተናገርኩ ማነው የሚያሽካካ፡
የምን ዲሞክራሲ ምን ሚሉት ፋብሪካ፡
ግዛቴ ከወዲህ እስከ ስሪላንካ።" :mrgreen:

ብለሽ እስቲ ኣስቂን sesame ካድሬይቱ፡
በህልምሽ የሆንሽዉ እቴጌ ጣይቱ። :lol:

ኣንቺ በሃገርሽ እንዳሻሽ ልትሆኚ፡
ሌላውን ባገሩ የምትመቀኚ፡
ለኅሊናሽ ፍረጅ ‘ልዕልት’ እንድትሆኚ። :lol:

ትንታኔሽ ሁሉ ዓለም ያስደመመ፡
ወራሪን ደግፎ ዕርቃኑን የቆመ።

sesame wrote:
31 May 2022, 13:25
.. .. .. ..

sesame wrote:
30 May 2022, 23:28
. . . Already, there are reports that Russia has provided Eritrea with advanced drones and is training technicians to operate them.

ከኢትዮጵያውያን ወንድሞቻችን ጋር ሆነን ተዝናናንብሽ ኣይደል በኤርትራዊ ኣማርኛ፡ እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች በኤርትራዊ ጭዋነትና ኩራት ትህትናም ጭምር።

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Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by Cigar » 01 Jun 2022, 07:36

Kerenite the dumb a’ss filthy agame, you are too stupid to understand our leadership or it’s supporters train of thoughts.
Let me just make it easy for your agames brain to understand the reason we are against Ukraine…..not necessarily as a support to Russia’s violating another sovereign nation.
Now, suppose Ukraine was fu’cking your mother while stretching your mom’s legs very wide in public at the UN headquarter big table and while many other countries were encouraging Ukraine and tell it to unite your mom’s mitri with her a’ss hole, Russia and very few other countries where trying to force Ukraine to stop raping your shermu’tta agame, which one will you support?
Russia for trying to save your mom or Ukraine which was [deleted]’ing your mom to please it’s master USA?
Listen you idiot. No matter, what supporting any country which was supporting the sanctions and punishing Eritrea at the UN is like admitting that Eritrea’s accusation by the inept USA, UN, yes Ukraine and others was legit.
All the countries which were hand twisted and voted against Eritrea, will be voted against by Eritrea when they get in trouble like Ukraine is.

Posts: 3089
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by Meleket » 01 Jun 2022, 08:41

ወዳጃችን በግጥማችን አንተም 'እንድትዝናና' ሙሉ ፈቃዳችንን ሰጥተንሃል፡ እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች

መቼም አሁን ያለው በዲሞክራሲ መንገድ የተመረጠው የዩክሬኑ የዘለንስኪው መንግስት በሃገራችን በኤርትራ ላይ ያደረገው አንዳችም ለበቀል የሚጋብዝ ድርጊት እንዳሌለ ጠንቅቀን እናውቃለን። ለሌኒናዊቷ ራሻ ያቺ የኤርትራ ህዝብ የነጻነት ትግልን ለማኮላሸት ደርጉን በትጥቅም በስንቅም በወታደራዊ ምክርም በወዘተም በመደገፍ ሳታሰልስ ትሰራ ለነበረችው ለኣምባገነናዊዋ ለራሺያ የምናፎደፉድበት አንዳችም ምክንያት እንደሌለን እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች ጠንቅቀን እናውቃለን። ክፉውን በመልካም ለመመለስ ለኅሊና መገዛትን ይጠይቃል።

ቤነገራችን ላይ ይህችን ሓቅ አትዘንጋት
“ሕልሚ ዓባይ ትግራይ” = “ሕልሚ ዓባይ ሩስያ” . . . ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው። wrote:
01 Jun 2022, 04:45
You dont speak for us you filthy vermin. Russia is doing great. Keeping vermin Zelensky and Nato rodents in check . . .
Meleket wrote:
01 Jun 2022, 04:35
“እንዳ ፈለስኪኖስ” እስከ ነዛ ማንም ካድሬ ገለ በሉላ ካብተበሃልና፡ ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ገለ ክንብለልኪ

እስቲ የውሸት ዜና ለምታስተጋባዋ ለታላቂቱ ተራ ካድሬ ለsesame እንግጠምላት . . .

"ኣጨበጭባለሁ እጄ እስኪመላለጥ፡
የሩሲያን ድርጊት ከልቤ በመምረጥ። :lol:

ሉዓላዊነት” የሚባለው ቃል፣
ተገፍትሮ ይግባ በጥልቁ ገደል። :mrgreen:

sesame ካድሬይቱ ይሄ ነው እምነቴ፣
የሰው ሃገር ላፈርስ ሳላስብ ለቤቴ። :lol:

ሩሲያ ይሻለኛል የምን ዩክሬን ዩክሬን፡
እየተለማመጥኩ ከሰጡኝ ቴክኒሻን፡
ሚሳይል ከሰጡኝ ከለገሱ ድሮን፡
እንዳሻቸው ያርጉ ያጥፏት ድምጥማጧን:lol: [እንጌራ ጀላዕ ኣይበላዕ]

ምኑ ይሳነኛል ‘አውራ ነኝ’ ያፍሪካ፡
እኔ ከተናገርኩ ማነው የሚያሽካካ፡
የምን ዲሞክራሲ ምን ሚሉት ፋብሪካ፡
ግዛቴ ከወዲህ እስከ ስሪላንካ።" :mrgreen:

ብለሽ እስቲ ኣስቂን sesame ካድሬይቱ፡
በህልምሽ የሆንሽዉ እቴጌ ጣይቱ። :lol:

ኣንቺ በሃገርሽ እንዳሻሽ ልትሆኚ፡
ሌላውን ባገሩ የምትመቀኚ፡
ለኅሊናሽ ፍረጅ ‘ልዕልት’ እንድትሆኚ። :lol:

ትንታኔሽ ሁሉ ዓለም ያስደመመ፡
ወራሪን ደግፎ ዕርቃኑን የቆመ።

sesame wrote:
31 May 2022, 13:25
.. .. .. ..

sesame wrote:
30 May 2022, 23:28
. . . Already, there are reports that Russia has provided Eritrea with advanced drones and is training technicians to operate them.

ከኢትዮጵያውያን ወንድሞቻችን ጋር ሆነን ተዝናናንብሽ ኣይደል በኤርትራዊ ኣማርኛ፡ እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች በኤርትራዊ ጭዋነትና ኩራት ትህትናም ጭምር።

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Posts: 33606
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Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Jun 2022, 10:31

Viva, Russia!

To hell, with Nazi & fascist- NATO!

Posts: 3089
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by Meleket » 01 Jun 2022, 11:16

.. .. .. እስከ ስሪላንካ!
Meleket wrote:
01 Jun 2022, 08:41
ወዳጃችን በግጥማችን አንተም 'እንድትዝናና' ሙሉ ፈቃዳችንን ሰጥተንሃል፡ እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች

መቼም አሁን ያለው በዲሞክራሲ መንገድ የተመረጠው የዩክሬኑ የዘለንስኪው መንግስት በሃገራችን በኤርትራ ላይ ያደረገው አንዳችም ለበቀል የሚጋብዝ ድርጊት እንዳሌለ ጠንቅቀን እናውቃለን። ለሌኒናዊቷ ራሻ ያቺ የኤርትራ ህዝብ የነጻነት ትግልን ለማኮላሸት ደርጉን በትጥቅም በስንቅም በወታደራዊ ምክርም በወዘተም በመደገፍ ሳታሰልስ ትሰራ ለነበረችው ለኣምባገነናዊዋ ለራሺያ የምናፎደፉድበት አንዳችም ምክንያት እንደሌለን እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች ጠንቅቀን እናውቃለን። ክፉውን በመልካም ለመመለስ ለኅሊና መገዛትን ይጠይቃል።

ቤነገራችን ላይ ይህችን ሓቅ አትዘንጋት
“ሕልሚ ዓባይ ትግራይ” = “ሕልሚ ዓባይ ሩስያ” . . . ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው። wrote:
01 Jun 2022, 04:45
You dont speak for us you filthy vermin. Russia is doing great. Keeping vermin Zelensky and Nato rodents in check . . .
Meleket wrote:
01 Jun 2022, 04:35
“እንዳ ፈለስኪኖስ” እስከ ነዛ ማንም ካድሬ ገለ በሉላ ካብተበሃልና፡ ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ገለ ክንብለልኪ

እስቲ የውሸት ዜና ለምታስተጋባዋ ለታላቂቱ ተራ ካድሬ ለsesame እንግጠምላት . . .

"ኣጨበጭባለሁ እጄ እስኪመላለጥ፡
የሩሲያን ድርጊት ከልቤ በመምረጥ። :lol:

ሉዓላዊነት” የሚባለው ቃል፣
ተገፍትሮ ይግባ በጥልቁ ገደል። :mrgreen:

sesame ካድሬይቱ ይሄ ነው እምነቴ፣
የሰው ሃገር ላፈርስ ሳላስብ ለቤቴ። :lol:

ሩሲያ ይሻለኛል የምን ዩክሬን ዩክሬን፡
እየተለማመጥኩ ከሰጡኝ ቴክኒሻን፡
ሚሳይል ከሰጡኝ ከለገሱ ድሮን፡
እንዳሻቸው ያርጉ ያጥፏት ድምጥማጧን:lol: [እንጌራ ጀላዕ ኣይበላዕ]

ምኑ ይሳነኛል ‘አውራ ነኝ’ ያፍሪካ፡
እኔ ከተናገርኩ ማነው የሚያሽካካ፡
የምን ዲሞክራሲ ምን ሚሉት ፋብሪካ፡
ግዛቴ ከወዲህ እስከ ስሪላንካ።" :mrgreen:

ብለሽ እስቲ ኣስቂን sesame ካድሬይቱ፡
በህልምሽ የሆንሽዉ እቴጌ ጣይቱ። :lol:

ኣንቺ በሃገርሽ እንዳሻሽ ልትሆኚ፡
ሌላውን ባገሩ የምትመቀኚ፡
ለኅሊናሽ ፍረጅ ‘ልዕልት’ እንድትሆኚ። :lol:

ትንታኔሽ ሁሉ ዓለም ያስደመመ፡
ወራሪን ደግፎ ዕርቃኑን የቆመ።

sesame wrote:
31 May 2022, 13:25
.. .. .. ..

sesame wrote:
30 May 2022, 23:28
. . . Already, there are reports that Russia has provided Eritrea with advanced drones and is training technicians to operate them.

ከኢትዮጵያውያን ወንድሞቻችን ጋር ሆነን ተዝናናንብሽ ኣይደል በኤርትራዊ ኣማርኛ፡ እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች በኤርትራዊ ጭዋነትና ኩራት ትህትናም ጭምር።

Posts: 5279
Joined: 04 Jun 2013, 22:23

Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by Temt » 01 Jun 2022, 11:35

Only an opportunist or Weyane stooge would wish Zelensky and his Nazist riffraff to succeed against self-defending Russia. Russia's offensive against Ukraine is more than justified. The Russian Federation has warned not only Zelensky's Ukraine but all European countries that border her to stay away from joining the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization in no unmistakable terms.
The reason behind such a stern warning is clear. Russia would not want the potential deployment of any aggressive terrorist organization like NATO on its borders just like any other country. Period! The only way we would condemn Russia and sympathize with Ukraine is if the Zelensky clown stops flirting with NATO at the expense of Russia!
Now, this guy that shows up on this site pretending to be an Eritrean, Meleket, with no traits of Eritreanism under his belt, tried to associate Foster Dulles's statement on Eritrea/Ethiopia issues in the 1950s with that of Russia/Ukraine issues. While the author, Mr. Berhane Alazar, is capable of defending the article I posted, their difference is like day and night.
Last edited by Temt on 01 Jun 2022, 13:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 33606
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Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Jun 2022, 11:53

Temt wrote:
01 Jun 2022, 11:35
Only an opportunist or Weyane stooge would wish Zelensky and his Nazist riffraff to succeed against self-defending Russia. Russia's offensive against Ukraine is more than justified. The Russian Federation has warned not only Zelensky's Ukraine but all European countries that border her to stay away from joining the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization in no unmistakable terms.
The reason behind such a stern warning is clear. Russia, like any other country, would not want the potential deployment of any aggressive terrorist organization like NATO on its borders just like any other country. Period! The only way we would condemn Russia and sympathize with Ukraine is if the Zelensky clown stops flirting with NATO at the expense of Russia!
Now, this guy that shows up on this site pretending to be an Eritrean, Meleket, with no traits of Eritreanism under his belt, tried to associate Foster Dulles's statement on Eritrea/Ethiopia issues in the 1950s with that of Russia/Ukraine issues. While the author, Mr. Berhane Alazar, is capable of defending the article I posted, their difference is like day and night.
And his brother, Allen Dulles (later CIA chief & prime suspect in the assassination of JFK), was busy during the end of WW2 in smuggling prominent Nazis into the US. 👇 ... ulles.html ... ith_nazis/

Posts: 3089
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by Meleket » 02 Jun 2022, 11:39

.. .. .. ሌላውን ባገሩ የምትመቀኚ!
Meleket wrote:
01 Jun 2022, 04:35
“እንዳ ፈለስኪኖስ” እስከ ነዛ ማንም ካድሬ ገለ በሉላ ካብተበሃልና፡ ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ገለ ክንብለልኪ . . . :mrgreen:

እስቲ የውሸት ዜና ለምታስተጋባዋ ለታላቂቱ ተራ ካድሬ ለsesame እንግጠምላት . . .

"ኣጨበጭባለሁ እጄ እስኪመላለጥ፡
የሩሲያን ድርጊት ከልቤ በመምረጥ። :lol:

ሉዓላዊነት” የሚባለው ቃል፣
ተገፍትሮ ይግባ በጥልቁ ገደል። :mrgreen:

sesame ካድሬይቱ ይሄ ነው እምነቴ፣
የሰው ሃገር ላፈርስ ሳላስብ ለቤቴ። :lol:

ሩሲያ ይሻለኛል የምን ዩክሬን ዩክሬን፡
እየተለማመጥኩ ከሰጡኝ ቴክኒሻን፡
ሚሳይል ከሰጡኝ ከለገሱ ድሮን፡
እንዳሻቸው ያርጉ ያጥፏት ድምጥማጧን:lol: [እንጌራ ጀላዕ ኣይበላዕ]

ምኑ ይሳነኛል ‘አውራ ነኝ’ ያፍሪካ፡
እኔ ከተናገርኩ ማነው የሚያሽካካ፡
የምን ዲሞክራሲ ምን ሚሉት ፋብሪካ፡
ግዛቴ ከወዲህ እስከ ስሪላንካ።" :mrgreen:

ብለሽ እስቲ ኣስቂን sesame ካድሬይቱ፡
በህልምሽ የሆንሽዉ እቴጌ ጣይቱ። :lol:

ኣንቺ በሃገርሽ እንዳሻሽ ልትሆኚ፡
ሌላውን ባገሩ የምትመቀኚ፡
ለኅሊናሽ ፍረጅ ‘ልዕልት’ እንድትሆኚ። :lol:

ትንታኔሽ ሁሉ ዓለም ያስደመመ፡
ወራሪን ደግፎ ዕርቃኑን የቆመ።

sesame wrote:
31 May 2022, 13:25
.. .. .. ..

sesame wrote:
30 May 2022, 23:28
. . . Already, there are reports that Russia has provided Eritrea with advanced drones and is training technicians to operate them.

ከኢትዮጵያውያን ወንድሞቻችን ጋር ሆነን ተዝናናንብሽ ኣይደል በኤርትራዊ ኣማርኛ፡ እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች በኤርትራዊ ጭዋነትና ኩራት ትህትናም ጭምር።

Digital Weyane
Posts: 8684
Joined: 19 Jun 2019, 21:45

Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by Digital Weyane » 02 Jun 2022, 13:05

ላለፉት 27 አመታት ነጮች ጌቶቻችን ከዩክሬን ስንዴ ኡየገዙ ለትግራይ ህዝባችን በእርዳታ መልክ ይሰጡ ነበር።

የሩስያን የህግ ማስከበር ዘመቻ ተከትሎ በዩክሬን የስንዴ አቅርቦት እጥረት በመከሰቱ ሙክንያት ኡናታችን ትግራይ የስንዴ እጥረት አጋጥሟታል።

በዚህም ሙክንያት ጁንታው ዎንድሜ Meleket በሩስያ ላይ ያለው ቁጣ ቦጣም አስፈሪ ነው።

የኢትዮጵያና የኤርትራ ወታደሮች ጤፍ እና ስንዴ ኡየበሉ የኛ የወያኔ ታጣቂዎች ግን ጥይትና ቦምብ ኡየጎረሱ ነው። ሼም ሼም ሼም፣ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posts: 3089
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by Meleket » 03 Jun 2022, 01:31

.. .. .. ወራሪን ደግፎ ዕርቃኑን የቆመ
Meleket wrote:
01 Jun 2022, 08:41
ወዳጃችን በግጥማችን አንተም 'እንድትዝናና' ሙሉ ፈቃዳችንን ሰጥተንሃል፡ እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች

መቼም አሁን ያለው በዲሞክራሲ መንገድ የተመረጠው የዩክሬኑ የዘለንስኪው መንግስት በሃገራችን በኤርትራ ላይ ያደረገው አንዳችም ለበቀል የሚጋብዝ ድርጊት እንዳሌለ ጠንቅቀን እናውቃለን። ለሌኒናዊቷ ራሻ ያቺ የኤርትራ ህዝብ የነጻነት ትግልን ለማኮላሸት ደርጉን በትጥቅም በስንቅም በወታደራዊ ምክርም በወዘተም በመደገፍ ሳታሰልስ ትሰራ ለነበረችው ለኣምባገነናዊዋ ለራሺያ የምናፎደፉድበት አንዳችም ምክንያት እንደሌለን እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች ጠንቅቀን እናውቃለን። ክፉውን በመልካም ለመመለስ ለኅሊና መገዛትን ይጠይቃል።

ቤነገራችን ላይ ይህችን ሓቅ አትዘንጋት
“ሕልሚ ዓባይ ትግራይ” = “ሕልሚ ዓባይ ሩስያ” . . . ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው። wrote:
01 Jun 2022, 04:45
You dont speak for us you filthy vermin. Russia is doing great. Keeping vermin Zelensky and Nato rodents in check . . .
Meleket wrote:
01 Jun 2022, 04:35
“እንዳ ፈለስኪኖስ” እስከ ነዛ ማንም ካድሬ ገለ በሉላ ካብተበሃልና፡ ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ገለ ክንብለልኪ

እስቲ የውሸት ዜና ለምታስተጋባዋ ለታላቂቱ ተራ ካድሬ ለsesame እንግጠምላት . . .

"ኣጨበጭባለሁ እጄ እስኪመላለጥ፡
የሩሲያን ድርጊት ከልቤ በመምረጥ። :lol:

ሉዓላዊነት” የሚባለው ቃል፣
ተገፍትሮ ይግባ በጥልቁ ገደል። :mrgreen:

sesame ካድሬይቱ ይሄ ነው እምነቴ፣
የሰው ሃገር ላፈርስ ሳላስብ ለቤቴ። :lol:

ሩሲያ ይሻለኛል የምን ዩክሬን ዩክሬን፡
እየተለማመጥኩ ከሰጡኝ ቴክኒሻን፡
ሚሳይል ከሰጡኝ ከለገሱ ድሮን፡
እንዳሻቸው ያርጉ ያጥፏት ድምጥማጧን:lol: [እንጌራ ጀላዕ ኣይበላዕ]

ምኑ ይሳነኛል ‘አውራ ነኝ’ ያፍሪካ፡
እኔ ከተናገርኩ ማነው የሚያሽካካ፡
የምን ዲሞክራሲ ምን ሚሉት ፋብሪካ፡
ግዛቴ ከወዲህ እስከ ስሪላንካ።" :mrgreen:

ብለሽ እስቲ ኣስቂን sesame ካድሬይቱ፡
በህልምሽ የሆንሽዉ እቴጌ ጣይቱ። :lol:

ኣንቺ በሃገርሽ እንዳሻሽ ልትሆኚ፡
ሌላውን ባገሩ የምትመቀኚ፡
ለኅሊናሽ ፍረጅ ‘ልዕልት’ እንድትሆኚ። :lol:

ትንታኔሽ ሁሉ ዓለም ያስደመመ፡
ወራሪን ደግፎ ዕርቃኑን የቆመ።

sesame wrote:
31 May 2022, 13:25
.. .. .. ..

sesame wrote:
30 May 2022, 23:28
. . . Already, there are reports that Russia has provided Eritrea with advanced drones and is training technicians to operate them.

ከኢትዮጵያውያን ወንድሞቻችን ጋር ሆነን ተዝናናንብሽ ኣይደል በኤርትራዊ ኣማርኛ፡ እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች በኤርትራዊ ጭዋነትና ኩራት ትህትናም ጭምር።

Posts: 3089
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Russia will win both the fire war and economic war. Eritrea's Decision was a Brilliant Strategic and Historic Move

Post by Meleket » 03 Jun 2022, 11:23

እንቶኔ የእንቶኔ ወንድም ነው፡ እንቶኔ በእንቶኔ ግድያ ይጠረጠራል . . . ወዘተ የሚሉ አባባሎች፡ ይህንን ጠሓይ የሞቀው ሎጂክና እውነታ አይደመስሱትም። የሩሲያን ወረራም ምክንያታዊ ኣያደርጉትም በፍጡም! ቢለናል እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች


ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
Meleket wrote:
31 May 2022, 11:16
እንጌራ ጀላዕ፡ ኣይበላዕ!

ፎስተር ዳላስን በየዓመቱ እየኮነንን፡ እኛ ከ 70 ዓመታት በኋላ እንዲህ እያልን እንዳንሆን እንጂ :mrgreen:

“ ምንም እንኳን በፍትሕና ፍትሓዊነት ዓይን ሲታይ፡ የዩክሬን ህዝብ ፍላጐትና የሃገረ መንግሥቱ ሉዓላዊነት መከበር የሚገባው ቢሆንም፤ ከስትራቴጂካዊ ሃገራዊና ዓለማዊ ጥቅማችን ኣኳያ ሲታይ፡ ሩሲያ በሉዓላዊቷ ዩክሬን ላይ እያደረገች ያለውን የማን አለብኝነት ወረራ ልናወግዝ ኣይገባንም ይልቁንስ ልናበረታታት ይገባናል . . . ”

Meleket wrote:
30 May 2022, 09:24
ሓዉና Berhane Alazar ነዡይ ከም ፀሓይ ዝደመቐ ሓቂ እንተዘንብቦ፡ እንታይ ዓይነት መልሲ ምሃበሉ ነቢሩ፧ እንድዒ! :mrgreen:
Meleket wrote:
28 May 2022, 05:17
ኣዬ ቦተሊካ! ነዡይ ናይ ፎስተር ዳላስ ኣገላልጻ፡ ምስዚ ሕጂ ዓለምና ዘላቶ ኵነት እንተርኢናዮ፡ ኣብ ዓይኒ ብጻይና ዛሎ ገፈል ኣብ ክንዲ ነድህብ ኣብ ዓዒንትና ዛሎ እንተተዓዘብና
"ሽሕ እኳ ብዓይኒ ፍትሒን ፍትሓዉነትን ክርኤ እንከሎ፡ ልዑላዊ መሰል ሕዝቢን መንግሥቲን ኡክሬን ኪኽበር ዚግባእ እንተዀነ፡ ምስ ስትራቴጂካዊ ረብሃ ሃገርናን ዓለምናን ብምዝማድ ሩስያ ኣብ ልዕሊ ልዑላዊት ሃገር ሃገረ ኡክሬን እትገብሮ ምትእትታውን ወተሃደራዊ ዕንደራን ክንኩንኖ ኣይግባእን እኳ ደኣ ክንድግፎ ይግባእ . . ."
ከም ማለት'ዶ ኣይዀነን፡ ፍረድ ንነፍስኻ ኢዩ እቲ ጕዳዩ ንብል ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነትን ሃበንን! :mrgreen:
Temt wrote:
27 May 2022, 16:40

. . .
To begin with, in the 1950s, the then US Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles stated: “From the point of view of justice, the opinion of the Eritrean people must receive consideration. Nevertheless, the strategic interests of the United States in the Red Sea Basin and world peace make it necessary that the country be linked with our ally Ethiopia.” . . .
Berhane Alazar

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