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Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by MINILIK SALSAWI » 23 Oct 2019, 00:41

For English Speakers here is whats unfolding so far

- Around midnight two cars pulled up and told my security details to pack their stuff and leave the compound quitely without alerting me. The security asked them why they're asked to leave. They were told it's for training purposes. The security refused. Then they got a call from commander of VIP protection services who warned them to leave immediately and quitely or face consequences ( he was recorded and you can hear it from my earlier post). As pressure mounted, the security came to my room woke me up and told me what was happening. I called the commander asking for explanation. Initially he said he was just doing the routine change and they will be replaced. I pushed him why he was doing at midnight not day time. The dude broke to tears and admitted he was just following orders. He told me who gave the orders.

Why were they trying to remove my security at night? In the past whenever they made change to security, the commanders either personally call me or head my details to inform us. What changed now? If they want to arrest they could just summon me or order the sworn and uniformed federal police guarding my house to take me in. I kept calling officials to get explanation. Almost all political and security leaders deny knowing anything about it.

Then I began calling around and digging for info. Now it appears the plan was not to arrest me. The plan was to remove my security and unleash civilian attackers and claim it was a mob attack. I tend to believe this because a) I am now informed that talk of removing my security so that my adversaries can 'teach me lesson' was discussed privately in some circles b) There has been strange mob type conflict in the city in the last few days including one not far from where I live just about an hour before they tried to remove security from my house. Who is behind all this? Time will tell.

Now there is standoff outside. I have spoken to some government people they promise to get to the bottom of it and handle the situation. I will update you when I learn more.
Last edited by MINILIK SALSAWI on 23 Oct 2019, 02:10, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by MINILIK SALSAWI » 23 Oct 2019, 01:10

Poolisiin Oromiyaafi Qeerroon walitti hin bu'inaa. Kan jarri barbaadutu sani. Waldhagayaa, walkabajaa, mormii keessan karaa nagaayan geggeessaa.
ጉዳዩ ለሚመለከተው ሁሉ፡-
በመኖሪያዬ አካባቢ በቁጥር በርካታ ታጣቂ እየተሰማራ እንደኾነ እያስተዋልን ነው፡፡ ይኸ የታጠቀ ኋይል ከሕግ አግባብ ውጪ ከሚያደርገው እንቅስቃሴ ተቆጥቦ ወደኋላ እንዲመለስ በአጽንኦት እንጠይቀለን። ማንኛውም ታጥቆ በዚህ ጭለማ ወደ መኖሪያ ግቢያችን ለጥቃት የሚንቀሳቀስ ግለሰብም ኾነ ቡድን ላይ የጥበቃ አካሉ ሕጋዊ መብቱን ተጠቅሞ የመከላከል እርምጃ እንደሚወስድ ሊታወቅ ይገባል። ይኸን ከሕግ አግባብ ውጪ የሚደረግን እንቅስቃሴ ለመከላከል በሚደርሰው ግጭት እና ጉዳት ሙሉ ኋላፊነቱን የሚወስደው ያለምንም ተጨባጭ ምክንያት እና ማሳሰቢያ ኋይል ያሰማራው አካል መሆኑን ሕዝቡ እንዲያውቅልን እንጠይቃለን።

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Re: Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by tolcha » 23 Oct 2019, 01:12

The orders was given to Commander either by METEC head and or by Kibret from Minillik palace. Believe, it is either an Oromo guy, who Jawar hate like a hell, because of his corruption or the Neftegna system lover

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Re: Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by wazzupdog » 23 Oct 2019, 01:15

.....................Agamestan Menelikthe3rd , don't waste space here by posting terrorist Ja-War Mohammed's propaganda.............

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Re: Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by MINILIK SALSAWI » 23 Oct 2019, 02:12

የሰሞኑን ቄሮ የፈጠረን ሽብርና ወከባ ተከትሎ በመንግስት ላይ የሕዝብ እና የፖለቲከኞች ጫና ስለበዛ በጃዋር አከባቢ ያለውን የተከማቸ ኃይል ለማሳየት ጥያቄ ባበዙት ብዙሃን ላይ ፍራቻ ለመልቀቅ የታቀደ ሴራም ሊሆን ይችላል።መጠራጠር ይበጃል

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Re: Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by MINILIK SALSAWI » 23 Oct 2019, 02:14

አብይ በፖርላማ እኔን እንዲህ መናገሩ ደንግጫለሁ - Jawar Mehommed ... 185519712/

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Re: Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by MINILIK SALSAWI » 23 Oct 2019, 02:33

ጃዋርና የአብይ ኦዴፓ ድራማ እየሰሩ ነው።

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Re: Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by MINILIK SALSAWI » 23 Oct 2019, 02:41

ሐረር ሰልፍ በቀላዳንባ በኩል በመከላከያ ታጅበው ወጥተዋል፡፡ ምንም እንቅስቃሴ ማደረግ አይቻልም
መስርያቤቶች ሁነ ትምህርት ቤት በጠቅላላ
ተዘግቶ ል፡፡ ... e=5E1D43BC

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Re: Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by MINILIK SALSAWI » 23 Oct 2019, 03:18

UPDATE: There was an order to withdraw the security provided to Jawar Mohammed
by the government last night but that failed after those assigned to him refused to take orders, showing personal loyalty to him, according to multiple sources.

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Re: Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by MINILIK SALSAWI » 23 Oct 2019, 03:21

Just visited the home of Jawar Mohammed
in Bole and the house, a former embassy of Kuwait is surrounded by young people chanting and there are many dozens of soldiers preventing anyone from going there and the road remains closed.

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Re: Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by MINILIK SALSAWI » 23 Oct 2019, 03:25

All road from Sebeta to Furi is closed due to a standoff between Qurroo and Police
Oromia Leyu Police is arriving in Sebeta, where the qurroo and police standoff is still happening.
The standoff is happening in Furi roundabout, near Jemo 3.
"We are here to arrest him and have him face justice" an officer said as the road to Jawar Mohammed
remains closed and more young people are prevented to join in the crowd estimated to be between 200 - 300.

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Re: Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by MINILIK SALSAWI » 23 Oct 2019, 05:10

ፌዴራል ፖሊስ በጃዋር ላይ የወሰድኩት እርምጃ የለም አለ። "In reaction to acusations leveled by Jawar Mohammed
on arrest or threat of an arrest is wrong. We were just rearranging his security detail. We urge the young people to end the blockage of roads and ensure no foreign investment suffers harm" Addis Police Commissioner Tasew ጃዋር ሙሀመድ ተደርጎብኛል ያለው ሙከራ መሰረተ ቢስ እንደሆነና ያን የፈፀመ የፌደራልም ፖሊስም ሆነ ሌላ ሀይል የለም ብሏል ........ Federal police denied the claim that Federal Security tried to arrest Jawar Mohammed
via state media ebc zena The commissioner said the government decided to withdraw protection given for exiled political forces, explaining a similar move towards Jawar.

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Re: Jawar Mohammed update : Why were they trying to remove my security at night?

Post by MINILIK SALSAWI » 24 Oct 2019, 00:22

Ethiopia protesters burn Nobel winner Abiy Ahmed's book

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