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Halafi Mengedi
Senior Member+
Posts: 45799
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Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Oct 2019, 12:06

There will be an avoidable problems among ethnics specially Amhara vs Oromo and Tigray, accordingly the Oromo parents must say no their kids to go to Amhara to be the target for revenge. All Oromo must studay at home among their people comfort home than sending your loves onces to receive dead body during the year. Nationalist Oromo must mobilize now and stop and spare your people and future of ormia nation. This is not a political game but reality in to existence.

Posts: 4077
Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 17:40

Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 18 Oct 2019, 12:11

በትናንትናው ዕለት የትግራይ ክልል ትምህርት ቢሮ አዳዲስ ተማሪዎችን ወደ አማራ ክልል አልክም ማለቱን ተከትሎ የሳይንስና ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ይህንን ለማለት የክልሉ ትምህርት ቢሮ ሥልጣን የለውም ሲል ለቢቢሲ ተናገረ።

ተማሪዎችን የመደበው የሀገር አቀፍ ፈተናዎች ድርጅት ነው ያሉት በሳይንስና ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር የኮሙኑኬሽን ጉዳዮች ዳይሬክተር አቶ ደቻሳ ጉርሙ፣ ከመግለጫው በፊት በነበሩ መድረኮች ላይ በተደጋጋሚ ክልሉ ጥያቄውን ማቅረቡን ይናገራሉ።

አቶ ደቻሳ ለቢቢሲ እንዳስረዱት ከትግራይ ክልል ትምህርት ቢሮ ጋር በተደጋጋሚ በዚህ ጉዳይ ላይ ንግግር ማድረጋቸውን ገልፀው፤ አሁን በክልል በሚገኙ ዩኒቨርስቲዎች ያለው ሰላም አስተማማኝ በመሆኑ ተማሪዎች ወደዚያው ሄደው እንዲማሩ እንደሚፈልጉ ተናግረዋል።

"ሁሉም ተማሪዎች ወደየተመደቡበት ዩኒቨርስቲ ሄደው ይማራሉ የሚል እምነት ነው ያለን" ያሉት ኃላፊው፤ በመላው ሀገሪቱ የሚገኙ ዩኒቨርስቲዎች ተጠሪነታቸው ለፌደራል መንግሥቱ በመሆኑ በየክልሉ የሚገኙ ትምህርት ቢሮዎች ማዘዝ አይችሉም ብለዋል።

ከትግራይ ክልል የቀረበውን ተከትሎም የሳይንስና የከፍተኛ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ተማሪዎችን በተለያዩ ክልሎች ውስጥ ወደሚገኙ ዩኒቨርስቲዎች ተመድበዋል፤ እነሱም ወደ ተመደቡበት ተቋም ሄደው መማር ያለባቸው ሲል አመልክተወል።

አቶ ደቻሳ ጉርሙ እንዳሉት "የስፖርትና የትምህርት ጉዳይ ሲነሳ በሁለቱ ክልሎች መካከል እንዲህ አይነት ክፍተት አለ" በማለት ከትግራይ በኩል የቀረበውን ሃሳብም "አንተገብረውም፤ ሊሆንም አይችልም" ብለዋል።

በትግራይ ክልል ያሉም ሆኑ ሌሎች የከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት፤ እነዚህን ልጆች ተቀብለው አያስተናግዱም ያሉት ኃላፊው "የለባቸውምም" ሲሉ አስረግጠው ይናገራል።

ምክንያቱም ይላሉ ኃላፊው "ትግራይ ክልል ያሉትም ሆነ ሌሎች ዩኒቨርስቲዎች መቀበል በሚችሉት ልክ ተማሪ መድበናል" በማለት "ዩኒቨርስቲዎቹ ምንም ዓይነት ተጨማሪ ተማሪ መቀበል አይችሉም፤ በጀትም የላቸውም" ብለዋል።
It would have been an excellent idea if only the Feds accept TPLF's request...Less trouble and less spy

Halafi Mengedi
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Posts: 45799
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Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Oct 2019, 12:28

So, Amhara has the power to take other ethnics to the primitive savage Amhara???

Oromo leaders tell the Menelik ministry of education educate your savage primitive Amharu and the Oromo nation will educate their kids based the Oromo value than Menelik Amharic value.
Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 18 Oct 2019, 13:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: 15 Oct 2016, 10:31

Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by AbebeB » 18 Oct 2019, 13:17

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
18 Oct 2019, 12:06
There will be an avoidable problems among ethnics specially Amhara vs Oromo and Tigray, accordingly the Oromo parents must say no their kids to go to Amhara to be the target for revenge. All Oromo must studay at home among their people comfort home than sending your loves onces to receive dead body during the year. Nationalist Oromo must mobilize now and stop and spare your people and future of ormia nation. This is not a political game but reality in to existence.
For us, our sons will go to the traditionally called Amhara region. Because, in the region is Wallo, Oromia. In effect, it means, we are sending our sons to part of the Oromia. I said traditionally named Amhara region because the name is actually in appropriate and hence it doesn't reflect the actual geography and indigenous nations in it.

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Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by AbebeB » 18 Oct 2019, 13:25

AbebeB wrote:
18 Oct 2019, 13:17
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
18 Oct 2019, 12:06
There will be an avoidable problems among ethnics specially Amhara vs Oromo and Tigray, accordingly the Oromo parents must say no their kids to go to Amhara to be the target for revenge. All Oromo must studay at home among their people comfort home than sending your loves onces to receive dead body during the year. Nationalist Oromo must mobilize now and stop and spare your people and future of ormia nation. This is not a political game but reality in to existence.
For us, our sons will go to the traditionally called Amhara region. Because, in the region is Wallo, Oromia. In effect, it means, we are sending our sons to part of the Oromia. I said traditionally named Amhara region because the name is actually in appropriate and hence it doesn't reflect the actual geography and indigenous nations in it.
I told you last time. We are not moving for less important issues like this (sending/not sending students). We are a bit more than that. As you know we are fighting these Menelik residues face to face in Kamise and around. More is to come in a very near future. It is important that you know the effect will affect you.

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Joined: 30 Jul 2018, 02:09

Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by Tiago » 18 Oct 2019, 14:30

logic is slow; fear is fast.
Tribalism (being oromo,amara,tigray,guragay,wollamo,afar,etc )
is not going to get us food or employment.
At a tribal level, people are more emotional and consequently less logical: Fans of both teams pray for their team to win, hoping God will take sides in a game. On the other hand, we regress to tribalism when afraid.
Fear is uninformed, illogical and often dumb.Fear can also turn violent.
When ideologies manage to get hold of our fear circuitry, we often regress to illogical, tribal and aggressive human animals, becoming weapons ourselves – weapons that politicians use for their own agenda.
We must strive to overcome our unfounded fear and
respect humanity.

Posts: 7694
Joined: 15 Oct 2016, 10:31

Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by AbebeB » 18 Oct 2019, 14:43

Tiago wrote:
18 Oct 2019, 14:30
logic is slow; fear is fast.
Tribalism (being oromo,amara,tigray,guragay,wollamo,afar,etc )
is not going to get us food or employment.
ሆዳም ነህ! ከማንነትህ በፊት መኖ ትመኛለህ? ኦፒዲኦ (አብይ አመድ) ነህ?

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Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by Tiago » 18 Oct 2019, 15:25

What is the benefit of hating another human being on the basis of his/her tribal identity?
The hatemongers like you reside in one of the multicultural countries far from the reality.
You should be ashamed of yourself. i.e if you posses an iota of human conscience.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Oct 2019, 15:40

Tiago wrote:
18 Oct 2019, 15:25
What is the benefit of hating another human being on the basis of his/her tribal identity?
The hatemongers like you reside in one of the multicultural countries far from the reality.
You should be ashamed of yourself. i.e if you posses an iota of human conscience.
We are not donkey just to think Tere Siga but our own DNA is our engine and if you do not want to talk about your ethnicity then you are nothing but Ahiya Abath Satawq Yemtmot???

Posts: 7694
Joined: 15 Oct 2016, 10:31

Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by AbebeB » 18 Oct 2019, 15:58

Tiago wrote:
18 Oct 2019, 15:25
What is the benefit of hating another human being on the basis of his/her tribal identity?
The hatemongers like you reside in one of the multicultural countries far from the reality.
You should be ashamed of yourself. i.e if you posses an iota of human conscience.

iota of human conscience?
Ask Amhara, source of hate based on tribalism. They live in others territory but they never spoke language of the society they live in. On the contrary, they expect others to speak Amharic even if are those who don't live in Amharic territory. Okay?

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 18 Oct 2019, 16:18

Halafi, who told you donkeys are dreaming of “ tree sega?” Maybe you are alluding I and millions who enjoy eating it as donkeys. Well, respect our choice. We do not need to be told what we should eat.
As for advising the Oromo politicians not to send Oromo students to the Amhara region, it is still not your province to distribute your “ wisdom” to every ethnic politicians whom you dream of freeing the TPLF politicians from their self imposed prison.
Ethiopia should be a country where every Ethiopian has the right to choose where to learn, work and live. I know it is a strange concept to you and the TPLF politicians. But I have news for you, Halafi. The great majority of Ethiopians believe in it.

Posts: 4077
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Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 18 Oct 2019, 16:55

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
18 Oct 2019, 12:28
So, Amhara has the power to take other ethnics to the primitive savage Amhara???

Oromo leaders tell the Menelik ministry of education educate your savage primitive Amharu and the Oromo nation will educate their kids based the Oromo value than Menelik Amharic value.
Aite Halafi,

Why are you always angry? I am bothered :mrgreen: What are you trying to achieve by constantly ranting through your incoherent statements ? Why do you think it is okay for Tigreans to have 25% representation while they are only 5%? Why is it okay for the Somalis not to be represented as decision makers under the EPRDF facade?

Ethnic federalism is brought to the political realm of the country by TPLF which, is now going against the same federalism since they no more are the "God father". What happen to the implementation of the 39th? I thought the purpose of that article is for such eventuality. Please stop the pretension and confront the reality unfolding in front of your eyes. There will be no going back to the way it was !! If you think that we all are gullible enough to buy your false and deceptive propaganda, you may need to wake up and catch up. :mrgreen:

Halafi Mengedi
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Posts: 45799
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Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Oct 2019, 21:39

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
18 Oct 2019, 16:18
Halafi, who told you donkeys are dreaming of “ tree sega?” Maybe you are alluding I and millions who enjoy eating it as donkeys. Well, respect our choice. We do not need to be told what we should eat.
As for advising the Oromo politicians not to send Oromo students to the Amhara region, it is still not your province to distribute your “ wisdom” to every ethnic politicians whom you dream of freeing the TPLF politicians from their self imposed prison.
Ethiopia should be a country where every Ethiopian has the right to choose where to learn, work and live. I know it is a strange concept to you and the TPLF politicians. But I have news for you, Halafi. The great majority of Ethiopians believe in it.
My eyes told me.

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Re: Oromo leaders and nationalists must think hard now not to send your kids to Amhara savage killing field Universities

Post by Selam/ » 18 Oct 2019, 22:18

Woyane sore pimple - No need to explain. You’re obviously not a donkey, you rather belong to the giggly spotted hyaenidae, a feliform carnivoran with the souls of the damned trapped inside of them. KIFU!
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
18 Oct 2019, 15:40
Tiago wrote:
18 Oct 2019, 15:25
What is the benefit of hating another human being on the basis of his/her tribal identity?
The hatemongers like you reside in one of the multicultural countries far from the reality.
You should be ashamed of yourself. i.e if you posses an iota of human conscience.
We are not donkey just to think Tere Siga but our own DNA is our engine and if you do not want to talk about your ethnicity then you are nothing but Ahiya Abath Satawq Yemtmot???

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