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#ጥብቅ መረጃ ለኤርትራውያን❗️

Post by Revelations » 02 Dec 2019, 01:13

እስቲ ሰሚ ካለ÷ ከዚህ ቀደም የኤርትራ የባህር ኀይል መኮንን የነበረው ኮሎኔል ተስፋይ በአሁኑ ሰዓት በትግራይ ውስጥ ስደተኞች ጣቢያ የሚገኙ የኤርትራ ተወላጅ የሆኑ የሳዋ ሰልጣኝ የነበሩትን እየመለመለ እና እያደራጀ ይገኛል ። በርግጥ ኮሎኔሉ ብቻውን አይደለም ። ሌሎች ኤርትራውያን አጋዦችም አሉት ። ለዚህ ተልዕኮ ከትግራይ የተመደቡ የፖለቲካ አመራሮች አሉ ። አባይ ፀሐዬ እና ጌታቸው ረዳ ዋና የተልዕኮ ስምሪት ሰጪዎች ናቸው ። ስብሃት ነጋ የተልዕኮው የበላይ ጠባቂ ነው ። በዚህ የማደረጃትና ወደ ኤርትራ አስርጎ የማስገባት ተልዕኮ ውስጥ የስብሃት የቅርብ ዘመዶች ተሳታፊ ናቸው ። አንደኛው ሰው አዋልዶ ይባላል ።
በስደተኞች ካምፕ ውስጥ የሚገኙ ኤርትራውያንን በማደራጀት ወደ ኤርትራ አስርጎ ማስገባትና ከታችኛው መዋቅር ጀምሮ በባለሥልጣናት ላይ ግድያ ለመፈፀም ታስቧል ።
በዋናነት በወልቃይት አዲ ጎሹ በኩል የማዕድን ቁፋሮ በሚካሄድበት 'ጋሽ አብራር' አድርጎ ተከዜን በመሻገር [ኤርትራ] በኩርባ ደቅ ሻይ 👉 ወደ አንተሮይ አስርጎ የማስገባት ዕቅድ አለ ።
ለነገሩ ኢሳያስ አፍወርቂ የተደገሰለትን ስለሚያውቅ በሱዳን 👉 ሐምዳይት አካባቢ ሰፍሮ የነበረውን ሰራዊቱን በመቀነስ ሜካናይዝድ ጦሩን ስጋት ወዳለባቸው መስመሮች ከሦስት ሳምንት በፊት አሰማርቷል [ኃይል ጨምሯል] ።
ትህነግ የኢሳያስን መንግሥት በኀይል ለማስወገድ ሰራዊቱ ውስጥ ሰዎችን ከመመልመል ጀምሮ ÷ በስደተኞች ካምፕ ውስጥ የሚገኙ ኤርትራውያንን ከኢንሰርጀንሲ እሰከ ሸብር ተልዕኮ ድረስ ያሉ አማራጮችን ለመጠቀም እያደባ ይገኛል ።
ለዚህ ተልዕኮ ስምሪት ዋነኛ የምልመላ ቦታ የስደተኞች ካምፕ ናቸው ። ትግራይ ውስጥ ከኤርትራ የሚመጡ ስደተኞች የሚስተናገዱባቸው አምስት ካምፖች ይገኛሉ [ተጨማሪ ሳተላይት ጣቢያዎች ሊኖሩ ይችላል] ካምፖቹ በብሔራዊ መረጃና ደኀንነት አገልግሎት ስር ባለው "የስደተኞች ጉዳይ አስተዳደር" ይመራሉ።
እነዚህ ካምፖች ውስጥ ከብሔራዊ መረጃና ደኀንነት መስሪያ ቤቱ እውቅና ውጭ የኢሳያስን መንግሥት በኀይል ለመጣል ሰዎችን መመልመልን ጨምሮ በርካታ ሕገወጥ ተግባራት ይከናወናሉ ።

በእነዚህ ካምፖች የሚገኙ ÷
👉የከተማ ስደተኞች ቡድን መሪ
👉 የመረጃ ቡድን መሪ
👉 የስደተኞች አገልግሎት ቡድን መሪ
👉 የሕግ እና የትምህርት ኦፊሰር -

የሆኑ ቁልፍ ቁልፍ ቦታዎች ላይ የሚገኙ የትህነግ ሰዎች ለዚህ መሰል ተልዕኮ ዋና ድጋፍ ሰጪ ናቸው ።
ተጨማሪ አለ ⁉️

👉 አዲግራት ውስጥ የሚገኙ የስደተኞች ካምፕ ጥብቅ ቁጥጥር ሊደረግባቸው ይገባል!

🤔 ህፀፀ ካምፕ
🤔 ማዓይኒ ካምፕ
🤔 ሽመልባ ካምፕ

ምን አይነት ብሔራዊ ወንጀል እየተፈፀመ እንዳለ አጣሩ ❗️
ለጠባብ ቡድንተኝነት ጥቅም ሲባል አገር በክህደት እየፈረሰች ነው❗️

ሙሉአለም ገ/መድህን

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: #ጥብቅ መረጃ ለኤርትራውያን❗️

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 02 Dec 2019, 01:17

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Re: #ጥብቅ መረጃ ለኤርትራውያን❗️

Post by Abdelaziz » 02 Dec 2019, 01:26

This is what Meshrefet and Demekech recently composed and sent to the dying wedimedhin who received it as a classified info in his email box. But Wedimedhin ignored them for he knew they are desperate liars who want him to die for them fighting their weyne master. NOW IT SEEMS THE Ligggam FA'GAT MESHREFET RELEASED IT PUBLICLY IN ORDER TO PI'SS OFF WEDIMEDHIN.
Last edited by Abdelaziz on 02 Dec 2019, 01:34, edited 1 time in total.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: #ጥብቅ መረጃ ለኤርትራውያን❗️

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 02 Dec 2019, 01:31

Abdelaziz wrote:
02 Dec 2019, 01:26
This is what Meshrefet and Demekech recently composed and sent too wedimedhin who received it as a classified info in his email box. But Wedimedhin ignored them for he knew they are desperate liars who want him to die for them fighting their weyne master. NOW IT SEEMS THE Ligggam FA'GAT MESHREFET RELEASED IT PUBLICLY IN ORDER TO PI'SS OFF WEDIMEDHIN.
Amhara is desperate to see Eritrea vs Tigray to fight but let Gonder and Gojjam fight and then the one Tigray ethnic may fight like the Amhara. If you ask any Amhara why not fight between Wollo vs Gojjam, their response will be we are one Amhara ethnic but it is ok the Tigray ethnic to fight among them for the Amhara to control.

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Re: #ጥብቅ መረጃ ለኤርትራውያን❗️

Post by Abdelaziz » 02 Dec 2019, 01:40

Welo is either Oromo on one hand or agew and Tigray on the other hand, the Amharu are sefaris who came to Welo not long ago. Borona Saynt ( which they illegally renamed as Amara Saynt) is not gudelaamara term as is the term amara at all, and btw, both sayint and borona are Oromifa terms, as is Welo, Yeju, Desie, Weldia, wereilu, werehimanu, werebabu, mersa, weyesa,karakori, karamara,karamshig, cheffa, kombolcha, meqdela, wadla,dawn, dalanta, and you name it ad infinitum (100% Ejolie terms). Even the word Amara was coined by Oromos to mean something very bad (I dare not say here). Gonder belongs to Kimants and Gojam belongs to Ejolies and Agews. gudelaAmaray is safari(zerebis/mahalsefari), landless, just like waragay. I feel like I've to marry an Ormo beauty somewhere and help her free her people from the persistent and current gudelaAmharu occupation perpetrated by the ligagagam fa'gat Abiot madiat, a gonderam-waragay mix, who aint even a proper Gudifecha much less an Ejolie by birth and/or upbringing

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Re: #ጥብቅ መረጃ ለኤርትራውያን❗️

Post by Abdelaziz » 02 Dec 2019, 04:15


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Re: #ጥብቅ መረጃ ለኤርትራውያን❗️

Post by Revelations » 02 Dec 2019, 08:00

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Re: #ጥብቅ መረጃ ለኤርትራውያን❗️

Post by Follower » 02 Dec 2019, 12:35

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
02 Dec 2019, 01:31
Abdelaziz wrote:
02 Dec 2019, 01:26
This is what Meshrefet and Demekech recently composed and sent too wedimedhin who received it as a classified info in his email box. But Wedimedhin ignored them for he knew they are desperate liars who want him to die for them fighting their weyne master. NOW IT SEEMS THE Ligggam FA'GAT MESHREFET RELEASED IT PUBLICLY IN ORDER TO PI'SS OFF WEDIMEDHIN.
Amhara is desperate to see Eritrea vs Tigray to fight but let Gonder and Gojjam fight and then the ONE Tigray ethnic may fight like the Amhara. If you ask any Amhara why not fight between Wollo vs Gojjam, their response will be we are one Amhara ethnic but it is ok the Tigray ethnic to fight among them for the Amhara to control.
ye leba neger when you get cornered, you claim you are one,have you forget that their eyes color is different than yours. Leba zer

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Re: #ጥብቅ መረጃ ለኤርትራውያን❗️

Post by kebena05 » 02 Dec 2019, 17:26

Follower wrote:
02 Dec 2019, 12:35
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
02 Dec 2019, 01:31
Abdelaziz wrote:
02 Dec 2019, 01:26
This is what Meshrefet and Demekech recently composed and sent too wedimedhin who received it as a classified info in his email box. But Wedimedhin ignored them for he knew they are desperate liars who want him to die for them fighting their weyne master. NOW IT SEEMS THE Ligggam FA'GAT MESHREFET RELEASED IT PUBLICLY IN ORDER TO PI'SS OFF WEDIMEDHIN.
Amhara is desperate to see Eritrea vs Tigray to fight but let Gonder and Gojjam fight and then the ONE Tigray ethnic may fight like the Amhara. If you ask any Amhara why not fight between Wollo vs Gojjam, their response will be we are one Amhara ethnic but it is ok the Tigray ethnic to fight among them for the Amhara to control.
ye leba neger when you get cornered, you claim you are one,have you forget that their eyes color is different than yours. Leba zer
But Weyanian like Halafi Adgi, my girl Aziza and the entire Agame tribes think they are the smartest creature ever walked in in this planet

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Re: #ጥብቅ መረጃ ለኤርትራውያን❗️

Post by Hawzen » 02 Dec 2019, 19:22

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
02 Dec 2019, 01:31

Amhara is desperate to see Eritrea vs Tigray to fight but let Gonder and Gojjam fight and then the one Tigray ethnic may fight like the Amhara. If you ask any Amhara why not fight between Wollo vs Gojjam, their response will be we are one Amhara ethnic but it is ok the Tigray ethnic to fight among them for the Amhara to control.
Professor Ayte Halafi,

The people of Gonder, Gojam and Wollo are brothers and they don't have any reason to fight. However, the people of Eritrea and the citizens of the dead Tigray Republic led by the coward TPLF goons have never ever been brothers. In fact, your idol nay Tselemti Haben aka the coward little frog Meles told the world that you don't like the colour of our eyes. Right ???

Now, you can dump your false statement into the deformed stinky behind of sister Abi-gail's behind :mrgreen: :oops: :lol: .

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF

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