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Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by Misraq » 30 Dec 2023, 12:41

We have to repeat this again and again. The playing field in current Ethiopia is ethnic politics. Marcus was adopted as a baby by a Swedish woman. She gave him a remarkable childhood and he becomes successful in the catering business as a chef. A few years back, he tried to search his biological father and he found him. His father was ethnic Oromo. Like many Oromos, Marcus's biological father has 33 children, basically breeding babies here and there like a machine. A telling tell on how Marcus was sent into adoption.

Marcus is now enjoying his newly found identity. He is serving the butcher Oromo Prosperity. A note that should be taken on the power of identity politics that is being played in Ethiopia for the last 32 years. Those who refused to play in the field with the rule the game need to be played are losers. In short, if you are Amhara, join the Amhara movement and empower your people. So does if you are Gurages, Wolayta, Sidama or Somali.

Marcus is well to do and is already a multi millionaire. He has no interest on money when he put himself as the regimes propagandist. He is helping them because he felt that it is his duty for his people to stay in power.

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Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by union » 30 Dec 2023, 13:04

Well, this bi'tch is a g'ay anyway. A fa'g

Let alone in other parts of the country, even Amaras in Addis are different now. They see people through thier ethic background now, rightful so, until this mess is corrected/reset, if it ever will.

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Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by Selam/ » 30 Dec 2023, 13:26

ቱስ ቱስ ወያኔ - እንደተለመደው ሁሉንም ሰው በጎጥ መነፅርሽ ነው የምታይው። የቆሻሻነትሽ ብዛት፣ ስለሰውዬው ምንም ነገር ሳታውቂ ፣ ነፍስና ስጋውን ኦሮሞ አደረግሽው። ምንም አማራጭ ሳትሰጪም የኦነግ ሸኔ-ካድሬ ነው ብለሽ ከሰስሽው።

የአቶ ማርቆስ እናት አማራ ናት። ስለ እርሷ ተናግሮም አይጠግብም። ከሰባት አመት በፊት ስለሞተው ሽማግሌ አባቱ (ቄስ ፅጌ) ብዙ ደንታ የለውም። በነቀርሳ እሷና ሁለት ልጆቿ ተለክፈው ከቀየዋ ስትሰደድና ልጆቹን ለማደጎ ሰጥታ ስትሞት ፣ ምንም እንዳልተፈጠረ ሌላ አግብቶ ስምንት ልጆች ለፈለፈለ የመንደር አለሌ ቄስ እንዴት ስሜት ይሰጠዋል?

Misraq wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 12:41
We have to repeat this again and again. The playing field in current Ethiopia is ethnic politics. Marcus was adopted as a baby by a Swedish woman. She gave him a remarkable childhood and he becomes successful in the catering business as a chef. A few years back, he tried to search his biological father and he found him. His father was ethnic Oromo. Like many Oromos, Marcus's biological father has 33 children, basically breeding babies here and there like a machine. A telling tell on how Marcus was sent into adoption.

Marcus is now enjoying his newly found identity. He is serving the butcher Oromo Prosperity. A note that should be taken on the power of identity politics that is being played in Ethiopia for the last 32 years. Those who refused to play in the field with the rule the game need to be played are losers. In short, if you are Amhara, join the Amhara movement and empower your people. So does if you are Gurages, Wolayta, Sidama or Somali.

Marcus is well to do and is already a multi millionaire. He has no interest on money when he put himself as the regimes propagandist. He is helping them because he felt that it is his duty for his people to stay in power.

Digital Weyane
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Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by Digital Weyane » 30 Dec 2023, 13:33

ትግራዋይ ዎንድሜ Misraq/almaze በማርኮስ ላይ መቅናት ጀመረ። ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 30 Dec 2023, 15:12

union wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 13:04
Well, this bi'tch is a g'ay anyway. A fa'g

Let alone in other parts of the country, even Amaras in Addis are different now. They see people through thier ethic background now, rightful so, until this mess is corrected/reset, if it ever will.
Weizero Belaynesh!

Did you say, he was [deleted]? , the man is humping one fine looking girl. Just to jump on a girl who is taller than you with almost one meter. you must fell you are climbing on Semien mountain.

PS, I thought the man was an amhara because he give amhara vibe.

Posts: 9771
Joined: 14 Feb 2021, 15:24

Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by union » 30 Dec 2023, 15:22

Obama is a g'ay too. How old are you, you old bit'ch. :lol:

Just because he shows a women, it does not mean he is not a g'ay. He opened a g'ay bar/restaurant.

JZ a g'ay too, ni'gaa :lol:

fck Beyonce, she a g'ay too :lol:

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 15:12
union wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 13:04
Well, this bi'tch is a g'ay anyway. A fa'g

Let alone in other parts of the country, even Amaras in Addis are different now. They see people through thier ethic background now, rightful so, until this mess is corrected/reset, if it ever will.
Weizero Belaynesh!

Did you say, he was [deleted]? , the man is humping one fine looking girl. Just to jump on a girl who is taller than you with almost one meter. you must fell you are climbing on Semien mountain.

PS, I thought the man was an amhara because he give amhara vibe.

Posts: 7957
Joined: 08 Jun 2018, 12:42

Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by euroland » 30 Dec 2023, 15:29

ወንዳገረዱ ጭገራም አጋሜ

አንቺስ ማ ከለከለሽ የትውልድ አገርሽ ችግራይ ሄደሽ invest ማድረጉን? በዛው በላይነሽን ይዘሽ ብትሄጂ ባልከፋ ነበር።

Marcus has done more for his country than you, agame every could. Shuut the FK off

Misraq wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 12:41
We have to repeat this again and again. The playing field in current Ethiopia is ethnic politics. Marcus was adopted as a baby by a Swedish woman. She gave him a remarkable childhood and he becomes successful in the catering business as a chef. A few years back, he tried to search his biological father and he found him. His father was ethnic Oromo. Like many Oromos, Marcus's biological father has 33 children, basically breeding babies here and there like a machine. A telling tell on how Marcus was sent into adoption.

Marcus is now enjoying his newly found identity. He is serving the butcher Oromo Prosperity. A note that should be taken on the power of identity politics that is being played in Ethiopia for the last 32 years. Those who refused to play in the field with the rule the game need to be played are losers. In short, if you are Amhara, join the Amhara movement and empower your people. So does if you are Gurages, Wolayta, Sidama or Somali.

Marcus is well to do and is already a multi millionaire. He has no interest on money when he put himself as the regimes propagandist. He is helping them because he felt that it is his duty for his people to stay in power.

Posts: 7957
Joined: 08 Jun 2018, 12:42

Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by euroland » 30 Dec 2023, 15:40

Low IQ በላይነሽ
ሁሉም እንዳንቺ ይመስልሻል ?

union wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 15:22
Obama is a g'ay too. How old are you, you old bit'ch. :lol:

Just because he shows a women, it does not mean he is not a g'ay. He opened a g'ay bar/restaurant.

JZ a g'ay too, ni'gaa :lol:

fck Beyonce, she a g'ay too :lol:

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 15:12
union wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 13:04
Well, this bi'tch is a g'ay anyway. A fa'g

Let alone in other parts of the country, even Amaras in Addis are different now. They see people through thier ethic background now, rightful so, until this mess is corrected/reset, if it ever will.
Weizero Belaynesh!

Did you say, he was [deleted]? , the man is humping one fine looking girl. Just to jump on a girl who is taller than you with almost one meter. you must fell you are climbing on Semien mountain.

PS, I thought the man was an amhara because he give amhara vibe.

Sadacha Macca
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Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by Sadacha Macca » 30 Dec 2023, 17:51

In countries with dictators, or in many of them, the elites or celebrities have little to no choice when it comes to endorsing govt-sponsored events... and marcus isn't exactly politically backing abiy, he's doing what it takes to go back home and not be harassed or seen as opposition... can't exactly blame the guy, he's not a 'rebel' or 'fano' or 'ola' or etc... he's a businessman, a husband, a father, with kids who depend on him.
Not everyone is as angry and full of hate, as you are, miss rock. :shock: :shock:

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 30 Dec 2023, 18:13

Sadacha, you and I will never agree about Ethiopian politics. That is fine. Of all the Oromos who visit ER; however, I found you to be reasonable and to some degree even straight shooter. I totally agree with what you have written above.

Tigray People
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Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by Tigray People » 30 Dec 2023, 18:21

Low IQ Sam ebal

The scumbag dirty Inferior sedach is not an oromo but a Banda Ascari Eritreans pretending to be oromo to fool idiots like you.


Samuelson is a proud Ethiopian who promoted cursed Ethiopian on all of his TV shows.

Give him his credit where credit is due which is not the evil Amhara culture.

Samuelson is a talented proud Ethiopian and African who promoted on all his TV shows.

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 30 Dec 2023, 18:27

Tigray people stop seeing Eritreans while awake or asleep. If you really hate Eritreans as you claim that you do, do not let them live in your little brain incessantly. Sadacha is a proud Oromo who loves OLF way more than he loves PP.

Sadacha Macca
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Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by Sadacha Macca » 30 Dec 2023, 18:55

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 18:13
Sadacha, you and I will never agree about Ethiopian politics. That is fine. Of all the Oromos who visit ER; however, I found you to be reasonable and to some degree even straight shooter. I totally agree with what you have written above.
Thanks wondime. We can agree to disagree respectfully. I do not believe in insulting entire ethnic groups, at least, I try not to.
What you see, is what you get with me, meaning, I openly express how I feel & do not lie or sugar-coat things. I strive to be impartial and fair, even when dealing with my own Oromo people; but that doesn't mean I am free of being biased-we all are, since we all have our narratives, beliefs, etc, shaped by various things: our environment, upbringing, ethnicity in a sense, etc.

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Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by Selam/ » 30 Dec 2023, 21:00

አቶ ማርቆስን ባመሰገንክበት አፍህ ፣ መልሰህ የአማራን ህዝብ መስደብህ ምን አይነት አሳዳጊ የበደለህ ድውይ ወያኔ መሆንክን ያሳያል።

ቱስ ቱስ ምስራቅ የደደቢት በረሃ የወያኔ ውሽማህ እንጂ አማራ አይደለችም። እዚህ ትሬድ ላይ ዘለህ የገባኸውም እርቃኗን ለቀረችውን ለዚች የትህነግ-አይጥ ባልጀራህ ሽፋን ለመስጠት እነደሆነ እኔ ሰላም ብቻ ሳልሆን ካንተ የተሻለ ልበ-ውቅር ያላት ውሻዬ እንኳን ገብቷታል። But a nice try! ሹል!

Tigray People wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 18:21
Low IQ Sam ebal

The scumbag dirty Inferior sedach is not an oromo but a Banda Ascari Eritreans pretending to be oromo to fool idiots like you.


Samuelson is a proud Ethiopian who promoted cursed Ethiopian on all of his TV shows.

Give him his credit where credit is due which is not the evil Amhara culture.

Samuelson is a talented proud Ethiopian and African who promoted on all his TV shows.

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Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by Selam/ » 30 Dec 2023, 22:26

I do not believe in insulting entire ethnic groups, at least, I try not to.

Sadacha Macca wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 18:55
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 18:13
Sadacha, you and I will never agree about Ethiopian politics. That is fine. Of all the Oromos who visit ER; however, I found you to be reasonable and to some degree even straight shooter. I totally agree with what you have written above.
Thanks wondime. We can agree to disagree respectfully. I do not believe in insulting entire ethnic groups, at least, I try not to.
What you see, is what you get with me, meaning, I openly express how I feel & do not lie or sugar-coat things. I strive to be impartial and fair, even when dealing with my own Oromo people; but that doesn't mean I am free of being biased-we all are, since we all have our narratives, beliefs, etc, shaped by various things: our environment, upbringing, ethnicity in a sense, etc.

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Re: Marcus Samuelson's new found nationalism

Post by Selam/ » 30 Dec 2023, 22:38

Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me whether he’s Oromo or Eritrean as long as he respects PEOPLE. I wouldn’t have an issue with it even if he were a woyane provided that he doesn’t play the ethnic card that all TPLF rats on this forum are playing. In fact there is almost no forumer here who expresses his/her views without disparaging others collectively. It’s really a sad state of affairs.

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
30 Dec 2023, 18:27
Tigray people stop seeing Eritreans while awake or asleep. If you really hate Eritreans as you claim that you do, do not let them live in your little brain incessantly. Sadacha is a proud Oromo who loves OLF way more than he loves PP.

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