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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Revelations » 03 Oct 2019, 07:25

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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Ethoash » 03 Oct 2019, 07:31

Revelations wrote:
03 Oct 2019, 06:55
other ethnic celebrating IRREACH

ጌታቸው ረዳ እኮ ከወንጅል የነፃ ነው በሕገ መንግስቱ መስረት። ማንን ወንጅለኛ ማለት አትችልም ያለማስረጃ። ትልቅ ወንጀል ነው አንድ ሰውን ያለማስረጃ መወንጀል። እንግዲህ ቡዳ ስለሆንክ ትጠረጥር ይሆናል ። ቡዳነት ህን እዛው በኦሮሞ አወል ቡና ላይ አርገው ። ግን ጌታቸው ረዳ ይህንን ትልቅ ሰው ለአገር የስራ ለመወንጀል በቡና ላይ ወሬ አገር እንደማፈረስ ነው። ጦርነት እንደመቀስቀስ ነው።

ታድያ ምን ልታረግ ነው ጌታቸው ረዳ ነው ግጭቱን የቀስቀስው። ጌታቸው ረዳ አማራን እንደኳስ ይጫወትበታል እያልከን ነው ወይ፧ ወይስ የአማራ ኩር ሕዝብ ጃላጅል ነው በአንድ ሰው ይመራል እያልከው ነው።

በአሜሪካ ሰው ገድለህ ። አንተ አይደለህም ከወንጀል ነፃ መሆንህን የምትሞግተው ። ከሳሽ ነው የአንተን ጥፋተኝነት በማስረጃ የሚያቀርበው ። እስከዛው ሰኮንድ ድረስ ግን አንተ ነፃ ሰው ነው ። ይህንን ሕጝጋት ጣስ ማንም ተነስቶ ሌላውን በመላ ምት መወንጀል ይጀምራል ።

ከጦር ከፈታው ወሬ የፍታው። አሁን የአማራ ሕዝብ እወነት ጌታቸው ረዳን ለመያዝ ጦርነት ይከፍታል ወይ ። ማለቅያወስ የት ነው። ታድያ እሳት አነቀጣጠል ለማንሞቀው ነገር።

other discontinued Holiday

Ethiopian Patriots’ Victory Day (also known as Liberation Day) 5 May

Kiddus Yohannes (New Year’s Day) 11 September

Victory of Adwa Commemoration Day 2 March

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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Revelations » 03 Oct 2019, 07:37

Abiy Ahimed lying again...and again..! The undisputed fact is, Irecha is a religious festival. He is free to celebrate, follow etc.. whatever religion he wants but shouldn't lie to the people or impose on them a decree to celebrate his chosen religion of de jour!

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Last edited by Revelations on 03 Oct 2019, 07:52, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Ethoash » 03 Oct 2019, 07:51

ኦሮሞ አደዋን እና መስከርም አንድን (New year) ሲያግድ ።

ደመራን ሲያስቀር ጎጂ ባህል ነው ብሎ እንዳታለቅስ ።

ያለበለዚያ ደመራን ከመፅሐፍ ቁድስ ውስጥ አሳየኝ። መፅሐፈ ቁዱስ ውስጥ ከሌለ ጎጂ ባህል ነው። የኦሮሞ ደን የሚያልቅበት ጉዳይ በፍፁም የለም

በደንብ አይተሀል ኦሮሞዎቹ ከልሙጦች ትናንት ግጥም አረገው መልስ እንደስጡ ኦነግን ባንዲራ በማወለብለብ።

go head post another email. instead of answering a valid question

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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Ethoash » 03 Oct 2019, 08:01

which one is Ethiopian flag?
የኛ ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ የሚሉት ይህ ነው ውይ


In use between 06 October 1897 and May 1936

do u know the Ethiopian flag was upside down up to 1936

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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Marc » 03 Oct 2019, 09:34

Revelations wrote:
03 Oct 2019, 07:06
We already know all political crisis and controversies have origins in the government. Not OLF or the people of Oromo, but Abiy and his followers are playing double cards.

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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Marc » 03 Oct 2019, 09:43

Ethoash wrote:
03 Oct 2019, 08:01
which one is Ethiopian flag?
የኛ ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ የሚሉት ይህ ነው ውይ


In use between 06 October 1897 and May 1936

do u know the Ethiopian flag was upside down up to 1936
The Ethiopian flag has a very long recorded history. Gran historians of Turkish origin in his book 'Futuh Al-Abyssinia' has witnessed to have seen the 3 colors in almost every items including church walls. That is at the time of Libne Dengil (1508-1540), and that is before 500 years. The unrecorded version takes the flag at the time of Noah, which is likely given our ancient religion attachement.

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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Revelations » 03 Oct 2019, 11:48

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አክብሩልን ሲሉን እያከበሩን ቢሆን መልካም ነበር!

በዲ/ን ማለደ ዋሲሁን

ሰሞኑን እሬቻ ባህል ስለሆነ እስላም ክርስቲያን ሳትሉ መጥታችሁ አክብሩልን ሲሉ ነበር፡፡ አሁን ደግሞ እምነት/መንፈሳዊ/ ክዋኔ እንደሆነም እየተነገረ ነው፡፡ ታዲያ ሁሉም ሃይማኖት ተሰብስቦ የሚያከብረው ይህ መንፈስ ማነው? የሚል ጥያቄ የሚያነሡ ይኖራሉ፡፡

በዓሉ እንደ መስቀል እንደ አረፋ ወዘተ ነው ያሉም ባለሥልጣናት አሉ፡፡ መስቀል ባለቤቱ ኦርቶዶክስ ክርስትናው ነው፤ አረፋ ባለቤቱ እስልምና ነው፤ የኢሬቻ ባለቤቱ ማነው? መንግሥት ነው? ዋቄፈታ ነው? ሙስሊሞች ናቸው? ፕሮቴስታንቶች ናቸው? ወይስ ኦርቶዶክሶች? ይሄም ቢመለስ መልካም ነው፡፡ ዋቄ ፈታ ከሆነ እምነት ስለሆነ ኦርቶዶክሶችን አይመለከትም፡፡ ሙስሊሞችም ይመለከተናል ሲሉ አልሰማሁም፡፡ እምነት ከሆነ ተለይቶ ሊቋቋም ይገባል፡፡ ክርስቲያኑ ሙስሊሙን እንደሚያከብረው ሙስሊሙም ክርስቲያኑን እንደሚያከብረው ተከባብረው የሚኖሩ እምነቶች ሊሆኑ ይገባል፡፡

ከዚያ በባሰ ሰሞኑን የመጣው ነገር የኦርቶዶክስ ክርስትና ሃይማኖትን ሲያጥላሉ የሚታዩ ሰዎች መልሰው ኢሬቻን ሲያወድሱ እያየን ነው፡፡ አንዳንዱ ደግሞ ጭራሽ ዞሮበት በወንዝ ዳር መሄድን ከጥምቀት በዓል ጋር፣ ተራራ ላይ መሄድን ከአብርሃም መሥዋዕት ጋር እያስተያየ ከኦርቶዶክስ ሃይማኖት ጋር ሊያዛምደው ይሞክራል፡፡ ይህ ኦርቶዶክሳውያንን የበዓሉ ባለቤት ለማድረግ ወይም የበዓሉ ጠላት የሚያደርግ ግብግብ ይመስላል፡፡ ነገር ግን ከባድ ንቀት ነው፡፡ በአንድ በኩል አክብሩልን በአንድ በኩል እናዋርዳችሁ የሚል አካሄድ ለጊዜው ያስመሽ ይሆናል ነገር ግን አያሳድርምና ቢታረም እላላሁ፡፡

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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Revelations » 03 Oct 2019, 13:13

እምነቱ ምንድን ነው?

የሃይማኖቱ ስም ዋቄፈና ነው፡፡ የእምነቱ ተከታይ ዋቄፈታ ነው የሚባለው፡፡ ከዋቄፈና ሃይማኖታዊ በአላት አንዱ ኢሬቻ ነው፤ ሌሎችም ብዙ በአላት አሉ፡፡ ሌላው ከዚህ ሃይማኖታዊ በአል ጋር በልማድ አብሮ ተቀላቅሎ የሚከወን ነገር አለ፡፡ ለምሣሌ ቡና ማፍላት፣ ዛፍ ቅቤ መቀባት፣ ስለት ማግባት፣ ሽቶ ውሃ ውስጥ መወርወር የመሣሠሉ አሉ፡፡

ቅቤ መቀባት ግን “ሙዳ” ከሚባለው ስርአት ጋር ይያያዛል፡፡ አንድ ንጉስ ሣይቀባ እንደማይነግስ ሁሉ አንድ የማምለኪያ ቦታም ተቀብቶ እውቅና ሊያገኝ ይገባዋል፡፡ ነገር ግን አሁን እየተደረገ እንዳለው በየጊዜው ሣይሆን አንድ ጊዜ ብቻ ነው ይህ ስርአት ተፈፃሚ የሚሆነው። አንድ ንጉስ በየጊዜው እንደማይቀባ ሁሉ አንድ የተመረጠ የማምለኪያ ስፍራም በየጊዜው ሊቀባ አይገባም፡፡ ቀቢውም ማንኛውም ሠው ሣይሆን የተመረጠ መሆን አለበት፡፡

Assegid S.
Posts: 936
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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Assegid S. » 03 Oct 2019, 14:25

Revelations wrote:
03 Oct 2019, 07:06
"ኣራዳዎች" ግን @ሀገር-አቀፍ በዓል ለማክበር የሚቀሰቀሱ ሳይሆን ከሀገር -አቀፍ ሀዘን የተነሳ የሚፅናኑ (የሚስተዛዘኑ) ነው የሚመስሉት። አዲስ ... ተለምዶዋዊው ደምፅ-አልባ ተቃውሞዋ እስከ አንገቷ ደርሷል። በዚህም ሆነ በዚያ ያየነውን አይተናል፤ ከዓመት ባጠረ ጊዜ ይለይለታል። የተመታው አውሮፕላን እየጨሰ ለጥቂት ጊዜ የሚበር መስሎ ሰማዩ ላይ ሲሽከርረከር ድንገትም ወድቆ ሲፈጠፈጥ ተመልክተናል። የፈረንጁም የሀበሻውም 2012 አንድ ዓመት ነው።

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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Ethoash » 03 Oct 2019, 14:51

Marc wrote:
03 Oct 2019, 09:43
The Ethiopian flag has a very long recorded history..

Dear Narc,

i just told u ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ was upside down and changed many time over and u telling me it has story of 500 years. how bout Axum 3000 years civilization they must have flag why not use that flag then if u only care about history...

the truth story of ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ is British give the ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ to king ሚኒሊክ after ሚኒሊክ loved the color . British got the idea from India .. ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ is everywhere in India it might be religion significance... anyhow u like it or not u cant call it Ethiopian fed. state flag , yes u can call it Orthox flag if u want if u want u can call it amhara state flag or amhara party flag but u cant impose your flag on Ethiopia as all.. even with all history behind it the rest of ethnic so no to your flag .. now u have only two choice .. keep your flag to yourself and keep Ethiopian union or break u Ethiopian union and start civil war trying to impose your flag.. enough is enough why we wasting so much time on this issue it is dead issue... no body want your dead flag.. if u think the rest of ethnic want your flag then let us do referendum and done with it..

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Joined: 20 Apr 2013, 20:24

Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Ethoash » 03 Oct 2019, 18:31

ምን አባህ ታመጣለህ የሚለው ሐረግ ልክ እንደመደመር ሊያዝልኝ እፈልጋለሁ።

የኦሮሞ መምህሮች ፻% እጥፍ ተከፈላቸው

ደግ አረጉ ፤ ምን አባህ ታመጣለህ

ኦሮሞዎች ታጠቁ

ደግ አረጉ ፤ ምን አባህ ታመጣለህ
ኦሮሞዎች አማርኛን ናቁ

ደግ አረጉ ፤ ምን አባህ ታመጣለህ

ኦሮሞዎች ኢሬቻን አከበሩ
ደግ አረጉ ፤ ምን አባህ ታመጣለህ

ኦሮሞዎች በአፋኦሮሞ ስብከት ስጡ።

ደግ አረጉ ፤ ምን አባህ ታመጣለህ

ምንም ይሁን ምንም ከአሁን በኋላ ለአማሮች ምክን ያት መስጠት አያስፈልግም

ደግ አረጉ ፤ ምን አባህ ታመጣለህ: ማለት ብቻ ነው ።

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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by banebris2013 » 04 Oct 2019, 00:45

Revelations wrote:
03 Oct 2019, 07:37
Abiy Ahimed lying again...and again..! The undisputed fact is, Irecha is a religious festival. He is free to celebrate, follow etc.. whatever religion he wants but shouldn't lie to the people or impose on them a decree to celebrate his chosen religion of de jour!

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As usual you have to go against anything oromo. You and your forefathers have been pretending to know about everything under the sun. Now you think you know better than the owners themselves and claim irrecha to be a religious festival. Oromo said it is cultural that is it. Nothing you can do can change that. Of course you can continue to claim what you are claiming.

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Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Marc » 04 Oct 2019, 06:37

Ethoash wrote:
03 Oct 2019, 14:51
Marc wrote:
03 Oct 2019, 09:43
The Ethiopian flag has a very long recorded history..

Dear Narc,

i just told u ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ was upside down and changed many time over and u telling me it has story of 500 years. how bout Axum 3000 years civilization they must have flag why not use that flag then if u only care about history...

the truth story of ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ is British give the ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ to king ሚኒሊክ after ሚኒሊክ loved the color . British got the idea from India .. ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ is everywhere in India it might be religion significance... anyhow u like it or not u cant call it Ethiopian fed. state flag , yes u can call it Orthox flag if u want if u want u can call it amhara state flag or amhara party flag but u cant impose your flag on Ethiopia as all.. even with all history behind it the rest of ethnic so no to your flag .. now u have only two choice .. keep your flag to yourself and keep Ethiopian union or break u Ethiopian union and start civil war trying to impose your flag.. enough is enough why we wasting so much time on this issue it is dead issue... no body want your dead flag.. if u think the rest of ethnic want your flag then let us do referendum and done with it..
I don't expect further evidences would ultimately convince you. Colonizers made many people deaf, ignorant and inferior. But, I just want to add this:

"Cartographers produced hundreds of maps known as the Prester John Maps. These were maps of Ethiopia and Abyssinia covering the Baher Negash Province (Eritrea)to the Great Rift Valley Lakes of East Africa. The legend shown here on a 1660 map was based on Ortelius’ map of 1573. This Blaeu Prester John famous map depicts the colors of the Ethiopian flag on the Ethiopian figures. Even today the flag is worn on Shammas and Ethiopian National clothings. The image of a man and a Woman with two Ethiopian kids holding an Ethiopian Tila (parasol) reinforces the concept that the Ethiopian flag is not a Johnny-come-lately phenomenon"

Look what was depicted at the legend of the map dipicting today's Ethiopia & Eritrea ... r+John.jpg

Posts: 230
Joined: 27 Jun 2017, 01:52

Re: "ኢሬቻን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ያመጣነው እኛ ነን... ሁሉም ሰው ያክብር" ታከለ ኡማ [VIDEO]

Post by Marc » 04 Oct 2019, 07:09

Ethoash wrote:
03 Oct 2019, 14:51
Marc wrote:
03 Oct 2019, 09:43
The Ethiopian flag has a very long recorded history..

Dear Narc,

i just told u ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ was upside down and changed many time over and u telling me it has story of 500 years. how bout Axum 3000 years civilization they must have flag why not use that flag then if u only care about history...

the truth story of ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ is British give the ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ to king ሚኒሊክ after ሚኒሊክ loved the color . British got the idea from India .. ቀስተ ዳመና ባንዲራ is everywhere in India it might be religion significance... anyhow u like it or not u cant call it Ethiopian fed. state flag , yes u can call it Orthox flag if u want if u want u can call it amhara state flag or amhara party flag but u cant impose your flag on Ethiopia as all.. even with all history behind it the rest of ethnic so no to your flag .. now u have only two choice .. keep your flag to yourself and keep Ethiopian union or break u Ethiopian union and start civil war trying to impose your flag.. enough is enough why we wasting so much time on this issue it is dead issue... no body want your dead flag.. if u think the rest of ethnic want your flag then let us do referendum and done with it..
My last clear evidence by Arab Faqih of Libne Dengil's time (1508-1540) is well described at the end of page 216 of the following article:

"the house of Libne Dengil was decorated by colors paintings: image of lions,of human beings, of birds depicted in red, yellow, green & white...." ... _24_1_1394

that period is likely around 1525, sometime 500 years before. Don't assume colors must be reflected just in the form of flags

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