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Joined: 06 Mar 2014, 04:33

መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Maxi » 19 Oct 2019, 19:14

መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲ አጭር የህይወት ታሪክ

አብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲ አባቱ ትግል ላይ በነበሩበት ወቅት ከወይዘሪት አልባንያ ተጸነሰ። ጽንሱ እየገፋ ሲመጣ በዓለም ላይ የፖለቲካ አየር ለውጥ በመከሰቱና ጽንሱ በእግሩ በመገልበጡ፤ የእርግዝናውን ጊዜ እጅግ አስቸጋሪ አደረገው። ከዛሬ ነገ ጽንሱ በሆድ ውስጥ ይሞታል ተብሎ ቢጠበቅም፤ ከመወለጃ ጊዜው እጅግ ዘግይቶ መለስ በተባሉ የቀዶ ጥገና ስፔሻሊስት በኦፕሬሽን ተቀዳዶ እና ተጣጥፎ በጣር ተወለደ።

…ገና ወደዚች ምድር ዱብ እንዳለ የሀገሪቱ አወቃቀር ስላልተስማማኝ ምድሪቱን በዘርና በቋንቋ ካልከለላችሁልኝ ሞቼ እገኛለሁ በማለት እጅግ መራር ለቅሶ አለቀሰ። ክልሎችም ተፈጠሩ።

- በሚያስደነግጥ ሁኔታ ድንገት አፉን የፈታውም- ገና ድክድክ ማለት ሳይጀምር በእቅፍ እያለ ጡት እንዲጠባ በተሰጠው ጊዜ ነው። "በምኒልክ ምክንያት የአኖሌ ልጆች ያለ ጡት አድገው፤እንዴት ለእኔ ጡት ትሰጡኛላችሁ?! ለወገኖቼ አጋርነቴን ለመግለጽ እኔም ጡት አልጠባም!" ማለቱን ብዙዎች ያስታውሱለታል።

ከልጅነቱ ጀምሮ በዚህ መልክ ሁሉንም ወንድሞቹን ከዳር እስከ ዳር በማናጨት እና በማጋጨት እየተካነ እና እየጎለመሰ የመጣው የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲ ሌላው በብዙዎች ዘንድ የሚታወስበት ልዩ ተሰጥኦ እና ችሎታው፦ "ጠላቶቼ" ያላቸውን ብቻ ሳይሆን "ወዳጆቹ"የነበሩትን ጭምር መብላቱ ነው።

ይሁንና "ደግ ሰው አይበረክትም" እንዲሉ ፤ ይሕ በብሔረሰቦች መብት እና በፌድዴራሊዝም ስም በብቸኝነት ዙፋኑን ተቆናጦ የቆዬው አብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲ በ26ኛው አመቱ ክፉኛ ታመመ። ሐኪሞች ባደረጉት ምርመራም የያዘው በሽታ ቀደም ሲል ሲያሙት እንደነበሩት በማስታገሻ መድሀኒቶች የማይመለስ መሆኑን ጠቆሙ። ልክ ዶክተሮቹ እንዳሉት ከአንድ ዓመት በኋላ በተወለደ በ27ኛ ዓመቱ እስከወዲያኛው አሸለበ።

ወዳጅ ዘመድ እስኪሰባሰብ ድረስ በማለትም አስከሬኑ ላለፉት አንድ ዓመት መቀሌ በሚገኝ ማቀዝቀዣ ውስጥ እንዲቀመጥ ከተደረገ በኋላ በዛሬው ዕለት በአዲስ አበባ ሚሊኒዬም አዳራሽ ቤተሰቦቹ እና ወገኖቹ በተገኙበት ሥርዓተ-ቀብሩ ተፈጽሟል።

ለቤተሰቡ፣ ለወዳጅ ዘመዶቹ ሁሉ መጽናናትን ይስጥልን።

Last edited by Maxi on 19 Oct 2019, 19:39, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 5279
Joined: 04 Jun 2013, 22:23

Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Temt » 19 Oct 2019, 19:21

I am sorry, Maxi, if you don't know the Tigrigna words, but Meles will always remain as the "ዑጉም - ጨናዊ and ሓሳዊ ፍጥረት" in the annals of history!
Posts: 6796
Joined: 19 Oct 2017, 11:19

Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by » 19 Oct 2019, 19:23

Denkoro tplf rat why are trying to distance yourself from your talaku leader :lol: lemagne anbeta lekami
present wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:17
:lol: :lol: this ugly frog Ascari

Posts: 5279
Joined: 04 Jun 2013, 22:23

Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Temt » 19 Oct 2019, 19:27 wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:23
Denkoro tplf rat why are trying to distance yourself from your talaku leader :lol: lemagne anbeta lekami
present wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:17
:lol: :lol: this ugly frog Ascari
Because he is a ጋዕጋዕ ዑጉም፡ some of whose trade mark are lying and cheating like there was no tomorow! :lol:

Posts: 5951
Joined: 06 Mar 2014, 04:33

Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Maxi » 19 Oct 2019, 19:38

የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲ አጭር የህይወት ታሪክ

አብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲ አባቱ ትግል ላይ በነበሩበት ወቅት ከወይዘሪት አልባንያ ተጸነሰ። ጽንሱ እየገፋ ሲመጣ በዓለም ላይ የፖለቲካ አየር ለውጥ በመከሰቱና ጽንሱ በእግሩ በመገልበጡ፤ የእርግዝናውን ጊዜ እጅግ አስቸጋሪ አደረገው። ከዛሬ ነገ ጽንሱ በሆድ ውስጥ ይሞታል ተብሎ ቢጠበቅም፤ ከመወለጃ ጊዜው እጅግ ዘግይቶ መለስ በተባሉ የቀዶ ጥገና ስፔሻሊስት በኦፕሬሽን ተቀዳዶ እና ተጣጥፎ በጣር ተወለደ።

…ገና ወደዚች ምድር ዱብ እንዳለ የሀገሪቱ አወቃቀር ስላልተስማማኝ ምድሪቱን በዘርና በቋንቋ ካልከለላችሁልኝ ሞቼ እገኛለሁ በማለት እጅግ መራር ለቅሶ አለቀሰ። ክልሎችም ተፈጠሩ።

- በሚያስደነግጥ ሁኔታ ድንገት አፉን የፈታውም- ገና ድክድክ ማለት ሳይጀምር በእቅፍ እያለ ጡት እንዲጠባ በተሰጠው ጊዜ ነው። "በምኒልክ ምክንያት የአኖሌ ልጆች ያለ ጡት አድገው፤እንዴት ለእኔ ጡት ትሰጡኛላችሁ?! ለወገኖቼ አጋርነቴን ለመግለጽ እኔም ጡት አልጠባም!" ማለቱን ብዙዎች ያስታውሱለታል።

ከልጅነቱ ጀምሮ በዚህ መልክ ሁሉንም ወንድሞቹን ከዳር እስከ ዳር በማናጨት እና በማጋጨት እየተካነ እና እየጎለመሰ የመጣው የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲ ሌላው በብዙዎች ዘንድ የሚታወስበት ልዩ ተሰጥኦ እና ችሎታው፦ "ጠላቶቼ" ያላቸውን ብቻ ሳይሆን "ወዳጆቹ"የነበሩትን ጭምር መብላቱ ነው።

ይሁንና "ደግ ሰው አይበረክትም" እንዲሉ ፤ ይሕ በብሔረሰቦች መብት እና በፌድዴራሊዝም ስም በብቸኝነት ዙፋኑን ተቆናጦ የቆዬው አብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲ በ26ኛው አመቱ ክፉኛ ታመመ። ሐኪሞች ባደረጉት ምርመራም የያዘው በሽታ ቀደም ሲል ሲያሙት እንደነበሩት በማስታገሻ መድሀኒቶች የማይመለስ መሆኑን ጠቆሙ። ልክ ዶክተሮቹ እንዳሉት ከአንድ ዓመት በኋላ በተወለደ በ27ኛ ዓመቱ እስከወዲያኛው አሸለበ።

ወዳጅ ዘመድ እስኪሰባሰብ ድረስ በማለትም አስከሬኑ ላለፉት አንድ ዓመት መቀሌ በሚገኝ ማቀዝቀዣ ውስጥ እንዲቀመጥ ከተደረገ በኋላ በዛሬው ዕለት በአዲስ አበባ ሚሊኒዬም አዳራሽ ቤተሰቦቹ እና ወገኖቹ በተገኙበት ሥርዓተ-ቀብሩ ተፈጽሟል።

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Posts: 33606
Joined: 30 Jul 2010, 20:43

Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Zmeselo » 19 Oct 2019, 19:48

Eritrean- "by spirit"?

Not that it means/changes anything, but it's good you're confessing of the fact that you see the whole of the Eritrean population as your enemy.

Depression & suicide, be upon you! The Eritrean ppl will not budge anyway, despite all the insults.
present wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:26
cockroach qorchame Ascari Eritrean
The frog meles is Ascari Eritrean by blood and by the spirit. I ain't making this shi't up. This is not your Ascari circle. You are on ER, you can't deny or lie. We are here. He is Ascari like Bereket wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:23
Denkoro tplf rat why are trying to distance yourself from your talaku leader :lol: lemagne anbeta lekami
present wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:17
:lol: :lol: this ugly frog Ascari

Senior Member+
Posts: 33606
Joined: 30 Jul 2010, 20:43

Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Zmeselo » 20 Oct 2019, 10:03

Wùsha, don't get too excited. I told you, it doesn't change anything.

Prove it you liar, that I had that conversation with Tarik.
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 09:58
Are you crazy Ascari?

We don't care about what your minority as's do or don't do. That is why you will never find an Ethiopian on your websit or even in your restaurant or gatherings- hahahaha. You are the one all over our dic'ks kkkk

You have been and still are fighting Ethiopians and Ethiopiansim. You are Tesfaye gebre ebab. What do you expect us Ethiopians do? :lol:

You hate us and try to attack us with your mini minority self. And you get upset when we tell you you are our enemy. Wtf! :lol:

Just a few days ago when brother Tarik says he wants to help Amara you said "hell no" :lol: you strongly opposed multiple times. Just sayin- Amara too big to take care himself! Anyway. I don't want to talk about all the ascaris that attack us daily like matit, and when the time presses you!

Ascaris are our number one enemy! No question about it

I am glad Isayas is Tembien by blood. If I Says was an Ascari like you we have gone to another war and you would be destroyed. That would have given another mess in east Africa. We like see ascaris to stay where are now

Zmeselo wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:48
Eritrean- "by spirit"?

Not that it means/changes anything, but it's good you're confessing of the fact that you see the whole of the Eritrean population as your enemy.

Depression & suicide, be upon you! The Eritrean ppl will not budge anyway, despite all the insults.
present wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:26
cockroach qorchame Ascari Eritrean
The frog meles is Ascari Eritrean by blood and by the spirit. I ain't making this shi't up. This is not your Ascari circle. You are on ER, you can't deny or lie. We are here. He is Ascari like Bereket wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:23
Denkoro tplf rat why are trying to distance yourself from your talaku leader :lol: lemagne anbeta lekami
present wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:17
:lol: :lol: this ugly frog Ascari

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Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Zmeselo » 20 Oct 2019, 10:15

Ahya, it's not whether I remember it or not. It's an issue, that you're a LIAR. Pure & simple.

You can always post the link, if that was true. I hardly talk, to that flip flopping ugume psycho.

I don't even know why, I'm talking to a sick dog like you.

Btw, are you unsure about your "etiopiawnet"? Only insecure ppl, blow their horns all the time.
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:10
Ascari, :lol:

I am Ethiopian. I have too many exciting things in my life. That is why we love being Ethiopains!!

Anyway, you don't remeber telling Brother Tarik that Eritrean policy does not support helping Amara? You don't remeber questioning him on that? Kkkkk

And you don't remember telling me a few weeks ago that you support "Tesfaye gebre ebab"? Kkkk

I can pull out a bunch of stuff you said that is offensive to Ethiopians

Ascari- just stay who you are. We have known you Ascari true being for a long time. We know your history is your number one enemy that is making you angry at all times- I am glad all Ethiopians know you
Zmeselo wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:03
Wùsha, don't get too excited. I told you, it doesn't change anything.

Prove it you liar, that I had that conversation with Tarik.
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 09:58
Are you crazy Ascari?

We don't care about what your minority as's do or don't do. That is why you will never find an Ethiopian on your websit or even in your restaurant or gatherings- hahahaha. You are the one all over our dic'ks kkkk

You have been and still are fighting Ethiopians and Ethiopiansim. You are Tesfaye gebre ebab. What do you expect us Ethiopians do? :lol:

You hate us and try to attack us with your mini minority self. And you get upset when we tell you you are our enemy. Wtf! :lol:

Just a few days ago when brother Tarik says he wants to help Amara you said "hell no" :lol: you strongly opposed multiple times. Just sayin- Amara too big to take care himself! Anyway. I don't want to talk about all the ascaris that attack us daily like matit, and when the time presses you!

Ascaris are our number one enemy! No question about it

I am glad Isayas is Tembien by blood. If I Says was an Ascari like you we have gone to another war and you would be destroyed. That would have given another mess in east Africa. We like see ascaris to stay where are now

Zmeselo wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:48
Eritrean- "by spirit"?

Not that it means/changes anything, but it's good you're confessing of the fact that you see the whole of the Eritrean population as your enemy.

Depression & suicide, be upon you! The Eritrean ppl will not budge anyway, despite all the insults.
present wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:26
cockroach qorchame Ascari Eritrean
The frog meles is Ascari Eritrean by blood and by the spirit. I ain't making this shi't up. This is not your Ascari circle. You are on ER, you can't deny or lie. We are here. He is Ascari like Bereket wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:23
Denkoro tplf rat why are trying to distance yourself from your talaku leader :lol: lemagne anbeta lekami
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Joined: 19 Oct 2017, 11:19

Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by » 20 Oct 2019, 10:39

Denkoro agame tplf rat youre not good at your job. Low iq digital kumal. Tarik is your other alias. You think youre fooling anyone :lol: :lol: :lol: denkoro tplf rats amuse me :lol:
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:34
Cockroach qorchame, :lol:

I will post it

Zmeselo wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:15
Ahya, it's not whether I remember it or not. It's an issue, that you're a LIAR. Pure & simple.

You can always post the link, if that was true. I hardly talk, to that flip flopping ugume psycho.

I don't even know why, I'm talking to a sick dog like you.

Btw, are you unsure about your "etiopiawnet"? Only insecure ppl, blow their horns all the time.
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:10
Ascari, :lol:

I am Ethiopian. I have too many exciting things in my life. That is why we love being Ethiopains!!

Anyway, you don't remeber telling Brother Tarik that Eritrean policy does not support helping Amara? You don't remeber questioning him on that? Kkkkk

And you don't remember telling me a few weeks ago that you support "Tesfaye gebre ebab"? Kkkk

I can pull out a bunch of stuff you said that is offensive to Ethiopians

Ascari- just stay who you are. We have known you Ascari true being for a long time. We know your history is your number one enemy that is making you angry at all times- I am glad all Ethiopians know you
Zmeselo wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:03
Wùsha, don't get too excited. I told you, it doesn't change anything.

Prove it you liar, that I had that conversation with Tarik.
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 09:58
Are you crazy Ascari?

We don't care about what your minority as's do or don't do. That is why you will never find an Ethiopian on your websit or even in your restaurant or gatherings- hahahaha. You are the one all over our dic'ks kkkk

You have been and still are fighting Ethiopians and Ethiopiansim. You are Tesfaye gebre ebab. What do you expect us Ethiopians do? :lol:

You hate us and try to attack us with your mini minority self. And you get upset when we tell you you are our enemy. Wtf! :lol:

Just a few days ago when brother Tarik says he wants to help Amara you said "hell no" :lol: you strongly opposed multiple times. Just sayin- Amara too big to take care himself! Anyway. I don't want to talk about all the ascaris that attack us daily like matit, and when the time presses you!

Ascaris are our number one enemy! No question about it

I am glad Isayas is Tembien by blood. If I Says was an Ascari like you we have gone to another war and you would be destroyed. That would have given another mess in east Africa. We like see ascaris to stay where are now

Zmeselo wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:48
Eritrean- "by spirit"?

Not that it means/changes anything, but it's good you're confessing of the fact that you see the whole of the Eritrean population as your enemy.

Depression & suicide, be upon you! The Eritrean ppl will not budge anyway, despite all the insults.
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Joined: 19 Oct 2017, 11:19

Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by » 20 Oct 2019, 10:49

Why r u running tarik aka toj wajale aka present anbeta lekami lemagne ye lemagne zer :mrgreen: youre a digital hamema. Everyone knows :lol: :lol: :lol:
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:45
Her eyes your post questioning brother Tarik- the real one.

Do you need anymore? Kkk

I don't lie and I never lie. I am not you.

Now go deny this too hahahahhaa


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Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Zmeselo » 20 Oct 2019, 10:57

I read it, you monkey. Nowhere do I say: let's not help Amara. Nowhere!

Besides, yes, it's true. We shouldn't involve ourselves in the chaos of Ethiopia.
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:45
Her eyes your post questioning brother Tarik- the real one.

Do you need anymore? Kkk

I don't lie and I never lie. I am not you.

Now go deny this too hahahahhaa

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Joined: 19 Oct 2017, 11:19

Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by » 20 Oct 2019, 11:00

Notice how present anbeta lekami sewer rat agame tries to defelect every thread away from weyane with his usual ascari ascar ascari nonsense. So strange for a supposed "amhara" man kakakaka kakakaka kakakaka
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Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by » 20 Oct 2019, 16:14

Bla blah blah sewer rat tplf. You can scream ascari day and night, it doesnt change the fact that youre an agame :lol: :lol: :lol: denkoro weyane
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 16:05

That is what i have been saying. You oppose any collaborations. But Tarik is opposite of that. Isayas is opposite of that. Because they have been colabrating with Ethiopians. And the Amara Abiy. Collaboration with the Tembien Isayas and the Amara Abiy is ofcource as expected and real.

But the real Ascari like you would hate that. That is why I always say if Isayas finds your ascaris he kill you on the spot like he did too many extremist ascaris such as those Awash has been posting list several times.

You just said you don't want to get involved in the affairs of Ethiopia but Isayas does. He is and was directly involved. He helped Kefagn, Arbegnoch, G7, olf and etc. that is called a direct involvement. He has been directly attacking tplf, he used to call them on his interviews "Leboch"! He knows tplfs are Ascari extremists like meles, Bereket, sebhat and etc. he will never give them a chance until Ethiopia is under control of an Ethiopian.

I don't want to mention what he said about olf 15 years ago!! I will never expose that info! Never, at least now. And it's exactly what's happing now!!

What I can say now is- he a son of Atse Yohanus!!

Zmeselo wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:57
I read it, you monkey. Nowhere do I say: let's not help Amara. Nowhere!

Besides, yes, it's true. We shouldn't involve ourselves in the chaos of Ethiopia.
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:45
Her eyes your post questioning brother Tarik- the real one.

Do you need anymore? Kkk

I don't lie and I never lie. I am not you.

Now go deny this too hahahahhaa

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Joined: 19 Oct 2017, 11:19

Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by » 20 Oct 2019, 16:18

Sahsah agame im insulting you sewer rat weyane. Trying to pass yourself as an amhara. Youre a parasite tplf :mrgreen: btw where is your sidekick tarik :lol:
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 16:16
Yeah, you Ascari extremist, you keep exposing yourself the more you insult Tembien Ethiopains. They are our brothers. wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 16:14
Bla blah blah sewer rat tplf. You can scream ascari day and night, it doesnt change the fact that youre an agame :lol: :lol: :lol: denkoro weyane
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 16:05

That is what i have been saying. You oppose any collaborations. But Tarik is opposite of that. Isayas is opposite of that. Because they have been colabrating with Ethiopians. And the Amara Abiy. Collaboration with the Tembien Isayas and the Amara Abiy is ofcource as expected and real.

But the real Ascari like you would hate that. That is why I always say if Isayas finds your ascaris he kill you on the spot like he did too many extremist ascaris such as those Awash has been posting list several times.

You just said you don't want to get involved in the affairs of Ethiopia but Isayas does. He is and was directly involved. He helped Kefagn, Arbegnoch, G7, olf and etc. that is called a direct involvement. He has been directly attacking tplf, he used to call them on his interviews "Leboch"! He knows tplfs are Ascari extremists like meles, Bereket, sebhat and etc. he will never give them a chance until Ethiopia is under control of an Ethiopian.

I don't want to mention what he said about olf 15 years ago!! I will never expose that info! Never, at least now. And it's exactly what's happing now!!

What I can say now is- he a son of Atse Yohanus!!

Zmeselo wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:57
I read it, you monkey. Nowhere do I say: let's not help Amara. Nowhere!

Besides, yes, it's true. We shouldn't involve ourselves in the chaos of Ethiopia.
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:45
Her eyes your post questioning brother Tarik- the real one.

Do you need anymore? Kkk

I don't lie and I never lie. I am not you.

Now go deny this too hahahahhaa


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Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Zmeselo » 20 Oct 2019, 16:53

Hey retard, there's a govt in Ethiopia now. There was a Mafia grp before, who was in our affairs by OCCUPYING our land. So of course, we trained Ethiopians to fight it. When this legitimate govt, which respects the rule of law appeared, all those grps. you listed were sent home.

But of course, if the Abyi govt requests help, Eritrea will not deny it. But, not before that.
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 16:05

That is what i have been saying. You oppose any collaborations. But Tarik is opposite of that. Isayas is opposite of that. Because they have been colabrating with Ethiopians. And the Amara Abiy. Collaboration with the Tembien Isayas and the Amara Abiy is ofcource as expected and real.

But the real Ascari like you would hate that. That is why I always say if Isayas finds your ascaris he kill you on the spot like he did too many extremist ascaris such as those Awash has been posting list several times.

You just said you don't want to get involved in the affairs of Ethiopia but Isayas does. He is and was directly involved. He helped Kefagn, Arbegnoch, G7, olf and etc. that is called a direct involvement. He has been directly attacking tplf, he used to call them on his interviews "Leboch"! He knows tplfs are Ascari extremists like meles, Bereket, sebhat and etc. he will never give them a chance until Ethiopia is under control of an Ethiopian.

I don't want to mention what he said about olf 15 years ago!! I will never expose that info! Never, at least now. And it's exactly what's happing now!!

What I can say now is- he a son of Atse Yohanus!!

Zmeselo wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:57
I read it, you monkey. Nowhere do I say: let's not help Amara. Nowhere!

Besides, yes, it's true. We shouldn't involve ourselves in the chaos of Ethiopia.
present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 10:45
Her eyes your post questioning brother Tarik- the real one.

Do you need anymore? Kkk

I don't lie and I never lie. I am not you.

Now go deny this too hahahahhaa


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Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by EthioRedSea » 20 Oct 2019, 17:38

Meles Zenawi laid the foundation of modern Ethiopia. He is from Eritrea and Tigray, of mixed parentage.
Meles Zenawi landlocked Tigray, thus weakening the legacies of Aksumite Kingdom, which Tigrayans are bitter bout it. Meles Zenawi was in general soft on Eritrea.

Meles Zenawi is not an ascari, but an Ethiopaina Eritrean.

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Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Hazega/Tsazega. » 20 Oct 2019, 18:01

Poor agame deqila present,

Instead of trying to spread fire between oromo & amharu, like woyanu have been & are doing with their stolen billions (buying off cheap sellouts in all ethiopian groups, including sellouts in eritreans)...why don't you focus on fighting/weakening the last hideout woyanu & their stolen money.

Why are you sensitive to insult of agame if you understand context of peoples anger?? Even Tembien understand the context/anger of those that use the agame insult so they are not up in arms against name calling. However there are many amongst them that are up in arms against having any association with "actual agame/woyanu" 🤔 so your sneaky attempt at trying to counter turn Tembien on to woyanu side (because of agame name calling) will not work.
Besides, from the north anyone south of Mereb was referred to as agame for over 1/2 century (including 1/2 amharu deqila raised by agame identity, like you) Tembien really dont get bothered by that insult & brush it only strikes the nerves of true agames 😁

Anyways, there is a lot of hidden anger in Tembien (Mekalle hideout of woyanu)...that is where the tigrai necktie will be fashionable for woyanu sooner than you think.

("The Tigray Necktie" for woyanu in near future)

Now before you assume i hate mixed people...know that i have mixed siblings...but i have always told them to be upright/proud of their mixed identity but not to play dirty politics while hiding it. You on the other hand have claimed many identities in the past but can't even admit your true agame deqila origin...that is classic inferiority/self hate.

Also not looking to give more hot air to digital fes'sam woyanu like you...but i do like to rattle the woyanu in their cages from time to time 😁
Last edited by Hazega/Tsazega. on 20 Oct 2019, 18:07, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Fed_Up » 20 Oct 2019, 18:04 wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:23
Denkoro tplf rat why are trying to distance yourself from your talaku leader :lol: lemagne anbeta lekami
present wrote:
19 Oct 2019, 19:17
:lol: :lol: this ugly frog Ascari
Easy on my ቅጫማም ወሼ she is having hard time since the ማለሊት death. The ሁለት ግራ እግር ዴዴብ ሙጀሊት አስካሪ አስሮ ከሰረራት ወዲህ ጭምብራዋ ካስጣልናት ወዲህ -- "ኤሮማራ" አስብለን እርቃኗ ሲቀር ድረስ ካረግናት ወዲህ ሁለት 7 ያስፈልጋታል..

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Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Zmeselo » 20 Oct 2019, 18:42

Stupid, I told you Ethiopia has to ask for it first. Has it?

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Re: መለስ ዜናዊ ከሞተበት ተነስቶ የአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲን ፍጻሜ በዚህ መልኩ ተሰናብቷል!!

Post by Hazega/Tsazega. » 20 Oct 2019, 19:41

Agame deqila present,

Agame is a name of an awraja & calling them by their name is an insult?? Instead you should understand why it became an insult...yesterday just like today, its denigrated because of the backstabbing history of their leaders past & present (present, pastlast?? 🤔)

Is there a recognized biher Kunama in woyanu Tigray?? Copycat agams, even want to steal the biher of eritreans...just like Irobs are copycats of Saho from the time of agame Sabagadis.

Anyways, there was no one tigray nation...they were all under if awraja Tembien/Enderta want to join amhara, so be it 😁

You are just a kenya woyanu are even saying kenya Isayas...haha...that is priceless since not long ago you were calling Isayas & all eritrea just like a true agame woyanu you are crying kenya to others to save you 🤣🤣

present wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 18:23
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I love it Ascari extremist rats are out of their holes- one by one!!

No, I don't know any Tigrean who is okay being insulted as agame by you ascaris :lol: NONE!!

And we are telling you now to stop insulting the people of Tigray who are temebien and Enderta mainly in addtion to kunama and Irob- well Anderta is Amara too. Just to remind you.

Because tplf is extremist Ascari Eritreans- 99% of them!

So stop calling Tembien and Enderta, agame. And stop saying tplf is Tigray. Tplf is Ascari Eritrean extremist!!

Get used to it now hahhahahah Hahahahahha

Hazega/Tsazega. wrote:
20 Oct 2019, 18:01

Poor agame deqila present,

Instead of trying to spread fire between oromo & amharu, like woyanu have been & are doing with their stolen billions (buying off cheap sellouts in all ethiopian groups, including sellouts in eritreans)...why don't you focus on fighting/weakening the last hideout woyanu & their stolen money.

Why are you sensitive to insult of agame if you understand context of peoples anger?? Even Tembien understand the context/anger of those that use the agame insult so they are not up in arms against name calling. However there are many amongst them that are up in arms against having any association with "actual agame/woyanu" 🤔 so your sneaky attempt at trying to counter turn Tembien on to woyanu side (because of agame name calling) will not work.
Besides, from the north anyone south of Mereb was referred to as agame for over 1/2 century (including 1/2 amharu deqila raised by agame identity, like you) Tembien really dont get bothered by that insult & brush it only strikes the nerves of true agames 😁

Anyways, there is a lot of hidden anger in Tembien (Mekalle hideout of woyanu)...that is where the tigrai necktie will be fashionable for woyanu sooner than you think.

("The Tigray Necktie" for woyanu in near future)

Now before you assume i hate mixed people...know that i have mixed siblings...but i have always told them to be upright/proud of their mixed identity but not to play dirty politics while hiding it. You on the other hand have claimed many identities in the past but can't even admit your true agame deqila origin...that is classic inferiority/self hate.

Also not looking to give more hot air to digital fes'sam woyanu like you...but i do like to rattle the woyanu in their cages from time to time 😁

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