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Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by eden » 27 Oct 2019, 11:24

Jawar dedicated his life to his people and humanity. His idea is not being challenged with counter ideas but with character assassination. I think most are engaged in this because they are afraid they lose in the market place for ideas.

PM Abiy is lucky to have Jawar with his wide legitimacy, interaction and knowledge of the Oromo, home to PM Abiy's party. It's his loss if he can't bring himself to work with the single most influential leader out of Oromia. It's a loss to Ethiopia and humanity at large.

Ethiopians should listen to Jawar's ideas and those opposing his ideas with ideas. Don't fall for those engaged in character assassination.

Some are advising the PM to arrest Jawar. This is clearly same as going back to the past Derg time or today's Eritrea. Jailings and killings of ideas never work. Look at Derg time Ethiopia. Look at today's Eritrea.

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by kibramlak » 27 Oct 2019, 12:05

Jawar dedicated his life to his people and humanity
to humanity ?????

Are you human in the first ???

Assegid S.
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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Assegid S. » 27 Oct 2019, 12:15

eden wrote:
27 Oct 2019, 11:24
It's a loss to Ethiopia and humanity at large.
The most COMICAL statement I ever read on this forum.

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by justo » 27 Oct 2019, 12:35

eden wrote:
27 Oct 2019, 11:24
Jawar dedicated his life to his people and humanity. Look at today's Eritrea.
You woyanes are the most subjective people around. This may have served you in the past, now the only way forward för Tigrai is to reform its ways and focus on win-win solutions, provided there is anybody interested. Amb. Sophie called yours a crab mentality that thrives on lose-lose solutions. The easiest way to handle Tigray is to ignore it, and that was what Abiy and Isaias chose to do, now you want to cause trouble everywhere to get their attention.

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Selam/ » 27 Oct 2019, 12:42

Really? He’s dividing his own people along religion and clan lines. What is good about burning churches and mosques that have nothing to do what happened to him in Addis? He is a cowardly SOB.
eden wrote:
27 Oct 2019, 11:24
Jawar dedicated his life to his people and humanity. His idea is not being challenged with counter ideas but with character assassination. I think most are engaged in this because they are afraid they lose in the market place for ideas.

PM Abiy is lucky to have Jawar with his wide legitimacy, interaction and knowledge of the Oromo, home to PM Abiy's party. It's his loss if he can't bring himself to work with the single most influential leader out of Oromia. It's a loss to Ethiopia and humanity at large.

Ethiopians should listen to Jawar's ideas and those opposing his ideas with ideas. Don't fall for those engaged in character assassination.

Some are advising the PM to arrest Jawar. This is clearly same as going back to the past Derg time or today's Eritrea. Jailings and killings of ideas never work. Look at Derg time Ethiopia. Look at today's Eritrea.

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by eden » 09 Nov 2019, 11:22


Listen to Jawar, not what others say about Jawar.

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Ethoash » 09 Nov 2019, 11:37

eden wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 11:22

Listen to Jawar, not what others say about Jawar.
eden Selam is an Eritrean ..

second i dont mind if someone accusing Jawar burning Church, but the Church also deny the oromo identity what u call this...when Selam is fair he also should accused the Church dolling their noise in politic and deny the oromo right to enjoy Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Selam/ » 09 Nov 2019, 11:42

Serpentine Woyane rat - None of your business what my nationality or ethnicity is. What matters most is that I don’t want to do anything with you criminal TPLF thugs. KIFU!
Ethoash wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 11:37
eden wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 11:22

Listen to Jawar, not what others say about Jawar.
eden Selam is an Eritrean ..

second i dont mind if someone accusing Jawar burning Church, but the Church also deny the oromo identity what u call this...when Selam is fair he also should accused the Church dolling their noise in politic and deny the oromo right to enjoy Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Selam/ » 09 Nov 2019, 11:44

I know him well and have been directly following his speech for the last 12 years. I don’t need any interpretation.

eden wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 11:22

Listen to Jawar, not what others say about Jawar.

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by justo » 09 Nov 2019, 11:48

Ethoash wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 11:37
Selam is an Eritrean ..

second i dont mind if someone accusing Jawar burning Church, but the Church also deny the oromo identity what u call this...when Selam is fair he also should accused the Church dolling their noise in politic and deny the oromo right to enjoy Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Ethoash » 09 Nov 2019, 12:43

justo wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 11:48
Ethoash wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 11:37
Selam is an Eritrean ..

second i dont mind if someone accusing Jawar burning Church, but the Church also deny the oromo identity what u call this...when Selam is fair he also should accused the Church dolling their noise in politic and deny the oromo right to enjoy Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
የሻሸመኔ ገዳዬች ምንም ፈደራል ጦር አይፈልግም ትንሽ የፖሊስ ስራ ነው የሚፈልገው።
መልዬ ሙባረክ ላይ የመግደል ሙከራ ሲደረግበት ግዜ ግዜ አላጠፋም ፳ ሺህ ብር ለተቆመ እስጣለሁ አለ በስዓታቶች አሽባሪዎቹ ቤታቸው እንዳሉ ፈደራል ከበባቸው ። ይህ እንግዲህ ጀምስ ፖንድ የማይስራው ስራ ነው።

የሽመኔው ገዳዬች ቁልጭ ብሎ ፎቶዋቸው እየታየ የምን ግዜ ማጥፋት ነው ። እርግጠኛ ነኝ እነዚያ ገዳዬች ደግሞ ጎዴላ አማሮች ሆነው እንደሚገኙ። ቤተክርስታንንም በማቃጠል ።ስውንም በመግደል የተስማሩት እነሱ ይሆናሉ በኦሮሞ የሚያሳብቡት

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by justo » 09 Nov 2019, 12:51

Ethoash wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 12:43

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Ethoash » 09 Nov 2019, 13:12

justo wrote:
27 Oct 2019, 12:35
eden wrote:
27 Oct 2019, 11:24
Jawar dedicated his life to his people and humanity. Look at today's Eritrea.
You woyanes are the most subjective people around. This may have served you in the past, now the only way forward för Tigrai is to reform its ways and focus on win-win solutions, provided there is anybody interested. Amb. Sophie called yours a crab mentality that thrives on lose-lose solutions. The easiest way to handle Tigray is to ignore it, and that was what Abiy and Isaias chose to do, now you want to cause trouble everywhere to get their attention.

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Abere » 09 Nov 2019, 14:14

No body demonized Jawar, his words and actions did.

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 09 Nov 2019, 14:27

eden wrote:
27 Oct 2019, 11:24
Jawar dedicated his life to his people and humanity. His idea is not being challenged with counter ideas but with character assassination. I think most are engaged in this because they are afraid they lose in the market place for ideas.

PM Abiy is lucky to have Jawar with his wide legitimacy, interaction and knowledge of the Oromo, home to PM Abiy's party. It's his loss if he can't bring himself to work with the single most influential leader out of Oromia. It's a loss to Ethiopia and humanity at large.

Ethiopians should listen to Jawar's ideas and those opposing his ideas with ideas. Don't fall for those engaged in character assassination.

Some are advising the PM to arrest Jawar. This is clearly same as going back to the past Derg time or today's Eritrea. Jailings and killings of ideas never work. Look at Derg time Ethiopia. Look at today's Eritrea.
Tigrians were anti jawhar and anti the movement he lead to chase woyane to mekele. Why are tigrians falling in love with jawhar all of a sudden

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Ethoash » 09 Nov 2019, 14:47

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 14:27
Tigrians were anti jawhar and anti the movement he lead to chase woyane to mekele. Why are tigrians falling in love with jawhar all of a sudden

you ask important question and r u ready to hear the answer..

you see the oromo natural allay was always the golden Ethopia enemy always was Amhara .. Amhara are anti union.. yes. they think they r pro union but their deed is anti union .. i will give u simple example

in 197x

EPLF ask the Amhara ruler to give them right to language right where the Eritrean enjoy their own language... this is very simple request.. the second request was self rule.. now this is so fundamental question could be answered simply but the Amhara insisted that the Eritrea should lean Ahamric and see the result ..

now the amhara from their heart they want to keep the unity together but they dont know how to do it they dont know they r the cause of all the problem ... it is waste of time and energy to try to convert them so the only choice left was to fight them to do that the golden wanted the oromo help but the oromo sided with Amhara and removed Golden

then the oromo find out what the Goldlen all alone telling them the Amhara are buda they want to control the oromo life.. now tell me in God name how in hell it is amhara business what language the oromo use in their own church.. tell me this ... so the oromo now they have to fight with amhara just what the golden try to tell them long time ago.. now best thing is tplf doesnt have to help the oromo the oromo must do it by themselves the only thing that the golden do is give oromo moral support.. once the oromo achieve victory over amhara the rest of us enjoy fed.

dont be surprised the oromo kick out the amhar out of union .. the oromo they dont fk around

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Selam/ » 09 Nov 2019, 18:48

Idiot, Woyane serpent - identifying a foreigner one thing and identifying your brothers another. You always inject the cursed frog in the wrong place. Grow up, KIFU!
Ethoash wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 12:43
justo wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 11:48
Ethoash wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 11:37
Selam is an Eritrean ..

second i dont mind if someone accusing Jawar burning Church, but the Church also deny the oromo identity what u call this...when Selam is fair he also should accused the Church dolling their noise in politic and deny the oromo right to enjoy Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
የሻሸመኔ ገዳዬች ምንም ፈደራል ጦር አይፈልግም ትንሽ የፖሊስ ስራ ነው የሚፈልገው።
መልዬ ሙባረክ ላይ የመግደል ሙከራ ሲደረግበት ግዜ ግዜ አላጠፋም ፳ ሺህ ብር ለተቆመ እስጣለሁ አለ በስዓታቶች አሽባሪዎቹ ቤታቸው እንዳሉ ፈደራል ከበባቸው ። ይህ እንግዲህ ጀምስ ፖንድ የማይስራው ስራ ነው።

የሽመኔው ገዳዬች ቁልጭ ብሎ ፎቶዋቸው እየታየ የምን ግዜ ማጥፋት ነው ። እርግጠኛ ነኝ እነዚያ ገዳዬች ደግሞ ጎዴላ አማሮች ሆነው እንደሚገኙ። ቤተክርስታንንም በማቃጠል ።ስውንም በመግደል የተስማሩት እነሱ ይሆናሉ በኦሮሞ የሚያሳብቡት

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Selam/ » 09 Nov 2019, 18:54

lol! Woyane rat - “Amhara anti-union...” qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

Is that the new Woyane strategy? Is that it after all the “independence” and “unity with Eritrea” crap? This is really the funniest joke I have ever heard from a TPLF thug. You idiot, Woyane will hit a cul-de-sac no matter which avenue it takes. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

Ethoash wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 14:47
Deqi-Arawit wrote:
09 Nov 2019, 14:27
Tigrians were anti jawhar and anti the movement he lead to chase woyane to mekele. Why are tigrians falling in love with jawhar all of a sudden

you ask important question and r u ready to hear the answer..

you see the oromo natural allay was always the golden Ethopia enemy always was Amhara .. Amhara are anti union.. yes. they think they r pro union but their deed is anti union .. i will give u simple example

in 197x

EPLF ask the Amhara ruler to give them right to language right where the Eritrean enjoy their own language... this is very simple request.. the second request was self rule.. now this is so fundamental question could be answered simply but the Amhara insisted that the Eritrea should lean Ahamric and see the result ..

now the amhara from their heart they want to keep the unity together but they dont know how to do it they dont know they r the cause of all the problem ... it is waste of time and energy to try to convert them so the only choice left was to fight them to do that the golden wanted the oromo help but the oromo sided with Amhara and removed Golden

then the oromo find out what the Goldlen all alone telling them the Amhara are buda they want to control the oromo life.. now tell me in God name how in hell it is amhara business what language the oromo use in their own church.. tell me this ... so the oromo now they have to fight with amhara just what the golden try to tell them long time ago.. now best thing is tplf doesnt have to help the oromo the oromo must do it by themselves the only thing that the golden do is give oromo moral support.. once the oromo achieve victory over amhara the rest of us enjoy fed.

dont be surprised the oromo kick out the amhar out of union .. the oromo they dont fk around

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by eden » 09 Nov 2019, 19:40


Search jawar by author eden on this forum for years. Come back and report what you find

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Re: Demonizing Jawar is cowardly

Post by Abere » 10 Nov 2019, 11:02

ዓለም አቀፋዊውን አሸባሪ ቢን ላደን የንፁሃን ደም በእጁ ይዞ በድብቅ ሲንከራተት አሜሪካዊያን ቀጥተኛ ፍትህ ከሰይጣናዊ ገዳም ቤቱ ባለበት ሲያስረክቡት፣ሌላው የውጭ ዜግነት ተሸክሞ ኢትዮጵያዊያንን የሚያሸብረው ጁሃር አባሜንጫ በዐደባባይ የቀጥታ ሥርጭቱን ያጧጡፋል። ይኸን የታዳጊ ወጣቶች የህይወት ፀር እና መፃኢ ተስፋ አጭር እያስቀረ ያለ አሸባሪ እጁን ይዞ ለፍርድ የማቅረቡ ትግል መቀጠል አለበት። ደጋፊዎቹ እና ተባባሪ ወንጀለኞቹም እንድሁ ለፍርድ የማቅረብ የሞራል ሰብዓዊ ግደታ አለብን። የሠይጣን ቅዱስ ሀዋርያ የለውም - ሠይጣን ለፍርድ እና ቅጣት ነው መቅረብ ያለብት።

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