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abel qael
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Tigreans should support this nationalistic Oromo Map, it is good to have border with Oromia, Raya-Qobo can be dual.

Post by abel qael » 28 Feb 2021, 12:55

Look at the devil Meshrefet burning Oromo homes.

Amharu having no bordder with Sudan is good for Ethiopia and Africa.
Tigray will have Oromia and Benishangul as its neighbors.
This Oromo map is the original version of the current map of Ethiopia adopted by EPRDF with pro-amharu modifications.

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Re: Tigreans should support this nationalistic Oromo Map, it is good to have border with Oromia, Rayaqobo can be dual.

Post by Misraq » 28 Feb 2021, 12:59

Tried and failed Map. Not only failed you lost all you have ፋጌት ዓጋመ

abel qael
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Re: Tigreans should support this nationalistic Oromo Map, it is good to have border with Oromia, Raya-Qobo can be dual.

Post by abel qael » 28 Feb 2021, 13:08

adefam mesraqbetraq sebdeyley qebenit eurokintir of campo, anchi gi'matam arogit ye-emis etabi weloye-hamasenay diqala lezbo, take out my manmeat aka jimmi from your chenawi weloyeee-hamasenay throat. It is easier for qomaxamharay to go to the moon than take an inch of Tigray, or Binshagul, there is no way Meshrefet can change weyane map or weyane flag or constitution without destroying himself and Ethiopia specially the worthless amharu kilil which is now 30% under Sudan . Now go to cry with your bloody adefam qomaxamharay-hamasenay smelly pooozy.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Tigreans should support this nationalistic Oromo Map, it is good to have border with Oromia, Raya-Qobo can be dual.

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 28 Feb 2021, 13:11

If few settler Oromo in Tigray are the owenrs of the land they settled then Addis Ababa city and many part of southerns belong to Tigray since Tigray is the first dwellers of the regions before even one Oromo crossed to north Moyale 1500 years ago. I do not know how the educated Oromos miss this simple logic is beyond me.

The few Oromo in Tigray are settlers and Tigray is very generous not to bother them and evict them long time ago. If any Oromo lives any part of the current country is Oromia then the Amhara in millions live in Oromia regions everywhere should be part of Amhara based the Oromo logic or medicine to cure the ethnic problems. Oromo must understand the otherside of the equation too other ethnics to understand them. They say this is my land and they evict them in millions like Amhara settlers in Oromia but the same politician Oromo say if there one Oromo anywhere as settler the land is Oromo, this kind of logic will not work and never worked in this planet. They were many Tigrayans settled in Oromia and other regions but Tigray never claimed them because Tigrayans live in them, the same is true logic for the Oromo people too.

abel qael
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Re: Tigreans should support this nationalistic Oromo Map, it is good to have border with Oromia, Raya-Qobo can be dual.

Post by abel qael » 28 Feb 2021, 13:41

Ayto Halafiw, most of Raya is still in Tigray in the OLF map. And I think Oromo have more historical connection to Wello than Amharu have connection to Welo..... basically the entire Land in Welo speaks in Oromifa (that is impossible to hide, it is a time bomb, just like welkait backfired on Amharu teret-teret based claim, welo will backfire on qomiches). Tigray always had border with Oromos at Alewaha, remember Yeju Oromos always recognized Alewaha AS THEIR BORDER WITH TIGRAY FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS, AMHARAY IS THE NEWEST SETTLER IN RAYA AND YEJU, AND NOT THE OROMO. I also like the fact this map denies amharu any border with sudan and they are literally encircled by Oromia and Tigray. AND MY AUNTIE USED TO SAY KEEP THE TERRIBLE RAT CAGED. THAT IS ALSO HOW WE SHOULD CAGE THE RABID WEYXOHAMASENAY.

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Re: Tigreans should support this nationalistic Oromo Map, it is good to have border with Oromia, Raya-Qobo can be dual.

Post by Abere » 28 Feb 2021, 15:47

Abel qael ፀረ-አማራ ብቻ ሳትሆን ሲበዛ ፀረ-ትግሬ ነህ። እንደ አንተ አይነቶቹ ናቸው ትግሬ ላይ መከራ ያወረዱበት። Because of foul mouth people like regurgitating jealous and hate toward the noble people of Amhara the people of Tigary is facing an existential threat. I don't think you are concerned about Tigre, you are concerned about your bank account. If you are genuine enough, you would stand for peace because Tigre's existence is highly depended on the peace with Amhara, Tigres do not need any land from Amhara while the entire Ethiopia remains their home. There is no point for Tigres to ask Welqait, Raya and Humera. That is not going to happen and it will not help. The utopian map of the non-existent "Oromia" is just illusion coming out of sick minds of your type. የማያድግ ልጅ ብዙ ያራል ይባላል - other useless dreaming Gala can draw anything they can even include Rwanda and Uganda, but it remains a wishful thinking. Please don't waste your time on wishful thinking. ለቅዠትህ ትራሳ አድርገህ ተኛ እንዳይዘቀዝቅህ::

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Re: Tigreans should support this nationalistic Oromo Map, it is good to have border with Oromia, Raya-Qobo can be dual.

Post by Misraq » 28 Feb 2021, 16:16

ፋጌት agames fate was known from the get go. We told the repeatedly that their journey leads to a dead end. True to our prediction, they lost power, they lost the entire tigray and everything. That is the result of their shear stupidity.

Now, we can safely predict their next 10 years if they chose the nasty attitude they display now.

1) agames will be further squeezed by eritreans and smharans (their immediate neighbours)

2) they will be hated by many. Their businesses will be distroyed because people will refuse to make business with them.

3) economically, they will go down and as a result of it, there will be internal conflict between the have and have not. Those who looted Ethiopian wealth will be seen as those who brought all this.

4) awraja mentality will settle since adwans were benefited much more than the rest. Caos will reign.

5) tigray will be vacated of all it's population in search of better life.

Mark jimmy's word. Tigray is ፋክድ beyond repair. Evil people always end miserably.

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Re: Tigreans should support this nationalistic Oromo Map, it is good to have border with Oromia, Raya-Qobo can be dual.

Post by euroland » 28 Feb 2021, 18:05

Aziza Qintir
Come and get Raya, Welqayit, Humera, (from Fano) Badme and Zalambesaa and Adi Grat Eritrean towns (from Shaebia)....and see what will happen. ኣይኮነን አለዉሀምላሽ ገለመለ መቐለ ኺ ከማን አይትረኽቢያን።

abel qael wrote:
28 Feb 2021, 13:08
adefam mesraqbetraq sebdeyley qebenit eurokintir of campo, anchi gi'matam arogit ye-emis etabi weloye-hamasenay diqala lezbo, take out my manmeat aka jimmi from your chenawi weloyeee-hamasenay throat. It is easier for qomaxamharay to go to the moon than take an inch of Tigray, or Binshagul, there is no way Meshrefet can change weyane map or weyane flag or constitution without destroying himself and Ethiopia specially the worthless amharu kilil which is now 30% under Sudan . Now go to cry with your bloody adefam qomaxamharay-hamasenay smelly pooozy.

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