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Joined: 27 Jun 2011, 14:37

Concerning times are ahead of us.

Post by ZEMEN » 10 Feb 2022, 13:00

There was a debate on clashing views and the subject was is the root cause of all Suffering is attachment, or simply plain stupidity. They went in circles and agreed that attachment is the root cause of all suffering. Then one person asked a question can someone be attached without being stupid? All great thinkers are atheist, they are not attached to any religion and believes i.e. I conclude to be attached you must be stupid. In the world, there are good people who do good and there are bad people who do bad things but when people do a bad thing in the name religion or attachment, they do evil thing. Because what you have her hybrids of stupidity and attachment.
Accordingly I conclude Abiy is leading the country with attachment ^2 and stupidity. The first Abiy’s attachment is his religion, he is so intimate with god, god himself told him to release the greatest criminal in Ethiopian history. The second attachment is his desire for power and to be grandiose. This all let him to his stupidity; he thinks he can run and lead a nation of 120 people with his state of mind and deception. When Abiy got in to hot waters over the release of the criminals, he has to divert the attention of the people. He tried everything to divert the situation but to no avail and the people were really pissed-of, and then, Abiy ignited two diversionary tactics one, the Meskel-Adebaby religious strife between Tewahdo and Pente and the other was the boneless move about the flag, it seems it worked for him, but no. Things are getting beyond his control. The problem is and dangerous is what will he do to divert this one? I am not a prying man but if you are, your motherland needs your prayer. We all blame the sub-humans about clinging to their power to end but Abiy is the worst when it comes to his power.

Posts: 2492
Joined: 27 Jun 2011, 14:37

Re: Concerning times are ahead of us.

Post by ZEMEN » 10 Feb 2022, 14:57

ብልፅግና ወደ ዙፋን ከመጣ ቀን ጀምሮ ኢትዮጵያ ላይ የህግ የበላይነት ትርጉሙን አጥቷል የዜጎች ደህንነት ዋስትና ዜሮ ወርዷል ሙስና ጫፍ ወጥቷል ምኑ ቅጡ
This message is approved by all Ethiopians, I second that.

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