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የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by Horus » 10 Aug 2022, 00:18

እርስቱ ይርዳውና አባቱ መምሬ ይርዳው በግልጽ ጉራጌን ለመክዳት እና ለብልጽግና ፓርቲ ገንዘብና ስልጣን የጉራጌን ሕዝብ ለመሸጥ ጫፍ ላይ ደርሰዋል ። ይህ የሚጠበቅና ሕዝቡም የተዘጋጀለት ክህደት እንደ ሆነ ይታወቃል ። በነአቢይ አህመድ እብሪት መምሬ ይርዳው የጉራጌ ሽማግሎችን ይሸነግላሉ፣ ልጃቸው እርስቱ የጉራጌ ፖለቲከኞችን ይሸነግላል፣ የደቡብ ልዩ ሃይል የጉራጌ ወጣትን ያስራል ብለው ሁሉን ጨርሰው ነው ። የጉራጌ ዘር ተጨፍልቆ ተበትኖ ከኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ለማስወጣት ሁሉንም ተሸርቦ አልቆ ነበር ። ያ ከወዲሁ ከሽፏል። መምሬ ይርዳው የጉራጌ አባት አይደሉም ከዚህ በኋላ! እርስቱ እርዳው በዚህ ከቀጠለ በጉራጌ ሴራ ተወግዞ ይነቀላል ።

እኔን ያስገረመኝ ክስታኔውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ ነው ። ባለፈው ምርጫ ብርሃኑ ነጋ በጉራጌ ንጉሳዊ አቀባበል ተደርጎለት ለጉራጌ ያለህ ፕላን ምንድን ነው ሲባል አይ ከኢዜማ ምንም አትጠብቁ የሚል አስገራሚና ጂል መልስ ሰጠና አንዳች ወንበር ሳያገኝ ቀረ ኢዜማ ። ግርማ ሰይፉም እዚያ ነበር። እስከ ዛሬ ኢዜማ በጉራጌ ጥያቄ ላይ ይህ ነው የሚባል የፓርቲ አቋም የለውም! ያስገርማል!

እንዲያውም ልክ እንደ እርስቱ ለጉራጌ ክህዝቡ ይልቅ እሱ የሚያውቅ ይመስል ጉዳይ ስላልሆነ የዋና ከተማ ጥያቄ አነሳ ።መጀምሪያ ኢዜማ የጉራጌን ህዝብ የመብት ጥያቄ መደገፍ ነበረበት ። ያም ሆነ ይህ ህዝቡ ሁለቱንም ፓርቲዎች ጥሎአቸው ሄዷል ።

Posts: 7996
Joined: 29 Jan 2020, 21:44

Re: የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by Wedi » 10 Aug 2022, 12:19

Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
10 Aug 2022, 12:11
:mrgreen: Now you see who EZEMA is and what it stands for. Great!
:P :P

He got life long lesson!!

Posts: 4080
Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 17:40

Re: የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 10 Aug 2022, 12:38

EZEMA is a floater. It doesn't fit in to any political realm in the country. All they are doing is serving as accessories in derailing the struggle for freedom and equality. The greed and brutality of the OPDO gov't has surpassed that of TPLF's reign within a short period of 4 years. EZEMA thinks that this is the way to build democracy.

Guraghe or Wolaita or Woito or any one ethnic group has the right to chose whether they want to be a Region or a County according to the law of the land. Either change the rule or play by the rule.
Last edited by Za-Ilmaknun on 10 Aug 2022, 12:46, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: 19 Oct 2013, 19:34

Re: የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by Horus » 10 Aug 2022, 12:44

Wedi wrote:
10 Aug 2022, 12:19
Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
10 Aug 2022, 12:11
:mrgreen: Now you see who EZEMA is and what it stands for. Great!
:P :P

He got life long lesson!!
የምታስገርም ሰው ነህ! እኔኮ ዛሬም ኢዜማን እጠላለሁ፣ ብርሃኑን እጠላለሁ አላልኩም ። ብርሃኑ ጉራጌኛ እንኳን የማይናገር የናዝሬት ጉራጌ ነው። ግርማ ይብልጥ ስለ ጉራጌ ስለሚያውቅ ነው ። አንተ ስለ ጉራጌ የምትጨነቀው ጉራጌ ካቢይ ጋር ስለተጋጨ እንጂ ለጉርጌ ተሙጋች ሆነህ አይደለ፣። ደግሜ ልንገርህ እኔ በፖለቲካ ተውልጂ በፖለቲካ የኖርኩ ሰው ነኝ ። ጉራጌ የራሱን ጥያቄ በራሱ ስልት ይፈታል። ይልቅስ አንተ ከዚህ የህይወት ትምህርት ውሰድ በፖለቲካና በጥላቻ መሃል ያለውን ልዩነት ተማር ። አንዱ ሶሺያ ሳይንስ ነው ሌላው የሳኮሎጂ በሽታ ነው። ኬር!

Posts: 2832
Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 13:05

Re: የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by Right » 10 Aug 2022, 12:49

Human garbage. If are capable of thinking beyond your nose. You are working hard to change the narrative of the struggle to remove the entire Weyannie system in to the proper implementation of the Weyannie system.

And you are scapegoating Mr Erestu while you praising the biggest enabler of the Abiye regime Dr. Birr.

A typical member of the 60s generation. You prescribed communism and the soviets model for Ethiopians but you chose the USA model for you and your family. Drop dead so that Ethiopia and the world will have one less idiot.

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Posts: 30933
Joined: 19 Oct 2013, 19:34

Re: የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by Horus » 10 Aug 2022, 13:20

Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
10 Aug 2022, 12:38
EZEMA is a floater. It doesn't fit in to any political realm in the country. All they are doing is serving as accessories in derailing the struggle for freedom and equality. The greed and brutality of the OPDO gov't has surpassed that of TPLF's reign within a short period of 4 years. EZEMA thinks that this is the way to build democracy.

Guraghe or Wolaita or Woito or any one ethnic group has the right to chose whether they want to be a Region or a County according to the law of the land. Either change the rule or play by the rule.
"Either change the rule or play by the rule." Thank You. እዚህ ፎረም ላይ የጎሳ ፖለቲካ እየተቃወምክ የጉራጌን ክልልነት ትደግፋለህ እያሉ ሰላም ለሚነሱኝ ትምህርት ይሁንልኝ!

Posts: 7996
Joined: 29 Jan 2020, 21:44

Re: የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by Wedi » 10 Aug 2022, 13:20

Horus wrote:
10 Aug 2022, 12:44

የምታስገርም ሰው ነህ! እኔኮ ዛሬም ኢዜማን እጠላለሁ፣ ብርሃኑን እጠላለሁ አላልኩም ። ብርሃኑ ጉራጌኛ እንኳን የማይናገር የናዝሬት ጉራጌ ነው። ግርማ ይብልጥ ስለ ጉራጌ ስለሚያውቅ ነው ። አንተ ስለ ጉራጌ የምትጨነቀው ጉራጌ ካቢይ ጋር ስለተጋጨ እንጂ ለጉርጌ ተሙጋች ሆነህ አይደለ፣። ደግሜ ልንገርህ እኔ በፖለቲካ ተውልጂ በፖለቲካ የኖርኩ ሰው ነኝ ። ጉራጌ የራሱን ጥያቄ በራሱ ስልት ይፈታል። ይልቅስ አንተ ከዚህ የህይወት ትምህርት ውሰድ በፖለቲካና በጥላቻ መሃል ያለውን ልዩነት ተማር ። አንዱ ሶሺያ ሳይንስ ነው ሌላው የሳኮሎጂ በሽታ ነው። ኬር!
እኔ ስለ ጉራጌ መብት የምከራከረው ለአንት ብዬ ሳይሆን ከበርካታ የአማራ ምሁራን የበለጠ በአማራ ህዝብ ላይ እየደረሰ ያለው ሰቆቃ አጥብቀው የሚቃወሙ የጉራጌ ብሄር ወገኖቸ ስላሉ ከእነሱ ጎን አለመቆም ክህደት መሆኑን አዕምሮዬ ስለሚወቀሰኝ ብቻ ነው፡፡ ለምሳል ጥቀስ ብትለኝ ዶር ያዕቆብ ኃይለማርያ እና ፖለቲከኛ፣ የሰብዓዊ መብት ተሟጋች እና ገጣሚ ዓሊ ሁሴን ያሉ እንቁ የአማራ ህዝብ ታሪካዊ ባለውታዎች ስላሉ እኔ እንደ አቅሚቲ የጉራጌ ህዝብ የነጻነት ትግል ለማገዝ ነው እንጅ አንተ እንዳልከው ጋላ አብይ አህመድን ስለምጠላ እና የጉራጌን የህልውና ትግል እንደ አጋጣሚ ለመጠቀም አይደለም!!

«እንቁፍቱ» እና «ፈርዶበት አማራ!» ግጥሞች! በገጣሚ እና ፖለቲከኛ ዓሊ ሁሴን ስለ አማራ ሰቆቃ በ2007 ዓም የተገጠመ!!

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Posts: 30933
Joined: 19 Oct 2013, 19:34

Re: የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by Horus » 10 Aug 2022, 15:09

ኢዜማ፣ ብርሃኑ ነጋና የጉራጌ ክልልነት ጉዳይ! አቋም መሰል ነገር ላይ እየደረሱ ነው!

Posts: 9128
Joined: 30 Apr 2007, 17:38

Re: የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by ethiopianunity » 11 Aug 2022, 09:20

The issue is not about kilil now but solve the national issue. Ethiopia is facing domestic and foreign threat and l don't think regional arrangements should be the issue now. Who is creating Debub or other region the question of kililization? None other than the domestic enemies to distract Ethiopian people. Even Sidama or other regions is not the time because the enemies are hoping to create civil war because of klilization. This should be debated by all stake holders and experts then let people vote on it. What is adv and disav of killization? Using such words as killilization empowers the enemies who created this killi issue. Do you know the more we use the term, let alone act on it, it empowers the enemies do you know that? Therefore l hate this word! The word should be used for domestic animals barn and Ethiopians, by using this word they are saying they are animals in barn. That being said, the whole concept of ethnic region by Ethiopians have been opposed since Tplf. It is now being legitimized by continuing making further ethnic regions. So why oppose it in the first place? Remember, Ethiopia had non ethnic region but names were given for the region under H Selassie and before which is a great concept and Ethiopians worked hard and made the country great while embracing their culture,regional language. The only region given ethnic name at the time ( don't know why) and became problematic and that region? Tigray. This ethnic naming regions as a problem should today be example and lesson to all regions.

Continuing to approve ethnic region means not just doubling down, but quadrupling down civil war, disintegration, implosion of Ethiopia. Tigray region should not have been given this name based on ethnicity, like other previous 14 regions, should have been given a name to the likings of the people. We are now seeing a dangerous Oromiya, mimicking Tplf Tigray rule type on Ethiopia. So up to the leaders, all Ethiopians, experts to solve the issue of regional formation. It is natural Same type of people sharing culture and language live together, but how to create regions that preserve their identity at the same time, create region that is also nationalistic without being narcissistic about your ethnicity that creates supremacy, discrimination, on one another.

That being said, Ezema has more national agenda than regional and trying to give Ethiopians a lesson of national priority as supposed to regional and that is what their organization Mission. However, that does not mean they should not give far sighted solution whenever and wherever problems arise. They are fixing Tplf issues now. I hate political parties and should be abolished and bring back traditional, hybrid and symbol of kingdom rule. Instead of creating political party mobs, create civil organizations for each issues you are passionate about, and when government is formed vote and elect individuals that are altruistic, problem solvers, anyways people should vote and elect them based on witnessing their track record deeds.

Look the word Party, exactly that dancing, booging down with groups that become mobs, thieves, easily controlled and corrupted, vulnerable, compromise the nation. But there must be more of civil organizations fixing issues of the country's social, economic, political issues.

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Joined: 30 Apr 2007, 17:38

Re: የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by ethiopianunity » 11 Aug 2022, 09:55

Wedi wrote:
10 Aug 2022, 13:20
Horus wrote:
10 Aug 2022, 12:44

የምታስገርም ሰው ነህ! እኔኮ ዛሬም ኢዜማን እጠላለሁ፣ ብርሃኑን እጠላለሁ አላልኩም ። ብርሃኑ ጉራጌኛ እንኳን የማይናገር የናዝሬት ጉራጌ ነው። ግርማ ይብልጥ ስለ ጉራጌ ስለሚያውቅ ነው ። አንተ ስለ ጉራጌ የምትጨነቀው ጉራጌ ካቢይ ጋር ስለተጋጨ እንጂ ለጉርጌ ተሙጋች ሆነህ አይደለ፣። ደግሜ ልንገርህ እኔ በፖለቲካ ተውልጂ በፖለቲካ የኖርኩ ሰው ነኝ ። ጉራጌ የራሱን ጥያቄ በራሱ ስልት ይፈታል። ይልቅስ አንተ ከዚህ የህይወት ትምህርት ውሰድ በፖለቲካና በጥላቻ መሃል ያለውን ልዩነት ተማር ። አንዱ ሶሺያ ሳይንስ ነው ሌላው የሳኮሎጂ በሽታ ነው። ኬር!
እኔ ስለ ጉራጌ መብት የምከራከረው ለአንት ብዬ ሳይሆን ከበርካታ የአማራ ምሁራን የበለጠ በአማራ ህዝብ ላይ እየደረሰ ያለው ሰቆቃ አጥብቀው የሚቃወሙ የጉራጌ ብሄር ወገኖቸ ስላሉ ከእነሱ ጎን አለመቆም ክህደት መሆኑን አዕምሮዬ ስለሚወቀሰኝ ብቻ ነው፡፡ ለምሳል ጥቀስ ብትለኝ ዶር ያዕቆብ ኃይለማርያ እና ፖለቲከኛ፣ የሰብዓዊ መብት ተሟጋች እና ገጣሚ ዓሊ ሁሴን ያሉ እንቁ የአማራ ህዝብ ታሪካዊ ባለውታዎች ስላሉ እኔ እንደ አቅሚቲ የጉራጌ ህዝብ የነጻነት ትግል ለማገዝ ነው እንጅ አንተ እንዳልከው ጋላ አብይ አህመድን ስለምጠላ እና የጉራጌን የህልውና ትግል እንደ አጋጣሚ ለመጠቀም አይደለም!!

«እንቁፍቱ» እና «ፈርዶበት አማራ!» ግጥሞች! በገጣሚ እና ፖለቲከኛ ዓሊ ሁሴን ስለ አማራ ሰቆቃ በ2007 ዓም የተገጠመ!!

This what it is about, Ethiopia
Should be beyond ethnicity and religion. However when you see injustice in any region, as an Ethiopian you should feel the pain. I think more Amaras too should speak out for others too, that is what kills enemies and tightens Ethiopia. People like Abaymado are another Tplf types, who satisfy their guaro interests and revenge. Those types are dividers of societies and not for Ethiopia. Abaymado types are the slaves of Tplf that left Ethiopia where it is now

I will advocate Amara kilil but has to get rid of Abaynado types, foreign worshipers to preserve Ethiopia's history and all. Gurage is veering away from Ethiopian by creating another fake type regional flag. Stop fabricating regional flags and new identity! In reality, as an Ethiopian have some kind of non ethnic emblem that symbolizes the region especially archeological symbols makes it more quality. Period. For instance, axum symbol in Tigray. Gurage those stones,called Tya symbols. Gojjam will have Abay, Gonder, Fasildes, Wello, Lalibela, Shewa Entoto or other symbol. Bale will have the cave, Borena will have aba geda symbol, Welayta, don't know, what should require is historical, nature, and what each region is know for. No leader ,king emblem as it is divisive instead regions should have their heroes preserved via museum or statue without boasting.
Last edited by ethiopianunity on 11 Aug 2022, 10:21, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 2832
Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 13:05

Re: የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by Right » 11 Aug 2022, 10:06

Killization based on ethnicity is a very bad idea created and incorporated in the Weyannie constitution deliberately to destroy Ethiopia.
Killization and Ethiopia don’t belong in the same sentences.

Either embrace the Weyannie constitution and fight for the implementation of Killil OR reject the Weyannie constitution and fight for the survival of Ethiopia.

You can’t have it both ways. Those southern ethnic groups who said the Amaharas have their Killil therefore we should have it too has to remember that this bad policy has been forced on the Amharas.

Remember, Killization is the first step for statehood and the breakup of Ethiopia. Minorities will not do well in that equation. The Oromo Defence force is way ahead of the game.

Posts: 9128
Joined: 30 Apr 2007, 17:38

Re: የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by ethiopianunity » 11 Aug 2022, 10:24

Right wrote:
11 Aug 2022, 10:06
Killization based on ethnicity is a very bad idea created and incorporated in the Weyannie constitution deliberately to destroy Ethiopia.
Killization and Ethiopia don’t belong in the same sentences.

Either embrace the Weyannie constitution and fight for the implementation of Killil OR reject the Weyannie constitution and fight for the survival of Ethiopia.

You can’t have it both ways. Those southern ethnic groups who said the Amaharas have their Killil therefore we should have it too has to remember that this bad policy has been forced on the Amharas.

Remember, Killization is the first step for statehood and the breakup of Ethiopia. Minorities will not do well in that equation. The Oromo Defence force is way ahead of the game.
Very well said, we have to go back to Tigray and solve the issue of this region, such as creating different regions. It is clear, Tplf from Adwa has been slaughtering and using the people from different region of Tigray as cannon Fodors, this shows the persecuted regions must be safe from those hyenas by giving them their region so that they can be productive and develop their region instead of being used by Tplf regional superpowers making them poster child for famine.

Posts: 2832
Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 13:05

Re: የብልጽግናው እርስቱ ይርዳውና የኢዜማው ግርማ ሰይፉ በጉራጌ ክልል ላይ ሲንገዳገዱ ያስገርማል!

Post by Right » 11 Aug 2022, 12:37

As far as I am concerned Tigrai is going through a slow and agonizing suicidal death. They poisoned all the waterholes around them. They need soldiers to fight but they have none. They need good neighbours to help them go through in hard time and no one in the area likes them. Abiye tried his best to rescue them but they are too stupid and arrogant to recognize the help. They are done.

At this moment the southerners are the one who needs the best advice they can get. They are focused and overwhelmed by identity politics it will be over for them before they know it. The Oromuma pinned them to a corner and that is exactly where they want them to be. Soon the mediator, the police, the judge in their conflict will be Oromuma.
Too bad they can’t see it coming. That is what identity politics do to humans.

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