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Noble Amhara
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Ethiopia Future Map for Abiy Ahmed Prosperity Party

Post by Noble Amhara » 27 Jul 2024, 18:32

1. Expand Central Ethiopia Kilil into the rest of Shewa. This means the zone will be very diverse but this is beneficial to all tribes as long as each tribe has zone status within the kilil to continue their language rights. This also means Hadiya Gurage, Silti Tulama Selale and Shewa Amhara will all be in the same region great idea..

only those that try to destroy ethiopia aka Askaris and their wishas will oppose this idea . No army should be able to overthrow the government of shewa. THis will also stop Welega shene and Gojam Shene from taking over Shewa...

2. Expand South West Ethiopia kilil into the rest of Jimma and Illubabor. Abiy is from Jimma and Jimma loves abiy so they shouldn't mind this. In fact PP will gain more power and prosperity for doing this to stop Welega Shene from taking over Jimma/Illubabor

3. Welkayt Kilil - Welkayt become a self governing region and its capital in Humera home to Amhara, Kunama and Tigray the disputes should be solved. Mekele and Bahirdar should not rule Humera anymore (ethnic equality)

Noble Amhara
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Re: Ethiopia Future Map for Abiy Ahmed Prosperity Party

Post by Noble Amhara » 27 Jul 2024, 19:04

Noble Amhara wrote:
27 Jul 2024, 18:32

1. Expand Central Ethiopia Kilil into the rest of Shewa. This means the zone will be very diverse but this is beneficial to all tribes as long as each tribe has zone status within the kilil to continue their language rights. This also means Hadiya Gurage, Silti Tulama Selale and Shewa Amhara will all be in the same region great idea..

only those that try to destroy ethiopia aka Askaris and their wishas will oppose this idea . No army should be able to overthrow the government of shewa. THis will also stop Welega shene and Gojam Shene from taking over Shewa... Also whos leading Shene in Muger? Is it a welegan or a shewan? This will easily help us divide these rebels.

2. Expand South West Ethiopia kilil into the rest of Jimma and Illubabor. Abiy is from Jimma and Jimma loves abiy so they shouldn't mind this. In fact PP will gain more power and prosperity for doing this to stop Welega Shene from taking over Jimma/Illubabor

3. Welkayt Kilil - Welkayt become a self governing region and its capital in Humera home to Amhara, Kunama and Tigray the disputes should be solved. Mekele and Bahirdar should not rule Humera anymore (ethnic equality)

Noble Amhara
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Re: Ethiopia Future Map for Abiy Ahmed Prosperity Party

Post by Noble Amhara » 27 Jul 2024, 19:46

Noble Amhara
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Re: Ethiopia Future Map for Abiy Ahmed Prosperity Party

Post by Noble Amhara » 27 Jul 2024, 20:08

They say "we will enter Arat Kilo" but you must say back I will turn all of Central Ethiopia into Arat Kilo.

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Re: Ethiopia Future Map for Abiy Ahmed Prosperity Party

Post by Noble Amhara » 27 Jul 2024, 22:22

Ethnic federalism must be dismantled

Ethiopia is not yugoslavia... somalia is the real yugoslavia

ሶማሊያ እንደ ዩጎዝላቪያ ኢትዮጵያ ትፈርሳለች አለች ። ሶማሊያ እንደ ዩጎዝላቪያ ትፈርሳለች ግን ኢትዮጵያ አትፈርስም።

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Re: Ethiopia Future Map for Abiy Ahmed Prosperity Party

Post by Dama » 27 Jul 2024, 23:46

Noble Amhara wrote:
27 Jul 2024, 19:46

What criteria have you used for creating the regions of provinces?

What criteria have you used for creating the regions of provinces? Basic item in the creation of a new state is the desire of the majority voice of a group seeking a new sate. Usually, such a movement is the result of political under-representation, development neglect, discrimination/persecution, cultural/linguistic domination, marginalization often by majority.
Councils or elected rep vote. Majority vote is submitted to the constitutional Court. The court accepts the majority vote. It then orders the government to implement the creation of the new state. This is Nigeria's way of creating states.

Ethiopia's process is cumbersome, made longer and difficult. The Councils/Rep majority vote is submitted to the Houses of parliament. They have no respect for majority vote of the people. They would just sit on it for years without acting. They can order new voting accusing the previous majority vote was elites vote, not that of the people.
When they allow the majority vote of the councils, they would order the Election Board of Ethiopia to carry out a supervised referendum. If majority voted yes in the referendum, the EEB requests the federal government to set the boundaries of the new sate and declare it created by law.

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Re: Ethiopia Future Map for Abiy Ahmed Prosperity Party

Post by Noble Amhara » 28 Jul 2024, 03:10


Who asked Dr Abiy to create Central Ethiopia Region in Gurage, Silti, Halaba, Kembata and Yem zones... each zone still has their language rights kept

First I was opposed to this idea until I realized that it is an amazing idea. In fact south west shewa should be included as it is mixed with gurage and oromo which is unfair.

Their is much beauty in diversity and Ethiopia is safer when their is more diversity

By the way Waliso is former Chebo land so it should also be incorporated into Central Ethiopia Kilil as well as Ambo, Fitche, Muger, Debre Berhan and Aleltu.. opdo and baden will inherit central ethiopia. Simple.

This will empower the government and create more collobrations between Shewans and many ethnic groups.this will keep Addis safe for generations.those that hate ethiopia will be revealed in the process... this is nesscary to weed out the communist liberation fronts that seek to destroy the country in the future...

Many accuse me of being a Galla but what is wrong with being a Galla? Galla have the most land in the country so it is a blessing I am Shoan so anybody can call me Neftegna or Galla based on their feelings... but ethiopia must come first.

What seperates me from Tulama, Selale and Gurage and Hadiya? They are all amazing central ethiopians.

So the idea must be estabilished then the military should recognize it and even Shewa Fano will embrace the idea. Or else ethiopia will have a very rocky future. There must be unity for the country not to collapse.

Abiy is seeking to restore ethiopianism and if he wants to do so he must reform the country. In this video a shewa fano member speaks oromo and speaks well of Tulamas.

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Re: Ethiopia Future Map for Abiy Ahmed Prosperity Party

Post by Dama » 28 Jul 2024, 10:47

EPRDF's principle for the creation of regions was based on the belief that identical or similar groups want to form a polity within their geographic limits. They considered things like settlement patterns, language, history/folklore, way of life, contiguous geography. This formation enhances the identity of the group and avoids frictions that is inherent in the mixed identity polity.
If Ethiopia can sort out where this policy went wrong, I think the principle has very many good merits.

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