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Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 01 Apr 2021, 18:54

After the gallant Selfless Tigray People and Tigray Militia devoure the invader's and after forcing the garbage Ethiopia and Garbage Traitor Eritrea pay war reparations for Tigray People that the cursed Ethiopia and cursed Eritrea will be broken into pieces to accommodate the birth of Republic of Tigray People independence.Mark Our Words.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

The Republic of Tigray People!!

The Independence Of Tigray People!!

Eternal Glory to Martyrs Of Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 01 Apr 2021, 19:13


The war in Tigray will determine the date of evil Ethiopia and cursed Eritrea.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

lil kogne
Posts: 1084
Joined: 20 Jul 2019, 17:11

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by lil kogne » 01 Apr 2021, 19:28

CHIGRAY PEOPLE, Beggars as usual trying to build Chigaram republic on others expense. One just wonders where do these people come from, How in the world does this low IQ community mental state behave ? it is mind boggling that these society does not plan on progressing except asking for handouts, reparations, donations what have you. I guess they are for sure made to be subordinate forever to have someone make decisions on their behalf, to decide how many times a day they should eat, what kind of grain should be sent to them. Like GMO. what kind of powdered milk and oil the snotty kids should have. I heard the band anti insect chemical DDT is still used in Chigray land. Long live The dumping ground of expired wheat and oil chigray people. Long live the Maferia beggar clan Chigray people. The donor community appreciate you for they have no where to throw their expired grains.

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 04 Apr 2021, 01:01

Lil Monkey

Should not you worry about the little inferior Eritrea who could not built one factory or one university for the past 30 years despite the Tigray People gave you independence and Red Sea on a silver platter??

Chenawi traitor we would have knocked out your entire rottet teeth on the battlefield until you begged the godly Tigray People for mercy.

Go fool the dirty garbage Amhara,oromo,and Ethiopians who never won one war in thier entire history just like you inferior Eritreans.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 04 Apr 2021, 01:33


Garbage dirty Gurages , Dirty Eritreans, dirty Oromo, Garbage Traitor Amhara , garbage Ethiopia who could not built one mega factory or win wars have the odasity to hate the most worldly respected war fighters, honest,fair Tigray People despite the Tigray People gave them everything they have today.

Where were the dirty backstabbers "Galla" people or us we Tigray People gave them the name "Oromo" people that we liberated and developed thier region??

Where were the entire garbage Ethiopia would have been if it was not for the godly Tigray People who saved , liberated,and developed the cursed Ethiopia for the past 27 years??

Where were thr garbage dirty traitors Eritreans would have been if the godly Tigray People did not save them from being devoured by Amhara, oromo and Ethiopians 40 years ago and gave them thier independence on a silver platter??

The answer is it doesn't matter the garbage dirty traitors tplf leaders and most honest Tigray People made a mistake helping the above enemies in the hope to defeat poverty and solve Africa poverty problems.

The Tigray People are very different than the entire evil fake ethiopia.

Even the name Ethiopia is created by Tigray People for themselves not Evil Amhara or Evil Ertrea it was not created by the greeks but by Tigray People.

Garbage Traitor Amhara , garbage dirty thieves Gurages have no history in ethiopia or to develop ethiopia but to rob ethiopia,to damage ethiopia ,to begg foreign armies to invade ethiopia etc etc.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 04 Apr 2021, 03:46

Lil Monkey

Just because the monkey Ethiopians gave you welcoming to be a monkey does not mean unity ,or love or lovin' you but temperoroy monkey business which will be crushed by the magnificent Tigray People soon or later.

Garbage Amhara,and most garbage Ethiopia, garbage monkey Gurages, Garbage Eritreans , Garbage diqala Oromo and most Ethiopians could not built one mega factory or few university for the past 120 years until the Tigray People did it for you in 17 years after destroying your largest army in Africa in 1991.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 04 Apr 2021, 04:14

To All Tigray People:

The Gallant Selfless Tigray People you defeated , crushed all Powerful domestic and powerful foreign invaders armies by yourselves for thousands of Years by yourselves only and that is incumbent on all of us Tigray People to follow our formothers and forfathers war culture .

The TPLF leaders made a mistake by telling lies to Amhara and Oromo and Eritrean as they helped to win the 17 years wars in order to develop ethiopia on the expense of the long suffered Tigray People.

All of you Tigray People ask yourselves how come the garbage Ethiopia and garbage Oromo a.k.a "Qerro" is not protesting or joining Oromo liberation front ???

Not one garbage banda savage Oromo or Ethiopian went out the street to protest since 2016 because they saw few military convoy the last few years and chose to be killed , massacred and all coward Oromo chose to be slaves for diqala Oromo and Amhara who are being killing them , raping them for the past 3 years and they are coward to hold one small protest .

Remember the coward Oromo told the world how they stood up for protest and fought the world number one war fighters the Tigray People with rock and stone but they can't do that today with p..o.w p.p party , Amhara who is raping thier mother's and father's and they are too coward to hold one small protest .

Let time come in its own and the truth will come out .

Garbage Traitor Oromo, garbage Ethiopia, garbage Eritrea are being crushed in Tigray one day At a time.

The Gallant Selfless Tigray People are single-handedly Fighting the Entire Ethiopia Army, Eritreans army, foreign Armies by themselves and which in do time they will be victorious in the name of Tigray God Amen.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 04 Apr 2021, 05:45


The Gallant Selfless Tigray People Must Only Believe In Themselves And The God Of Tigray People As Always To Devoure All Your Mortal Enemies.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

lil kogne
Posts: 1084
Joined: 20 Jul 2019, 17:11

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by lil kogne » 04 Apr 2021, 13:19

Chigray people Chicken brain, tell me one battle the Chigray army won ? there is nothing not a thing period. Weyane Army was just telexafi that rode on back of Eritreans to arat kilo. Agame, your IQ 63 does not allow you to be fit for battles and plan for future strategies, It shows that your Agames braged for months that they were ready for war and will win. they will walk to Addis and Asmara in two weeks. Then, the low IQs happened , Boom and nothing !!! turn to Duqet in 3 weeks. I have been telling you [deleted] stay away from this forum cause you are just an imbarrassement, stay away and stop bragging after you eat the donated wheet and oil. Just pray to your Abune aregawi Zban Dammo that the donation keep coming or else you r clan will be back to 84 femine. Ethiopia is tired of your people feeding and wasting it's supplies on the ungreatful clan agame. It is so sad you're made to be subordinate, people making decisions on your behalf. You were made to beg than to work, you were made to lie than to tell the truth, you were made to regress than to progress, you were made to fail than to achieve, you were made to steal and cheat than to toil and work hard, you were made to betray than to be faithful, you were made to backstab that to be forefront, you were madeto be dishonest thanto be honest and trustworthy, you were made to be looked at as lowest low of human being not as a respected being, you were made to sell your a$$es than to sell merchandise, the list goes on and on..... Agame shame of human nature, just hide under the rock or somethingit's so degrading to share same dialect as you maferia zer. please quit with this Chigray people crap hate to tell you it ain't going no where for every human being in the world has realized what Chigray is and mean.

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 04 Apr 2021, 21:29

Lil Monkey

We would have break every bones in your worthless body and knock out all your rotten teeth on the battlefield.

You have a nerve to show your ugly dirty inferior Hammasien face to talk about the worthless Eritrea who could not built one university in the past 30 years despite the Tigray People gave you the entire Red Sea on a silver platter.

Amhara and Ethiopians are monkey that is why they welcomed you inferior Eritreans despite Eritreans never had one election for the past 30 years.

Amhara and Ethiopians are monkey that is why they welcomed you inferior Eritreans who never had a constitution for the past 30 years.

Amhara and Ethiopians are monkey that is why they welcomed you inferior Eritreans who could not built one factory for the past 30 years.

Now go wash your ugly dirty traitors Hammasien face that was a toilet for your Agame-Eritrea leaders.

The war of revenge will come to Asmara and Addis ababa by the Gallant Selfless Tigray Militia to hunt down the criminals.Just be patient.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 04 Apr 2021, 23:33

Lil Monkey

Monkey Eritreans helping monkey Ethiopians, monkey Amhara that never even used toilet paper until the Tigray People developed cursed Ethiopia.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 05 Apr 2021, 01:02


It's the case in all history the people never saw the disintegration of thier country despite they are the witness to it .

We warned monkey Ethiopians, monkey Amhara, monkey Gurages,etc etc they will have a rude awakening very soon.

This time around no Tigray People will save the cursed Ethiopia like they did some 30 years ago.

We the Tigray People knows how to rebuild lives and economic development more than anyone in the world that all we need is our independence.

Case in point we developed the most poor, bankrupt, evil ethiopia in 17 Years to be the most fastest developing country and the most safest country in the world against all odds.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 05 Apr 2021, 01:32


It's the case in all history the people never saw the disintegration of thier country despite they are the witness to it .

We warned monkey Ethiopians, monkey Amhara, monkey Gurages,etc etc they will have a rude awakening very soon.

This time around no Tigray People will save the cursed Ethiopia like they did some 30 years ago.

We the Tigray People knows how to rebuild lives and economic development more than anyone in the world that all we need is our independence.

Case in point we developed the most poor, bankrupt, evil ethiopia in 17 Years to be the most fastest developing country and the most safest country in the world against all odds.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 05 Apr 2021, 02:26


Garbage Ethiopia and garbage Eritreans are scared about thier fake countries disintegration which will take place on thier dirty useless bodies to make a room for Tigray People Independence.

The Republic Of Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 05 Apr 2021, 03:44


Somalia were in oblivious until their country disintegrated.

Somalia are monolithic society (the same ethnic b& religion) unlike evil Ethiopia and Eritrea who are the most Evil people in the world with 200 different religions and different ethnics waiting to erupt for the long awaited disintegration.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 05 Apr 2021, 16:59


The Tigray People made a mistake saving Ethiopia 30 years ago and defeating all the liberation front armies in ethiopia .

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 06 Apr 2021, 23:52


The cursed Ethiopia is dying one day at a time .

The God of Tigray People will bring a wrath to cursed banda traitors Ethiopia and Eritreans for thier sins against the godly Tigray People.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 10 Apr 2021, 20:09


It is obvious this cursed countries called Ethiopia and fake Eritrea will be destroyed and break-up to pieces to make a room for the Independence Of Tigray People.

The Godly Tigray People saved these cursed countries ethiopia and Eritrea 30 years ago but look at all your monkey turned out to be despite the Tigray People developed ethiopia in 17 Years that you couldn't do for 139 years combined.

The independence of Tigray People is approaching.Mark Our Words.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

The Independence Of The Tigray People!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by Tigray People » 28 Apr 2021, 18:20


We predicted this 4 years ago the ethiopia is dying one day at a time.

Long Live the Beautiful Tigray people!!

Posts: 9343
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: Ethiopia Will Disintegrate To Pieces Very Soon.

Post by sun » 28 Apr 2021, 18:39

Tigray People wrote:
01 Apr 2021, 18:54
After the gallant Selfless Tigray People and Tigray Militia devoure the invader's and after forcing the garbage Ethiopia and Garbage Traitor Eritrea pay war reparations for Tigray People that the cursed Ethiopia and cursed Eritrea will be broken into pieces to accommodate the birth of Republic of Tigray People independence.Mark Our Words.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

The Republic of Tigray People!!

The Independence Of Tigray People!!

Eternal Glory to Martyrs Of Tigray People!!

Really? :P

Actually you are telling us about your own current and future self made and self designed disintegration process in which you currently, practically live both physically and mentally. Otherwise Ethiopia is forever in the same way that all the Ethiopian nations and nationalities are also real and forever, be it today, tomorrow and in to the infinity.

How on earth can a tiny confused greedy tplf cadre coming from the tiny (5%) Tigrian ethnic base able to predict fake self serving disintegration fairy tales to the large, culture rich great, humble Ethiopian people of some 110 million? You must be ashamed deep down to your Judas sinful bone marrow.
You need to understand when the people, the governments, and the world says to you, "NO YOU CAN'T" while they are saying to the Ethiopian government, "YES YOU CAN!"

Thank you so much though for giving me the three sweet laughs and saving my day. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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