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Scorn (third-person singular simple present Scorns, present participle Scorning, simple past and past participle Scorned)

  1. (transitive) To feel or display contempt or disdain for something or somebody; to despise.
  2. (intransitive) To scoff, express contempt
  3. (transitive) To reject, turn down


Scorn (countable and uncountable; plural Scorns)
  1. (uncountable) Contempt or disdain towards a despicable or unworthy person
  2. (countable) A display of disdain; A slight.

Adjectives for Scorn

sullen; compassionate; rising; indignant; ineffable ; casual; virtuous; supercilious; helpless; hopeless; merry; revengeful; unconcealed; quiet; haughty; curious; intolerable; unaffected; languid; tender; triumphant; indescribable; infidel; shameful; profound; defiant; hard; superficial; superior; writhing; bitter; frank; casual; withering; sensitive; mingled; magnanimous; spitting; fine; chivalric; idle; constant; contemptuous; amused; foul; old-fashioned; supreme; ribald; dazzling; womanly; unutterable; unsavory; incredulous; incalculable; contemptuous.

Verbs for Scorn

bristle in—; cloak in—; convey—; deride in—; expose to—; express—; feign—; heap—; imply—; point in—; quiver in—; regard with—; sneer in—; snort in—; submit to—; treat with—; wither with—; —deepens; — grows; —offends.

Adverbs for Scorn

theoretically; unutterably; sullenly; indignantly; superciliously; haughtily; intolerably; triumphantly; indescribably; casually; contemptuously; hatefully.


despise, despite, disavow, disdain, dismissal, disown, disparage, disparagement, disprize, disregard, dump on, exclusiveness, feel contempt for, feel superior to, flout, flouting, fuss, gibing, hauteur, hold beneath one, hold cheap, hold in contempt, hold in derision, ignore, insult, jeer at, jeering, laugh at, laugh to scorn, look, mockery, pick and choose, poke fun at, pooh-pooh, put down, rank low, rebuff, reject, rejection, ridicule, scoff at, scoffing, scout, set at defiance, set at naught, shun, slight, slight over, sneer at, sneering, sneeze at, sniff at, sniffiness, snobbishness, snootiness, snort at, snottiness, snub, sovereign contempt, spurn, superciliousness, taunt, taunting, abhor, airs, arrogance, be above, be contemptuous of, care nothing for, clannishness, cliquishness, contemn, contempt, contemptuousness, contumely, deprecation, deride, derision, despisal,