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The Oromo Can Support APA (Amara People’s Army) as Long as it Accepts Agaw Movement and Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 16 Apr 2024, 05:17

The Oromo Can Support APA (Amara People’s Army) as Long as it Accepts Agaw Movement and Oromo Struggle!

It is good to observe that Amara national struggle is growng slowly to get central leadership. No question that Fanno movement is Amara people’s struggle for liberty and democracy. The only thing that Fanno leaders need to recognize is the parallel emancipation movement of the Agaw and the Oromo. They have to explicetly recognize that Agaw Himira of Lalibela, Qemant of Gondar and Agaw Awi of Bahirdar deserve liberation and self rule just like the Oromo of Finfinne. If they are not against such liberation movement of the Agaw and the Oromo, there is no reason to oppose the Faanno struggle. The irreconcillable problem can arise only when Faanno wants to subjugate and suppress self determination right of the Agaw and the Oromo. In case APA is not against self rule of all nations in Ethiopia, it can have strong support from OLA, TDF and Agaw parties.
Read more: ... oromummaa/

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Re: The Oromo Can Support APA (Amara People’s Army) as Long as it Accepts Agaw Movement and Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 16 Apr 2024, 05:55

Otherwise, it is good that Faanno movement is more or less becoming Amara’s mass movement. Not yet clear is the motive and purpose of the struggle. Is it really directed against the oppressive incumbent regime of salisawi Derg, i.e Biltsigina or is it planned to continue the hitherto domination of Naftagnas over the Oromo in particular and all nations in general? Is it neo-Naftgna movement to resurrect the slowly dying Amaranet domination? The main rhetoric we heard up to now from the Faanno bloc is directed against Onegawinet (the very symbol of Oromo liberation struggle), “Galla invasion” (using the old Naftagna’s degrading and derogatory narration) and Oromumma (targeting the basic identity and common ideology of the Oromo). In this sense, Faanno movement seems to be against the Oromo rather than the ongoing oppression under the rule of salisawi Derg. To get Oromo’s support, the Faanno movement must correct this rhetoric and try to work with Qeerro, which have Onegawinet mindset and Oromumma ideology, also being against the incumbent. The only way to get rid of salisawi Derg is through cooperation of Faanno movement and Qeerro struggle as well as by involving Tegarus, Agaws and other nations’ new generation as inclusive opposition. For this purpose, Fanno leaders and members need to change their diskurse and to start respecting Onegawinet and Oromumma as well as stop their foolish narrative of “being against Galla invasion”

Tog Wajale E.R.
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Re: The Oromo Can Support APA (Amara People’s Army) as Long as it Accepts Agaw Movement and Oromo Struggle!

Post by Tog Wajale E.R. » 16 Apr 2024, 06:06

Why Don't You Entertain That To Your Dedebit Woorgach Agg°ame Who°re Mother. Last 3 Years You Were Bluffing About Galla Bantu Superiority And Now You Want To Join Them. Qomalat Agga°me Try Harder Bissbiss Shettattam Gimmattamm Chigaram Chigray Qondaff Aggames.

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Re: The Oromo Can Support APA (Amara People’s Army) as Long as it Accepts Agaw Movement and Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 16 Apr 2024, 07:31

No question that we we’re under brutal rule of triangular dictators of Amara, Tegaru- and Oromo elites in the last 50 years after getting rid of the monarchs. Fascist Derg dominated by Amara elites, fascist Woyane of Tegaru elites and fascist Biltsigina led by Oromo elites ruled us dictatorially by killing the whole people of Ethiopia. Derg tried to favour Amaras, Woyane previlaged the Tegaru and Biltsigina is trying to hide itself behind the Oromo. But, fact on the ground shows that neither Derg represents Amara nor Woyane previlaged Tegaru in reality and Biltsigina is not promoter of the Oromo cause. It is now high time to come to our senses and start to foster triangular cooperation of democrats from Amara, Tegaru and Oromo elites against the mentality of the triangular dictators of Derg, Woyane and Biltsigina. The burning question yet to be adressed is whether Fanno is part of triangular democrats or triangular dictators? Is it with mentality of fascist Derg or does it have mindset of pro-freedom Qeerro? Is it foe or friend of the Oromo nation?

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Re: The Oromo Can Support APA (Amara People’s Army) as Long as it Accepts Agaw Movement and Oromo Struggle!

Post by Noble Amhara » 16 Apr 2024, 07:40

we will support Oromo peoples army once Oromo come to accept
t Mugar as Gafat land and must be liberated...
Arsi as Hadiya land and must be liberated...
Guji as Gedeo land and must be returned to Gedeo Peoples...
Addis, Aleltu, Sendafa,Yarer as Amhara land must be liberated okay okay?

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Re: The Oromo Can Support APA (Amara People’s Army) as Long as it Accepts Agaw Movement and Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 16 Apr 2024, 09:08

When I listen to some political activists encouraging Fanno to fight against Ethiopia’s defence forces (mainly Qerro), I ask my self, are they really friends of Fanno or otherwise? How can any friend of Fanno push this poorly organized disgruntled youth fight against the highly armed and well trained Qerro? Is it not like motivating a cat to fight against a lion? Is this not deadly for the cat? I even started to suspect that Dr. Abiy is training some of his cadres to camouflage like pro-Fanno and use them in order to weaken the Naftagna forces. He even wants to prolong the war just to use it as a pretext to punish the Naftagnas once and for all. Some fools interpret this prolongation as a victory for Fanno. Truely speaking, beating Fanno is a job of only one week for the Qerro if Dr. Abiy wants to finish it painlessly and quickly. But, just like he used the arrogant Tigrai elites to weaken the Woyane, now he is using the chauvinist Amara elites to destroy the Naftagnas. Woyane wanted to instrumentalize him as H/Mariam Desalegn and Naftagnas wanted to use him as they did to Mengistu H/Mariam. Fortunately, Dr. Abiy proved that he is neither H/M Desalegn nor Mengistu H/M. May be, he is Abichu Aba-Mela as some of his supporters love to call him. At least for now, he is not destructive to the Oromo cause, if not fully loyal as we wished him to be like Baron Tumsa.

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Re: The Oromo Can Support APA (Amara People’s Army) as Long as it Accepts Agaw Movement and Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 16 Apr 2024, 09:15

No question that the main conflict in Ethiopia now is that of Amaranet vs Oromumma. This conflict is going on since the emergence of Amarigna as a language of the ruling class in 1270. Since this time till 1970’ies of OLF formation, Amarigna grew continuously at the cost of Oromiffa. Thanks to the OLF, who started to respect Afaan Oromo instead of revering Amaringa, we started to reverse this trend. We are successful to some extent, but not yet achieved the legitimate leadership and privilage of Afaan Oromo based on the demography and geography we have in the country. Still, Afaan Oromo is suppressed not to be the primary working language of the federation. Nowadays, pro-Amharanet elites are using three ways of organisation to fight against Oromumma:

- all Amaras under explicit Amara orgs like NAMA, who directly demonise and denounce Oromumma (Oromo identity). These are bad enemies, but it is easy to defend against them.

- all elites of Ethiopian parties like EZEMA, who are implicitly promoting Amaranet (10% of Ethiopian identity) while neglecting Oromumma (60% of Ethiopianness). These are worse than the first group and it is difficult to fight for they are masked in Ethiopian identity.

- all in Oromo orgs like the OPP with Amaranet mentality revering Amarigna whereas despising Oromiffa. Of course these are the worst and very dangerous, because they look like Oromo, but fight against Oromumma in a very subtle way. Example are the pro-Amaranet speakers of Afaan Oromo led by Abiy Ahmed and now ruling the country.

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Re: The Oromo Can Support APA (Amara People’s Army) as Long as it Accepts Agaw Movement and Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 16 Apr 2024, 09:27

Actually Ethiopia is Oropia (Oromumma led country). Oromos are at home from Barentu in Eritrea to Borana in Kenya and from Beegi of Sudan border to Barbara of Somalia. We can say that Ethiopia is simply Oropia and the Horn is Greater Oropia. Amhara Naftagnas tried to de-Oromize Ethiopia, thus destroyed Oropia. Tegaru hegemonists diminished Oromo land to the mini Oromia now presented as Oromia kilil excluding other Oromo territories from Barentu to Borana and from Beegi to Barbara. Now, it is up to the Oromo nationalists (Republicans) to reclaim Ethiopia. The incumbent (Oromo Prosperitans) led by Dr. Abiy are not suitable for such mission. Oromo Prosperitans are more pro-Amaranet than pro-Oromumma. They are comfortable in keeping the existing domination of Amaranet/Amarigna. They are not different from Oromo elites who had power during Menelik (e.g Qusie Dinagde), Hailesillasie (e.g Yilma Dheresa), Derg (e.g Teferi Banti) and during Woyane ( e.g Nagaso Gidada). Oromo elites were always ruling, but promoting and using Amarigna at the cost of Oromiffa. Thus, Oromo elites and Amaranet were always in the palace, but undermining Oromumma. Nothing is new with the Prosperitans; here again, Oromo elites are ruling, but promoting Amaranet. I hope the next move of the Oromo should be to bring Oromumma (not only Oromo elites) to the leadership position. Therefore, our effort should not be to save the diminished Oromia kilil, but to reclaim Oropia. To materalize this, Oromo Republicans need to take power in Finfinne palace and then promote Afaan Oromo to the primary working language of Ethiopia so that the country will be defacto Oropia.

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Re: The Oromo Can Support APA (Amara People’s Army) as Long as it Accepts Agaw Movement and Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 16 Apr 2024, 09:44

Thanks to the resilient Oromo struggle, the century long Abyssian dominated Ethiopia is dead, never to revive again. From now on, Oromian led Ethiopia will flourish and thrive. During Derg time the EWP (Ethiopian Workers Party) was dominated by Amara elites and it promoted an Assimilative Ethiopia. Then came Woyane with its EPRDF project in order to form an Apartheid Ethiopia. Now, the Oromo struggle killed both versions of Abyissinian system of domination. OLFites in the current ruling regime, like Ob. Leenco, fostered the new Oromo led party – EPP – in order to have an Accomodative Ethiopia of all nations and nationalities with freedom, equality and justice. Unfortunately, the Hybrid elites with Amharanet mentality and led by Abiy Ahmed hyjacked the party and used it against Oromummaa. I hope genuine Oromo nationalists promoting Oromiffa/Oromummaa shall overtake the leadership in EPP in the near future to finish Oromo liberation struggle and end the domination of Amarigna/Amaranet in Ethiopia. When we talk about Ethiopia, there are two main meanings coming to our mind:

1. Abythiopia (Abyssinian-Ethiopia, old Ethiopia, dying Ethiopia, past Ethiopia, pseudo-Ethiopia, dictatorial Ethiopia, Semetic Ethiopia, Abyssinian dominated Ethiopia…) and

2. Orothiopia (Oromian-Ethiopia, anew Ethiopia, emerging Ethiopia, future Ethiopia, true Ethiopia, democratic Ethiopia, Cushitic Ethiopia, Oromian led Ethiopia…).

The first is equivalent to Abyssinia and its authoritarian culture, whereas the second is the same to Oromia and its egalitarian culture. That is why, we talk about Ethiopia = Oromia in Oromo politics of new generation; while politics of old generation is all about the obsolete Ethiopia = Abyssinia.

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Re: The Oromo Can Support APA (Amara People’s Army) as Long as it Accepts Agaw Movement and Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 16 Apr 2024, 09:59

Till now, Abesha elites loved Ethiopia and Oromo elites hated Ethiopia based on the first meaning. Both were led by the old mentality. When we look at the current political trend of the country, region, continent and the globe, Ethiopia in the first sense is on death process, whereas Ethiopia of the second meaning is the winning trend. Actually, in this second meaning, the Abesha may hate Ethiopia and the Oromo surely will love it, because Abythiopia shall definetly be transformed to Orothiopia! Surely, Abythiopia (both assimilative Ethiopia of Ankober elites and apartheid Ethiopia of Adwa elites) is dying and Orothiopia (in form of either federal Union / language based federalism or Oropia / geography based federalism as) is growing. Is this trend clear to both Abyssinians and Oromians? I don’t think so! There is mixed songs going on. Abyssinians are still nostalgic about the dead Abythiopia, whereas Oromians are cherishing the new born Orothiopia. Of course both are celebrating Ethiopia based on their respective vision and wish. Both Amara’ EWP and Tegar’s EPRDF are gone. The currently ruling Hybrid’s EPP will also be history in the near future. Genuine pro-Oromumma forces shall prevail to promote Afaan Oromo to federal working language and help Oromumma flourish despite the campaign of pro-Amaranet forces in the above mentioned three ways. All Oromo nationals need to act in this way. May Waaqa help us!

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