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War-torn Ethiopia is waging a psychological war on Eritrea

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 05 Dec 2023, 15:45

Demand for Sea Port Just, Purely Peaceful: House Member

Addis Ababa ,December 5/2023(ENA)- Ethiopia’s quest for a sea port is not an infringement on anyone’s sovereignty but a just demand that relies on purely peaceful framework, House of People's Representatives (HPR) member Mohammed Al-Arousi told ENA.

In an exclusive interview with the Ethiopian News Agency, HPR West Asian Countries Chairman Mohammed Al-Arousi stressed that the just demand relies on a peaceful framework, including negotiations based on the principle of give-and-take.

The Red Sea issue has historical and deep-rooted depth for Ethiopia, and its importance lies in all aspects of life.

He explained that for a country with a population size of more than 120 million people, the importance of sea port is not linked to time or place as its touches the lives of the people.

The country is spending exorbitant amount of money for port, and Ethiopia must also maintain its security by having a sea port without harming the sovereignty of neighboring countries, the HPR member noted.

According to Mohammed, Ethiopia’s demand for a sea port is not an infringement on anyone’s sovereignty and is a just demand because it relies on a purely peaceful approach.

The Red Sea issue is an existential issue for Ethiopia like the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, he added.

The HPR member explained that the Ethiopian demand for sea port does not deviate from fairness, which is represented by the principle of give-and-take of national joint development projects such as the Ethiopian Airlines and Ethio-Telecom.

For him, the Ethiopian goal is based on justice, logic, and mutual development.

Moreover, Mohammed stated that cooperation in combating terrorism in the region can only be achieved by securing the sea coast.

"We are close to the sea, about 60 km; and despite that we are still classified as a landlocked country. This is not fair to Ethiopia."

The HPR member stressed that neighboring countries and the international community must consider the Ethiopian demand for sea port with all considerations, humanity and understanding.

It should also be clear that the Ethiopian demand is not at the expense of the rights of others, but rather on based on justice and mutual benefit.

Tog Wajale E.R.
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Re: War-torn Ethiopia is waging a psychological war on Eritrea

Post by Tog Wajale E.R. » 05 Dec 2023, 15:56

* ዕስትኽ፥ ዓጋመ፥ኬድካ፥ ነታ፥ ቖማል፥ ሸር•ሙጣ/ ዓደን፥ኣዴኻ*
* የ'ዕልላ፥ሙሽሙሽ፥ቖማል፥ ዓጋመ *
* ሕልሚ፥ ዓጋመ'ን፥ ሕልሚ፥ ጋላ፥ጴንጤ፥ ባንቱ *
* እንታይ፥ እዩ፥ ፍልልይ'ኩም *
* ኣብ፥ሕቖ፥እንግሊዝን፥አሜሪካ፥ት'ሓንጊጥኩም *
* እንታይ፥እዩ፥ፋይዳኹም *
* ብሠላም፥ የ'ራኽበና፥ ኣብ፥ሕልምኹም፥ቐይሕ፥ባሕሪ *

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Re: War-torn Ethiopia is waging a psychological war on Eritrea

Post by Cigar » 05 Dec 2023, 18:40

Correct the low IQed Ethiopians are when they are saying GIVE & TAKE.
IF Ethiopia wants to use our ports it GIVES BILLIONS OF DOLLARS & Eritrea GIVES to the beggar Ethiopia access to its seas.
Take it or leave it.
Go get milked by Djibouti if we care.

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