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Eritreans debating PM abyss and Red Sea (Amharic)

Post by Jaegol » 19 Nov 2023, 22:06

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Re: Eritreans debating PM abyss and Red Sea (Amharic)

Post by sarcasm » 19 Nov 2023, 22:28

The title is misleading. These are not people from different political schools or understandings. They are Isiais supporters in diaspora. Real debate is between people who have different opinions!

A warning bell for nationalist in PFDJ to remove Isaias - the obstacle to political discussion b/n Eritreans for 50 yrs and who has made political debate among Eritreans an oxymoron

These guys are all under 45. What is shocking to anyone in the world is, they have never watched Eritrean politicians with opposing opinions arguing / discussing on Eritrean TV!

The only currency for political disagreement in Eritrea is violence. Government uses violence as a medium with it's subjects. It's subjects are now using the medium the government uses.

This is a warning bell for whoever think they are Eritrean nationalist within PFDJ to start working on removing Isaias as he is the obstacle to political discussion. Otherwise, it is inevitable that such violence with be seen in Eritrean cities and fields.

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