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Abe Abraham
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أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 31 Dec 2020, 13:45

Something to the effect :

Egypt is trying to run away from facing its internal problems by portraying Ethiopia as its existential threat while the Renaissance Dam doesn't pose any danger to it and when the construction is finished they will come to congratulate us.

Youtube Comment

Sara Konjo :

ن ان فائدة سد النهضة كفائدة السد العالى لمصر الدي منع الفياضانات عن مصر مند 70 ىعام وكل السودانيين متفقين على اهمية سد النهضة الدي سيجنبهم الفياضانات والمصريون هدفهم ان يغرق السودان وتدهب المياه الى مصر لكن هيهات السودان ستصبح المياه عنده ليل ونهار شتاءا وخريفا يزرع متى شاء وكيفما شاء دورات زراعية متنى وتلاث المياه منتضمة وبدون فيضان وتربية الاسماك وزيادة الكهرباء في السدود كلها بانتضام ودون انقطاع السد هدية من الله تعالى الى الشعب السوداني مجانا ولم يدفع فيها مليما واحدا فلله الحمد ولا نامت اعين الجبناء مصرائيل الدين يكيدون وهدفهم ان لا ياخد السودان نصيبه 10 مليار التي كانت تدهب مجانا الى مصر ويزرعون بها اراضي تم يبيعونها كمنتجات فلاحية الى السودان ودان والسودان مستفيد من السد بدون اي اتفاقية كانت( وضرر السودان فقط من الجانب المصري الدي يطمع للسيطرة على 10 مليار من نصيب السودان استرجعها والمصريون يعضون على اصابعهم حقدا وحسدا لامصر خالفت اعلان المباديء بتدويلها القضية يمينا وشمالا في الدول العربية والغربية بدل اتخاد الوسيط عند الاختلاف تانيا مصر خالفت اعلان المباديء (لاضرر ولاضرر ) في مفاوضات عبتية يمينا وشمالا وتاخير السد فيه ضرر حيت تطالب الشركات التعويض عن التاخير والسد تقرر انتها 2017 وتاخيره فيه ضرر تالتا هدف مصر الخبيث هو 10 مليار من نصيب السودان استرجعها والمصريون يعضون على اصابعهم حقدا وحسدا بعد فشلهم مع الدول العربية الضغط على السودان لكن الجيل الجديد لن يسمح لكم بقطرة من نصيبه الا باتفاقية عادلة ومنصفة لدول النيل الابيض والازرق لايعقل ان تسيطر مصر على النيل كله وهي في المصب ولاتساهم في النيل بلتر
احقد الناس لجيرانهم من مصر حاصرت مسلمي غزة وتاجرت بالقضية الفلسطنية وهجرت 35 قرية سودانية الى الصحراء وا غتصبت اراضي ومياه السودان وحفرت وبكل وقاحة قنات جونقلى لتسرق مياه المنبع وارسلت جواسيسها الى سدود السودان ليتحكمو في النيل ودعمت المتمردين بالمال والسلاح ليبقى السودان في التخلف اي منطق هدا ودول العالم كلها بنت سدودا على اراضيها ولم تقم ضجة الا عندكم في مصر ولو كانت مصر مكان اتيوبيا لبنت مصر 100 سد لانكم شعب طماع وجيعان يعيش بالتسول والمساعدات الخليجية والديون الغربية وهدف مصر الخبيث هو 10 مليار متر من نصيب السودان استرجعها والمصريون يعضون على اصابعهم حقدا وحسدا بعد فشلهم مع الدول العربية الضغط على السودان تم استقدمو حميدتى لزعزعة السودان وتشتيته لكن هيهات لن نسمح لكم ولو بقطرة من نصيبنا الا باتفاقية منصفة وعادلة ومشاركة دول الحوض كلها فلايعقل ان تسيطر مصر على النيل كله وهي في المصب ولاتساهم فيه بلتر واحد وترسل جواسيسها الى سدود السودان ليتح
Last edited by Abe Abraham on 31 Dec 2020, 17:28, edited 2 times in total.

Abe Abraham
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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان

Post by Abe Abraham » 31 Dec 2020, 14:11

هل ينقلب على السودان ؟.. السيسي يسعى إلى توقيع اتفاق جديد مع إثيوبيا بشأن سد النهضة

Would he turn against the Sudan ? Al-Sisi strives to sign a new agreement with Ethiopia regarding the Renaissance Dam.

السودان وإثيوبيا.. هل السيسي وراء تأجيج الصراع الحدودي بين البلدين؟

Sudan and Ethiopia : Is Al-sisi behind the fueling of the border conflict between the two countries ?

This war, the war of BURHAN and AL-KABASHI, being waged against Ethiopia is not in our interest. Once we have returned our lands that were occupied by the Ethiopians it should stop there. I talk to our soldiers because they are ours ( most of them oppressed blacks ). Egypt the country that mistreats our children who sought refuge there, stabs them like this ( he demonstrates it ) ...... ( In short don't die for the sake of Egypt is his message )

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by tarik » 31 Dec 2020, 14:33

شكرا ابي ابراهام . Thanks abe abraham 4 all that info in arabic.

Abe Abraham
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Joined: 05 Jun 2013, 13:00

Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 31 Dec 2020, 17:24

Ibrahim Tutu : The Timing of the War, Is Ethiopia now the enemy of the Sudan or the Sudan is waging war now on behalf of Egypt ?

Apologies for being late with this LIVE due to Christmas Holidays ....I would like to talk about the topic without emotions like whether we love the Sudanese people and army ...I will give chance for comments after I say what I have to say ....The War on Ethiopia ...of course there are experts, legal experts, PHDs, analysts those who have learned by rote on this topic but I would like to approach it as a Sudanese, a simple ordinary person ....what is my understanding on the war on Ethiopia ? Sometimes ago I said " this government is mendacious " Faisal , minister of culture and information, said that the weapons carried by the Ethiopian militia goes beyond the weapons that you would expect to be with a militia ...I have said earlier that we are not fighting against a militia are we fighting against the Ethiopian army or a militia supported by the Ethiopian army ...if we are faced with a militia supported by the Ethiopian army then the question rises : what is the nature of our relationship with Ethiopia ? For instance people say that our relationship with Egypt is known : Nile Valley, history and civilization...the things that the Egyptians have inculcated upon us and we have learned by heart . Then what is the nature of our relationship with Ethiopia ? If we go back in history in the days of kings in Ethiopia was there a border conflict between them and us ? The Ethiopian border, before the independence of Eritrea, extended from Eritrea , north of Tigray, to South Sudan and Kenya . In this long border area and geography have we ever had conflict with Ethiopia ...of course there could have been skirmishes here and there ...we as the people we do know what is going on ..some are trying to take us somewhere,once again what is the nature of our relationship with Ethiopia ? I have read many analysis and opinions ...of course everyone has the right to express their opinion ...based on that I would like you to have your clearly stated opinion and motivation for the war on Ethiopia. What concerns me is that the timing of the war and the consequence that it is going to have.Who will get the benefit ? Some time ago there was joint Sudanese-Egyptian military training which came after problems with the Renaissance Dam negotiations ...( someone,Idris, is asking : to which side do you belong. Reply : when I finish my talk it will be made clear for you. ) ...the reaction to the presence of the Egyptian soldiers on our soil by some people was " these are military training and the Sudan has the right to demonstrate power ... " ....the Egyptian officers landed on our country entered our military camps gave training to our military leaders the end the Egyptian officers said that in the future there will be qualitative leap in our relationship, kind of empty words without real contents ...we and the people of (Sudan ) ... let us be clear " Why are we waging war on Ethiopia ? " ......

Ibrahim Tutu is asking extremely important questions which many Ethiopians, under the Woyane leadership, should have asked when the Wayne criminals waged their war of aggression on Eritrea in the name of Ethiopia and the Ethiopian people ? Long term interest is that I am alluding to.

Abe Abraham
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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 31 Dec 2020, 18:27

tarik wrote:
31 Dec 2020, 14:33
شكرا ابي ابراهام . Thanks abe abraham 4 all that info in arabic.
Thanks for your appreciation. I know that we come from similar background.

Abe Abraham
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Posts: 14412
Joined: 05 Jun 2013, 13:00

Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 01 Jan 2021, 03:06

The remaining MISMAR JUHA in Khartoum.

سليمان جودة - مسمار جحا الذي يتبقى في الخرطوم!

بعد أن توافق الكونغرس الأميركي في الحادي والعشرين من ديسمبر (كانون الأول)، على إعادة الحصانة السيادية إلى السودان، نستطيع أن نقول إن العاصمة السودانية الخرطوم، قد صارت حرة تماماً مما كان يقيدها قبل إعادة الحصانة إليها... ولكنها حرة في ذلك إلا قليلاً، كما سوف نرى حالاً، وكما سوف يرى السودان نفسه على مدى فترة ممتدة سوف تجيء!
الحصانة المعادة بتوافق بين أعضاء الكونغرس الأميركي، كانت قد غادرت أرض السودان عام 1993، عندما جرى في ذلك العام وضع الدولة السودانية على قائمة الدول الراعية للإرهاب!
أما السبب وقتها فكان اتهام السودان باستضافة أسامة بن لادن، ومعه عدد من قيادات التطرف المطلوبين عالمياً في تلك الأيام!
كان الحاكم في ذلك الوقت هو عمر البشير، وكان قد جاء إلى الحكم في عام 1989، عندما قاد انقلاباً على حكومة الصادق المهدي المنتخبة، وكان البشير مجرد لافتة تحكم من ورائها الجبهة الإسلامية التي كان الدكتور حسن الترابي يقودها!
وهكذا... ما كادت أربع سنوات تمر على وجود البشير والجبهة في السلطة، حتى كانت البلاد موضوعة على لائحة الإرهاب، التي لا توضع عليها دولة إلا ويتجنبها الاستثمار القادم من أي طريق، وإلا وتظل مكبّلة بما يشل حركتها ويعوق خطواتها، وإلا وتبقى أسيرة قيود تجعلها مكتوفة اليدين، فتنفق الكثير من وقتها وجهدها من أجل مفارقة القائمة الموضوعة عليها وبأي ثمن!
وهذا ما كان على مدى 27 عاماً كاملة، فلما أرادت الخرطوم أن تخرج من هذه القائمة السوداء، لم تخرج بالمجان بطبيعة الحال، ولكنها فوجئت بالولايات المتحدة تقايضها بما يجب عليها أن تدفعه عيناً ونقداً معاً. ولم يكن أمامها سوى أن تدفع لتخرج من ضيق القائمة إلى أرجاء الدنيا، ولم يكن وزير الخارجية السوداني المكلف عمر قمر الدين يبالغ في شيء، عندما وصف عملية إعادة الحصانة السيادية بأنها خروج من أشد الفترات ظلاماً في تاريخ البلاد!
دفعت الخرطوم عيناً، فأطلقت علاقاتها مع إسرائيل في أكتوبر (تشرين الأول) الماضي، بضغط من إدارة الرئيس دونالد ترمب، التي كانت تعرف مدى حاجة الأشقاء في السودان إلى مغادرة القائمة، فكانت تضغط سياسياً بكل ما تستطيعه من أدوات!
ثم كان أن دفعت نقداً فخصصت 335 مليون دولار لضحايا عملية تفجير السفارتين الأميركيتين في تنزانيا وكينيا عام 1998، وكذلك ضحايا تفجير المدمرة «يو إس إس كول» في خليج عدن عام 2000، وفي الحالتين كانت هناك دلائل فيما يبدو على أن متطرفين قادمين من السودان كانوا وراء العمليتين، وإلا ما كانت الحكومة السودانية قد وافقت على دفع دولار واحد!
هذا هو جزء من حصيلة حكم الجبهة الإسلامية التي سقط حكمها في السنة الماضية، عندما ثار السودانيون على حكم البشير وأسقطوه، ثم ذهبوا به إلى العدالة التي يقف أمامها هذه الأيام. وبالطبع، فلا علاقة لفشل حكم الجبهة في الخرطوم، وكذلك حكم الإسلاميين في عواصم أخرى، بالإسلام في حد ذاته، لأن هناك فرقاً بينه كديانة منفتحة على الدنيا بطبيعتها الأولى، وبين منغلقين يرفعون رايته ويحكمون باسمه، من دون وعي، ومن دون عقل، ومن دون فقه متصالح مع العصر!
ولم تكن هذه هي الحصيلة كلها كما قلت، ولكنها مجرد جزء يسير إذا ما قيس على الجزء الآخر، الذي يتمثل في أن السودان الذي تسلمته الجبهة بلداً واحداً قبل ثلاثة عقود من الزمان، قد صار بلدين اثنين أحدهما جنوب السودان الذي انفصل وأصبح دولة مستقلة، وثانيهما السودان نفسه الذي تنفس الصعداء في اللحظة التي غادر البشير فيها عتبات القصر!
ولم يكن الدكتور عبد الله حمدوك، رئيس وزراء السوداني، يبالغ في شيء هو أيضاً، حين وصف إعادة الحصانة السيادية إلى بلده، بأنها حالة من حالات الانعتاق!
فإذا انتبهنا إلى أن البشير سقط في أبريل (نيسان) من العام الماضي، أدركنا على الفور أن عملية إعادة الحصانة قد استغرقت وقتاً طويلاً، وأخذت مراحل ممتدة من الشد والجذب، وأن الإخوة في السودان قد فهموا منذ اللحظة الأولى أن مغادرة القائمة ليست عملية سهلة، وأن لها خطوات من وراء خطوات، وأن عليهم أن يقطعوها كلها وصولاً إلى الحالة الدولية الطبيعية أو العادية للبلد بين سائر البلاد!
ومع ذلك، فإن ما قيل من جانب الكونغرس في لحظة التوافق يشير إلى أن هذه العملية ذات المراحل لا تزال لها بقية سوف تأتي!
البقية التي لا يعرف أحد متى بالضبط سوف تكون لها نهاية، هي أن مشروع إعادة الحصانة السيادية، قد استثنى القضايا المرفوعة أمام المحاكم من جانب ضحايا أحداث الحادي عشر من سبتمبر (أيلول)، أو بالطبع من جانب ذوي الضحايا!
وهذه في حد ذاتها بقية صعبة، كما أن تعويضات ضحاياها سوف تكون من الضخامة في حالة إقرارها، بما لا يمكن معها عقد مقارنة بينها وبين تعويضات ضحايا تفجيرات السفارتين والمدمرة، فالله وحده في عون السودان وهو يتهيأ لخوض ما تبقى من المعركة!
ويبدو الإبقاء على هذا الاستثناء في مشروع إعادة الحصانة، كأنه مسمار جحا الذي عشنا نتذكر حكايته الموحية في كل حالة مماثلة!
فلقد جاء يوم على جحا قرر فيه بيع بيت عنده كان محبباً إلى نفسه، ولم يكن يعرف كيف سيفارق هذا البيت الذي عاش فيه سنين. وقد هداه تفكيره إلى حيلة رأى أنها ستعوضه عن بيع البيت وعن الخروج منه والتنازل عنه لصاحبه الجديد!
كانت الحيلة أنه دق مسماراً في جدار من حوائط البيت، ثم أفهم الشاري أن هذا المسمار عزيز جداً على قلبه، وأن له ذكريات معه، وأنه لا يطلب شيئاً سوى الحفاظ على المسمار في مكانه، وسوى السماح له برؤيته كلما وجد أنه في شوق إلى أن يراه!
وقد تصور المالك الجديد أنها مسألة سهلة، ثم تبين له بالتجربة أنها ليست كذلك، حين صار جحا لا يكاد يخرج من البيت بعد أن يلقي نظرة على مسماره، حتى يعود من جديد طالباً الإذن له بإلقاء نظرة أخرى، ثم ثالثة، وعاشرة، وهكذا بغير نهاية كانت تلوح في أفق قريب!
وفي كل الأحوال يبقى الأمر في قضية تعويضات ضحايا أحداث سبتمبر عصياً على الفهم والاستيعاب، لأن المستقر حتى الآن أن المشتبه بهم في تلك الأحداث التي وقعت قبل 19 عاماً، هُم تسعة عشر شخصاً ينتمون إلى أربع دول عربية، وهؤلاء المشتبه بهم ليس بينهم سوداني واحد. ومع ذلك، فالسودان سوف يغادر هذه القضية بعد حين كما غادر قضية الحصانة بعد سنين

Sudan is removed from the terror list. Now what? - Atlantic Council

Mon, Oct 19, 2020

Cameron Hudson

Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Aoa 249.

After twenty-seven years on the US State Sponsor of Terrorism list, President Trump today announced, via Twitter, that Sudan’s terror designation was at long last being removed. While many details of the deal struck between the Trump Administration and the transitional authorities in Sudan have yet to emerge, the announcement by itself should be welcomed as a major achievement for both Washington and Khartoum. The troubled relationship has officially been reset and a new chapter has begun.

For the increasingly beleaguered transitional government of Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, and the rest of Sudan, the news comes in the nick of time. With inflation exceeding 200 percent and the Sudanese pound falling to 262 against the dollar (down from 82 when the civilian government came into office only thirteen months ago), Sudan’s economy is in freefall. Bread and fuel lines across the capital, Khartoum, are longer today than when President Bashir was in office, and talk among the people stuck in those lines invariably is turning to disgruntlement over the government’s handling of the crisis.

While Sudan’s removal from the terrorism list won’t do much in the short term to alleviate the economic pain, it provides a monumental political win for the transitional government, which came into office pledging to remove Sudan from the list and remake the country’s relationship with the rest of the world. Removal from the terrorism list was the government’s ultimate prize and brings with it a precious injection of political capital that, at a minimum, will provide more time for the government to try to get its economic house in order and make good on the promise of delivering a lasting democracy dividend to Sudan’s long-suffering population.

For Washington, the decision to remove Sudan from the list is significant for a number of reasons. Many will view it as a vindication of the Administration’s “America First” approach to foreign policy, given the President’s framing of the deal as bringing in millions in compensation for American victims of Sudan’s past terrorist acts and the still-expected announcement of Sudan’s normalization of relations with Israel, perhaps as soon as this week. But Trump drove a hard bargain when hard bargaining wasn’t required.

In the end, the concessions won from Sudan come at a cost to the United States. Arguably, Washington’s hard-nosed approach to negotiations with Sudan over the last few months has served to alienate our friends and allies in Europe and Africa, who are themselves anxious to see the terror label lifted, and further contributed to a rising tide of anti-Americanism inside Sudan (which the United States now hopes to partner with across a host of fields, from counter-terrorism to trade). Washington must now work to ensure that the cost of its achievement isn’t pyrrhic.

In the two weeks left before election day, the Administration would do well to frame Sudan’s unshackling from its terror list as not merely a one-off diplomatic win or an added vindication of its Middle East peace plan, but instead, as a step towards the greater cause of achieving peaceful democratic transition in the Horn of Africa and beyond. This would be a stark departure from the Administration’s overall indifferent approach to democracy promotion and a small, albeit, counter to the narrative that Washington values stability over democracy. Going forward, Sudan has the potential to demonstrate that these goals are not mutually exclusive and set an example for the wider region.

Washington should also immediately take steps to make good on the long list of inducements promised to Sudan in exchange for Khartoum’s likely soon-to-be announced normalization of relations with Israel. While the White House document detailing the specifics has yet to be released, the long list reportedly includes:

Additional development and humanitarian assistance reportedly worth hundreds of millions more than even current aid levels, and including surplus wheat and medical supplies the Sudanese people desperately need;
A US trade and investment conference for Sudan along with a high-level trade delegation to Sudan led by the Development Finance Corporation;
A pledge to engage the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to support and fast-track discussions on restructuring Sudan’s $65 billion in external debt, clearing its more than $3 billion in arrears, and creating a pathway for debt relief under the Highly Indebted Poor Countries initiative;
Earmarks in the 2021 budget for the US share of debt relief to Sudan, likely to cost in excess of $300 million;
Removal of Sudan from the Administration’s travel ban list; and
Engagement with Congress on legal peace legislation for Sudan that would finally resolve terrorist claims against it and provide for an orderly approach to addressing outstanding 9/11 victims claims.

In truth, most of these things would have already been in train if the Administration was truly committed to nurturing Sudan’s democratic transition, staving off financial collapse, and deterring the return of military rule. Instead, the Trump Administration has kept the transitional government guessing, the Sudanese people’s frustration mounting, and the military poised to step in to secure a final deal if the civilian authorities did not. (To their credit, Sudan’s civilian and military leaders have largely kept their differing tactical approaches to these negotiations private, and have showed great discipline in forging a common position that hopefully leaves the transitional government stronger as a result.)

Fortunately, any sins Washington may be blamed for in its own negotiations will likely be quickly forgiven, assuming the Administration sets upon a quick and transparent implementation of the agreement. That must start with a formal notification to Congress as early as this week of its intention to remove Sudan from the terrorism list and immediate high-level engagement with Congress to ensure that it, in the first place, does nothing to derail the deal, and in the second, is able to reach its own agreement to grant Sudan its “legal peace” against any new terrorist claims. Coming in the midst of a re-election bid, the Supreme Court nomination, and COVID-19 relief negotiations, this could be asking a lot—but it is what is required if Sudan hopes to enjoy the maximum benefit from this agreement.

Similarly, the Biden campaign has a role to play in upholding this historic agreement. Khartoum remains rightfully anxious that a deal struck so close to a possible change in Administration could suffer a similar fate to the Iran nuclear deal. To put Sudan at ease and to signal to allies that the agreement has bipartisan appeal, Vice President Biden should offer an assurance that, should he inherit this deal next January, his Administration will abide by the its main points.

Ultimately, while this is a moment for congratulations and positive reflection on how much has changed in Sudan and in the US-Sudan relationship in the eighteen months since President Bashir was removed, it is also the time to look forward. With the anachronistic state sponsor of terrorism designation out of the way, expectations in Sudan are high, and the pressure for Sudan’s young government to capitalize on this opening and accelerate domestic efforts to undo, reform and modernize the political and economic life of the country are even higher.

While it is in the United States’ long-term national security interests to help in that endeavor, it can no longer be blamed for standing in the way. That alone is significant progress.

Cameron Hudson is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center. Previously he served as the chief of staff to the special envoy for Sudan and as director for African Affairs on the National Security Council in the George W. Bush administration. Follow him on Twitter @_hudsonc.

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 01 Jan 2021, 03:25

Lifting Sudan from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism between truth and deception.

رفع السودان من قائمة الدول الراعية للارهاب بين الحقيقة و التضليل|| فقرة الردود

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 01 Jan 2021, 19:34

What does this mean ? Adding Djibouti and Eritrea to Sudan and Egypt ? :lol: :lol:

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 01 Jan 2021, 21:47

#اخبار_السودان 1, 2021 جيش ما جيش السوداني جیش شركة الكيزان أثيوبيا جاهزة

This is not a Sudanese army but an army of the KIZAN ( nominally '' deposed " Islamists ) Company. Ethiopia is ready ( to face them ). / In other words it is an army of special business interest group. /

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 02 Jan 2021, 17:17

Amr Adeeb ( ዓምር ኣዲብ ), influential Talk Show host in Egypt and the Arab world, is worried that the recent strong verbal exchanges between Egypt and Ethiopia could lead to a real enmity and that is - in his view - a very big problem/ሙሽኪላ ከቢራ. ( ለምን በእጅግ ኣስፈላጊው ነገር ኣናቶክርም ማለቱ ነው ። )

Last edited by Abe Abraham on 02 Jan 2021, 17:48, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abere » 02 Jan 2021, 17:25

Sudan sheepishly jumped into a raging fire. Right now Sudan is sitting on explosives. This so called pseudo victory will turn into worst nightmare. No earthly power will stop Ethiopia from filling the Abay Dam and develop mechanized irrigation; and no inch of land will be given to Sudan. This is the eternal reality.

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 02 Jan 2021, 18:36

Abere wrote:
02 Jan 2021, 17:25
Sudan sheepishly jumped into a raging fire. Right now Sudan is sitting on explosives. This so called pseudo victory will turn into worst nightmare. No earthly power will stop Ethiopia from filling the Abay Dam and develop mechanized irrigation; and no inch of land will be given to Sudan. This is the eternal reality.

Abere wrote :

Sudan can place border markers in every 1 meter, but she is given middle finger from Ethiopian side. Every border marker will be crushed to the ground when roar on the border.
Both of your statements are correct but we have to be specific with what we mean with SUDAN. There is no Sudan, as a country and as an army.

When the Islamists took power in Sudan they made sure that the army was left only as a structure ( generals without soldiers ) and replaced it with mujahideen to fight SPLA under the leadership of the charismatic leader Dr John Garang.

After the departure of Al-Bashir the military and police issue was handed over to businessman and jinjaweed ( devil on a horse ) head, መሓመድ ሓምዳን ዶግሉ ( popularly known as ሕሜድቲ ).

Now ሕሜድቲ as a businessman ( ድሮ ታጂር ኢብል / የገመል ነጋዴ ፡ ግመሎች የሚሸጥና የሚገዛ ) takes contracts from whoever comes with money. So, foreigners do not have to control the whole of the country to use it and abuse it. All they have to do is make influential people work for them.

It is a know practice in Africa. Example: Ivory Coast's Alassane Ouattara ( ኣልሓሰን ዋታራ ) . The French with the assistance of the Europeans removed Laurant Gbagbo ( ሎራ ግባግቦ ) the Ivorian and replaced him with the Burkinabe immigrant's son Ouattara.

Several months ago Ouattara run alone for an election and won after having promised more than a year ago that he would not vie for power after the end of his two-term period as a president.

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abere » 02 Jan 2021, 19:24

@Abe Abraham,

First, I would like to thank you for posting and translating Arabic written issue in Sudan into English or Amharic. For most of us like me it would have been impossible to learn some basic facts about Sudan. I can see now Sudan is not a functional country in the true sense. If the military is a business enterprise, promoting conflict is the only marketing strategy. It is this business enterprise that Egypt has entered into contract with. Unfortunately, this is conducted in the name of the people of Sudan and most people like me takes its face value. The average ordinary citizen does not want war but always few economic or power hungry people want it because that is how they think they can accomplish their goal. So, regardless of whether the invasion supported by the grassroots Sudanese or only it operated by business interest group this assault has come from Sudan and it has other actors involved in it as well. The overall strategy from the Ethiopian side is taking one enemy at a time, develop and grow a superior defense force. Mega projects and lofty development goals require a superior defense system.

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 02 Jan 2021, 19:39

Abere wrote:
02 Jan 2021, 19:24
@Abe Abraham,

First, I would like to thank you for posting and translating Arabic written issue in Sudan into English or Amharic. For most of us like me it would have been impossible to learn some basic facts about Sudan. I can see now Sudan is not a functional country in the true sense. If the military is a business enterprise, promoting conflict is the only marketing strategy. It is this business enterprise that Egypt has entered into contract with. Unfortunately, this is conducted in the name of the people of Sudan and most people like me takes its face value. The average ordinary citizen does not want war but always few economic or power hungry people want it because that is how they think they can accomplish their goal. So, regardless of whether the invasion supported by the grassroots Sudanese or only it operated by business interest group this assault has come from Sudan and it has other actors involved in it as well. The overall strategy from the Ethiopian side is taking one enemy at a time, develop and grow a superior defense force. Mega projects and lofty development goals require a superior defense system.
I agree with your assessment on the views expressed in the video.

Abere wrote:

The military analysis was very profound. Simply, Sudan just jumped into fire. That is what I can say. It is a fight between a hare (Sudan) and an Elephant (Ethiopia). I agree with the analysts statement that Sudanese soldiers could be simply swallowed by Ethiopian Defense Force in the event Ethiopia declared war. More interestingly, even if Egypt attempts , her air force would be neutralized before lift off - interesting. It is also known Ethiopia has more sophisticated missiles that could hit every part of Egypt - if Egypt attempts to mess up with Ethiopia. Egypt knows Ethiopian capability that was why she lost hope other than supporting Gumuz, Jawar, TPLF, OLF. Egypt exported dozens of manchette to OLF/Jawar, Gumuz, Mai-Kadra Smari TPLF, Gumuz to wage proxy war

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 02 Jan 2021, 20:35

Abere wrote:
02 Jan 2021, 19:24
@Abe Abraham,

First, I would like to thank you for posting and translating Arabic written issue in Sudan into English or Amharic. For most of us like me it would have been impossible to learn some basic facts about Sudan. I can see now Sudan is not a functional country in the true sense. If the military is a business enterprise, promoting conflict is the only marketing strategy. It is this business enterprise that Egypt has entered into contract with. Unfortunately, this is conducted in the name of the people of Sudan and most people like me takes its face value. The average ordinary citizen does not want war but always few economic or power hungry people want it because that is how they think they can accomplish their goal. So, regardless of whether the invasion supported by the grassroots Sudanese or only it operated by business interest group this assault has come from Sudan and it has other actors involved in it as well. The overall strategy from the Ethiopian side is taking one enemy at a time, develop and grow a superior defense force. Mega projects and lofty development goals require a superior defense system.
Exactly ! When I mentioned the ሕሜድቲ militia my aim was not to exonerate the Sudanese government from any blame or to show that the Sudanese people in general are peace-loving. No, just like the military expert in the video said, I was trying to point out who your real opponents are at " the soccer match" - a mobile militia / not mechanized. ሕሜድቲ can remove Burhan from his position if he wants to do so. Burhan is there to give the Sudan a semblance of a normal country with an army. If a real " soccer match " starts Sudan alone doesn't have any chance against Ethiopia.

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abere » 02 Jan 2021, 20:44

Abe Abraham,

I totally concur with you! I think the cautions taken so far by Ethiopia , after learning the incursion, is very appropriate. Like you said, so did the military analyst, Ethiopia at this time has to use deterrent force until - just like a soccer team fortifies its defense line until it reprogram its game tactics. At this time Sudan it premature for this mobile militia to claim victory other than vandalizing. Peace is always and is only possible through negotiated agreements.

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 03 Jan 2021, 02:35

ግብጾች የኣል-ዓረቢ ቲቪ ማሳቅያ ሆኑ

" በየኣልሲሲ ዲፕሎማስያዊ ጥረት የኣለም ባንክ ለኢትዮጵያ ለግድቡ ግንባታ የሰጠሁሽ ገንዘብ ምለስልኝ ኣለቻት ተብሎ በየግብጽ ጋዜጣ የተጻፈ ሓሰት ብቻ ሳይሆን በመሰረቱም የኣለም ባንክ ለዛ ጉዳይ ለኢትዮጵያ ያበደረችው ገንዘብ የለም ። ኢትዮጵያ ለግንባታው የምትጠቀምበት ከቻይናና ሌሎች ኣገሮች የተገኘ ገንዘብና የህዝብዋን ኣቅምን በመጠቀም ነው ። የግብጽ ጋዜጠኞኝ ባሳፋሪ ስራቸው የሃገራቸው ስም እንደሚያበላሹ ኣያውቁም እንዴ ? "

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 03 Jan 2021, 05:49

ኣንዲት በጣም የምታስቀኝ ውጭ ኣገር የምትኖር ሱዳናዊት ሴት ያለፈው ኣመት እንዲህ ብላ ተናገረች ፥ " የሱዳን ፡ እንደ ዓሊ ዑስማን መሓመድ ጣሃ የመሳሰሉት የኢስላሚስቶች መሪዎች ፡ ሶዶማውያን ናቸው ። በሱዳን ያሉት የመከላከያ ሰራዊት ጀነራሎችና ኦፊሰሮችም ጭምር ሶዶማውያን ናቸው ። ስነ-ስርዓት ካላደረጉ ፡ እኔን መከታተል ካላቆሙ እኔ ኣንድ ባንድ ስም እየጠራሁ ጉዳቸው ይፋ ኣደርጋለሁ። " ከዚ ባሻገር ሶዶማውያኖችን የሚሰጡና የሚወስዱ በየተለየ የሱዳን ቋንቋ ስማቸው ጠቅሳ ኣለፈች ። ( ያባሎ በችግር እንዳይገባ መጸለይ ኣለብን !! )

ኣሁን በድንበር በተካሄደው ኣሳችዛኝ ሁኔታ ምን ብላ ትሆን ብየ ልሰማት ሄጄ እንደዚህ የሚሉ መልእክት ኣሳለፈች ፥ " ለሰራዊታችን ( ሕሜድትን ታከብራለች ) እንኳን ደስ ኣላችሁ እላለሁ ። በሚከፍሉት መስዋእትነት ሊከብሩ ይገባል ። እኔ ኣሁን '' ኢትዮጵያውያን በችግራችን ግዜ እርስ በርሳችን ለማቃራረብ ጥሩ ሚና ተጫውተዋል ። በውግያ ተጠምደው እያሉ እኛ ባክስታብ ስናርጋቸው ተገቢ ኣይደለም ። " የሚል ትችት ስሰማ በጣም ይገርመኛል ። ይህ ችግር ብዙ ግዜ የፈጀ ነው ። "በግብጽ ስር የሚገኙ ሓላይብ እና ሸላቲን ለምን ነጻ ኣናወጣም " የሚሉም ኣሉ ። ይህ የተሳሳተ ነው ። ለህዝብ ኣልተነገረም እንጂ በኢትዮጵያ ኣዋሳኝ ቦታዎች ሰዎች በየግዜው ሲሞቱ እኮ ነው የቆዩት ። በተጨማሪም ከሳሶቹም ከግብጽ ጋር ብንዋጋ ግዜው ኣይደለም ማለታቸው ኣይቀርም ነበር ።

ምላስዋ በጣም ረጅም ስለ ሆነ መልእክትዋን የሰሙ ሱዳናውያን ፥ " ለመጀመርያ ግዜ ቆንጆ መልእክት ኣሳለፍሽ ። እናመሰግናለን " ብለው ሞገስዋት ።

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 03 Jan 2021, 14:53

የሰብኣዊ መብት ተጣባቂ ግብጻዊው መጅዲ ኸሊል እንዳለው ግብጽ የኢትዮጵያ ግድብ ለሃይል ማመንጫ ሆኖ እስከሚያገለግል ድረስ ምንም ተቃውሞ የለኝም ብትልም በመሰረቱ ኢትዮጵያ በናይል ወንዝ ላይ ግድብ እንድትሰራ ፍላጎት የላትም ። ይህ ማለት በጉዳዩ ስምምነት ቢደረስም ግብጾች የሩቅ ግዜ መደባቸው ግብራዊ የማድረግ ጥረታቸው ይቀጥላል ። የግብጽ የቲቪ ጠንቋይን ለማመን ከቻልን በየዚህ ኣመት ግማሽ ኣካባቢ ስምምነት የመድረስ እድል ኣለ ።

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 03 Jan 2021, 17:42

ትናትና ኣንድ የበኒ ሻንጉል ተወላጅ - ኤሊት- ምን ሲል ነበር ?

እኔ ሱዳን ነጻነትዋን ያለ በኒ ሻንጉል ስታከብር ስመለከት ደስ ኣይለኝም ። ኣሁን መሆን ያለበት የሱዳን ወታደሮች ያለውን የሚመች ሁኔታ ተጠቅመው ደንበሩን ጥሰው ወደ በኒ ሻንጉል ገብተው ህዝቡና መሬቱን ነጻ ማውጣት ነው ። እኛ ከፉንጆች ሱዳናውያን ነን ። ከሺህ ዓመት የሚበልጥ ግዜም የራሳችን ኣስተዳደር ነበረን ። መሬታችን ወደ ኢትዮጵያ የሄደው የዛን ግዜ የኢትዮጵያ መሪዎች ልክ እንደሳቸው ክርስትያን የሆነው እንግሊዝን " እኛ የእርሻና የማእድን ቦታ ያስፈልገናል። መተማ የውሃንስ ንጉሳችን የሞተበት ቦታ ነው ። " ብለው ስለ ለመኑት ነው ። ኣገውና ቅማንት ከኛ ምንም ችግር የለባቸውም ። ከጥንት ጀምሮ ኣስቸጋሪው ኣስፋፊ ሌባና ገዳይ የሆነው ኣማራ ነው ። እኛ ከነሱ ስንዋጋ በታሪክ ሁለት ንጉሶቻቸውን ገድለናል ። ኣንዱ ማንነው ? ኢያሱ ። የልዕልና ስሜት ኣላቸው ። ጥቁሮች እያሉ እኛ ሴማውያን ነን ብለው መስራት ኣይፈልጉም ። ሌሎች ከኛ በታች ናቸው የሚልዋቸው ጥቁሮች ሰርተው ሊያበልዋቸው ይፈልጋሉ ። እነዚህ ከኣፍሪቃ ጋር ምንም የሚያሳስር ነገር የላቸውም ። ኣሁን እኔ የኣማራ ሜድያ ስከታተል ሱዳኖችን " ሞኝ " ( በኣረብኛ " ቐቢይ " ብሎ ይተሮግማል ) " ፈሪዎች " ( ኸዋፊን ) ብለው በንቀት ይስድባሉ ። የሱዳን ወታደር ፈሪው ማን መሆኑን ጥሩ ኣድርጎ ኣሳይተዋል ። ኣሁን ያለ ነገር መቀጠል ነው ። ኣቢ ኣሕመድ ያለውን ኣቅም ተዳክመዋል ። ያለ ኤርትራ ያለ ኢሳያስ እርዳታ ብዙ ሊቆይ ኣይችልም ። እኛ በኒ ሻንጉልን ከተቆጣጠርን ግድቡን እናፈርሳለን ። ኣከባቢውን (ተፈጥሮውን ) ከማውደም ቀርቶ ምንም ጥቅም የለውም ።

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