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Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Nov 2023, 07:42


The essential question doesn't revolve around "access", because Ethiopia already possesses one and can explore numerous other options. The issue pertains to a "claim of ownership." So, sugar-coating it doesn't fly.

Sovereignty is sacrosanct and can not be dispensed through sympathetic gestures, like a charitable donation.

Horn Leaders Urged to Consider Ethiopia's Quest for Access to Red Sea
Last edited by Zmeselo on 01 Nov 2023, 08:40, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Nov 2023, 08:29

መአረምታ *የዕሩኽ

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Right » 01 Nov 2023, 08:39

You are suffering from Ethiopian syndrome.
Be careful a “no war and no peace” policy is around the corner. That will do it fast for Eris.

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Nov 2023, 08:42

And, what is your PM & Seyoum Teshome suffering from?

Better yet, what are you suffering from; sniffing my behind at every opportunity?

Right wrote:
01 Nov 2023, 08:39
You are suffering from Ethiopian syndrome.
Be careful a “no war and no peace” policy is around the corner. That will do it fast for Eris.

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Nov 2023, 08:53

ሞኝ ኣይጥፋ፡ ሳቅ እንዳይጠፋ።

Hezbollah Claims Responsibility for Bombing Occupation Posts in Shebaa Farms ... tion-posts

This guy works for the Associated Press, mind you:

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by eritrea » 01 Nov 2023, 09:25

Zmeselo wrote:
01 Nov 2023, 08:42
And, what is your PM & Seyoum Teshome suffering from?

Better yet, what are you suffering from; sniffing my behind at every opportunity?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Fed_Up » 01 Nov 2023, 09:54

Zmeselo wrote:
01 Nov 2023, 08:42
And, what is your PM & Seyoum Teshome suffering from?

Better yet, what are you suffering from; sniffing my behind at every opportunity?

Right wrote:
01 Nov 2023, 08:39
You are suffering from Ethiopian syndrome.
Be careful a “no war and no peace” policy is around the corner. That will do it fast for Eris.
The agameW, Right, got a big slap from big Z. Holly Molly!!

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Right » 01 Nov 2023, 10:42

And, what is your PM & Seyoum Teshome suffering from
The two donkeys are our problems. Don’t lose sleep on that. If I was you, I will worry about a one man fake nation, with no constitution and still live under Ethiopians legal code.
There is no back door to sneak in. You are in a real trouble.

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Right » 01 Nov 2023, 11:14

Abiye Ahmed Ali and Seyoum T’s war mongering distraction strategy. A bluff by all accounts.

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Nov 2023, 11:46

Just obey orders and STFU!

Look, who Biden sent you.

Right wrote:
01 Nov 2023, 10:42
And, what is your PM & Seyoum Teshome suffering from
The two donkeys are our problems. Don’t lose sleep on that. If I was you, I will worry about a one man fake nation, with no constitution and still live under Ethiopians legal code.
There is no back door to sneak in. You are in a real trouble.

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Nov 2023, 11:50

More than 60 years after Africa’s so called independence era, the countries of Eritrea, Tanzania & South Africa can be classified as the only ones with a strong sense of nationhood. The rest are broken nations that either entirely run on the basis of tribe or ethnicity, a fate proving hard to change over time.

In our region, Kenya still struggles to come up with a social binding fabric of something that all Kenyans have in common, tribal affiliation largely takes precedence over individual competence. Ethiopia in the many years of Meles Zenawi subdivided itself into cocoons of ethnicity, with no duty to the country the average Ethiopian identifies more with his fellow Amhara, Oromo, Somali etc than any central polity. The same maddening ethnic federalism was exported by Ethiopia into Somalia which sadly remains balkanized into pockets of clan enclaves.

Like Samora Machel said,

For the nation to live, the tribe must die.

President Isaias Afawerki, the last remaining Pan-African president needs to be complimented for the successful establishment of a state with a unity of purpose & and uniquely shared national identity seen in no other part of our continent, Africa.

Case in point: 👇

Last edited by Zmeselo on 01 Nov 2023, 12:02, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Right » 01 Nov 2023, 11:55

You don’t get it. You may get over the Ethiopian syndrome by writing a letter to the UN.
Ask yourself why you are obsessed with Ethiopia like this when no Ethiopian is giving a s… about you. I know the answer but you don’t.

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Nov 2023, 11:58

Leading fights from the front, like Alexander the Great:

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Nov 2023, 12:04

Funny boy!

You crack me up.

Right wrote:
01 Nov 2023, 11:55
You don’t get it. You may get over the Ethiopian syndrome by writing a letter to the UN.
Ask yourself why you are obsessed with Ethiopia like this when no Ethiopian is giving a s… about you. I know the answer but you don’t.

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Nov 2023, 12:48

Help me make head or tail of this, please! :lol:


Governor of SRS region meeting with residents ... residents/

Assab, 01 November 2023 – Ambassador Mohammed-Seid Mantay, Governor of the Southern Red Sea region conducted a meeting with representatives of the residents of Southern Denkalia sub-zone.

The use and growth of social services in the region was the main topic of discussion during the meeting that was held in Abo and Alale, on October 28 and 29.

Speaking with the representatives of the residents, Ambassador Mohammed-Seid emphasized that the establishment and delivery of social services are top development initiatives and urged the residents to appropriately utilize the institutions that provide these services.

The Governor urged parents to enroll their school aged children in school, highlighting the importance of the substantial investments made in the education sector.

Ambassador Mohammed-Seid urged the residents to increase their involvement in the agricultural projects in the coastal areas, pointing out that the successful implementation of development programs last year were made possible by the strong participation of the community.

The Governor also urged the residents to make judicious use of the social service-provision institutions that have been established in their community and to guarantee their long-term viability.

Heads of branches of the Ministries of Education, Health, Marine Resources on their part delivered briefings to the participants.

The participants conveyed their readiness to enhance involvement in all development initiatives and demanded the prompt repair of impaired potable water projects.

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Right » 01 Nov 2023, 13:00

You can have your flag. And buy weapons as the Arabs will supply you with all the money. But you will never be allowed a meaningful state as the expense of Ethiopia. Never and ever.

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Nov 2023, 13:02

“ንሕና” እዩ ድምጽና! ... %e1%8a%93/

መምህር ኪዳነ ሽሞንዲ

Nov 1, 2023

ንሕና”፡ ነቲ “ንሕና ኤርትራውያን” ዝብል ድምጺ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ትውክል። ብዓንዲ ሓቂ፡ ጽንዓት፡ ሓድነት፡ ማዕርነትን ምጽውዋርን ተቕውም። ብሰራውር ጽንዓት፡ ወለዶታት ሓቚፋ ክብርታት ተውርስ። ንኽብርታት ኣብ ቍራዕ ብምብሳል ሃገራውነት ትምግብ። ህላወ ብምውሓስ መጻኢ ትመርሕ። ብጽሓይ ሓቂ ንጸላም ሓሶት ትቕንጥጥ።

ንሕና” ኣብ ልቢ’ዩ ሰፈራ። ካብ ብቓል ብተግባር ትልለ። ንጸገማት ከም ጸጋ’ያ ትርእዮ፡ ከሕይልዋ እንተ ዘይኮይኖም ስለ ዘየዳኽምዋ። ተስፋ ፈጢራ፡ ንመጻኢ ትሰርሓሉ እምበር ኣይትዅርመየሉን። ራኢኣ ንጹር፡ ጉዕዞኣን ዕምራን ነዊሕ፡ ከም ውጺኢቱ ዓወት ትግዘም።

ከምቲ ኣፍሪቃዊ ቢሂል ዝገልጾ
ቀልጢፍካ ክትከይድ እንተ ደሊኻ በይንካ (ኣነ)፡ ኣርሒቕካ ክትከይድ እንተ ደሊኻ ብሓንሳብ (ንሕና)
እዩ ነገሩ።

ኣነ” ታህዋኽን ስስዐን ዝመልኣ መንፈስ’ያ። ንዘድምጻ ይኹን ንዝሰምዓ ትልግሶ ናይ ሓጎስ በረኸት የብላን። “ኣነ” ዕንወት’ያ፡ ብግዝያዊ ዓወታት ኣታሊላ ናብ ዕንወት ትመርሓካ። ስነ-ሓሳብ ‘ኣነ” ጸልማት’ዩ ውጽኢቱ፡ ጸቢብ ስለ ዝኾነ መበገሲኡ። “ኣነ” ጃህራ፡ ትዕቢት፡ ስስዐ’ዩ ሽታኣ። ብውሽጣ ጽምዋ፡ ቘጥዐ፡ ነብሰ- ምትሓት፡ ቕዛነት ክሕምሳ ኸሎ፡ ደገ’ኣ ፍሽኽታ ይመልኣ። ዕድሚኣ ሓጺር’ዩ፡ ክትጎብጥ፡ ክትግብት፡ ክትራሲ፡ ክትዕምጽ ስለ ትጽዕር ንዘይናታ።

ኤክሃርት ቶል ዝተባህለ እንግሊዛዊ መምህር ን“ኣነ”ብኸምዚ ይገልጻ፥
ኣነ” ትብል ቃል ሓንቲ ካብ’ተን ብቐጻሊ እነዘውትረን ቃላት ጥራይ ዘይኮነት፡ እንተላይ ካብተን ብቐጻሊ ዘጋግያ ወይ ሓቐኛ መንነትና ዘስሕታ ቃል

ምዃናን የብርህ።

ቐጺሉ ኤክሃርት፡ “ኣነ” ዝብል ኣምር ከም ዘይሰርርን፡ ዝኾነ ሰብ ንነብሱ ኣብ “ንሕና” ከእትዋ እንተ ዘይክኢሉ ክነብር ከም ዘይኽእልን የረድእ።

ንሕና” ስራሕን መስርሕን እምበር ተኣምራት (Miracle) ኣይትኣምንን። ንጸበብቲ ክፋእ ዝመለኦም ሓሳባት፡ ብንቕሓት በሪ ትኸፍተሎም። ንዝነቕሑ ብምውዳብ፡ ካብ ጸቢብ ኣእምሮ ዝተፍኦም ተጻብኦታት ትከላኸለሎም። ንዝተወደበ ተዕጥቕ ፍልጠት፡ ሞያ፡ ቴክኖሎጂ፡ ከውሕሱ ዝሓሸ መንብሮ። በዚ’ዩ ድማ “ንሕና” ንንቓሕ፡ ንወደብ፡ ንዕጠቕ ዝብል መዝሙራ።

ንሕና” ዘዳምጽ ህዝቢ ጥዕንኡ ምሉእ’ዩ። መንእሰያት ምስ ዘዳምጽዋ ድማ ኣዝዩ ውሑስ ይገብሮ። ምኽንያቱ፡ መንእሰይ ስለ ዝኾነ ወናኒ’ቲ ልዑል ጸዓት ናይ ለውጢ። መንእሰያት ን”ንሕና” ምስ ዘዳምጹ ስነ-ምግባር ይህልዎም፡ ኣፍራይነቶም የዕብዩ፡ መጻኢኦም’ውን የነጽሩ። ከምቲ ዶ/ር ጆን ሳንትሮክ ዝተባህለ ምሁር ዝገለጾ
መንእሰያት ሕቶ መንነቶም ብግቡእ ምስ ዝምለሰሎም፡ ሓድሽን ብሩህን መንፈስ የማዕብሉ። እቶም ነቲ መንነታዊ ሕቶ ዘይተመለሰሎም ድማ ይደናገሩን፡ የድሓርሕሩን፡ ካብ መሳትኦምን ስድራቤቶምን ድማ ይንጸሉ፡

ክብል ንኣገዳስነት “ንሕና” ኣብ ጥዕና መንእሰያት የብርህ።

ኣብ “ንሕና” ጥበብ ይርከብ። ጥበብ ምስ ዝህሉ ጽንዓት ይፍጠር፡ ዓወት ድማ ይስዕብ። ኣብ “ኣነ” ጥበብ ዘይኮነ ቀጠፍጠፍ’ዩ ዘሎ። ካብቲ ጸገማትካ ምስ ሓፋሽ ክትፈትሕ ብዘይምኽኣልካ ዝኽሰት ሕማም። ተስፋ መንጢሉ ባርነት ኣሰኪሙ ቅብጸት ይፈጥረልካ። ናብ “ንሕና” ምስ ዘይትምለስ ነብሰ- ቕትለት’ዩ ሳዕቤኑ።

ኣብ “ንሕና” ሰማእትነት ይርከብ። ሰማእትነት፡ ንእንቢታ መግዛእቲ “ኣንነት” ዝኽፈል ትንፋስ’ዩ። ኣብ ትንፋስ ሓፋሽ የንሳፍፍ፡ “ሕድሪ” “ሕድሪ” ድማ ይሽትት። ንትንፋሳት ጽልእን ቕርሕንትን ጸሪጉ፡ ትንፋስ ፍቕርን ሰላምን የንግስ። ኣብ “ኣነ” ሰማእትነት ዘይኮነ “ነብሰ ቕትለት’ዩ” ዝርከብ። ነብሰ-ቕትለት፡ ብስነኪ ድቕድቕ ጸላም “ኣንነት” ዝፍጠር ቅብጸት’ዩ። መድሕን የብሉ ሕድሪ፡ ብርሃን የብሉ መጻኢ፡ ብዘይካ ጥፍኣት ምስ ቅርሕንቲ።

ዓወት “ንሕና”፡ ዓወት ሓፋሽ’ዩ። ሓፋሽ ምስ ዝዕወት፡ እቶም ኣብ ሓፋሽ ዝውከሉ ውልቐ-ሰባት ይዕወቱ። ውልቐ-ሰባት ዝዕወቱ ንዓወት ናይ ሓፋሽ ምስ ዝጽዕዱ ጥራይ’ዩ። ንውልቓዊ ዓወቶም ምስ ዝሰርሑ፡ ንዓወት “ኣነ” ስለዝሰርሑ፡ ይድሰቱ እንበር ኣይሕጎሱን፡ ይቕምስሉ እንበር ኣየጉላዕሉዑን። እዚ ዝኾነሉ ምኽንያት፡ ብጀካ ምስ ሓፋሽ፡ ውልቐ-ሰብ ንበይኑ ክሰርር ስለዘይክእል’ዩ።

ንሕና”፡ ሰብነት ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ትንፋስን መሬትን ውን’ዩ። መሬት ምስ ዝትንከፍ፡ ትንፋስ ትትንከፍ፡ ትንፋስ ምስ እትትንከፍ ሰብነት ይትንከፍ። እዚ ማለት፡ ሰብነት፡ ትንፋስ፡ መሬት ሰለስተ’ኳ እንተኾኑ፡ ተደሚሮም ግን ሓንቲ “ንሕና” ይኾኑ ማለት’ዩ። በዚ’ዩ ድማ
ኣይተቛሙቱ ናብዛ መሬተይ፡ ባሕራ ምስ ምድራ ናተይ’ያ ናተይ
ክብል ዝተደርፈ።

ነዚ ዝዘንግዑ ጊላታት “ኣንነት”፡
ኤርትራ መሬታ እምበር ህዝባ ኣየድልየናን እዩ፡

ዓሳ ንምሓዝ ባሕሪ ምንጻፍ
እንዳበሉ ጉድጓዶም ዝፋሓሩ።

ኣብ “ንሕና” ናተይ፡ ንዓይ ዝብሃል የለን፡ እንትርፎ ናይ ህዝበይ። ካብዚ ተበጊሱ’ዩ ሓርበኛ ሓምድ እድሪስ ዓዋተ ነታ ምጅማር ብረታዊ ቓልሲ ዘበሰረት ብረቱ
እዛ ብረት ናይ እንዳ ዓዋተ ኣይኮነትን። ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣረኪበያ’የ
ክብል ዝተዛረበ።

ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ንቛንቛ “ንሕና” ብንኡስና ክንመሃራ ንጅምር። ንዝሃንጠሰ ይምሓርካ፡ ንዝተዓንቐፈ “ሓወይ” ደሓን ዲኻ ወይ’ውን “ሓፍተይ”ደሓን ዲኺ! እንዳበልና ንደናገጽ ካብ ልብና። ሰኸም ዝኸበዶም እንዳብረና፡ ንዝሰኣኑ ካብታ ዘላትና እናሃብና፡ ንዝተጸለኦም ጥዕና እናተመነና፡ ንሕማቕ ዝረኸበ ተስፋ እናስነቕና፡ ንዘይስነምግባራዊ ጠባይ ዓገብ እናበልና፡ ይቕረ ንብል ንዝበደሉና፡ ካሕሳ ዘይንቕበል ፍቕሪ ክወልደልና..ወዘተ፡ ገለ ካብ ቋንቋታት “ንሕና” እዮም። እዚ ባህሊ ድምጺ “ንሕና’ዩ”፡ ነዊሕ ዝሰረቱ ጥንታዊ ክብሪ፡ ምስጢር ዓወት ሰውራን ተስፋ መጻኢ ህዝቢ ኤርትራን’ዩ ውን።

ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብድምጺ ንሕና፡ ንኣነ፡ ናተይ ዝድምጾም ጸላእቲ ንምጥፋእ’ዩ ሰውራ ዝፈጠረ። መስዋእቲ ከፊሉ’ውን ድምጺ ናጽነት ንዓለም ዘጋውሐ፡ ልእላውነቱ’ውን ዘውሓሰ። እዚ ድምጺ’ዩ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ፍሉይ ዝገብሮ።

ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዋላ’ኳ ብዝተፈላለዩ መግዛእቲ እንተሓለፈ ንኹሉ ወራራቶም መኪቱ፡ ተኸላኺሉን ንመሓውራቶም ኣልሚሱን በብዝመጽዎ ከምዝምለሱ ገይሩ’ዩ። እዚ ድማ ብሓደ ዕላማ ንሓንቲ ኤርትራ ሓቢሩ ብሓድነት ስለዝተቓለሰ’ዩ።

መንግስቲ እንግሊዝ ነቲ “ንሕና” ዘመንጨዎ ሓድነት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክዘርግ ንሃይማኖት ከም መሳርሒ እኳ እንተፈተኖ ትምህርቲ ኮይኑ’ዩ ሓሊፉ። ናይዚ ቀንዲ ምኽንያት ድማ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣብ ሃገሩ ዘለዎ ተገዳስነት ልዕሊ ነብሱ ስለዝኾነ።

ንሕና” ዘድምጽ ህዝቢ ዘራይ የብሉን። ይኹን እምበር ኣብ ልዕሊኡ ብዝተሃቀነ ዝተፈላለየ ወራራት ኣይተንበርከኸን። ብዘይ ዝኾነ ዝጥቀስ ሓገዝ ብምስዓር ድማ ናጽነቱ ዝጨበጠ ህዝቢ’ዩ።

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Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Zmeselo » 01 Nov 2023, 13:06

:lol: Naah, we take it from you!

As for the Arabs:

Right wrote:
01 Nov 2023, 13:00
You can have your flag. And buy weapons as the Arabs will supply you with all the money. But you will never be allowed a meaningful state as the expense of Ethiopia. Never and ever.

Posts: 3301
Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 13:05

Re: Response to toilet-mouth, Seyoum Teshome.

Post by Right » 01 Nov 2023, 13:30

Z, That is where you belong.
Sorry, Ethiopia is for Ethiopians.

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