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Halafi Mengedi
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They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless jus

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 26 Jul 2024, 22:15

They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves from merciless justice

What moral ground do the Adwans and their bosses Diqalu have to lead Tigray after they destroyed Tigray, where are you TDF from Raya Azebo, Enderta province, Awlalo, Tembien province and Shire province, get ready for the eventuality for the separation from cancer Tigray Adwans.

AS I told Tigrayans for many years that Meles wanted to stay in power was not just power hungry but he was concerned Eritrea future and he wanted to protect Eritrea from Ethiopia attack. Listen to me know, the main reason or concern for the Diqalu and mafia network families is not about power or Adwa but still the same concern as Meles bothered by it is Eritrea attack by Ethiopia. The leaders for the mission in charge are not in Tigray but in America, Sebhat and Berhane G/kirstos are the real leaders telling the Diqalu Leba Fetlework, Debresiol GebreAnzar, Alem G/Nahid, Migbey Nkebdey to do everything they can to stay in power and save Eritrea. All the above do not have any kind sympathy for Tigrayans plight but the plight of Eritrea and save Eritrea on the expense of Tigray distraction and elimination.

First, Adwans given the opportunities to lead Tigray after all Tigrayans fought for 17 years. The Adwans betrayed the trust of Tigray and focused on looting for their own for 27 years and Tigray became an orphan no one cares for Tigray including the generals. Adwans shamed Tigray and opened the gate for the enemies from the north and south for its demise, Adwans do not have any kind of remorse what they did and what every ethnic of the country told them including Demeke Zewde, because of Adwans he vowed to fight the criminals and day time hyenas.

First, Adwans are not native Tigrayans, they are pure settlers in central Tigray and Adwans are not part of Yaha era or history, because during Haya era no Adwan in central Tigray, all of them were in their native land Dembia, that includes Seraye. Adwans and Seraye resettled in central Tigray way after Yaha era. Unlike the Seraye very nationalist of the land they occupy and the country they believe in, the Adwans treat Tigray as no tomorrow temporary residences. Everyone can see how Adwans make decision for the fate of Tigray, they use Tigray as a tool to advance their interests on the expense of all Tigrayans.

If Adwans were part or before Yaha era, why Adwans have different feature, color, culture and the things they do are completely different than other Tigrayans???

Put aside the Diqalu children across Tigray from the southern, all Tigrayans from Axum, Shire province, Tembien Province, Raya Azebo, Enderta province, Awlalo, Agame province, Agew and Irob ethnic look alike. Your own mirror inside your own house does not lie to you who you are, what you look like and every spot of your face and body shape reveals to you, why the Adwans defy their own mirrors and pretending something else and they try to attach themselves as part and parcel of Yaha era or history???
Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 27 Jul 2024, 02:39, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 26 Jul 2024, 23:50

Teweres Tebeluwo Risti Dembia Mesiluwo Ayfalun Eluwo

Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 27 Jul 2024, 02:37, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 27 Jul 2024, 01:46

If strategic failure is the cause of Tigray demise, then who are the failure strategic engineers, decision makers and signers???
What the hell are they doing with the party now and what moral ground do they have to say anything about the future of Tigray, which one is Tigray to them, the one they destroyed???

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 27 Jul 2024, 23:28

Where is the torch now, Alem G/Nahid or Leba Fetlewor or Debresiol GebreAnzar door???
Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 28 Jul 2024, 13:28, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Misraq » 27 Jul 2024, 23:47

Temben Agew boy Mr. Mitri, why are you scared of brother Tigray People? he disses you but you are afraid to respond. Is it because you are Agew? :lol: :lol:

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 28 Jul 2024, 02:02

Mengisti Tigray should arrest the Diqalu Leba Fetlework, Debresiol GebreAnzar, Alem G/Nahid, Hagos Godif and hang them in Adwa city, not qushet mongering but justice rendering???
Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 28 Jul 2024, 13:29, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 28 Jul 2024, 12:24

If below Debretsion assertion is not moronic what else can we think about his statement??? If Woyane party needs new people, the first thing Debrestion should do is leave the party for the new comers since he is one of the old leach of Tigray refused to leave and fighting after he destroyed Tigray. He should be hang in public square for his crime.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 29 Jul 2024, 03:32

Mengisti Tigray do not be "Ahiyawn Ferto Dawulawn", go after looters central committees, generals, cadres and executives. The report from Abadi Zemo is one of the best report from ambassador and he knows everything what is going in Tigray and he reported it to save Tigray. Why Mengisti Tigray does not arrest Leba Fetlewor, Hagos Godif and Debresiol GebreAnzar???

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 29 Jul 2024, 11:57

Getachew, we heard you but what are you going to do for the remedy of leadership failures, that is what you should think and do something about it. Strategy failure is not "Abo Mihrey and Aya Shumey" but Debresion, Fetlework and Alem are the responsible people for the genocide and they must be kicked out from the party and start investigating other crimes like looting beside their strategic failure and they should be hanged in public to deter future leadership failure and to show there is consequence for your failure and accountability and responsibility to follow justice.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 07 Aug 2024, 01:34

You can have all sort of meeting over and over but you cannot get rid of crimes from the streets of Tigray cities until you catch the big fishe leaders of mafia network criminals and hang them in public square others to learn from them. If the leaders can be hanged in public any ordinary will not have any mercy and this is the kind of punishment every Tigrayan to think before they commit crimes.

Now my suggestion is go after the criminals trying to assassinate authorities like they tried in Axum city and catch them and hang them in public. Why, if you hang them then the public will have confidence in their leadership and will embolden them to expose every criminal across Tigray. If let the killers of Authorities get lose then public will afraid and will not tell you the criminals. The public are the only one can expose them and uproot them from Tigray not police.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 08 Aug 2024, 01:05

Authorities of Tigray do not fool yourself, those who say My beloved woyane are the real Leyabu/looter criminals and go after them.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 08 Aug 2024, 01:55

Isssayas jasus are the mafia network boss Sebhat, Berhane G/kirstos, Leba worebela Ade Esla Fetlewor, Debresiol GebreAnzar, Alem G/Nahid, Hagos Godif. Their Wardiya are Migbey Nkebdey and Ashebir Embrbr.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 09 Aug 2024, 01:20

Keep going, keep moving, keep cleaning criminals from the streets of Tigray once for all.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 09 Aug 2024, 11:55

Admire TDF, soldier of Tigray stood with Tigray people and Tigray territorial integrity like the rest of civilized world. Your next step is to dissolve all the parties and bring a united transitional government represented all regions of Tigray. As you know all, why is Debresiol, Fetlewor and Alem G/Nahid polluting Tigray after they opened Tigray for genocide, you must remove them and let Tigray move forward. Three of them are pure Issayas mercenaries for years and they are doing everything Tigray not to succeed and working for the enemy from the north and you must understand take action and let all Tigrayans focus for their immediate and long term future. Tigray never existed for the Diqalu Seraye families to do what ever they want, what are you watching Tigraway???
Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 12 Aug 2024, 13:14, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 10 Aug 2024, 01:25

Mengisti Tigray must press on very hard and keep knocking looter doors and clean them now before they get you. Do not give any breathing room to reorganize, as they disarray right now keep pushing the stick and catch them all. Timing is everything to accomplish what you want.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 12 Aug 2024, 01:23

In my hamble opinion, all scrims intentionally going on in Mekelle is for one thing, that is to divert the new set up commission to clean criminals from Tigray. The actors are the Mafia looters network families and their errand boys in Tigray to halt the offense going on against criminals the way they sabotaged the border war and exposed Tigray for the enemies. Had they finished the war, Tigray would not have faced any problems today and Woyane could have been in power right now as we speak but the Diqalu led by Jasus Meles and Sebhat and their followers like Samora Yinus and today Migbey Nkebdey with Debresiol GebreAnzar, Worebela Ade Esla Leba Fetlewor and Alem G/Nahid are doing exactly to sabotage Tigray like Meles, Sebhat Samora and others did to Tigray to be destroyed.

My strongest advice for the transitional government and TDF generals is ignore all the noises and pursue none stop to arrest all criminals in Tigray from the highest to the lowest position holder who is criminal. If I were you, I would open Abadi Zemo report and investigate it to Fetlewor and Bank accounts of Debresiol and others and go from their without giving any time or mercy. This is the one will catch them one way or the other and arrest them.
Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 13 Aug 2024, 02:58, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 12 Aug 2024, 02:04

Getachew, Gen Taddesse and Gen Tsadkan, what are you thinking, a party chairman does not have any power or voice about any kind of policy to shape and order the military. In America or any other European countries, the party chairman does not have any mandate to direct any policy. In America, the Democratic party is the govern of the country and the power is in the hand of the government led by a democratic leader Biden to devise policies and approved by the congress both parties but the president has limited power to make decision solely and the president has the power to order the military not the party chairman.

In Tigray the power rests in the government hand led by the transitional leader Getachew and has the power to make decision for the fate of Tigray and he has the sole power to order TDF not Woyane party chairman. Woyane chairman is the same as the other parties all do not have any kind of mandate to shape Tigray except to voice their concern to the public of any policy Getachew is making. Getachew has the mandate to arrest any party leader doing against for the interest of government of Tigray and any one who tries to conduct police parallel of the transitional government, Getachew and the security should arrest them immediately. Until the transitional government relinquish power, he is the one makes decision for the interest of Tigray. Woyane party central or cadre do not have any kind of power, they are equally with the other parties. Despite Getachew came from Woyane party, Getachew is not obligated for the party since Getachew is the president of all Tigrayans not Woyane party until another party or within his party wins election by the people of Tigray not closed door by one party central committee. Getachew must shut any kind of general meeting for one party, Getachew should stay until the peace accord finalized and implemented and Tigray conducts a genuine election and the people of Tigray chooses their new president.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 12 Aug 2024, 13:21

The transitional government is the leaders of all Tigrayans including the other parties and has power to arrest anyone who tries to undermine the government of Tigray. No Tigrayan has the poweror authority to engage with any one outside Tigray specially with other leaders, that by itself is a heinous crime against Tigray and Tigray authorities must arrest them. Getachew do not undermine your own power to shape Tigray with the acceptance of majority of Tigrayans. Arrest order is due for Debrestion, Fetlewor and Alem, they are part of the genocide took place in Tigray and they are the one the hurdle for the implementation of the accord promptly.
Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 13 Aug 2024, 03:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 13 Aug 2024, 01:38

Every moron Tigrayan should know that the leadership of Diqalu one familiy destroyed Tigray are talking Woyane, if they love Woyane and the people of Tigray why they destroyed Tigray despite they controlled virtually everything Ethiopia had for 27 years yet there was nothing for Tigray safety net to defend Tigray itself, what does that tell you unless you are utterly brainless cannot perceive anything as human until it hits you like the enemies did to Seyum Mesfin, Abay Tsehaye and the other Ethiopia and Diqala Meles worshiper???

How come you fought for 17 years and won the war and ruled the country for 27 years yet the Diqalu leadership and Adwa followers run away like rats overnight and exposed and destroyed Tigray???

Why they did not do for Tigray when they were in power controlling Ethiopia and foreign aids economy and the military, now after they open Tigray homes for the enemy want to lead Tigray, what is new from the Diqalu Mafia network in store for Tigray, this is the same shitara to stay in power and destroy what is remaining in Tigray and protect Eritrea, do not be fool, everything they are fighting right now is to protect Eritrea on the expense of Tigray distraction. How many times do I have to tell you to see what I see for the future of Tigray under the same Deqalu and looter families and relatives and Qushet mogers???

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Re: They know justice is coming to knock their doors soon & they are doing everything to spare themselves frm merciless

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 13 Aug 2024, 11:25

If the transitional government thinks the Diqalu less than ten Sebhat mistlene are fighting for power, you must be the morons of the world, they want to say in power to make sure Tigray to protect Issayas, all those people are jasus or spies of Issayas. What do you think Sebhat, Berhane G/kirstos, Fetlewor, Dawit G/egziabiher, Debresiol GebreAnzar, Alem G/Nahid, Migbey Nkebdey. The transitional government should arrest them for corruption and spying against the state of Tigray, even the federal can arrest them for corruption, tax evasion, smuggling Gold via Sudan. Generals or cadres who are supporting the criminal Diqalu should be arrested. Any general who is pushing or backing should be arrested for breaching military code, supposed to stay neutral and defend Tigray interests than being wardiya of the Diqalu harming Tigray interests.

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