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Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

The Tigray People After Destroying Shabia We Will Help Akelguzay & Good Tigrina People To Chase Out The Arabs Keren

Post by Tigray People » 26 Apr 2024, 13:53

The time is not that long for the heroic Tigray People to destroy Shabia just like we destroyed the Arab Slaves Jebha -Eritrea Liberation Front Army from the face of the earth and organized the Akelguzay and other good Tigrina -eriteans to chase out the Arab Slaves kerens, Rashida,beja etc etc back to their Arab countries.

The Akelguzay, brigade Nehamadu and other true Tigrina -Eritrea are on board to be part of the Republic of Tigray People.

The few thousands Afar people in eritrea they will submit to the Tigray People once eritrea is incorporated in the Republic of Tigray People.Or they will be chased out to their country Morocco.

The Tigray People revenge is coming to those who commited crimes on innocent defenseless Tigray People.

The Republic of Tigray People!!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: The Tigray People After Destroying Shabia We Will Help Akelguzay & Good Tigrina People To Chase Out The Arabs Keren

Post by Tigray People » 26 Apr 2024, 14:05

The current Tigray generations are decisive not like the Chenawi Woyane Leaders who sings about "nation nationalities" crap.

The Tigray People will bring in the Akelguzay,agazians, brigade Nehamadu and other true Tigrina -Eritrea to incorporate the entire eritrea into the Republic of Tigray People and go after the Arab Slaves keren, Rashid,beja to Chase them out to their Arab countries.

The Republic of Tigray People!!!

Dark Energy
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Joined: 24 Feb 2022, 14:08

Re: The Tigray People After Destroying Shabia We Will Help Akelguzay & Good Tigrina People To Chase Out The Arabs Keren

Post by Dark Energy » 26 Apr 2024, 14:43

Agame man,

Stop bu…lllshiting. There may ba a future little Isayas, listening to you jumbo jumbo. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: The Tigray People After Destroying Shabia We Will Help Akelguzay & Good Tigrina People To Chase Out The Arabs Keren

Post by Tigray People » 26 Apr 2024, 15:10

Ascari Dark

Unlike you and other ascaris we know Isayas Afewerqe and all the Agame -Eritrea Leaders and the entire EPLF personally and some of the top leaders are our close families that we want to see all of them being hanged in Tigray.

You and other ascaris have no clue what's cooking in Tigray for the traitor Eritreans leaders and left overs Army.

The Tigray People liberated eritrea 33 Years Ago and we know how to crush the coward Eritreans army and liberate the Akelguzay,and true Tigrina -Eritrea who are ready to joined the Republic of Tigray People and revenge on the Arab Slaves keren, Rashida,beja and any Muslims who commited war crimes on innocent defenseless Tigray People during the wars 2 years ago.Revenge is coming upon them.

The Republic of Tigray People!!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: The Tigray People After Destroying Shabia We Will Help Akelguzay & Good Tigrina People To Chase Out The Arabs Keren

Post by Tigray People » 26 Apr 2024, 19:08

The coward Shabia is anti Tigrina -Eritrea people and Tigray People that must be destroyed from the face of the earth like we destroyed the anti Tigray People Jebha -Eritrea Liberation Front Army.

Afterwards the entire eritrea must be incorporated under the banner name of the Republic of Tigray People.

The enemies of Tigray People in eritrea such as the Arab Slaves keren, Rashida,beja and Arab wannabe will be punished and chased out from eritrea back to their Arab countries.

BTW any Ascari Eritreans who happen to hate the Tigray People will be punished severely until they are deprogrammed from their Baria mentality.

The Republic of Tigray People!!!

Dark Energy
Posts: 1173
Joined: 24 Feb 2022, 14:08

Re: The Tigray People After Destroying Shabia We Will Help Akelguzay & Good Tigrina People To Chase Out The Arabs Keren

Post by Dark Energy » 26 Apr 2024, 19:22

Tigrayan man,

You don’t know the Eritrean struggle, do ya ? First of all, the Rashida did not even know you existed on Earth. To Tigrait speakers, they couldn’t differentiate you from the other Ethiopians. In other words, to ELF, you were Ethiopians. EPLF and TPLF had very strong relationship that went sour after independence. Without EPLF, TPLF was no contest to the derg by itself. Eritrea grown Tigrayans in EPLF gave you a lot of hands. Agame Yemane Jamaica who fought for both EPLF and TPLF can tell you the real story. Eritreans are not against any Ethiopian in general or Tigrayan in particular, in isolation. You can not devide Eritreans along religious or regional lines as you try. I don’t see Ethiopians in general or Tigrayans in particular as enemies. Eritrea is independent so it needs to act independent. Messing around in Ethiopian politics will not help us at all. Messing around in our internal affairs will not help you either. To the poor and suffering Ethiopians in general, and Tigrayans in Particular. I have no ill will other than benevolent wishes in the future. Leave Eritrea alone. Some individuals may call you all kind of names, they don’t represent the people of Eritrea. Stop your ill wish toward Eritreans.

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: The Tigray People After Destroying Shabia We Will Help Akelguzay & Good Tigrina People To Chase Out The Arabs Keren

Post by Tigray People » 26 Apr 2024, 19:54

Agame -Tigray leaders who are still tormenting coward Eritreans like you.

We know the entire EPLF inside out.

The TPLF and EPLF didn't have a good relationship at all do to many various reasons and one of them is TPLF accusing Shabia being a coward hiding in nakifa for decades.

The coward Shabia and Eritreans were saved numerous times by the Tigray People/TPLF from being wiped out by the then powerful derg-ethiopia army and Jebha -Eritrea Liberation Front Army.

The Tigray fighters fought in eritrea and sacrificed for several years to defeat derg and Jebha but not one coward Shabia fought and sacrificed in Tigray or ethiopia to help the Tigray People.

The 189 Shabia fighters who came to Addis Ababa were just mechanical assistants and not one Shabia fired one bullet and they were sent back in few days.

It is too late for you to ask not to interfere in eritrea affairs that eritrea invaded Tigray with other countries and the Shabia and its criminals supporters will be hunted down for their war crimes.

Tigray People have every right to interfere in eritrea affairs to revenge on the criminals who committed war crimes.

The revenge of Tigray People will be upon those who harmed innocent defenseless Tigray People.

The Republic of Tigray People!!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: The Tigray People After Destroying Shabia We Will Help Akelguzay & Good Tigrina People To Chase Out The Arabs Keren

Post by Tigray People » 26 Apr 2024, 20:28

BTW Ascari Dark

The Coward Shabia is the biggest liar in the world.

There was no Shabia fighters fought in Tigray or Addis Ababa and sacrificed.

The Tigray state was liberated in circa 1989/81 and the TPLF and Tigray People were preparing a massive offensive to the rest of ethiopia to march to Addis Ababa .

When the TPLF reached Addis Ababa it's division of fighters were led by 3 TPLF commanders tsarkan g/, tensae, Hayalom Araya, Samora Yunis coming from 3 different directions of Addis Ababa to control the palace, airport, radio station,TV station etc etc and not one Shabia fought in Addis Ababa or sacrificed.

Many Tigray Media have challenged Shabia military generals and former leaders to come on their show and explain their lies but non of them showed up.

The Republic of Tigray People!!!

Dark Energy
Posts: 1173
Joined: 24 Feb 2022, 14:08

Re: The Tigray People After Destroying Shabia We Will Help Akelguzay & Good Tigrina People To Chase Out The Arabs Keren

Post by Dark Energy » 26 Apr 2024, 23:33

Agame man,

Isayas was your master. Meles and co. worshipped him until they defeated the derg with the help of the Eritrean army . Once the Agame clan captured the Minilik palace, they stopped taking orders from Isayas. Well. Abbiy came to power and knew he had to get rid of the Agame clan with the help of none other than the angry man, Isayas Afewerqi. The two started connecting with each other. The rest is history. You messed with the wrong guy, now you are one angry, cry baby Agame. You are trapped. No way out. You got the angry amharas on your back. Abbiy is just flirting with you. You are in a big sh…it, Agame man. :lol: :lol:

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: The Tigray People After Destroying Shabia We Will Help Akelguzay & Good Tigrina People To Chase Out The Arabs Keren

Post by Tigray People » 02 May 2024, 12:42

Ascari Dark

Agame Isayas Afewerqe and the Agame -Eritrea Leaders are your masters.

We and the entire Tigray People are the only people and country in the world that was never colonized because we destroyed all the powerful foreign invaders armies.

Hence the Tigray People have only one true creator and leader which is the God of Tigray People.

Long Live the Beautiful Tigray People!!!

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