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Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by Horus » 31 Jul 2022, 11:40

የኋላው ከሌለ የለም የፊቱ! ሁሉም የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ነው ። እያንዳንዱ ትውልድ የራሱን ህይወት ኖሮ፣ የራሱን ስህተት ሰርቶ፣ የራሱን ትምህርት ተምሮ ያልፋል። ዛሬ ኦሮሞች የሚሰሩት ስህተት ትላንት ትግሬዎች የሰሩትን ይደግማል። ትግሬዎች የሰሩት ስህተት የደርጎች የሰሩትን ይደግማል። ደርግ የሰራው ስህተት ሃይለ ስላሴ ሰርቶታል ። በዚህ ትውልድ በዛ ትውልድ ላይ ማሳበብ አይቻልም ። በሃይለ ስላሴ ዘመን ረሃብና ኤኩልነት ተካሂዷል ግን ወጣት እንደ ሙጃ አልተጨፈጨፈም ። ደርጎች ወጣት ገድለዋል ግን እንደ እንደ ወአኔዎች ሽቅብ አልቀዘኑም። ትግሬዎች የግፍና እብሪት ጥግ ነክተዋል ግን እንደ ዘምነ ኦሮሞ ጅምላ የዘር እልቂት አላካሄውዱም። ዛሬ ከሃይለ ስላሴ ዘመን ይሻላል የሚሉ ካሉ በሃለስላሴ ዘመን ያልንሩ ብቻ ናቸው ። በአንድ ቃል ዛሬም ኢትዮጵያ ሰብአዊ የሆነ ፍትሃዊም ሆነ ዴሞክራሳዊ ስርዓት የላትም።

ሃይለ ስላሴ ስልጣን አላስነካም ብሎ ተገደለ። መንግስቱ ስልጣን አላስነካም ብሎ እስከ ዛሬ የቁም እስር ቤት ነው ። መለሰ ዜናዌ ስልጣን አላስነካም ብሎ በመርዝ ተገደለ ። አቢይ አህመድ ስልጣን አላስነካም ብሎ በመርዝ እየሞተ ነው ። ይህ ነው የኢትዮጵያዊያን በሽታ! በድንቁርና የሚነዳ የስልጣን ጥማት !!!!

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Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by DefendTheTruth » 31 Jul 2022, 11:55

Horus wrote:
31 Jul 2022, 11:40
ሃይለ ስላሴ ስልጣን አላስነካም ብሎ ተገደለ። መንግስቱ ስልጣን አላስነካም ብሎ እስከ ዛሬ የቁም እስር ቤት ነው ። መለሰ ዜናዌ ስልጣን አላስነካም ብሎ በመርዝ ተገደለ ። አቢይ አህመድ ስልጣን አላስነካም ብሎ በመርዝ እየሞተ ነው ። ይህ ነው የኢትዮጵያዊያን በሽታ! በድንቁርና የሚነዳ የስልጣን ጥማት !!!!
The rest can be true or false, I didn't research much into it. But could you elaborate on the claim that Abiy Ahmed refused to give up power and etc.?

Did he hold a free and fair election (perhaps not perfect but still better than any of the preceeding elections in the country's recent history) and win it just before a year or so?

He did even went an extra mile, as far as I can remember, and incorporate those who lost the election in the power sharing scheme, which is also the first in the country's recent history. Didn't he?

If winning an election is just to relinquish it afterwards (to vacate the space for others to come in and feast on it) then what is the meaning of building a better tomorrow and how is that going to be realized in practical terms?

Or are you careless about tomorrow altogether?

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Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by Selam/ » 01 Aug 2022, 00:04

ሆረስ - ዛሬስ አብደሃል ልበል?

የኢትዮዽያን ሰራዊት ወደለማኝነት የለወጡ፣ ለ30 ዓመታት ምሁሮችን ሲያሳድዱ፣ ሲያስሩና ሲገድሉ፤ በተለይ በሰላም አርፎ የተቀመጠውን ምስኪን የአማራ ህዝብ በጅምላ በግፍ ሲጨርሱ፣ ሲያስጨርሱና ሲያመክኑ፣ በፖቲካና ኢኮኖሚ የተቀናቀናቸውን ሁሉ ሲያሰቃዩ፣ ሲያጠፉና ሲያሳድዱ የኖሩት እንዲሁም የውጭውን ዓለም በውሸት ሲያጭበረብሩና ሀገሪቷን በሀራዥ ሸንሽነው የሸጡት ሀይለስላሴ፣ መንግስቱ ወይንም አብይ አይደለም። ክፉ ወያኔዎች ናቸው።

ድርቅና ረሀቡ ከንጉሱ ወዲህ የባሰ ከፋ እንጂ አልተሻሻለም። ስጋውን በልቶ ቆዳውን አትርፎ ይሸጥ የነበረው ሸማች፣ ዛሬ አይደለም ከብት ማረድ አንድ ፍሬ ዕንቁላል በአይኑ ማየት ብርቅ ሆኖበታል። ወላጆቼ ይኽንን ሳያዩ እንኳን በጊዜ ተጠናቀቁ የሚሉት የኔ ቀደምቶች ዛሬ ብዙ ናቸው። ትክክል ነው፣ ሁሉም ሰው ነገሮችን የሚያየው ከራሱ ልምድ ነው። የሀይለስላሴ ዘመዶች ወያኔን ያመሰግኑ ነበር፣ ጎናቸው ስለተነካ። አፈር ልሰው የተነሱት የቀድሞ የሰራዊቱ አባላትና ዘመዶቻቸው፣ በቡትሮስ ጋሊ ጉብኝትና በቅንጅት ምርጫ በተያያዘ ያለቁት ወጣቶችና ህይወታቸው የተመሳቀለው የአዲስ አበባ ዮኒቨርሲቲ ባልደረቦች እንዲሁም የአይናችሁ ቀለም አላማረንም ተብለው በጅምላ ከሀገር የተባረሩት ኤርትራዊ ወገኖቻችን ግን ታዝበዋቸዋል። እኔም የተነካሁት በወያኔ ብቻ ስለሆነ፣ ለኔ ከነሱ የበለጠ ሰይጣን በዓለም ላይ የለም።

Horus wrote:
31 Jul 2022, 11:40
የኋላው ከሌለ የለም የፊቱ! ሁሉም የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ነው ። እያንዳንዱ ትውልድ የራሱን ህይወት ኖሮ፣ የራሱን ስህተት ሰርቶ፣ የራሱን ትምህርት ተምሮ ያልፋል። ዛሬ ኦሮሞች የሚሰሩት ስህተት ትላንት ትግሬዎች የሰሩትን ይደግማል። ትግሬዎች የሰሩት ስህተት የደርጎች የሰሩትን ይደግማል። ደርግ የሰራው ስህተት ሃይለ ስላሴ ሰርቶታል ። በዚህ ትውልድ በዛ ትውልድ ላይ ማሳበብ አይቻልም ። በሃይለ ስላሴ ዘመን ረሃብና ኤኩልነት ተካሂዷል ግን ወጣት እንደ ሙጃ አልተጨፈጨፈም ። ደርጎች ወጣት ገድለዋል ግን እንደ እንደ ወአኔዎች ሽቅብ አልቀዘኑም። ትግሬዎች የግፍና እብሪት ጥግ ነክተዋል ግን እንደ ዘምነ ኦሮሞ ጅምላ የዘር እልቂት አላካሄውዱም። ዛሬ ከሃይለ ስላሴ ዘመን ይሻላል የሚሉ ካሉ በሃለስላሴ ዘመን ያልንሩ ብቻ ናቸው ። በአንድ ቃል ዛሬም ኢትዮጵያ ሰብአዊ የሆነ ፍትሃዊም ሆነ ዴሞክራሳዊ ስርዓት የላትም።

ሃይለ ስላሴ ስልጣን አላስነካም ብሎ ተገደለ። መንግስቱ ስልጣን አላስነካም ብሎ እስከ ዛሬ የቁም እስር ቤት ነው ። መለሰ ዜናዌ ስልጣን አላስነካም ብሎ በመርዝ ተገደለ ። አቢይ አህመድ ስልጣን አላስነካም ብሎ በመርዝ እየሞተ ነው ። ይህ ነው የኢትዮጵያዊያን በሽታ! በድንቁርና የሚነዳ የስልጣን ጥማት !!!!

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Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by Fiyameta » 01 Aug 2022, 02:31

Had Haile Selassie never took orders from his white masters to illegally annex my country Eritrea....

.... and if his predecessor Mengistu never became a slave to the Soviets and tried to quash the popular Eritrean armed struggle for independence....

.... and if the slave agame never put themselves at the service of Neo-colonial powers that historically have been fearful of Eritreans liberating the African continent....

.... the country called Ethiopia would have known peace.

When Tsehafi Taezaz Aklilu Habte-Weld, the high IQ Eritrean speech writer for Haile Selassie, wrote a speech for the emperor to read at the League of Nations, which goes like... "Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior ...etc" , the feeble-minded so-called emperor had no idea that he was actually reading the charges and penalty for his own crimes, for he himself was guilty of the very things he was accusing others.

IQ Matters.

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Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by Selam/ » 01 Aug 2022, 09:26

Well, let me add to the “if’s” so you could come up with more speculations:

- What if Eritrea has stayed longer under fascist Italy’s colonial rule?
- What if Haile Selassie had let Britain continue to administer Eritrea indefinitely?
- What if Shabea hadn’t conceived Woyane leeches?
- What if Shabea had left Ethiopia altogether after Eritrea’s independence rather than trying to have it both ways?
- What if Woyane & Shabea had stuck together & formed the so-called Greater Tigray rather than quarrel with each other & eventually parted ways?

For your reference, no country on earth likes its region to secede whether that attitude sustains or eventually gets reversed voluntarily or by force. Whether it’s the case of Swedish Liberation war, American Civil War, Mexico war, Brazilian war, Soviet Union, United kingdom, Algeria war, Angola war, or even Somali war, all governments inherently resist to lose territorial and human power during their terms and their first reaction is always to silence the issue militarily. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are right but it’s the nature of politics. To add to your “if’s”: what would happen if the people of Afar or Saho decide to secede from Eritrea? I am saying this knowing that, unlike KIFFU Meles Zenawi, PIA has smartly avoided subdividing the regions along tribal lines.
Fiyameta wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 02:31
Had Haile Selassie never took orders from his white masters to illegally annex my country Eritrea....

.... and if his predecessor Mengistu never became a slave to the Soviets and tried to quash the popular Eritrean armed struggle for independence....

.... and if the slave agame never put themselves at the service of Neo-colonial powers that historically have been fearful of Eritreans liberating the African continent....

.... the country called Ethiopia would have known peace.

When Tsehafi Taezaz Aklilu Habte-Weld, the high IQ Eritrean speech writer for Haile Selassie, wrote a speech for the emperor to read at the League of Nations, which goes like... "Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior ...etc" , the feeble-minded so-called emperor had no idea that he was actually reading the charges and penalty for his own crimes, for he himself was guilty of the very things he was accusing others.

IQ Matters.
Last edited by Selam/ on 01 Aug 2022, 14:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: 27 Jun 2011, 14:37

Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by ZEMEN » 01 Aug 2022, 09:39

Selam/ wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 09:26
Well, let me add to the “if’s” so you could come up with more speculations:

- What if Eritrea has stayed longer under fascist Italy’s colonial rule?
- What if Haile Selassie had let Britain continue to administer Eritrea indefinitely?
- What if Shabea hadn’t conceived Woyane leeches?
- What if Shabea had left Ethiopia altogether after Eritrea’s independence rather than trying to have it both ways?
- What if Woyane & Shabea had stuck together & formed the so-called Greater Tigray rather than quarrel with each other & eventually parted ways?

For your reference, no country on earth likes it’s region to secede whether that attitude sustains or eventually gets reversed voluntarily or by force. Whether it’s the case of Swedish Liberation war, American Civil War, Mexico war, Brazilian war, Soviet Union, United kingdom, Algeria war, Angola war, or even Somali war, all governments inherently resist to lose territorial and human power during their terms and their first reaction is always to silence the issue militarily. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are right but it’s the nature of politics. To add to your “if’s”: what would happen if the people of Afar or Saho decide to secede from Eritrea? I am saying this knowing that, unlike KIFFU Meles Zenawi, PIA has smartly avoided subdividing the regions along tribal lines.
Fiyameta wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 02:31
Had Haile Selassie never took orders from his white masters to illegally annex my country Eritrea....

.... and if his predecessor Mengistu never became a slave to the Soviets and tried to quash the popular Eritrean armed struggle for independence....

.... and if the slave agame never put themselves at the service of Neo-colonial powers that historically have been fearful of Eritreans liberating the African continent....

.... the country called Ethiopia would have known peace.

When Tsehafi Taezaz Aklilu Habte-Weld, the high IQ Eritrean speech writer for Haile Selassie, wrote a speech for the emperor to read at the League of Nations, which goes like... "Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior ...etc" , the feeble-minded so-called emperor had no idea that he was actually reading the charges and penalty for his own crimes, for he himself was guilty of the very things he was accusing others.

IQ Matters.
quotesehafi Taezaz Aklilu Habte-Weld, the high IQ Eritrean speech writer for Haile Selassie
He is not an Eritrean, he is from Bulga showa.

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Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by Fiyameta » 01 Aug 2022, 12:25

ZEMEN wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 09:39
Selam/ wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 09:26
Well, let me add to the “if’s” so you could come up with more speculations:

- What if Eritrea has stayed longer under fascist Italy’s colonial rule?
- What if Haile Selassie had let Britain continue to administer Eritrea indefinitely?
- What if Shabea hadn’t conceived Woyane leeches?
- What if Shabea had left Ethiopia altogether after Eritrea’s independence rather than trying to have it both ways?
- What if Woyane & Shabea had stuck together & formed the so-called Greater Tigray rather than quarrel with each other & eventually parted ways?

For your reference, no country on earth likes it’s region to secede whether that attitude sustains or eventually gets reversed voluntarily or by force. Whether it’s the case of Swedish Liberation war, American Civil War, Mexico war, Brazilian war, Soviet Union, United kingdom, Algeria war, Angola war, or even Somali war, all governments inherently resist to lose territorial and human power during their terms and their first reaction is always to silence the issue militarily. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are right but it’s the nature of politics. To add to your “if’s”: what would happen if the people of Afar or Saho decide to secede from Eritrea? I am saying this knowing that, unlike KIFFU Meles Zenawi, PIA has smartly avoided subdividing the regions along tribal lines.
Fiyameta wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 02:31
Had Haile Selassie never took orders from his white masters to illegally annex my country Eritrea....

.... and if his predecessor Mengistu never became a slave to the Soviets and tried to quash the popular Eritrean armed struggle for independence....

.... and if the slave agame never put themselves at the service of Neo-colonial powers that historically have been fearful of Eritreans liberating the African continent....

.... the country called Ethiopia would have known peace.

When Tesehafi Taezaz Aklilu Habte-Weld, the high IQ Eritrean speech writer for Haile Selassie, wrote a speech for the emperor to read at the League of Nations, which goes like... "Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior ...etc" , the feeble-minded so-called emperor had no idea that he was actually reading the charges and penalty for his own crimes, for he himself was guilty of the very things he was accusing others.

IQ Matters.
quotesehafi Taezaz Aklilu Habte-Weld, the high IQ Eritrean speech writer for Haile Selassie
He is not an Eritrean, he is from Bulga showa.
Thanks for the correction. Sorry, I meant to say Lorenzo Taezaz, the high IQ Eritrean diplomat and speech writer for Haile Selassie.

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Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by Fiyameta » 01 Aug 2022, 13:26

The Italians did stay in Eritrea for a very long time. For the victims, 60 years is a long time to live under a colonial rule. But I think the worst kind of colonization is one that camouflages itself with various sweet-sounding humanitarian brand names that erode human dignity and deny people the right to feed themselves by keeping them in endless cycle of aid dependency.

Haile Selassie was a slave to the British throne, and a slave cannot tell its master what to do. When Benito Mussolini, along with 10% of his troops and 90% of Tigray Askari troupe, invaded Ethiopia in 1935, Haile Selassie fled to his master's house in England to beg for military intervention in exchange for serving British interests in East Africa. In Ethiopia, cowardice is often conveniently equated with diplomatic prowess.

Shaebia did not create Weyane, but they provided military support to various Ethiopian resistance groups that were fighting against a common enemy.

After gaining our independence in 1991, we enjoyed relative peace and stability for several years until 1998, when Neo-colonial powers hell bent on keeping Africans in chains, ordered their slaves next door to threaten our Eritrean sovereignty through military invasions, a sure sign that foreign aid got Ethiopia by the balls, as it silently emasculates its elite class of people to become pawns moved around by invisible hand on a Chessboard.

The Greater Tigray Republic was an idea first flouted by the British colonial administration in Eritrea, but was later put on the back burner when the US super power, in its pursuit of installing a military base in Asmara, decided to have the country Eritrea be federated with its largest neo-colony in Africa called Ethiopia. For his services, the emperor received a limousine and a poodle named Lulu to remind him of his small stature as a lapdog in the arms of his white owners.

The Afars and Saho ethnic group in Eritrea laugh at the idea of seceding from their own country they had paid in blood, sweat and tears to liberate. Liberated people don't work against their own self-interest. I think foreign aid is what corrupts people to work against their own national self-interest.

No matter how you slice it and dice it, flip it or reverse it, the root cause of what ails Ethiopia is a mindset that views Eritrea through the prism of Western interests, that leads to people unwittingly accepting those interests as their own, much to their own detriment. A little self-awareness goes a long way.

Selam/ wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 09:26
Well, let me add to the “if’s” so you could come up with more speculations:

- What if Eritrea has stayed longer under fascist Italy’s colonial rule?
- What if Haile Selassie had let Britain continue to administer Eritrea indefinitely?
- What if Shabea hadn’t conceived Woyane leeches?
- What if Shabea had left Ethiopia altogether after Eritrea’s independence rather than trying to have it both ways?
- What if Woyane & Shabea had stuck together & formed the so-called Greater Tigray rather than quarrel with each other & eventually parted ways?

For your reference, no country on earth likes it’s region to secede whether that attitude sustains or eventually gets reversed voluntarily or by force. Whether it’s the case of Swedish Liberation war, American Civil War, Mexico war, Brazilian war, Soviet Union, United kingdom, Algeria war, Angola war, or even Somali war, all governments inherently resist to lose territorial and human power during their terms and their first reaction is always to silence the issue militarily. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are right but it’s the nature of politics. To add to your “if’s”: what would happen if the people of Afar or Saho decide to secede from Eritrea? I am saying this knowing that, unlike KIFFU Meles Zenawi, PIA has smartly avoided subdividing the regions along tribal lines.
Fiyameta wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 02:31
Had Haile Selassie never took orders from his white masters to illegally annex my country Eritrea....

.... and if his predecessor Mengistu never became a slave to the Soviets and tried to quash the popular Eritrean armed struggle for independence....

.... and if the slave agame never put themselves at the service of Neo-colonial powers that historically have been fearful of Eritreans liberating the African continent....

.... the country called Ethiopia would have known peace.

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Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by Selam/ » 01 Aug 2022, 13:35

That’s how things get lost in translation: Lorenzo Taezaz never called himself an Eritrean diplomat. He was an Ethiopian diplomat born in Akale Guzay just like Aklilu HabteWold was an Ethiopian diplomat born in Shoa.
Fiyameta wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 12:25
ZEMEN wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 09:39
Selam/ wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 09:26
Well, let me add to the “if’s” so you could come up with more speculations:

- What if Eritrea has stayed longer under fascist Italy’s colonial rule?
- What if Haile Selassie had let Britain continue to administer Eritrea indefinitely?
- What if Shabea hadn’t conceived Woyane leeches?
- What if Shabea had left Ethiopia altogether after Eritrea’s independence rather than trying to have it both ways?
- What if Woyane & Shabea had stuck together & formed the so-called Greater Tigray rather than quarrel with each other & eventually parted ways?

For your reference, no country on earth likes it’s region to secede whether that attitude sustains or eventually gets reversed voluntarily or by force. Whether it’s the case of Swedish Liberation war, American Civil War, Mexico war, Brazilian war, Soviet Union, United kingdom, Algeria war, Angola war, or even Somali war, all governments inherently resist to lose territorial and human power during their terms and their first reaction is always to silence the issue militarily. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are right but it’s the nature of politics. To add to your “if’s”: what would happen if the people of Afar or Saho decide to secede from Eritrea? I am saying this knowing that, unlike KIFFU Meles Zenawi, PIA has smartly avoided subdividing the regions along tribal lines.
Fiyameta wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 02:31
Had Haile Selassie never took orders from his white masters to illegally annex my country Eritrea....

.... and if his predecessor Mengistu never became a slave to the Soviets and tried to quash the popular Eritrean armed struggle for independence....

.... and if the slave agame never put themselves at the service of Neo-colonial powers that historically have been fearful of Eritreans liberating the African continent....

.... the country called Ethiopia would have known peace.

When Tesehafi Taezaz Aklilu Habte-Weld, the high IQ Eritrean speech writer for Haile Selassie, wrote a speech for the emperor to read at the League of Nations, which goes like... "Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior ...etc" , the feeble-minded so-called emperor had no idea that he was actually reading the charges and penalty for his own crimes, for he himself was guilty of the very things he was accusing others.

IQ Matters.
quotesehafi Taezaz Aklilu Habte-Weld, the high IQ Eritrean speech writer for Haile Selassie
He is not an Eritrean, he is from Bulga showa.
Thanks for the correction. Sorry, I meant to say Lorenzo Taezaz, the high IQ Eritrean diplomat and speech writer for Haile Selassie.

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Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by Right » 01 Aug 2022, 18:35

It is a disease. Identification syndrome.
Mostly visible on Eritreans, Tigrians and Guraghie forum participants. It is a complex.
For sure Lorenzo served his country Ethiopia, the only identity he knows.
The people with identity crisis that are suffering from it, love to spend 24/7 on an Ethiopian issue. They gave up on fake Eritrea.

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Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by Selam/ » 01 Aug 2022, 23:05

You are unhinged, my friend. All African leaders are associated with foreign countries one or the other way. That’s the hard truth. Just because H Sellasie fled to England doesn’t make him their slave. If he was their slave, they wouldn’t have sabotaged him while he appealed to the world at the League of Nations to oppose Italian aggression. They wouldn’t have dismantled his effort to strengthen pan Africa or allow a military junta to overthrow & assassinate him.

In your calculus, Essayas Afeworki was also a slave of USA & Libya. Because he was recruited by the former during his early years and then later Gaddafi became his kitchen table buddy. Do you now see your face in the mirror? Listen, leaders build relationships with other leaders, be it for military or trade exchanges, because you can’t isolate yourself from the rest of the world & govern a country successfully. Even North Korea has a relationship with China & Russia.
Fiyameta wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 13:26
The Italians did stay in Eritrea for a very long time. For the victims, 60 years is a long time to live under a colonial rule. But I think the worst kind of colonization is one that camouflages itself with various sweet-sounding humanitarian brand names that erode human dignity and deny people the right to feed themselves by keeping them in endless cycle of aid dependency.

Haile Selassie was a slave to the British throne, and a slave cannot tell its master what to do. When Benito Mussolini, along with 10% of his troops and 90% of Tigray Askari troupe, invaded Ethiopia in 1935, Haile Selassie fled to his master's house in England to beg for military intervention in exchange for serving British interests in East Africa. In Ethiopia, cowardice is often conveniently equated with diplomatic prowess.

Shaebia did not create Weyane, but they provided military support to various Ethiopian resistance groups that were fighting against a common enemy.

After gaining our independence in 1991, we enjoyed relative peace and stability for several years until 1998, when Neo-colonial powers hell bent on keeping Africans in chains, ordered their slaves next door to threaten our Eritrean sovereignty through military invasions, a sure sign that foreign aid got Ethiopia by the balls, as it silently emasculates its elite class of people to become pawns moved around by invisible hand on a Chessboard.

The Greater Tigray Republic was an idea first flouted by the British colonial administration in Eritrea, but was later put on the back burner when the US super power, in its pursuit of installing a military base in Asmara, decided to have the country Eritrea be federated with its largest neo-colony in Africa called Ethiopia. For his services, the emperor received a limousine and a poodle named Lulu to remind him of his small stature as a lapdog in the arms of his white owners.

The Afars and Saho ethnic group in Eritrea laugh at the idea of seceding from their own country they had paid in blood, sweat and tears to liberate. Liberated people don't work against their own self-interest. I think foreign aid is what corrupts people to work against their own national self-interest.

No matter how you slice it and dice it, flip it or reverse it, the root cause of what ails Ethiopia is a mindset that views Eritrea through the prism of Western interests, that leads to people unwittingly accepting those interests as their own, much to their own detriment. A little self-awareness goes a long way.

Selam/ wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 09:26
Well, let me add to the “if’s” so you could come up with more speculations:

- What if Eritrea has stayed longer under fascist Italy’s colonial rule?
- What if Haile Selassie had let Britain continue to administer Eritrea indefinitely?
- What if Shabea hadn’t conceived Woyane leeches?
- What if Shabea had left Ethiopia altogether after Eritrea’s independence rather than trying to have it both ways?
- What if Woyane & Shabea had stuck together & formed the so-called Greater Tigray rather than quarrel with each other & eventually parted ways?

For your reference, no country on earth likes it’s region to secede whether that attitude sustains or eventually gets reversed voluntarily or by force. Whether it’s the case of Swedish Liberation war, American Civil War, Mexico war, Brazilian war, Soviet Union, United kingdom, Algeria war, Angola war, or even Somali war, all governments inherently resist to lose territorial and human power during their terms and their first reaction is always to silence the issue militarily. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are right but it’s the nature of politics. To add to your “if’s”: what would happen if the people of Afar or Saho decide to secede from Eritrea? I am saying this knowing that, unlike KIFFU Meles Zenawi, PIA has smartly avoided subdividing the regions along tribal lines.
Fiyameta wrote:
01 Aug 2022, 02:31
Had Haile Selassie never took orders from his white masters to illegally annex my country Eritrea....

.... and if his predecessor Mengistu never became a slave to the Soviets and tried to quash the popular Eritrean armed struggle for independence....

.... and if the slave agame never put themselves at the service of Neo-colonial powers that historically have been fearful of Eritreans liberating the African continent....

.... the country called Ethiopia would have known peace.

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Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by Fiyameta » 02 Aug 2022, 00:59

I understand it is impossible to reason people out of a position they never reasoned themselves into, so if you believe deep in your heart that the emperor Haile Selassie was "god", as he himself had claimed to be, that is your prerogative and I'm not here to violate your inalienable right to worship the man as you choose. But as for me and my country Eritrea, we only serve the creator of Heaven and Earth.

Here's what the Jamaican-born Black nationalist and leader of the Pan-Africanist movement, Marcus Garvey had to say about your "god."
When Haile Selassie fled to London, Marcus Gravey tried to contact him but was snubbed, and it was reported that "the emperor did not desire any contact with 'Negroes.'" (1963, Harold Robert Isaacs, p. 153)

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Re: The misery & misfortune Ethiopian youth brought upon themselves & the country

Post by Selam/ » 02 Aug 2022, 19:15

Don’t put words in my mouth. Marcus Garvey should have asked his people why they venerated H Selassie as God while the King himself & his countrymen ridiculed the supernatural association & rejected it altogether. Let alone what the King of Ethiopia might have or might have not said seven decades ago, your own Shabea leaders have said two decades ago that they are superior & more civilized than Ethiopians and Africans in general. In fact to this day, many Eritreans don’t believe they are Africans. Likewise, Ethiopia’s Abiy has recently mischaracterized African-Americans struggle. Again, look closely into the mirror and remove the speck out of your eyes first before you throw dirt on others.
Fiyameta wrote:
02 Aug 2022, 00:59
I understand it is impossible to reason people out of a position they never reasoned themselves into, so if you believe deep in your heart that the emperor Haile Selassie was "god", as he himself had claimed to be, that is your prerogative and I'm not here to violate your inalienable right to worship the man as you choose. But as for me and my country Eritrea, we only serve the creator of Heaven and Earth.

Here's what the Jamaican-born Black nationalist and leader of the Pan-Africanist movement, Marcus Garvey had to say about your "god."
When Haile Selassie fled to London, Marcus Gravey tried to contact him but was snubbed, and it was reported that "the emperor did not desire any contact with 'Negroes.'" (1963, Harold Robert Isaacs, p. 153)

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