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Re: When the Oromaran donkeys were vehemently opposing Midribahri freedom, Tigreans celebrated it like this!

Post by TGAA » 07 Jan 2020, 02:53

Well, it didn't take you more than a year after this jubilation to uproot thousands and thousands Eritrean, who never set their feet in Eritrea, knocking their door in the middle of the night, separating mother and child, brother and sisters, expropriating the property that they built with their sweat. your beloved chenawit laughing it off saying "if we don't like their eye color we can send them home. Ask Eritreans themselves Ethiopians let be Amhara or Oromo were crying to what was done to their Eritrean brothers and sisters, who went with them to school, married, traded etc. Weyanes are stone-hearted people. Now you turn around and post your fake celebration to show your conviction to Eritrean freedom. Ethiopians may have believed Eritreans are Ethiopians and fought for it -- but there was never malice toward the Eritrean people. That is the truth. Malice happened to be Weyanes second nature.

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Re: When the Oromaran donkeys were vehemently opposing Midribahri freedom, Tigreans celebrated it like this!

Post by Abdelaziz » 07 Jan 2020, 03:17

Werada aqaTari AdgiAmharay, what about the hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians who were inhumanely deported from cursedartera by wedimedhin prior to that and during that time? What about the thousands who are still perishing in underground wedimedhin prisons? What about the 10s of thousands of businesses taken away by wedimedhin? At least the weyanes deported the cursedamiches very humanely and never took away their property, which they gave them back not long after the war. The cursedAmiches declared war on Tigray while in Ethiopia, while the Ethiopians and Tigreans did not threaten cursedartera at all but they were deported inhumanely nonetheless.
Go ahead and kiss wedimedhin feet, he ain't gonna respect it as much as you hope, coz he knows you are trying to use him as foot soldier against his parental nation, Tigray Abay…. and even if he wants to help you he does not have the capacity to bother the African Sparta, Land of Tigers and Lions, Agazian Tigray. ZeiLmaknum AKA TGAA(we know who you are since the days you were using the nick LIKU, but you are same old same tenkolegna/kifu/mlelikawi adgiamharay no matter what your nick), werada yehonk bida'tamAmharuAdgi.

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Re: When the Oromaran donkeys were vehemently opposing Midribahri freedom, Tigreans celebrated it like this!

Post by TGAA » 08 Jan 2020, 20:42

In the past 27 years have you said anything at all about the Ethiopians who were expelled under the situation you stated above. That was a secrete you weyanes kept under the rug . Have you brought the case to the international court defending those Ethiopians. Eritreans did. As long as it serve you the end you wanted you keep quite , and look the other way . Eritreans have made it known to the whole world the injustice the woyanes committed. There is no surprise there -- even when the international court give you Torsona , you wrote a letter saying no no no give it to Eritrea we don't need it, and when the court decided to give Bademe to Erirea , Mesfin came out saying yea we won Bademe although he fully know that he lost. you see how perverted Weyanes are? now you come to preach the wrongs done to Ethiopians mainly Tigrian-Ethiopians by Eriteans -- where have you been for 27 years to raise the issue. Wow -- you guys are something.

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Re: When the Oromaran donkeys were vehemently opposing Midribahri freedom, Tigreans celebrated it like this!

Post by Hawzen » 08 Jan 2020, 22:19

TGAA wrote:
07 Jan 2020, 02:53
Well, it didn't take you more than a year after this jubilation to uproot thousands and thousands Eritrean, who never set their feet in Eritrea, knocking their door in the middle of the night, separating mother and child, brother and sisters, expropriating the property that they built with their sweat. your beloved chenawit laughing it off saying "if we don't like their eye color we can send them home. Ask Eritreans themselves Ethiopians let be Amhara or Oromo were crying to what was done to their Eritrean brothers and sisters, who went with them to school, married, traded etc. Weyanes are stone-hearted people. Now you turn around and post your fake celebration to show your conviction to Eritrean freedom. Ethiopians may have believed Eritreans are Ethiopians and fought for it -- but there was never malice toward the Eritrean people. That is the truth. Malice happened to be Weyanes second nature.
110% true! It can't be said any better. Agames are as fake and crooked as it gets. Eritrea does not trust the snake clan agames regardless how sweetly they try to tell us that they are our brothers..blah blah . Let's make one thing very clear: Agames are the worst enemy of Eritrea and the Eritrean people.

Sister Abi-gail,

Why are you wasting your time and energy to kiss our as*s ??? Please use your time and energy to fix the deformed stinky behind of yours :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF

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Re: When the Oromaran donkeys were vehemently opposing Midribahri freedom, Tigreans celebrated it like this!

Post by Abdelaziz » 09 Jan 2020, 02:56

Hawazen, I must have left a permanent ache in your megal Hamasenay Fintita for you to declare, Yours truly really only protectors and liberators, indomitably heroic Agazian Tigreans, are the worst enemy of cursedartera, and yet, it is your relatives who come flocking to save their wesfatam selves in Tigray.

TGAA kifu AdgiAmharay, you werada liar, the whole world including your leflafi Amharu opposition parties and individuals talked day and night about how cursedarterans took off your Amharu cloth , properties in Aseb, gold from your teeth, etc, and now you act like you never heard it or like we did not inform you about that. Have you not seen all the news footages when weyane media talked about it too? Did you not see the Ethiopian TV footage showing cursedarterans making Ethiopians and Tigreans walk bare footed in landmined desert for weeks to come to Ethiopia destitute in their 100s of thousands? Wushetam Amharay, get lost! We will never forget the cirmes the cursed Ho'moshenay Bi'tches like tra'nny Hawazen did to us to please their Tigraway molester wedimedhin Berad., the psychotic cannibal and perverted wushima of Arabs. But we do not blame the deqiabat,deqimidribahri, they are good Tigreans as any good Tigrean from Tigray Abay. Even an Amharay knows this fact.

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Re: When the Oromaran donkeys were vehemently opposing Midribahri freedom, Tigreans celebrated it like this!

Post by Degnet » 09 Jan 2020, 03:20

Abdelaziz wrote:
07 Jan 2020, 02:28
Anesi yegermeni ezi adgi ezey kabey kemzmetse

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