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ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ አብይና፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 26 Feb 2024, 15:03

Please wait, video is loading...
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011

Last edited by Axumezana on 04 Mar 2024, 10:07, edited 2 times in total.

Tog Wajale E.R.
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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Tog Wajale E.R. » 26 Feb 2024, 16:36

☆ ሽት'ኣፕ፥የ'መንደር፥ልካፊ፥ውሻ ☆ !!
☆ Chigaram Chigray Is Forgotten Killill ☆ !!
☆ Get Over It Bissbiss Shettattam Agga*me ☆ !@

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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Abere » 26 Feb 2024, 17:15

አንተ ተገንጣይ ወያኔ

ደቡብ ትግራይ ምዕራብ ትግራይ የሚባል ተረት ተረት ሰምተንም አናውቅ። ሌላ የምትጮህበት አገር ካለ እዛው ሂደህ ጩህ። ጎንደር፤ትግራይ፤ወሎ፤ ሸዋ ወዘተ ክፍለ-ሀገር ነው። አገራችንን እና ህዝባችንን ለሌባ ወንበዴ ወያኔ በላሜ ቦራነት በፈጠራ ትርክት ተታለን ሰጥተን ትግሬ የሚባል የሌላ አገር አንፈጥርም። ትግሬ-ወያኔ ያመነ ጉም የዘገነ። ወይ ጉድ ደግሞ ህገ-መንግስት :lol: :lol:

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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 28 Feb 2024, 02:15

Axumezana wrote:
26 Feb 2024, 15:03
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 28 Feb 2024, 12:25

Axumezana wrote:
26 Feb 2024, 15:03
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 29 Feb 2024, 04:21

Axumezana wrote:
26 Feb 2024, 15:03
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 01 Mar 2024, 04:45

Axumezana wrote:
26 Feb 2024, 15:03
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 01 Mar 2024, 18:29

Axumezana wrote:
26 Feb 2024, 15:03
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 03 Mar 2024, 00:53

Axumezana wrote:
26 Feb 2024, 15:03
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 03 Mar 2024, 16:20

Axumezana wrote:
26 Feb 2024, 15:03
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Fed_Up » 03 Mar 2024, 16:36

የቀንጂቦች ህ ወ ሃ ት ህገ መንግስት አይደለም የኢትዮጵን ችግር የክልል ችግራይ ችግርም አልፈታም የመፍታት ብቃትም የለውም:: የኢትዮጵያ ህገ መንግስት ትግራይን ለመገንጠል ተብሎ የተፃፈ የቁጩ ህገ መንግስት ነው:: ህገ መንግስቱ እስካልተቀየረ ድረስ ኢትዮጵያ ከችግር ትወጣልች ማለት ዘበት ነው::

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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ አብይና፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 04 Mar 2024, 10:52

Axumezana wrote:
26 Feb 2024, 15:03
Please wait, video is loading...
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ አብይና፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 05 Mar 2024, 16:27

Axumezana wrote:
26 Feb 2024, 15:03
Please wait, video is loading...
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Joined: 27 Jan 2020, 23:15

Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ አብይና፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 06 Mar 2024, 15:22

Axumezana wrote:
26 Feb 2024, 15:03
Please wait, video is loading...
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


Posts: 3309
Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 13:05

Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ አብይና፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Right » 06 Mar 2024, 16:40

You better work and feed your people than salivating Amhara land. TPLF changed the constitution to steal land. Fano can do the same.
Get this to your brain: no matter what, you are not going to steal Amhara land. Period.

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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ አብይና፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Abere » 06 Mar 2024, 17:19

Forget this guy "Axumezana" he is living in illusion.

ፋኖ በልኩ ቀዶ ያሰፋለት የትግራይ መጠነ ስፋት ጠቦ ካስጨነቀው አወላልቆ ዕርቃኑን ያስቀምጠዋል - ከፈለገ ኡኡ ጆባይደን ዘፈን በእርቃን ዳንስ ሰሜን አሜሪካ እየተንከባለለ ይጨፍር። ካሻውም ሜሪ ጎ ራውንድ (Mary Go Round) ትግርኛ ይጨፍር። :mrgreen:

አሻቅበሽ በይው ሰማዩን በእምቧይ፥
ከተከዜ ተሻግሮ አለ ወይ ትግራይ?

Right wrote:
06 Mar 2024, 16:40
You better work and feed your people than salivating Amhara land. TPLF changed the constitution to steal land. Fano can do the same.
Get this to your brain: no matter what, you are not going to steal Amhara land. Period.

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Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ አብይና፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 08 Mar 2024, 12:47

Axumezana wrote:
26 Feb 2024, 15:03
Please wait, video is loading...
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Posts: 15153
Joined: 27 Jan 2020, 23:15

Re: ህገ፥መንግስቱ፥የወልቃይትንም፥ሆነ፥ የራያን፥ ችግር፤ ይፈታል፥ አብይና፥ርስት፥ አስመላሾች፥ ግን፥ አይዋጥላቸውም።

Post by Axumezana » 09 Mar 2024, 17:01

Axumezana wrote:
26 Feb 2024, 15:03
Please wait, video is loading...
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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