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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
እነዚህ የሚወረሩ ቦታዎች እኔ በእግሬ የረገጥኳቸው ምድሮች ናቸው ። ከዚህ ቀደም ሸኔ አይመለል ገብቶ ያገር ሽማግሎች ከዚም ከዛም ወገን አስወቷቸው ። አሁን በሰሞኑ የተወረረው ኧሽከዲያ የቴዲ አባት ካሳሁን ገርማሞ ትውልድና ያደገበት አገርና ዛሬ የካሳሁን ገርማሞ መታሰቢያ ቤተ መጻህፍት ያለበት ቦታ ነው ። 9 አሮጊቶች ጭምር የተገደሉት ጊቢሶ እጅግ ግዙፉ ትንታዊ የቅዳሜ ገበያ የአማውቴ ክስታኔና የበቾ ኦሮሞች በሳምንት አንዴ የሚገናኙበት ከገበያነት ወደ ከተማነት እያደገ ያለና እልፍ ግዜ ከናቴ ጋር የሄድኩበት ቦታ ነው ። አማውቴ እጅግ ታሪካዊ በነአምድ ጽዮን ዘመን ሁሉ የተጠቀሰ የትውልድ አገሬ ነው ። አማውቴ በሚባለው አገር ጉራንዳ፣ እንጀሪ፣ ወተደር፣ ጎቤኒ፣ እንዶዴ የሚባሉ መንደሮች ያሉበትና ትንታዊው አማውቴ ባልወልድ አማውቴ ተራራ ላይ ያለበት አገር ነው ። አይገዶ ከአማውቴ ሰሜን ያለው አገር ነው ።የአንድና ሁለት ሰዓት የግር መንገድ ወደ ደቡብ ታሪካዊ ጢያ (የጢያ ሃውልቶች) ቦታ አለ ። ሌላው የሚወረረው ቦታ ዱግዳ ጎሮ በደቡብ ሶዶ ከታላቁ ምድረ ከብድ ገዳም በቅርብ ርቀት ያለ ነው። ይህ ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ነው ። ይህ አይን ያወጣ አሳፋሪ 16ኛ ዘመን ረፕሌይ ዛሬ ዝም ብሎ የሚታለፍ እንዳይመስልህ ። ኦነግ ከወያኔ ጋር አዲስ አበባ ሲገባ ተመሳሳይ ወረራ አድርጎ ሲያቅተው ሶዶ ጂዳ የሚባሉትን ክስታኔ ኦሮሞ ቅይጥ ህዝቦችን ገንጥሎ አደረጀ ። ከዚያ ቡድን ነው እነግርማ ብሩ የመጡት ። አሁን የኦሮሞ ሽግግር መንግስት የተባለው የኦነግ ጦር ነው ክስታኔ ሶዶን እየወረረ ያለው።
ነገር የባለቤቱ ነው ይባላል ! የሚፈለገው ጦርነት ከሆነ ጉራጌ መልስ እንደ ሚያዘጋጅ አትጠራጠር !!
ነገር የባለቤቱ ነው ይባላል ! የሚፈለገው ጦርነት ከሆነ ጉራጌ መልስ እንደ ሚያዘጋጅ አትጠራጠር !!
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia
ኢትዮጵያዊያን ባጠቃላይ በተናጠል የሚደረገውን ትግል አቁመን አንድ ላይ የምንነሳበት ግዜ አሁን ነው ፤ አቶ አብይ አፉን ሞልቶ የኢትዮጵያ ችግር የሚወገደው 14 ክፍለዘመን ባርባሪዝም ሲነግስ ነው እያለ ነው ፡፡ 21 ዘመን 14 ክፍለዘመን ፓጋኒዝም በጉልበት እናነግሳለን እያሉ ነው፤ ከነሱ ጥንካሬ የኛ አብሮ አንዱ ለላው ደምጽ አለመሆኑ ነው ችግሩ፤ ጀኖሳይድ አንዱ ላይ ሲፍጸም አብረን ካልቆምና ካልተዋጋነው ተራ መጠበቅ እንጂ ሁሉም ጋር ይደርሳል ፤ የገዳ ታሪክ የሚያውቅና 22 በላይ ለጠፉት የኢትዮጵያዊን የጠፉ ህብረተሰብን የሚያስታውስ ፤ ይህንን የሰውን ማንንነትና ታሪክ ባህል የማከብር ፓጋኒስ ፖለቲካ አንድላይ ሆኖ በአጭር ግዜ ማክሰም ይቻላል ፤ ችቦው ተቀጣጣሏል አብሮ በመደጋገፍ ይህንን የዘር አጥፊ ስርአት ባጭሩ እናክስመው ፡ ፡ ጉራጌ ወንድሞቻችን አብረናችሁ የዚህን ታሪክ፤ባህል ዘር አጥፊ ስብስብ እንዋጋዋልን ፤ ድል ሁልግዜም የህዝብ ነው ፡፡
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia
አገር አቀፍ ንቅናቄ መምጣቱ በፍጹም አይቀሬ ነው ። ያው የሕዝብ ትግል ሁልግዜ መነሻውና መሰረቱ ሎካል ችግሮችና ጥቃቶች ስለሆኑ ሁሉም ሎካሊ መደርጀትና መገንተር አለበት ። አሁን ሁሉም ባላበት እየታገለ ከጎኑ በአገርን ሪጅን ደረጃ ወጥ የሆኑ የአላማና እስትራተጂ መናበቦች መደረግ አለባቸው ። በተቻለ መጠን ወጡ እስኪበስል ድርጅቶች ሕቡዕ ቢሆኑ ይመረጣል ።TGAA wrote: ↑05 Jul 2023, 22:19ኢትዮጵያዊያን ባጠቃላይ በተናጠል የሚደረገውን ትግል አቁመን አንድ ላይ የምንነሳበት ግዜ አሁን ነው ፤ አቶ አብይ አፉን ሞልቶ የኢትዮጵያ ችግር የሚወገደው 14 ክፍለዘመን ባርባሪዝም ሲነግስ ነው እያለ ነው ፡፡ 21 ዘመን 14 ክፍለዘመን ፓጋኒዝም በጉልበት እናነግሳለን እያሉ ነው፤ ከነሱ ጥንካሬ የኛ አብሮ አንዱ ለላው ደምጽ አለመሆኑ ነው ችግሩ፤ ጀኖሳይድ አንዱ ላይ ሲፍጸም አብረን ካልቆምና ካልተዋጋነው ተራ መጠበቅ እንጂ ሁሉም ጋር ይደርሳል ፤ የገዳ ታሪክ የሚያውቅና 22 በላይ ለጠፉት የኢትዮጵያዊን የጠፉ ህብረተሰብን የሚያስታውስ ፤ ይህንን የሰውን ማንንነትና ታሪክ ባህል የማከብር ፓጋኒስ ፖለቲካ አንድላይ ሆኖ በአጭር ግዜ ማክሰም ይቻላል ፤ ችቦው ተቀጣጣሏል አብሮ በመደጋገፍ ይህንን የዘር አጥፊ ስርአት ባጭሩ እናክስመው ፡ ፡ ጉራጌ ወንድሞቻችን አብረናችሁ የዚህን ታሪክ፤ባህል ዘር አጥፊ ስብስብ እንዋጋዋልን ፤ ድል ሁልግዜም የህዝብ ነው ፡፡
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
The next step in saving Ethiopia is to organize all Ethiopians, except the usual suspects, and form a coalition of Ethiopian forces to oust the current useless government and form a provisional government that will rewrite a citizen focused constitution for ratification by popular vote and conduct a democratic election.. The provisional government will also dismantle all manners of current corrupt security structures, be it federal or regional and form a new credible and trustworthy security apparatus which will only be accountable to elected parliament and the Ethiopian people.
The other alternative is to create a new Ethiopia based on the coalition of the willing. Those who want to part ways will be free to go their own ways, Land, boundaries and how to pay back the national debt and other formalities can be negotiated, no need to go through a bloody war.
The other alternative is to create a new Ethiopia based on the coalition of the willing. Those who want to part ways will be free to go their own ways, Land, boundaries and how to pay back the national debt and other formalities can be negotiated, no need to go through a bloody war.
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
The coalition of Ethiopian forces can be formed within Ethiopia or even outside of Ethiopia by the diaspora. The coalition will represent Ethiopians in negotiating with the current corrupt government in handing over power to the people
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
An entity must call for an organizing conference at a location convenient to all ASAP. My wish is Messay Mekonnen moderating the meeting.
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
On the surface level, the Ethiopian people arrived some time ago on what needs to be done regarding this amorphous and chaotic Oromuma, as Horus said, each society has to strategize what it can do to resist this onslaught, and at some point though this disjoint struggle would naturally coalesce to remove this gangrene, called woromuma, for once and for all to the dustbin of history.
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
TGAA wrote: ↑06 Jul 2023, 19:46On the surface level, the Ethiopian people arrived some time ago on what needs to be done regarding this amorphous and chaotic Oromuma, as Horus said, each society has to strategize what it can do to resist this onslaught, and at some point though this disjoint struggle would naturally coalesce to remove this gangrene, called woromuma, for once and for all to the dustbin of history.
Just keep sniffing and smoking too much so that you get hallucinated and paranoid everyday and then talk bulsh!t garbage of no value.
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
Genocide is when a group is being targeted, are the gurage being specifically targeted? I very much doubt it. It seems you're just trying to hop on the genocidal claims that other groups have made, i.e. amara, oromo, tigrayans, etc.
Isolated yet tragic events doesn't qualify as being genocidal. Genocides are methodical, planned out, etc.
Isolated yet tragic events doesn't qualify as being genocidal. Genocides are methodical, planned out, etc.
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
All these can happen only in your paranoid day dreams and hallucinated night mares alone. As for your wishful bloody wars the paranoid zealot, "tallaku Eskinder" is already at it and there is no room for others any more. Case closed!Lovetarik wrote: ↑05 Jul 2023, 23:41The next step in saving Ethiopia is to organize all Ethiopians, except the usual suspects, and form a coalition of Ethiopian forces to oust the current useless government and form a provisional government that will rewrite a citizen focused constitution for ratification by popular vote and conduct a democratic election.. The provisional government will also dismantle all manners of current corrupt security structures, be it federal or regional and form a new credible and trustworthy security apparatus which will only be accountable to elected parliament and the Ethiopian people.
The other alternative is to create a new Ethiopia based on the coalition of the willing. Those who want to part ways will be free to go their own ways, Land, boundaries and how to pay back the national debt and other formalities can be negotiated, no need to go through a bloody war.
Otherwise the democratically elected good government enjoys the full support of all Ethiopians who will make holes in to your cursed whistling dirty back holes if you ever attempt to disturb the elected government trying to improve the lives and livings ordinary Ethiopians. Bandits and savage vagabonds loud mouth outlaw pigs like you can organize popular twerking and stripteasing sessions for the public to see and relax. Lovetwerk. Okay? Okay!!
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
The next step is that you will go to plant trees and dig water wells to save the Ethiopian people from drought and hunger which includes the Gurage people also instead of keeping paranoid and hallucinated sniffing dirty mad dog.
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
Gallas are preparing to replace Gurage language and Amharic with Afaan Oromo in Gurage listro zone.
Afaan Oromo will be made a compulsory language in school in the tiny Gurage listro zone, as part of the Galla government’s commitment to assimilate Gurage listro into Gallas society, this is sad news for Gurage listros, the goal is of course to wipe out the language, culture and identity of low IQ Gurage listros and to convert them to Oromo ethnic.
The genocide will be completed by the end of 2029.
Afaan Oromo will be made a compulsory language in school in the tiny Gurage listro zone, as part of the Galla government’s commitment to assimilate Gurage listro into Gallas society, this is sad news for Gurage listros, the goal is of course to wipe out the language, culture and identity of low IQ Gurage listros and to convert them to Oromo ethnic.
The genocide will be completed by the end of 2029.
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
Galla Defense Force says it arrested “Fano cells” in Dessie for Seducing members into selling guns and deserting
The “cells” were reportedly engaged in luring members to sell their firearms and leave the defense force
Alleged suspects of “Fano cell” in Dessie (Photo : Defense Force)
March 29, 2024
The Galla Defense Force this week said that it has arrested what it called “Fano cells” who were allegedly engaged in luring some defense force members to sell their gun, leave the defense force or desert. They are twenty.
Galla Defense force news update published this week attributed the story to Lieutenant Tariku Shamebo, commander of Commando Division Regiment based in Dessie, North Ethiopia.
The suspects were given a mission from Dersan, according to the Defense force.
“They were given a mission from Dersan who is leader of the extremist and robber group to corrupt the army from the regiment,” it said.
The Galla Defense Force went on to claim that they were arrested under a special operation after “members of the regiment expressed willingness to desert and made firearms available for sale.” One machine gun, one sniper and four AK 47 were made ready for sale that was meant to be a set up to ensnare “fano cells.”
The suspects are under investigation, the commander is cited as saying.
Source: War-torn Ethiopia media.
The “cells” were reportedly engaged in luring members to sell their firearms and leave the defense force
Alleged suspects of “Fano cell” in Dessie (Photo : Defense Force)
March 29, 2024
The Galla Defense Force this week said that it has arrested what it called “Fano cells” who were allegedly engaged in luring some defense force members to sell their gun, leave the defense force or desert. They are twenty.
Galla Defense force news update published this week attributed the story to Lieutenant Tariku Shamebo, commander of Commando Division Regiment based in Dessie, North Ethiopia.
The suspects were given a mission from Dersan, according to the Defense force.
“They were given a mission from Dersan who is leader of the extremist and robber group to corrupt the army from the regiment,” it said.
The Galla Defense Force went on to claim that they were arrested under a special operation after “members of the regiment expressed willingness to desert and made firearms available for sale.” One machine gun, one sniper and four AK 47 were made ready for sale that was meant to be a set up to ensnare “fano cells.”
The suspects are under investigation, the commander is cited as saying.
Source: War-torn Ethiopia media.
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- Joined: 04 Feb 2007, 05:44
Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
It is now official, Gallas recently told Gurage listros they will be deported back to their tiny resourceless zone, No more begging in Addis Ababa streets.
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Re: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide on Guraghe People - Ethiopia ቀጥታ ዝርዝር
HIV/AIDS infested Gurage listros have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.