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Abiy has two options : to be the puppet of Amhara extremists/ Isaias or the Chief Executive Officer of Federal Ethiopia!

Post by Axumezana » 25 Feb 2024, 02:40

Abiy's government is surrounded & trapped by polarized enemies and it's independent existence is threatened more than ever. The ongoing lawlessness & disruptive environment through out Ethiopia as demonstrated by civil wars & frequent defeat of Abiy forces, uncontrolled kidnappings, extrajudicial killings, deep rooted corruption and economic melt down are clear indications that Abiy's government has reached to the point that it cannot move forward with out making a political maneuver to win some of its adversaries to its side:

To sustain his survival Abiy has the following options:

1- Mending the fractured alliance with Amhara extremists and Isaias.

2- Deepening the relationship with TPLF by implementing the Preitorea Agreement, Legalizing TPLF , conducting election in Tigray and work with the elected government ( there is no doubt Tigray will elect TPLF) of Tigray on win-win arrangement. Similarly peace agreement with OLA to share power in Oromia and stabilizing Oromia with PP and OLA joint effort :

Analysis of the above options:

Mending of the fractured alliance with Amhara extremists and Isaias is possible if Abiy agrees to be their puppet and agree to replace the existing Federal Constitution by a Unitary Constitution , where OLA and TPLF shall be crushed( millions of people will die) and eliminated from the face of the earth. Under this option Abiy will rebrand himself as Unitary King ( like Tedros or Minilik or Haile Selassie ). The country regions would be structured with out considerations of Ethinic and cultural values. Under these conditions, Amhara extremists and Isaias could easily embrace Abiy but he will be their puppet .

- Deepening the reconcilation and relationship with TPLF and Peace deal and reconcilation with OLA with power sharing for OLA in Oromia will help Abiy to stabilize Ethiopia at minimal cost. With this option PP, TPLF and OLA could create strategic alliance with PP and with the possibility to integrate over the years.

Under this option Abiy will loose his authoritarian rule style but continue to be an empowered Chief Executive to implement his vision of prospering Ethiopia but with check and balance and consensus based decision making with TPLF and OLA . The Federal Constitution will be refined but the country will continue as a Federation with refined geopolitical boundaries to further consolidate the Federation.

The way forward:

Axumezana's recommendation is for Abiy to further deepen his relationship with TPLF through political dialogue. Similarly the peace negotiation with OLA has to contuinue and both parties have to compromise and agree to coexist , ally and integrate down the line. OLA and PP have to share power in Oromia and the Federal offices in an equitable manner. Similarly the elected government of Tigray has to be represented in the Federal government and contribute it's part to support Abiy to stabilize the country.

Abiy has to choose between being the puppet of Amhara extremists and Isaias versus to be an empowered Federalist Chief Executive Officer but with democratic check and balance so that he leads the country as per the Constitution.

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Re: Abiy has two options : to be the puppet of Amhara extremists/ Isaias or the Chief Executive Officer of Federal Ethio

Post by Abere » 25 Feb 2024, 10:10

Daydreamer and separatist( Axumezana), you have to play this kind of game with 5th grader if you could deceive that kid. I do not think that child would either trust you. You should have been grateful to even got mercy to have not all of TPLF mama rats not get killed. Believe me, you will never hear in your life time and forever, Welqait, Humera and Raya being part of the Tigray province. Gondar and Wollo are not private pocket money of Abiy Ahmed. I wll repeat this again as I said all the time, Amhara and Tige-Woyane will never ever coexist in the same country or see each eye to eye, unless woyane dares to come fighting against them - then you would be thankful to Abiy Ahmed for he had saved you earlier.

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Re: Abiy has two options : to be the puppet of Amhara extremists/ Isaias or the Chief Executive Officer of Federal Ethio

Post by Axumezana » 25 Feb 2024, 11:32

I do not see any idea that argues my views are wrong except empty emotional bravados !

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Re: Abiy has two options : to be the puppet of Amhara extremists/ Isaias or the Chief Executive Officer of Federal Ethio

Post by Axumezana » 06 Mar 2024, 13:03

Axumezana wrote:
25 Feb 2024, 02:40
Abiy's government is surrounded & trapped by polarized enemies and it's independent existence is threatened more than ever. The ongoing lawlessness & disruptive environment through out Ethiopia as demonstrated by civil wars & frequent defeat of Abiy forces, uncontrolled kidnappings, extrajudicial killings, deep rooted corruption and economic melt down are clear indications that Abiy's government has reached to the point that it cannot move forward with out making a political maneuver to win some of its adversaries to its side:

To sustain his survival Abiy has the following options:

1- Mending the fractured alliance with Amhara extremists and Isaias.

2- Deepening the relationship with TPLF by implementing the Preitorea Agreement, Legalizing TPLF , conducting election in Tigray and work with the elected government ( there is no doubt Tigray will elect TPLF) of Tigray on win-win arrangement. Similarly peace agreement with OLA to share power in Oromia and stabilizing Oromia with PP and OLA joint effort :

Analysis of the above options:

Mending of the fractured alliance with Amhara extremists and Isaias is possible if Abiy agrees to be their puppet and agree to replace the existing Federal Constitution by a Unitary Constitution , where OLA and TPLF shall be crushed( millions of people will die) and eliminated from the face of the earth. Under this option Abiy will rebrand himself as Unitary King ( like Tedros or Minilik or Haile Selassie ). The country regions would be structured with out considerations of Ethinic and cultural values. Under these conditions, Amhara extremists and Isaias could easily embrace Abiy but he will be their puppet .

- Deepening the reconcilation and relationship with TPLF and Peace deal and reconcilation with OLA with power sharing for OLA in Oromia will help Abiy to stabilize Ethiopia at minimal cost. With this option PP, TPLF and OLA could create strategic alliance with PP and with the possibility to integrate over the years.

Under this option Abiy will loose his authoritarian rule style but continue to be an empowered Chief Executive to implement his vision of prospering Ethiopia but with check and balance and consensus based decision making with TPLF and OLA . The Federal Constitution will be refined but the country will continue as a Federation with refined geopolitical boundaries to further consolidate the Federation.

The way forward:

Axumezana's recommendation is for Abiy to further deepen his relationship with TPLF through political dialogue. Similarly the peace negotiation with OLA has to contuinue and both parties have to compromise and agree to coexist , ally and integrate down the line. OLA and PP have to share power in Oromia and the Federal offices in an equitable manner. Similarly the elected government of Tigray has to be represented in the Federal government and contribute it's part to support Abiy to stabilize the country.

Abiy has to choose between being the puppet of Amhara extremists and Isaias versus to be an empowered Federalist Chief Executive Officer but with democratic check and balance so that he leads the country as per the Constitution.

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Re: Abiy has two options : to be the puppet of Amhara extremists/ Isaias or the Chief Executive Officer of Federal Ethio

Post by Axumezana » 06 Mar 2024, 13:12

Axumezana wrote:
25 Feb 2024, 02:40
Abiy's government is surrounded & trapped by polarized enemies and it's independent existence is threatened more than ever. The ongoing lawlessness & disruptive environment through out Ethiopia as demonstrated by civil wars & frequent defeat of Abiy forces, uncontrolled kidnappings, extrajudicial killings, deep rooted corruption and economic melt down are clear indications that Abiy's government has reached to the point that it cannot move forward with out making a political maneuver to win some of its adversaries to its side:

To sustain his survival Abiy has the following options:

1- Mending the fractured alliance with Amhara extremists and Isaias.

2- Deepening the relationship with TPLF by implementing the Preitorea Agreement, Legalizing TPLF , conducting election in Tigray and work with the elected government ( there is no doubt Tigray will elect TPLF) of Tigray on win-win arrangement. Similarly peace agreement with OLA to share power in Oromia and stabilizing Oromia with PP and OLA joint effort :

Analysis of the above options:

Mending of the fractured alliance with Amhara extremists and Isaias is possible if Abiy agrees to be their puppet and agree to replace the existing Federal Constitution by a Unitary Constitution , where OLA and TPLF shall be crushed( millions of people will die) and eliminated from the face of the earth. Under this option Abiy will rebrand himself as Unitary King ( like Tedros or Minilik or Haile Selassie ). The country regions would be structured with out considerations of Ethinic and cultural values. Under these conditions, Amhara extremists and Isaias could easily embrace Abiy but he will be their puppet .

- Deepening the reconcilation and relationship with TPLF and Peace deal and reconcilation with OLA with power sharing for OLA in Oromia will help Abiy to stabilize Ethiopia at minimal cost. With this option PP, TPLF and OLA could create strategic alliance with PP and with the possibility to integrate over the years.

Under this option Abiy will loose his authoritarian rule style but continue to be an empowered Chief Executive to implement his vision of prospering Ethiopia but with check and balance and consensus based decision making with TPLF and OLA . The Federal Constitution will be refined but the country will continue as a Federation with refined geopolitical boundaries to further consolidate the Federation.

The way forward:

Axumezana's recommendation is for Abiy to further deepen his relationship with TPLF through political dialogue. Similarly the peace negotiation with OLA has to contuinue and both parties have to compromise and agree to coexist , ally and integrate down the line. OLA and PP have to share power in Oromia and the Federal offices in an equitable manner. Similarly the elected government of Tigray has to be represented in the Federal government and contribute it's part to support Abiy to stabilize the country.

Abiy has to choose between being the puppet of Amhara extremists and Isaias versus to be an empowered Federalist Chief Executive Officer but with democratic check and balance so that he leads the country as per the Constitution.

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Re: Abiy has two options : to be the puppet of Amhara extremists/ Isaias or the Chief Executive Officer of Federal Ethio

Post by Axumezana » 07 Mar 2024, 13:29

Axumezana wrote:
25 Feb 2024, 02:40
Abiy's government is surrounded & trapped by polarized enemies and it's independent existence is threatened more than ever. The ongoing lawlessness & disruptive environment through out Ethiopia as demonstrated by civil wars & frequent defeat of Abiy forces, uncontrolled kidnappings, extrajudicial killings, deep rooted corruption and economic melt down are clear indications that Abiy's government has reached to the point that it cannot move forward with out making a political maneuver to win some of its adversaries to its side:

To sustain his survival Abiy has the following options:

1- Mending the fractured alliance with Amhara extremists and Isaias.

2- Deepening the relationship with TPLF by implementing the Preitorea Agreement, Legalizing TPLF , conducting election in Tigray and work with the elected government ( there is no doubt Tigray will elect TPLF) of Tigray on win-win arrangement. Similarly peace agreement with OLA to share power in Oromia and stabilizing Oromia with PP and OLA joint effort :

Analysis of the above options:

Mending of the fractured alliance with Amhara extremists and Isaias is possible if Abiy agrees to be their puppet and agree to replace the existing Federal Constitution by a Unitary Constitution , where OLA and TPLF shall be crushed( millions of people will die) and eliminated from the face of the earth. Under this option Abiy will rebrand himself as Unitary King ( like Tedros or Minilik or Haile Selassie ). The country regions would be structured with out considerations of Ethinic and cultural values. Under these conditions, Amhara extremists and Isaias could easily embrace Abiy but he will be their puppet .

- Deepening the reconcilation and relationship with TPLF and Peace deal and reconcilation with OLA with power sharing for OLA in Oromia will help Abiy to stabilize Ethiopia at minimal cost. With this option PP, TPLF and OLA could create strategic alliance with PP and with the possibility to integrate over the years.

Under this option Abiy will loose his authoritarian rule style but continue to be an empowered Chief Executive to implement his vision of prospering Ethiopia but with check and balance and consensus based decision making with TPLF and OLA . The Federal Constitution will be refined but the country will continue as a Federation with refined geopolitical boundaries to further consolidate the Federation.

The way forward:

Axumezana's recommendation is for Abiy to further deepen his relationship with TPLF through political dialogue. Similarly the peace negotiation with OLA has to contuinue and both parties have to compromise and agree to coexist , ally and integrate down the line. OLA and PP have to share power in Oromia and the Federal offices in an equitable manner. Similarly the elected government of Tigray has to be represented in the Federal government and contribute it's part to support Abiy to stabilize the country.

Abiy has to choose between being the puppet of Amhara extremists and Isaias versus to be an empowered Federalist Chief Executive Officer but with democratic check and balance so that he leads the country as per the Constitution.

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Re: Abiy has two options : to be the puppet of Amhara extremists/ Isaias or the Chief Executive Officer of Federal Ethio

Post by Cigar » 07 Mar 2024, 14:33

Axumamenzra the idiot, he only one option. To be a good leader to Ethiopia. Eritrea doesn’t need him or other leader to do what is best for it. As far as the Amhara it is your internal conflict. Eritreas has nothing to do with it.
It is freaking sad that you agame don’t have confidence in your own leader.
Why do you even think he should chose to be a qit atabi of other leaders?

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Re: Abiy has two options : to be the puppet of Amhara extremists/ Isaias or the Chief Executive Officer of Federal Ethio

Post by Axumezana » 09 Mar 2024, 17:50

Abere wrote:
25 Feb 2024, 10:10

Daydreamer and separatist( Axumezana), you have to play this kind of game with 5th grader if you could deceive that kid. I do not think that child would either trust you. You should have been grateful to even got mercy to have not all of TPLF mama rats not get killed. Believe me, you will never hear in your life time and forever, Welqait, Humera and Raya being part of the Tigray province. Gondar and Wollo are not private pocket money of Abiy Ahmed. I wll repeat this again as I said all the time, Amhara and Tige-Woyane will never ever coexist in the same country or see each eye to eye, unless woyane dares to come fighting against them - then you would be thankful to Abiy Ahmed for he had saved you earlier.

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Re: Abiy has two options : to be the puppet of Amhara extremists/ Isaias or the Chief Executive Officer of Federal Ethio

Post by Axumezana » 25 Mar 2024, 15:40

Axumezana wrote:
25 Feb 2024, 02:40
Abiy's government is surrounded & trapped by polarized enemies and it's independent existence is threatened more than ever. The ongoing lawlessness & disruptive environment through out Ethiopia as demonstrated by civil wars & frequent defeat of Abiy forces, uncontrolled kidnappings, extrajudicial killings, deep rooted corruption and economic melt down are clear indications that Abiy's government has reached to the point that it cannot move forward with out making a political maneuver to win some of its adversaries to its side:

To sustain his survival Abiy has the following options:

1- Mending the fractured alliance with Amhara extremists and Isaias.

2- Deepening the relationship with TPLF by implementing the Preitorea Agreement, Legalizing TPLF , conducting election in Tigray and work with the elected government ( there is no doubt Tigray will elect TPLF) of Tigray on win-win arrangement. Similarly peace agreement with OLA to share power in Oromia and stabilizing Oromia with PP and OLA joint effort :

Analysis of the above options:

Mending of the fractured alliance with Amhara extremists and Isaias is possible if Abiy agrees to be their puppet and agree to replace the existing Federal Constitution by a Unitary Constitution , where OLA and TPLF shall be crushed( millions of people will die) and eliminated from the face of the earth. Under this option Abiy will rebrand himself as Unitary King ( like Tedros or Minilik or Haile Selassie ). The country regions would be structured with out considerations of Ethinic and cultural values. Under these conditions, Amhara extremists and Isaias could easily embrace Abiy but he will be their puppet .

- Deepening the reconcilation and relationship with TPLF and Peace deal and reconcilation with OLA with power sharing for OLA in Oromia will help Abiy to stabilize Ethiopia at minimal cost. With this option PP, TPLF and OLA could create strategic alliance with PP and with the possibility to integrate over the years.

Under this option Abiy will loose his authoritarian rule style but continue to be an empowered Chief Executive to implement his vision of prospering Ethiopia but with check and balance and consensus based decision making with TPLF and OLA . The Federal Constitution will be refined but the country will continue as a Federation with refined geopolitical boundaries to further consolidate the Federation.

The way forward:

Axumezana's recommendation is for Abiy to further deepen his relationship with TPLF through political dialogue. Similarly the peace negotiation with OLA has to contuinue and both parties have to compromise and agree to coexist , ally and integrate down the line. OLA and PP have to share power in Oromia and the Federal offices in an equitable manner. Similarly the elected government of Tigray has to be represented in the Federal government and contribute it's part to support Abiy to stabilize the country.

Abiy has to choose between being the puppet of Amhara extremists and Isaias versus to be an empowered Federalist Chief Executive Officer but with democratic check and balance so that he leads the country as per the Constitution.

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Posts: 14121
Joined: 27 Jan 2020, 23:15

Re: Abiy has two options : to be the puppet of Amhara extremists/ Isaias or the Chief Executive Officer of Federal Ethio

Post by Axumezana » 23 Apr 2024, 02:30

Axumezana wrote:
25 Feb 2024, 02:40
Abiy's government is surrounded & trapped by polarized enemies and it's independent existence is threatened more than ever. The ongoing lawlessness & disruptive environment through out Ethiopia as demonstrated by civil wars & frequent defeat of Abiy forces, uncontrolled kidnappings, extrajudicial killings, deep rooted corruption and economic melt down are clear indications that Abiy's government has reached to the point that it cannot move forward with out making a political maneuver to win some of its adversaries to its side:

To sustain his survival Abiy has the following options:

1- Mending the fractured alliance with Amhara extremists and Isaias.

2- Deepening the relationship with TPLF by implementing the Preitorea Agreement, Legalizing TPLF , conducting election in Tigray and work with the elected government ( there is no doubt Tigray will elect TPLF) of Tigray on win-win arrangement. Similarly peace agreement with OLA to share power in Oromia and stabilizing Oromia with PP and OLA joint effort :

Analysis of the above options:

Mending of the fractured alliance with Amhara extremists and Isaias is possible if Abiy agrees to be their puppet and agree to replace the existing Federal Constitution by a Unitary Constitution , where OLA and TPLF shall be crushed( millions of people will die) and eliminated from the face of the earth. Under this option Abiy will rebrand himself as Unitary King ( like Tedros or Minilik or Haile Selassie ). The country regions would be structured with out considerations of Ethinic and cultural values. Under these conditions, Amhara extremists and Isaias could easily embrace Abiy but he will be their puppet .

- Deepening the reconcilation and relationship with TPLF and Peace deal and reconcilation with OLA with power sharing for OLA in Oromia will help Abiy to stabilize Ethiopia at minimal cost. With this option PP, TPLF and OLA could create strategic alliance with PP and with the possibility to integrate over the years.

Under this option Abiy will loose his authoritarian rule style but continue to be an empowered Chief Executive to implement his vision of prospering Ethiopia but with check and balance and consensus based decision making with TPLF and OLA . The Federal Constitution will be refined but the country will continue as a Federation with refined geopolitical boundaries to further consolidate the Federation.

The way forward:

Axumezana's recommendation is for Abiy to further deepen his relationship with TPLF through political dialogue. Similarly the peace negotiation with OLA has to contuinue and both parties have to compromise and agree to coexist , ally and integrate down the line. OLA and PP have to share power in Oromia and the Federal offices in an equitable manner. Similarly the elected government of Tigray has to be represented in the Federal government and contribute it's part to support Abiy to stabilize the country.

Abiy has to choose between being the puppet of Amhara extremists and Isaias versus to be an empowered Federalist Chief Executive Officer but with democratic check and balance so that he leads the country as per the Constitution.

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