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Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 25 Oct 2023, 15:20

The militarily inept Shane is robbing the people as if there is no tomorrow. It doesn't even engage militarily the security forces, which is not its primary engagement or field of action now.

The people is also not coming together and defending itself, thanks to the inept and illiterate Qeerroo, which is silently watching from the sideline while the people is being robbed of every wealth it has created over years, or clapping its hands for the robbery in the name of Qabso Bilisumma Oromoo (QBO), which means Oromo Liberation Struggle.

I met someone recently who visited the place where I live and told me that almost every family is being robbed by the bandit Shane all over the country side, every passing day, the person said. Even a single family head woman is not spared of the robbery, she could be coerced to sell her only one ox and give the money to the robbers. The people in the countryside is being depleted of any resources to sustain its life, many are already condemned to an abject poverty, he added.

Even those who can't afford to pay the money are told to take it from somebody else, like relatives, and give it to the bandits. Life has become unbearable, some people don't even tell others of the ordeal, else could be targeted in the future, according to the information I got.

The bandits don't rob the whole village at once, they do it one by one, few or just one at a time, over the time they reach all of the inhabitants of a given rural village. Many have abandoned their residence areas and decided to move to the towns (becoming refugees in their own homeland, IDPs), where it is relatively safer for now. If you have more, then you are a prime target in the countryside, according to the information.

This is not in any remote parts of the country but in the central part of the country, specially West, North and East-Showa zones of the Oromia region.

The person I met is from West-Showa zone.

Now the question is where is this money flowing to? An enormous sum of money, which could be in billions in total, is being collected and channeled to somewhere. That amount of money can't be spent in just the bushes for sustaining the lives of the bandits. I can't imagine of any of luxury life-style to cost that amount of money.

One thing the person indicated is that some times the true culprits are not clear, there could be "other" factions of the bandit, the prime suspect being Shane (OLF-Shane).

If this is indeed true, or at least the main actors are from this group, then the question is where is it going? Who is depleting the whole region and for whom?

The command center (or top power echelon) of Shane is in Wollega, while there are members from the rest part of the country. If that is the case, then, is this some sort of well-designed plan to rob one part of the country and transfer the wealth to somewhere else? What is the guarantee that this is not the case?

If someone is collecting a ransom of 10 Million per head of the hostages it kidnaps from time to time, you can imagine the sum of such money over time. At one place the group collects in such situations around 60 Million ETB.

Hostage taking is a common happenstance in the region, like we know by now.
Reportedly, a ransom of 10 million Ethiopian birr per person was demanded, a demand that the organization has reportedly declined to meet. ... employees/

We need to collect the information and expose the bandits, or at least document what is going on.

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by Noble Amhara » 25 Oct 2023, 15:24

Welega Shene is robbing Shewa People!

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by Noble Amhara » 25 Oct 2023, 15:29

Shene caused a malaria outbreak in west welega by robbing all hospitals in the zones ... lega-zone/
By Abdi Biyenssa @ABiyenssa
Addis Abeba – Ongoing malaria outbreak, in conflict ravaged Western Oromia, particularly in the West Wollega and Kellem Wollega zones, has already caused significant harm on human lives including children, sources told Addis Standard. Despite the outbreak running for months, it only started getting attention last week when a social media relief campaign to support the victims was kicked off in light of the severity of the issue.

The UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in its latest situation report, that since January 2023, a total of 774,519 malaria cases with 180 deaths were reported in 117 districts and 7 major towns in the Oromia region, with over 70 per cent of the cases reported from Western Oromia, specifically from West Wollega and Kellem Wollega zones.

A physician working in the West Wollega zone’s health office, who asked not to be named told Addis Standard that as of 12 October, 45 people have died of malaria in health facilities in the zone. A total of 222,268 people were tested and 128,150 (57.65%) were found to be malaria positive.

Solan Bekele, a medical doctor working with a local NGO in the area told Addis Standard that in the face of rampant home deaths, it is likely that the death toll could be significantly higher. In a remote village called Lophi, in the severely affected Begii district, at least 14 households with up to nine family members each have perished due to malaria, Dr Solan said.

The malaria outbreak is also exacerbating other existing health problems, such as malnutrition and anemia, making it difficult for people to cope with the outbreak and increasing the risk of death, he added.

In the West Wollega zone, the outbreak is active in 20 districts and two towns. Babo Gambela, Begii, Qondala, Yubdo, Boji Coqorsa, Guliso, and Lalo Assabi are the most affected districts where health facilities are strained due to high number of patients. The outbreak is also widespread in Dale Sadi, Lalo Kile, Gawo Qebe, Dale Wabara, Canqa, and Hawa Galana districts of Kellem Wollega zone and many people have lost their lives, a local source told the Addis Standard.

Head of Begii hospital in Begii district Getinat Bayisa told Addis Standard that the hospital could only accommodate about fifty patients at a time, but currently admitted 80 malaria patients including by converting dining rooms into bedrooms.

“Lack of critical food and shelter and frequent interruptions in medical supplies are the sources of the spread of epidemic diseases like malaria and cholera,” Getinet said.

In addition, “there is a severe shortage of oxygen and medications. We experienced issues with the oxygen and oxygen cylinders. We were given fifty cylinders by the Ministry of Health, but we still need more,” said Getinet.

However, according to a statement posted on the facebook page of the Begii district communication office on 30 September 2023, all the necessary measures were being taken to control the outbreak including spraying anti-malaria chemicals, distribution of mosquito nets and providing necessary treatment for those who fell ill.

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by Tigray People » 25 Oct 2023, 15:33

They could be Amhara and Amhara Fano to give bad names to oromo Liberation Front,to keep oromo in poverty and to use the money for the Amhara army to invade and destroy oromo people.

One thing is clear since the TPLF left Ethiopia voluntarily the country is being going to Hell for the past 5 years.

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by euroland » 25 Oct 2023, 15:42

Tigray People wrote:
25 Oct 2023, 15:33
They could be Amhara and Amhara Fano to give bad names to oromo Liberation Front,to keep oromo in poverty and to use the money for the Amhara army to invade and destroy oromo people.

One thing is clear since the TPLF left Ethiopia voluntarily the country is being going to Hell for the past 5 years.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 25 Oct 2023, 15:44

Noble Amhara wrote:
25 Oct 2023, 15:24
Welega Shene is robbing Shewa People!
Can you say that is not the case? My claim is based on the fact that:

1- The people are being robbed widely in Showa, it could also be true of other regions, I just don't have the information for now on them.

2- The top leadership of the group is from Wollega.

Can you refute these two facts?

AS woman is just a bi**ch gurl, I hate her news paper/portal.

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by Noble Amhara » 25 Oct 2023, 15:53

Shene since Abiy Ahmed came to power has been dominated by welega welega Shene are the ones doing most crimes they crossed into Shewa in 2019 and entered west showa and north showa the Shene of east showa could be welegan or arsi but still Shene is a welegan entity

Abiy Ahmed is Jimma so jimmans support abiy and endf the reason why shewa is cared not about is because ABI is Jim'ma he doesn't care about shewa he only cares about the roads

Addis standard is owned by a Shene supporter

She exposed Shene causing a malaria outbreak in welega by looting hospitals and destabilizing the zones.
DefendTheTruth wrote:
25 Oct 2023, 15:44
Noble Amhara wrote:
25 Oct 2023, 15:24
Welega Shene is robbing Shewa People!
Can you say that is not the case? My claim is based on the fact that:

1- The people are being robbed widely in Showa, it could also be true of other regions, I just don't have the information for now on them.

2- The top leadership of the group is from Wollega.

Can you refute these two facts?

AS woman is just a bi**ch gurl, I hate her news paper/portal.

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by Horus » 25 Oct 2023, 16:03

Noble Amhara wrote:
25 Oct 2023, 15:24
Welega Shene is robbing Shewa People!
Noble Amara,
እነዚህ የሚዘረፉት ሕዝቦች በሙሉ ኦሮሞች አይደሉም፣ ኦሮሞኛ ሚናገሩ ጉራጌዎች እና ወርጂዎች ናቸው ። እነዚህ ሚዘረፉት የወንጪ፣ ደንዲ፣ በቾ፣ አድአ ሕዝብ በሙሉ እስከ ሰሜን ሶዶ ጉራጌ ድረስ ያሉት ዘራቸው እየጠፋ ያለው የገላና ያያ ኦርቶዶክስ ግማሾቹ በእንሰት ተክል ሁሉ የሚኖሩት፣ ዘፈናቸውን በኦሮሞኛ ዘፍነው ጉራጌኛ ሚጨፍሩት ኦርሞኛ ተናጋሪ ጉራጌዎች ናቸው ። አንድ ቀን እነሱም ወደ ማንነታቸው እንደ ሚፈነዱ አይቀሬ ነው ።

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 25 Oct 2023, 16:07

I didn't hear this video before sharing the above view, as shared with me by someone I met recently.

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by Horus » 25 Oct 2023, 16:15

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by Misraq » 25 Oct 2023, 17:35

Shene is Abiy & Shimelis paramilitary force. It is aided, armed and supported by Abiy himself. OLA repeatedly announced this and called for an independent investigation on this but Abiy and OPDO refused.

NobleAgamew diqala Beaden is a servant of Abiy and here he is trying to be a good soldier to his Boss (former Tigre worshiper ምርኮኛ DDT)

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 25 Oct 2023, 18:35

Instead of restoring law and order where needed, the PM and his ruthless army are engaed in murdering Amhara farmers. It is a naivete to assume that the OLF militants are not part of the rulling regime . The regime rains its bombs from its drons and shelling amhara farmers while the robbery and kidnapping is happening right at the gate of Addis Ababa.Almost all peace loving Ethiopians are now counting the days when FANO will be getting to 4 killo and remove the mega bandit from its hideout.

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by ethiopianunity » 25 Oct 2023, 19:01

It is amazing you are finally admitting the evil Olf whose network is already set up by pp/Tplf/Olf/Shabia. Please it is always Olf where ever you go the prominent Olf is still leader from whom PP government take order. Olf is suported by Tplf and Shabia, who are we kidding?

What is funny is the pro PP/Abiy groups say, don't touch Abiy! Is he a leader who is disempowering the society by unleasing the evil Liberatoin Fronts throughout Ethiopia? Thank you DDT for speaking the truth finally, but the so called pro Ethiopia supporters of Abiy do not talk about such tthing. The reason they are robbing Shewa is because they are destroying the Ethiopia where Shewa were leaders when Ethiopia fought colonization. So the Olf and Liberation Fronts mentioned above are pro colonialists and want to make sure they follow the orders of their foreign colony by destroying Shewa, this is the fact. PP is Olf and Jimma and they do not want Shewa to be powerful. They are weakening the pro Ethiopians all over the nation so that they have negotiated already with colonists by sharing Nile and other Ethiopia's resources. Ethiopia's resources: the animals, oil, stones are being robbed and being smuggled out of the country in mass. The so called EDF is killing Ethiopians instead of protecting the borders and catching the perpetrators. They don't because the leaders of EDF are pro Arab/foreign/Liberation Fronts none of them they claim to be Ethiopian are NOT including General Abebaw. How many Tplf and Shabians live in Amara pretending to be Amara while creating war in Amara? Most in power in Amara are NOT Amara. Pretty soon, they will set up war within Amara: Wello vs Gonder vs Gojam. Shewa is already destroyed! There wether thousands of Weyane under Tplf regime who settled there pausing as "Shewan Amara" but they are NOT, they have already massed out meaning, Shewa Amra is already replaced by Tigrayans. The Shewa Oromo will be extinct soon. We don't know who the real Fanos are but pp and Liberaton Fronts are concerned they do not want the revival of Shewa and they are killing it right now, who are we kidding?

Welllega is pro foreign Nazi and Liberation Front and Protestant cell there trying to take over Addis and the whole country by destroying Shewa. The leaders are the old OLF of Dawd Ibsa, Yohannes Lencho, etc, under the orders of Shabia and foreigners like Prof Ephrem. The next dangerous is Arsi under the leadership of Jawar Mohammed. Then it is Jimma under the leadership of Abiy Ahmed. They are working in network destroying pro Ethiopia, anti colonist desencdants of Ethiopians. You are not touched if you are Protestant or Muslim. YOu will be killed if you are Orthdox. The old Geda is pro Ethiopians but they have killed them and replaced them with fake Geda to deceive Oromo. That is why they starved out Borena and stole and killed millions of their animals.

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 26 Oct 2023, 03:02

Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
25 Oct 2023, 18:35
Instead of restoring law and order where needed, the PM and his ruthless army are engaed in murdering Amhara farmers. It is a naivete to assume that the OLF militants are not part of the rulling regime . The regime rains its bombs from its drons and shelling amhara farmers while the robbery and kidnapping is happening right at the gate of Addis Ababa.Almost all peace loving Ethiopians are now counting the days when FANO will be getting to 4 killo and remove the mega bandit from its hideout.
Yeah, they should restore law and order for those under the law, but never touch those above the law.

Your Amhara should be given a free ride as they are above the law, the "law and order" will never be allowed to touch the untouchable.

I get your message.

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 26 Oct 2023, 07:32

Historically people wage a war against a given community and then pillage the resources of those they concur.

Today they come to you telling you they want to liberate you, you don't see anything of that sort. Instead they also pillage you to the ground, as if even there is no tomorrow.

What are we?

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 30 Oct 2023, 16:59

According to Galata Tesfaye, a researcher at the Rift Valley Institute for Peace and Security, the insurgency of the Oromo Liberation Army and the countermeasures taken by the federal government have caused a steady increase in commercial insurgency, which primarily focuses on acquiring substantial economic and material resources
Wollega is robbing the rest of the country, that small moron Odaa Tarbi is hard-pressed to try to distance himself from the mega project of pillaging regions and taking it to other region, all in the name of liberating the people. But records are out there to clearly pin point who the true culprits are.

It is shane and Shane is based in Wollega! ... ia-region/

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 30 Oct 2023, 17:03

A witness who said that he was born in one of the areas where the arrests were made said that eight farmers recently paid up to 300,000 birr of a ransom money per person to the hostage takers. The other individual who was released said that he along with his friends had paid more than two million birr to the hostage takers.

Head of the communication Bureau of the Oromia Regional government, Hailu Adugna, blamed the armed group, which calls itself the Oromo Liberation Army for the arrest. ... idnapping/

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by Tiago » 30 Oct 2023, 21:40

DDT, Why do you pretend as if you have no idea how your savage Galla folks operate?
ሸኔ has bank accounts courtesy of fake Dr Abiy and ሌባ shimelis .
I personally know someone who transferred funds to CBE A/C to secure the release of a relative.

ሸኔ also kills Amharas exclusively with blessing from Abiy administration and the wider Galla community.this is hardly your concern.

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 31 Oct 2023, 14:39

DefendTheTruth wrote:
30 Oct 2023, 16:59
According to Galata Tesfaye, a researcher at the Rift Valley Institute for Peace and Security, the insurgency of the Oromo Liberation Army and the countermeasures taken by the federal government have caused a steady increase in commercial insurgency, which primarily focuses on acquiring substantial economic and material resources
Wollega is robbing the rest of the country, that small moron Odaa Tarbi is hard-pressed to try to distance himself from the mega project of pillaging regions and taking it to other region, all in the name of liberating the people. But records are out there to clearly pin point who the true culprits are.

It is shane and Shane is based in Wollega! ... ia-region/
I am sorry to have over-generalized the whole people and calling the innocent people of Wollega with the renegade elements in them. The mass is actually suffering in the same way their kins elsewhere in the country in the hands of these renegades. I apologize to have added an insult to their sustained injury.

Alemayu explained that when there is a fight in the town, there are armed individuals who invade the rural localities and rob the community. “If the fight is outside the town, there are those who dress up as government security forces and engage themselves in robbery. It has become very difficult for the residents,” he said. ... re-famine/

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Re: Shane is robbing the people, but where is the money going to?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 24 Jan 2024, 10:21

DefendTheTruth wrote:
26 Oct 2023, 07:32
Historically people wage a war against a given community and then pillage the resources of those they conquer.

Today they come to you telling you they want to liberate you, you don't see anything of that sort. Instead they also pillage you to the ground, as if even there is no tomorrow.

What are we?

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