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Noble Amhara
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Joined: 02 Feb 2020, 13:00
Location: Abysinnia Highlands

They tell us Amhara & Abysinnia/Highlander doesn’t exist so explain this

Post by Noble Amhara » 18 Aug 2022, 04:45

Old Afar Man in Bati Town

Old Amhara man in Abysinnia Highland

Old Nubian man in Dongola Sudan

Old Yemeni man

Old Somali man

Old Nilotic man

There is no difference I am sun/opf I am blind to such I clearly I do not see which or which is habeshinnian

Posts: 5566
Joined: 04 Feb 2007, 05:44

Re: They tell us Amhara & Abysinnia/Highlander doesn’t exist so explain this

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 18 Aug 2022, 13:49

Yemeni man? why posting Yemeni man? Yemenis are Arab not Africans, Why are all Amharas and Tigrayans so obsessed with Yemenis? You are a jackass, A dark skinned nappy headed Tigrayan negro who sadly has self hate issues.

Go join anthropology forums, Self-loathing Amharas and Tigrayans who desperately want to be seen as Yemenis and Middle Eeasterners semitic rather than pure Africans routinely use anthropology and ethnology websites to convince people that they are Yemenis and have nothing in common with Ethiopians, they spend all their time collecting people pictures and comparing similarities, Go join them.

And this is what the average Amhara looks like.

Amhara men.

Whether we subhuman Abyssinians like to acknowledge or not, We are a bunch of brainless negroes race, Now go spend your time and energy on something more useful than people's physical features.

Ethiopia needs intelligent people not Yemenis obsessed negro like you!!

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