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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by sarcasm » 24 Jul 2024, 13:07

TGAA wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 01:58
I agree with the basic tenet of your argument. The worst enemy of Ethiopian nationalism has been the so-called Ethiopianists/Marxist bunch,

This, however, is only part of the equation. Consider Addis Ababa, where close to 60% of the population is Amhara, a city responsible for more than 60% of Ethiopia's GDP, and where Ethiopian nationalism is stronger than elsewhere.
Will the Amhara People lose a lot by ditching the Ethiopianist Camp?

It is time that the Ethiopiasts accept the reality in Addis Ababa. Addis Ababa is a melting pot of different Ethiopian nations / nationalities (or whatever you want to call them). But the output is not Ethiopianist Ethiopians. The output is Amhara Ethiopians, Oromo Ethiopians, Kembata Ethiopians etc etc.

Can the Amhara in Addis Ababa be considered Ethiopianist (as suggested by TGAA) or supporters of Ethiopianist (አሃዳዊ) ideology?

"ስለ አንድነት፤ ስለ ኢትዮጵያ እኔ ሳወራ፤ ምርጫየ ሆኖ ነው እንጂ፤ መሬት ላይ ይሄንን የሚሰማኝን አካል ይኖራል ብየ አስቤ አይደለም።" የአዲስ አበባው ኢትዮፕያኒስቱ ቴዎድሮስ አስፋው

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Odie » 24 Jul 2024, 13:12 ... f-10843293

That may be your stand!
You only serve to recruit fans for Abiy Ahmed
I assure you if this is the Fano stand, you will go no where!
I am done!
Good luck with your new found adventure! ... f-10843293

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Misraq » 24 Jul 2024, 13:52

Odie wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 13:12 ... f-10843293

That may be your stand!
You only serve to recruit fans for Abiy Ahmed
I assure you if this is the Fano stand, you will go no where!
I am done!
Good luck with your new found adventure! ... f-10843293
Thank you sir. We don't have a crypted language where we tell something for you and something else to our base. Oromos and Tigres conduct business in such fashion. We speak amharic and everyone hears it. It is upto you to make an educated decision on who to side with or fight the fight using your own soil and resources. We are not seeking a football fan here. you can remain neither an enemy nor a friend. Just chill as you always have been chilling

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Odie » 24 Jul 2024, 14:05

Last edited by Odie on 24 Jul 2024, 20:40, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Misraq » 24 Jul 2024, 14:10

Odie wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 14:05
መልካም እድል with your adventure to prove your self!

I am afraid you might multiply enemies to force you push a mountain alone and this shall be Good on Abiy too as now the enemy will be his Amhara ፅንፈኛ wanting to crush everybody if it can as postulated by the neo-ethnofascist the ex-pente Dr Dereje Kenede
Good luck with the international support you get with this too!
I am done!
Sir, i know you want us to go extra-mile, kneel down and beg beher-behereseboch telling them that Fano is a unionist. You are in your comfy-luxury demanding nonesense. That is why we say Ethiopianist is the worst enemy of the Amhara people. This group's demand on the Amhara people is something. May i ask? What did you do to yourself, the country you call Ethiopia and those who are cleansed and killed in a daily basis?

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Right » 24 Jul 2024, 14:18

መልካም እድል with your adventure to prove your self!

I am afraid you might multiply enemies to force you push a mountain alone and this shall be Good on Abiy too as now the enemy will be his Amhara ፅንፈኛ wanting to crush everybody if it can as postulated by the neo-ethnofascist the ex-pente Dr Dereje Kenede
Good luck with the international support you get with this too!
Is that a threat? Remember 5 million Amharas have been displaced and millions killed. Amhara leaders killed, intellectuals arrested and properties possessed. What do the Amharas lose?
And no one came forward to defend the Amharas, not even verbally.

Go to hell with your warnings and intimidation.

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by wubebereha » 24 Jul 2024, 14:40

"Ethiopianist sees Amhara as its enemy." this is not only wrong, it is very dangerous. this is in line with what the tplf, olf, eplf used to rally their people behind their cause and I don't think Amhara people want to go that route.

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Odie » 24 Jul 2024, 14:40

The other thing is , Amhara is a large ethnic group. If it mobilizes itself effectively, it will be a power to be reckoned not only in Ethiopia, but for the region as well. The appeasement politics of former Amhara elites did not work. number #1,2 and 3 you pointed are ideal for the weak elements such as Oromo elites under Abiy. Ethiopianists used similar appeasement and a strategy of giving concession for 50 years to hold the state together. It did not work my friend.

Good for you good for PP too. PP has an argument from you to sell and proclaim "PP is the savior "of the doomed country called Ethiopia. They are already using that propaganda like TPLF used to stating if we don't run the country, it will disintegrate. No body is afraid of disintegration at this point if you think we were rooting for Ethiopian agenda because we were afraid of disintegration as Aamhara, Tigre and Oromo who want disintegration are our saviors. The country has effectively disintegrated in many terms. The only reason, civilized people argue for the continuation of the nation was continuation as a country would be better than endless civil war.
PP has also been selling the idea of extremist Amhara nationalists which I see now you support. I am not sure how even the international diplomatic community will buy your ideology because the international community knows a country called Ethiopia not Amhara or Tigre or Oromia. The international community can talk to you only as Ethiopian or Amharan if you succeed to secede which you should make it clear to public that you are seceding in which case the way to approach you may be different.
The strong doubt is the Amhara's don't agree in many things among themselves

We dust our hands, done with you and will watch from outside how you succeed.
Last edited by Odie on 24 Jul 2024, 20:45, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Abere » 24 Jul 2024, 14:45

Things of this nature should NOT be unexpected. The evolution and growth of Fano ( both in size and quality of its military strategy) followed its natural course. It is because of the objective reality what we hear is happening. In my opinion, the conflict within Fano should not be regarded as antagonistically, it is an opportunity for the Fano to increase agility and strength.

I do not think this is due to an outgrowing faction of "Ethiopianist" or " Separatist Amahara". I would rather say these terms are merely coined by many maker YouTubers, who have made Amhara people their lucrative business. These penny collectors business and marketing strategy is to designate themselves as official Media Organ of Fano so as to milk money from the YouTube operating "conflict micro-business". They have to make their business operating, as if Fano established them. Whereas those others consume every misinformation without filtering are doing harm by spreading negativity and lethal criticism causing unnecessary rift and harm - it is much like ስራ ስፈታ ልጄን ላፋታ አይነት - when someone is idle, he/she gossips toxic about his/her son/daughter-in-law.

ልዩነቱን የበለጠ ከማስፋት የተሻለ አማራጭ መሆን ያለበት በመካከላቸው ሊኖር የሚችለውን ( የሚጠበቅም ነገር ነው) ልዩነት መፍታት ነው።

እንደ እኔ ፋኖ በአንድ ዕዝ ወይም አመራር ስር ይሁን የሚለው ለጊዜው የሚዋጥልኝ አይደለም። ይህ አሁን ምጫ የተባለውም ገና ወቅቱ ሳይፈቅደው የተደረገ ነው። ፋኖ ድርጅታዊ መዋቅር አለው ማለት በአንድ ቅርጫት የተቀመጠ እንቁላል ማለት ነው። በተጨማሪም በቀላሉ መረጃ ለኦነግ ለማግኘት የረዳዋል ( oነ ስቶፕ ሾፒንግ)

እንደ እኔ ፋኖ የአላማ ልዩነት አይመስለኝም ለልዩነት መንስዔ ሊሆን የሚችለው። ግለሰባዊ ጸባይ ይሁን ክፍለሀገራዊ ግልጽ እየሆነ ሊመጣ ይችላል። ግን ከወድሁ ቢቀጭ መልካም ነው። አሁን በሰፊው ወሬ የሞላው በእስክንድር እና በዘመነ ካሴ መካከል ያለ አለመግባባት ተመስሎ ነው። ይህም እየጠራ ይመጣል። እኔ ከእስክንድርም ባለፈው ለአሜሪካ ይሁን ለምዕራቡ አለም ባስተላለፈው ነጥብ ብዙ አልተዋጠኝም ። የምዕራቡ አለም በአማራ ላይ የሚፈጸውምን የዘር ማጥፋት ለማስቆም ያደረግው አስተዋፅ ኦ ማመስገኑ" በጣም ነው ያሳዘነኝ። ወያኔ እና ኦነግን ስፓንሰር የሚያደርግ ምዕራቡ አለም ። ምን ነካው ብያለሁ። ዘመነ ካሴ እንድሁ ባንድ ወቅት ምን ነካው የሚያሰኝ ንግግር የሰማሁ ይመስለኛል፡ " እንደ አጥናፉ አባተ ድጋሜ አንሸወድም"። ይህም የጎጠኝነት ወይም የወንዘኝነት አባዜ ይኖርበት ይሆን የሚያስብል ሊሆን ይችላል። የአማራ ህዝብ ትግል የአማራ እንጅ በግለሰቦች በጎ ፍቃድ የሚከናወን አይደለም። ሊያስቆሙትም አይችሉም። አማራ 33 አመታት በትግል ላይ ነው። እስከ አሁን ኢትዮጵያ ሰላም ያጣችው 100% መንግስነኝ የሚለው ኢላማ ያደረገው አማራን ስለሆነ ነው። ኢፍትሃዊነት እስካልጠፋ ድረስ የአማራ ትግል አይቆምም - ኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ሊኖራት አይችልም - ጦርነትም አይጠፋም።

In any case, there is always a room for misunderstanding there is also a means to solve it. Those money making YouTubers pleased do not make this your business. Let it play out; and they would come to their sense an put Amhara people before their divisions.

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by sarcasm » 24 Jul 2024, 14:46

Odie wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 11:12
"መነሻችን አማራ መድረሻችንኢትዮዽያ" ወደ መነሻችን አማራ መድረሻችን ባህርዳር ሆነ? መድረሻው ኢትዮዽያ ከሆነ ሁሉን የሚያቅፍ ትግሬና ኦሮሞን ጨምሮ ስትራቴጂ ሳይነደፍ ትግሉ አንድ ኢንች ከአማራ ክልል አይወጣም!
በዚህ ዘመን ፋኖ መዳረሻችን ኢትዮጵያ ስላለ የ80+ ብሔሮች interest ይወክላል ብሎ የሚያስብ ሰው ይኖራል ብየ አልጠብቅም። ፋኖ መዳረሻችን ባህርዳር ይሁን አዲስ አበባ፤ ሞያሌ ይሁን ኪጋሊ፤ የፈለገውን ቢል፤ በ80+ ብሔሮች ዓይን የአማራ ኢንተረስትና፤ የአማራ ብቻ ነው። የሌሎቹን በ80+ ብሔሮች interest የሚጠበቀው፤ ፋኖ ከሌሎቹ alliance ሲፈጥር ብቻ ነው።

Odie wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 11:12
TPLF ወደኢሃድግ metamorphose አድርጎ የነበረው ወዶ ነው?
TPLF did not morph into EPRDF. It joined forces of non-Tigrayan Ethiopian ብሔሮች to create EPRDF. When the alliance broke down, it looked for other parties and created the the "Federal Forces" in 2019/20. Would anyone accept TPLF in 1980s and 90s if it said "መነሻችን ትግራይ መድረሻችን ኢትዮዽያ"? Why should they?

Can Fano find the lowest common agenda to work with other non-Amhara forces?

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Misraq » 24 Jul 2024, 14:54

Odie wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 14:40

We dust our hands, done with you and will watch from outside how you succeed.

That is the very thing the Amhara people asked. Stay on your lane and fight for your Ethiopian ideal than criticizing us on which strategy we follow. Life will be easier for you that way since you will won't sacrifice any blood for us. Poor us, we lost you and we are sad :x

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Abere » 24 Jul 2024, 15:04


It is true OLF-PP is capitalizing on this. "Misraq" is NOT an Amhara she is Woayne insider ( but posing herself as an Amhara). She and "NobleOrommuma, until recently exposed" has been insisting on things that would pass the stick to the enemy. This is a no brainer, unless someone is a mole deliberately helping the enemy. Here, some are open (TPLF or OLF) and some are very obvious moles of OLF/TPLF posing as Amhara. Her writing unmasks everything.

I have not heard any Fano, that is against Ethiopia. What kind of Fano is that? How is being Fano contradict with being Ethiopian? No. It is true Ethiopia has been hell for Amhara for decades and the TPLF/OLF targeted only and only Amhara (100%). Their constitution was 100% written to attack Amhara, that does not mean others were not victims. But the intent was 100% targeted at Amhara . In practical terms what we have for 33 years was "Abay Tigray Republic" and "Republic of Orommia". It is true Amhara cannot live with 100% target on its back from separatist OLF and TPLF.

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Misraq » 24 Jul 2024, 15:17

አማራ በአማራነቱ ሲታጨድና ሲገደል ኢትዮጵያ እንዳትፈርስ ዜጎች ተገደሉ ሲል የነበረው ጦቢያኒስት አጭበርባሪ የአማራ ሕዝብ ወዳጅ ሆኖ አያውቅም፥፥ ጠላት እንጂ::

ይህው ጦብያኒስት ሃይል አማራ የሚባል ብሄር የለም ብሎ ለጀኖሳይድ አማራን ያዘጋጀ ነው፥፥ ከማዘጋጀትም አልፎ አማራ በአማራነቱ እንዳይደራጅና እንዳይታገል የአቅሙን ሞክሮአል፥፥ አሁን አማራ ፈንቅሎ ሲውጣ ደግሞ የትግሉንና የርእዮትን አቅጣጫውን እኔ ላስቀምጥላች ሁ ይላል፥፥ አይ ጦቢያኒስት

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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Odie » 24 Jul 2024, 15:42

Misraq wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 12:20
Odie wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 11:12
"Ethiopianist sees Amhara as its enemy."
This argument does not hold water. It is strategically wrong.
1. ብልጥ ልጅ የተስጠውን እየበላ ያለቅሳል
2. የጠላቴ ጠላት ወዳጄ ነው
3. በፖለቲካ አለም ዘላለማዊ ወዳጅነትና ጠላትነት የለም::
የአማራ ናሽናሊስት ነን ለሚሉ ጥቅም ከስጣቸው ከኢትዮዽፒያኒስት ጋር የማይተባበሩበት ምክንያት የለም:: ፋኖ ከትግራውያን እንኳን ውስጥ ለውስጥ ሊስራ ጥረት ካረገ ከሌላው ጋር እንዴት አይስራም?
ሌላው ኢትዮዽያን የሚያክል አገር resource ስውን ጨምሮ ፋኖ በስትራቴጂ መጠቀም ካልፈለገ(የፋኖ የኢንተርኔት አርበኞች እንድሚሉት) 4 ኪሎ እንደማይደርስ ማሞ ቂሎም በደንብ ያውቃታል:: እርሱ የሚፈልገው ፋኖ ትምክግህተኛ ሆኖ isolate እንዲደረግለት እንዳይስፋፋ አይደል እንዴ? እርሱ ለስልጣኑ የአገር አንጡራ ሃብት የአማራን ጨምሮ አይደል የሚጠቀመው?
"መነሻችን አማራ መድረሻችንኢትዮዽያ" ወደ መነሻችን አማራ መድረሻችን ባህርዳር ሆነ? መድረሻው ኢትዮዽያ ከሆነ ሁሉን የሚያቅፍ ትግሬና ኦሮሞን ጨምሮ ስትራቴጂ ሳይነደፍ ትግሉ አንድ ኢንች ከአማራ ክልል አይወጣም! አብይ በአለም ሜዲያና ሌሎች ፊት ፅንፈኞች አድርጎ አይደል ፋኖን መሳል እየታገለ አማራ ለ100 አመት ስልጣን ላይ አይመጣም ሲል የሚንገበገበው?
ልጅ ያበስለው ለቤተስብ አይበቃም ነው የሚባለው?
TPLF ወደኢሃድግ metamorphose አድርጎ የነበረው ወዶ ነው? በአለም መድረክና አገር ውስጥ የፖለቲካ ተቀባይነት እንዲኖረው አልነበረም? ፋኖ የአማራ ታጋይ ብቻ ሆኖ ከተቸነከረ ማደግ አልቻለም ማለት ነው ከሽፍታነት የዘለለ ስራም አይስራም!!
በተረፈ ይሄ ኢትዮፒያኒስት የሚባለው ቡድን ማን ነው የሚለው ፋኖና ደጋፊዎቹ (የኢንተርኔት አጨብጫቢዎች ሳይሆኑ) ይህን ለመመንጠር የቤት ስራቸውን መስራት አለባቸው:: በዚያ ውስጥ ጥቅመኞች opportunity ወይም ጥቅም ፈላጊዎች አማራ ጠሎች ፋኖ አስመቺዎች ከነዚህ ጋር ምንም ግኑኝነት የሌላቸው አገር ወዳድ የፋኖ ደጋፊዎችን ለይቶ tag ማድረግ አለበት::
አለበለዛ ዝም ብሎ ኢትዮፒያኒስት የአማራ ሃይል ሌላም ሌላም እያሉ ምሽግ ማስያዝ ከኩርፊያ ፖለቲካነት ውጪ የትም አያደርስም:: የአንድ ዘር የበላይነት ትግል ለአማራም ሆነ ለሌላው ወደተሻለ ስርአት አያደርስም:: ተከስተ ዘሩን ይዞ መጣ 30 አመት ገዛ ጫላ ዘሩን ይዞ መጣ ለ10 አመት ዘረፈ ፋኖ ዘሩን ይዞ ይመጣል ከቻለ ለዘለአለም ይገዛል ከዚህ የተነሳ ተከስተና ጫላ ተመልስው ጫካ ይገባሉ ደቡብ ሶማሌና አፋር ከእነዚ ጋር የተጣመሩበት ቀን ያላቻ ጋብቻን እድላቸው እየረገሙ እየፎከቱ ይኖራሉ......
እንደዚህ አይነት ነገር መቀጠል ያለበት በደንቆሮዎች ምድር ብቻ መሆን አለበት!
መልካም ትግል!

What you said makes sense but it is not practical for Amharas. It is a nationalism that is being built. When you build your nationalism, you will focus more on you than playing with words like Abiy was doing. For the people Amhara who are betrayed you focus on telling them how and who betrayed them. You won't go and talk about playful words that reverse what you have built on your base. People are like a river flow. You direct the flow and speak of nationalism. If you do that and try to play dirty with fakery to appease others, you will confuse your own base. Remember, we are talking about massive people, not individuals

The other thing is , Amhara is a large ethnic group. If it mobilizes itself effectively, it will be a power to be reckoned not only in Ethiopia, but for the region as well. The appeasement politics of former Amhara elites did not work. number #1,2 and 3 you pointed are ideal for the weak elements such as Oromo elites under Abiy. Ethiopianists used similar appeasement and a strategy of giving concession for 50 years to hold the state together. It did not work my friend.

People kind of make themselves comfortable around you when you stand with your own and agressively persue your agenda without harming them. And we all know the Amhara question is not harmful to anyone out there. In short Amhara is not against Ethiopia. Amhara nationalism is a concept that will aggressively compete for power and resource within Ethiopia just like Oromos and Tigres do. And this will be done not in a greedy fashion we saw by PP and TPLF, but in a justifiable manner. As simple as that

የለጠፍነው ሁሉ ተጥሏል!
የፎረሙ ባለቤት አንተ ነህ መስለኝ!
መልካም ነፃ የመውጣት አድቬንቸር ከፋኖህ ጋር ይሁንልህ!
አዋራችንን አራግፈን ትተናችሁ ከደጋፊነት በፈቃዳችን ወደ ተራ ተመልካችነት ዞረናል::

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Joined: 03 Jun 2021, 00:14

Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Educator » 24 Jul 2024, 19:25

Does Ethiopianist see Oromo, Tigre, Sidama, Somali and Silte as its enemy too?
In an environment where tribe and tribalism is only allowed to operate, is it wise to ignore one's self tribe and suffer under the Ethiopianist slogan?
wubebereha wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 14:40
"Ethiopianist sees Amhara as its enemy." this is not only wrong, it is very dangerous. this is in line with what the tplf, olf, eplf used to rally their people behind their cause and I don't think Amhara people want to go that route.

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Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by TGAA » 24 Jul 2024, 19:54

sarcasm wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 13:07
TGAA wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 01:58
I agree with the basic tenet of your argument. The worst enemy of Ethiopian nationalism has been the so-called Ethiopianists/Marxist bunch,

This, however, is only part of the equation. Consider Addis Ababa, where close to 60% of the population is Amhara, a city responsible for more than 60% of Ethiopia's GDP, and where Ethiopian nationalism is stronger than elsewhere.
Will the Amhara People lose a lot by ditching the Ethiopianist Camp?

It is time that the Ethiopiasts accept the reality in Addis Ababa. Addis Ababa is a melting pot of different Ethiopian nations / nationalities (or whatever you want to call them). But the output is not Ethiopianist Ethiopians. The output is Amhara Ethiopians, Oromo Ethiopians, Kembata Ethiopians etc etc.

Can the Amhara in Addis Ababa be considered Ethiopianist (as suggested by TGAA) or supporters of Ethiopianist (አሃዳዊ) ideology?

"ስለ አንድነት፤ ስለ ኢትዮጵያ እኔ ሳወራ፤ ምርጫየ ሆኖ ነው እንጂ፤ መሬት ላይ ይሄንን የሚሰማኝን አካል ይኖራል ብየ አስቤ አይደለም።" የአዲስ አበባው ኢትዮፕያኒስቱ ቴዎድሮስ አስፋው

If I were you, I would not rely on opinionated talking-heads as ironclad evidence to prove your case. Their opinions should be taken with a grain of salt. Consider the assumptions in this statement of yours: "Can the Amhara in Addis Ababa be considered Ethiopianist (as suggested by TGAA) or supporters of Ethiopianist (አህዳዊ) ideology?" There is no difference between Amhara, Oromo, Tigray, or any other nationality when it comes to Ethiopianness. This has nothing to do with the TPLF/OLF's repeated "አህዳዊ" propaganda.

The simple definition lies in the sequence of identification: they are first Ethiopian, then the nationality they come from. For TPLF and OLF supporters, and now Amhara nationalists, the reverse is their driving ideology. For the Ethiopianist, Ethiopian nationality serves as an umbrella that emphasizes our commonality while embracing our differences. We should have learned by now that emphasizing our differences while condemning our commonality as an "አህዳዊ" epidemic leads us to division and conflict, costing us millions of lives and billions worth of resources.

To prove the potent nature of Ethiopian nationalism, you can look at two wars: one led by Meles during the Ethio-Eritrea war and how Abiy was able to manipulate it in the war against TPLF. If I were you, I would refrain from writing the obituary for Ethiopian nationalism. In conclusion, we don't want a blind nationalism that threatens the unique nature of our national differences. We need a nationalism that embraces our differences and enriches the mosaic nature of our beautiful country. That can be guaranteed only under a true democratic federal arrangement, not under a myopic, bantustanized so-called ethnic federalism.

Posts: 639
Joined: 24 Jun 2024, 23:07

Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Odie » 24 Jul 2024, 20:04

Misraq wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 12:20
Odie wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 11:12
"Ethiopianist sees Amhara as its enemy."
This argument does not hold water. It is strategically wrong.
1. ብልጥ ልጅ የተስጠውን እየበላ ያለቅሳል
2. የጠላቴ ጠላት ወዳጄ ነው
3. በፖለቲካ አለም ዘላለማዊ ወዳጅነትና ጠላትነት የለም::
የአማራ ናሽናሊስት ነን ለሚሉ ጥቅም ከስጣቸው ከኢትዮዽፒያኒስት ጋር የማይተባበሩበት ምክንያት የለም:: ፋኖ ከትግራውያን እንኳን ውስጥ ለውስጥ ሊስራ ጥረት ካረገ ከሌላው ጋር እንዴት አይስራም?
ሌላው ኢትዮዽያን የሚያክል አገር resource ስውን ጨምሮ ፋኖ በስትራቴጂ መጠቀም ካልፈለገ(የፋኖ የኢንተርኔት አርበኞች እንድሚሉት) 4 ኪሎ እንደማይደርስ ማሞ ቂሎም በደንብ ያውቃታል:: እርሱ የሚፈልገው ፋኖ ትምክግህተኛ ሆኖ isolate እንዲደረግለት እንዳይስፋፋ አይደል እንዴ? እርሱ ለስልጣኑ የአገር አንጡራ ሃብት የአማራን ጨምሮ አይደል የሚጠቀመው?
"መነሻችን አማራ መድረሻችንኢትዮዽያ" ወደ መነሻችን አማራ መድረሻችን ባህርዳር ሆነ? መድረሻው ኢትዮዽያ ከሆነ ሁሉን የሚያቅፍ ትግሬና ኦሮሞን ጨምሮ ስትራቴጂ ሳይነደፍ ትግሉ አንድ ኢንች ከአማራ ክልል አይወጣም! አብይ በአለም ሜዲያና ሌሎች ፊት ፅንፈኞች አድርጎ አይደል ፋኖን መሳል እየታገለ አማራ ለ100 አመት ስልጣን ላይ አይመጣም ሲል የሚንገበገበው?
ልጅ ያበስለው ለቤተስብ አይበቃም ነው የሚባለው?
TPLF ወደኢሃድግ metamorphose አድርጎ የነበረው ወዶ ነው? በአለም መድረክና አገር ውስጥ የፖለቲካ ተቀባይነት እንዲኖረው አልነበረም? ፋኖ የአማራ ታጋይ ብቻ ሆኖ ከተቸነከረ ማደግ አልቻለም ማለት ነው ከሽፍታነት የዘለለ ስራም አይስራም!!
በተረፈ ይሄ ኢትዮፒያኒስት የሚባለው ቡድን ማን ነው የሚለው ፋኖና ደጋፊዎቹ (የኢንተርኔት አጨብጫቢዎች ሳይሆኑ) ይህን ለመመንጠር የቤት ስራቸውን መስራት አለባቸው:: በዚያ ውስጥ ጥቅመኞች opportunity ወይም ጥቅም ፈላጊዎች አማራ ጠሎች ፋኖ አስመቺዎች ከነዚህ ጋር ምንም ግኑኝነት የሌላቸው አገር ወዳድ የፋኖ ደጋፊዎችን ለይቶ tag ማድረግ አለበት::
አለበለዛ ዝም ብሎ ኢትዮፒያኒስት የአማራ ሃይል ሌላም ሌላም እያሉ ምሽግ ማስያዝ ከኩርፊያ ፖለቲካነት ውጪ የትም አያደርስም:: የአንድ ዘር የበላይነት ትግል ለአማራም ሆነ ለሌላው ወደተሻለ ስርአት አያደርስም:: ተከስተ ዘሩን ይዞ መጣ 30 አመት ገዛ ጫላ ዘሩን ይዞ መጣ ለ10 አመት ዘረፈ ፋኖ ዘሩን ይዞ ይመጣል ከቻለ ለዘለአለም ይገዛል ከዚህ የተነሳ ተከስተና ጫላ ተመልስው ጫካ ይገባሉ ደቡብ ሶማሌና አፋር ከእነዚ ጋር የተጣመሩበት ቀን ያላቻ ጋብቻን እድላቸው እየረገሙ እየፎከቱ ይኖራሉ......
እንደዚህ አይነት ነገር መቀጠል ያለበት በደንቆሮዎች ምድር ብቻ መሆን አለበት!
መልካም ትግል!

What you said makes sense but it is not practical for Amharas. It is a nationalism that is being built. When you build your nationalism, you will focus more on you than playing with words like Abiy was doing. For the people Amhara who are betrayed you focus on telling them how and who betrayed them. You won't go and talk about playful words that reverse what you have built on your base. People are like a river flow. You direct the flow and speak of nationalism. If you do that and try to play dirty with fakery to appease others, you will confuse your own base. Remember, we are talking about massive people, not individuals

The other thing is , Amhara is a large ethnic group. If it mobilizes itself effectively, it will be a power to be reckoned not only in Ethiopia, but for the region as well. The appeasement politics of former Amhara elites did not work. number #1,2 and 3 you pointed are ideal for the weak elements such as Oromo elites under Abiy. Ethiopianists used similar appeasement and a strategy of giving concession for 50 years to hold the state together. It did not work my friend.

People kind of make themselves comfortable around you when you stand with your own and agressively persue your agenda without harming them. And we all know the Amhara question is not harmful to anyone out there. In short Amhara is not against Ethiopia. Amhara nationalism is a concept that will aggressively compete for power and resource within Ethiopia just like Oromos and Tigres do. And this will be done not in a greedy fashion we saw by PP and TPLF, but in a justifiable manner. As simple as that


But you want to come and impose your hegemony on everybody, right?
That is unlikely to happen.
Good luck with your adventures. ... GIFV2&mt=8

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Joined: 24 Jun 2024, 23:07

Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Odie » 24 Jul 2024, 21:27

Misrak and Right
I quote: "Go to hell with your warnings and intimidation".

Mr Right, I am not going to hell; you could go if you have to! Firstly, I did not mean to post many posts, perhaps tech glitch. Secondly, no one threatens no body. No body has that opportunity. I won't be intimidated either. Personally, nobody expected Amhara nationalists to toil for no body. I am not to befriend you either. Except few ethnics group and their elites, still many Ethiopian ethnics used to have favorable look of the Amhara. Some of us were probably involved emotionally as well as in every other way possible long before some of your people started objecting the crimes of PP/OPDO/TPLF on Amhara and others. To even label all Ethiopians, Ethiopianists and see them as enemy is a terrible thing to do!
Still even the driving force sawing division among Fano are most likely your own ethnic than us from other ethnics. In any ethnic there are good as well as bad people. None of us should direct our anger to an ethnic group because of bad apples here and there. As I said somewhere, whatever politics one ethnic group cooks affects the other ethnic and the whole region. Expect people to keep watching or doing something about it. I stand by my words; it is not intimidation but strategically what I said is still right. It is good on you if you don't need any help from others as far as you can emancipate yourself alone. Personally, I am feel liberated but worried about what next. The question of what next after you emancipating yourself? That part, I guess, will affect everyone and will deal with that at later stage.


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Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Misraq » 24 Jul 2024, 23:31

Odie wrote:
24 Jul 2024, 20:04
But you want to come and impose your hegemony on everybody, right?
That is unlikely to happen.
Bruh.....when did I say that? we know you don't like it whether we voice Ethiopianist agenda or Amhara Nationalism agenda. It all boils into "Amhara imposing hegemony" for you guys..

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Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 13:05

Re: Zemene Kasey is STUPID, and Eskindir is SUPER STUPID.

Post by Right » 24 Jul 2024, 23:49

Odie is Horus. Or a close relative.
No matter what the Amharas do you feel like threatened.
If they voice Ethiopianism it is Amhara hegemony and if they tend to protect their interest then it is Amhara chauvinism.
F…. Off you spoiled lazy bum. They will do what is best for the people of Amhara.

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