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Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by Educator » 03 Dec 2021, 07:44

#Ethiopia: 157 trucks arrived in #Mekele says #UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres

"A new convoy is moving, so the humanitarian aid is effectively restarted, probably not as much as we would like. But that is a good signal; UN flights between Mekele and Addis have been re-established," says United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

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Last edited by Educator on 03 Dec 2021, 07:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by sesame » 03 Dec 2021, 07:58

Aye Agame,

So 157 truck of food aid for 50,000 Agames who have died in Mille and God knows how many are now trapped and facing death. I heard idiotic explanations before but this one beats them all!

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Re: Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by Educator » 07 Dec 2021, 14:47

Everything you see unfolding is a result of the deal just negotiated in secrecy. The major obstacle now is disclosing the deal to the people of both Tigray and Amhara. The people are against negotiations so very hard to implement the deal. That is why TPLF pretends to be losing in order to vacate the Amhara land as per the deal. And Abiy needs to convince his people that he defeated TPLF so he can smoothly hand over Wolkait and Raya again as per the deal.

Posts: 1995
Joined: 03 Jun 2021, 00:14

Re: Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by Educator » 20 Dec 2021, 20:18

Educator wrote:
07 Dec 2021, 14:47
Everything you see unfolding is a result of the deal just negotiated in secrecy. The major obstacle now is disclosing the deal to the people of both Tigray and Amhara. The people are against negotiations so very hard to implement the deal. That is why TPLF pretends to be losing in order to vacate the Amhara land as per the deal. And Abiy needs to convince his people that he defeated TPLF so he can smoothly hand over Wolkait and Raya again as per the deal.
" By Finfinne Times

ዛሬ በክ/ከተማችን ከPP መሪዎች ጋር ተሰበሰብን።ሰበሰቡን ማለት ይቀላል

ሰብሳቢው የክ/ከተማው pp ፅ/ቤት ሀላፊ መጀመሪያ ስለጦርነቱ እና ጀግናው አብይ አህመድ ወደግንባር ዘምቶ ያሰገኘውን ድል በሰፊው ደሰኮረልን ቀጥሎ በየአካባቢው ለመከላከያ ሰራዊቱ እየተደረገ ያለው ድጋፍ አኩሪ እንደሆነ ህዝቡም አደረጃጀት ፈጥሮ እየፈፀመ ያለው አካባቢውን ከሰርጎ ገቦች የመጠበቅ ተግባር አስደናቂ መሆኑ ...

እና መንግስትም ኩራት እንደተሰማው ከገለፀ በኋላ ዲያስፖራውም በውጭ ሀገራት ለሀገሩ ድምፅ በመሆን እየፈፀመ ካለው አኩሪ ተግባር በተጨማሪ ለገና በአል በሚሊዮኖች የሚቆጠር ወገናችን እንደሚመጣ ለዚህም ጠ/ሚኒስትሩ ያደረጉት ጥሪ ትልቅ አስተዋፅኦ እንዳደረገ እና እኛም እነዚህን ዲያስፖራዎች በመንከባከብ ተጨማሪ ታሪክ እንድንሰራ ካሳሰበ በኋላ ወደ ዕለቱ አጀንዳ ተሸጋገረ።

በዚህ ሰአት መንግስታችን ጦርነቱን በአሸናፊነት እያጠናቀቀ ቢሆንም የPP ዋና አላማ ዘላቂ ሰላምን የትኛውንም ዋጋ ከፍሎ ማምጣትና ፊታችንን ወደ ብልፅግና ጉዞአችን ማዞር በመሆኑ እንዲሁም የተለያዩ የውጭ ሀገራትም በተለያየ ጊዜ ሰላም አስፍኑ የውስጥ ፖለቲካችሁን በተረጋጋ መንገድ ፍቱ እያሉ እየጨቀጨቁን በመሆኑ ይህንን ጉዳይ ለአንዴና ለመጨረሻ ጊዜ እልባት መስጠት አስፈላጊ ሆኖ ተገኝቷል።

በመሆኑም ወንጀል የሰሩ የህወሀት አመራሮችን ወደ ህግ የማቅረቡ ተግባር እንደተጠበቀ ሆኖ ሰላም ፈላጊ የሆኑ የፓርቲው እና የክልሉ ኤሊቶቾ ስላሉ እንዲሁም ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ ወደስልጣን ሲመጡ በገቡት ቃል መሠረት መሠረተሰፊ የዴሞክራሲ ባህልን ለማለማመድ ሲባል ከሁሉም የፖለቲካ ሀይሎች ጋር "ምክክር" ለማድረግ ወስነናል።

በተጨማሪም አሁን እየደረሰብን ያለውን እጅግ አስቸጋሪ የኢኮኖሚ ጫናና የምዕራባውያንን ማዕቀብ በተጠናና በብልሀት መፍትሄ መስጠት ካልተቻለ ሀገራችን ወደለየለት የኢኮኖሚና የፖለቲካ ምስቅልቅል እንዲሚከታት በመታመኑ ነገሮችን በሆደሰፊነት ይዞ ..

አሁን እየተቋቋመ ባለው የምክክር ኮሚሽን አማካይነት ወደ ሁሉን አቀፍ ምክክር ለማቅናት ስራዎች እየተሰሩ ስለሆነ እናንተም እንደ ዜጋ እና እንደማህበራት አመራሮች በየአካባቢያችሁ እየተገኛችሁ ስለሰላም አስፈላጊነት እና ስለሁሉን አቀፍ ምክክር ለህብረተሰቡ እንድታስረዱ አደራ ለማለት ነው የጠራናችሁ ።

ስለዚህ ከአሁን በኋላ የትግራይ ወገኖቻችንን በጅምላ የመፈረጅ አካሄዶች እንዲሁም ጁንታ ወያኔ ወዘተ በማለት የመፈረጅ አካሄዶችን እንድታስተካክሉ እናሳስባለን ሲል በስብሰባው የተካፈሉ የአማራ ብሔር ሰዎች በስሜት እየተነሱ እኛ ድሮም ጠርጥረናል እነዚህ የብልፅግና አመራሮች የአማራውን ህልውና ለማዳከም ነው ጦርነቱን የቀሰቀሱት ከአሁን በኋላ ከትግሬ ጋር ደም ተቃብተናል ኦሮሞዎቹ ቁማር ተጫወቱብን ደካማ ጎናችንን ተጠቅመው አስበሉን ኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኢ ወዘተ እያሉ ቢንጫጩም አብዛኛው ተሳታፊ ወይ ዝምታን መርጧል ወይ ድርድሩን ደግፏል ።

አንድ ሰው እንዲያውም የታሰሩ የኦሮሞ ፖለቲከኞችስ የOLA ጉዳይስ እንዴት ነው ብሎ ጠይቆ ሰብሳቢው ጉዳዩን በዝምታ አልፎታል ።ዞሮ ዞሮ ሁሉን አቀፍ ድርድር ማለት ከሰማይ በታች ባሉ የሀገሪቷ ችግሮች ዙሪያ በነፃነት መወያየት ነው የሚል ቃልም ሰብሳቢው ሲናገር ሰምቸዋለሁ።

የጦርነት መጨረሻው ፖለቲካዊ መፍትሄ ነው

Finfinne Times እስካሁን ግምትህ ልክ ነው ለማለት ነው ወዳጄ ይህን ፅሁፌን የፃፍኩት ከስብሰባው እንደወጣሁ ነው።

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Re: Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by Misraq » 20 Dec 2021, 20:30

Educator wrote:
07 Dec 2021, 14:47
Everything you see unfolding is a result of the deal just negotiated in secrecy. The major obstacle now is disclosing the deal to the people of both Tigray and Amhara. The people are against negotiations so very hard to implement the deal. That is why TPLF pretends to be losing in order to vacate the Amhara land as per the deal. And Abiy needs to convince his people that he defeated TPLF so he can smoothly hand over Wolkait and Raya again as per the deal.
Unfortunately this hallucinations of you agames won't last due to the fact that all forces will be entertaining tigray in a few more days. Hey, you fggots said you liked 80k soldiers just last week eko

Posts: 4070
Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 17:40

Re: Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 20 Dec 2021, 20:40

Educator wrote:
07 Dec 2021, 14:47
Everything you see unfolding is a result of the deal just negotiated in secrecy. The major obstacle now is disclosing the deal to the people of both Tigray and Amhara. The people are against negotiations so very hard to implement the deal. That is why TPLF pretends to be losing in order to vacate the Amhara land as per the deal. And Abiy needs to convince his people that he defeated TPLF so he can smoothly hand over Wolkait and Raya again as per the deal.
Why are you all same? :lol: :mrgreen:
Is demolishing bridges also part of the negotiation? :mrgreen:

Posts: 1995
Joined: 03 Jun 2021, 00:14

Re: Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by Educator » 20 Dec 2021, 21:15

Well, that is the goal of woyane and Abiy all along so Amhara won't challenge either one in their quest for power.
Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
20 Dec 2021, 20:40
Educator wrote:
07 Dec 2021, 14:47
Everything you see unfolding is a result of the deal just negotiated in secrecy. The major obstacle now is disclosing the deal to the people of both Tigray and Amhara. The people are against negotiations so very hard to implement the deal. That is why TPLF pretends to be losing in order to vacate the Amhara land as per the deal. And Abiy needs to convince his people that he defeated TPLF so he can smoothly hand over Wolkait and Raya again as per the deal.
Why are you all same? :lol: :mrgreen:
Is demolishing bridges also part of the negotiation? :mrgreen:

Posts: 1995
Joined: 03 Jun 2021, 00:14

Re: Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by Educator » 20 Dec 2021, 21:29

Could this not be done before woyane ruined Amhara region? Why now? Because Abiy's power was threatened when woyane got to Debrebirhan? Abiy and PP must be held accountable for all the destruction of material and human life in Wollo, Gonder and Showa. The only good thing that must come out from all this mayhem must be the elimination of Abiy, Ginbot 7 and all hodam PP members. They not only failed to secure peace for the people, but they want to remain dictators over the remaining population with their incompetent and retarded brains. Now they want to milk the reconstruction fund expected from the UN, US, EU, and the naive diaspora.

የብልጽግና ፓርቲ የሰላም ሰነድ ከያዛቸው ቁምነገሮች መካከል፣

1. የሰላም ጎዳና አቅጣጫችን ፣

1.1. በሰላም ጎዳና ላይ የምንከተለው አቅጣጫ እና ስልት ሁሉን የሚያሳትፍ፤ የግጭቱን ብቻ ሳይሆን ከግጭቱ ባሻገር ያለውን ምክንያቶች ያካተተ፤ የሕዝብ ጥቅምና የአገር ሉዓላዊነትን ያስቀደመ መሆን ይገባዋል።

1.2. በራሱ እምቢተኝነት ካልሆነ በስተቀር ከሰላሙ መድረክና ጎዳና ላይ ማንም ሊከለከል አይችልም።

1.3. የኢትዮጵያውያን ጉዳይ የኢትዮጵያውያን ነው።

#2. ጦርነቱን በውይይት ማጠናቀቅ በተመለከተ፣

2.1. ጦርነቱን የሆነ ቦታ ማስቆም የማንችል ከሆነ እንደ አገር የማንቀጥልበት ሁኔታ ማጋጠሙ አይቀርም።

2.2. ጦርነቱ በሂደት የብሔር መልክ እየያዘ በመሔዱ ጉዳይ ከተገመተው በላይ ስፋትና ጥልቀት እንዲኖረው አድርጓል።

2.3. ከህውሃት ጋር የሚኖረው ትግል ዘርፈ ብዙና በአጭር ጊዜ የሚቋጭ እንደማይሆን መገንዘብ ያስፈልጋል።

2.4. ለሰላም ያለንን ቁርጠኝነት በተግባር ለዓለም ማሳየት አለብን።

2.5. በጦርነቱ የተያዙ አካባቢዎችን ሙሉ በሙሉ ነፃ ካወጣን በኃላ ዋናውን ደጀናችንን ይዘን ስናበቃ ተገደን የገባንበትን ጦርነት ለመቋጨት ወደ ሰላማዊ ውይይት መግባት ይኖርብናል። ይህንን በማድረጋችን አሰፍስፈው ሊውጡን የተዘጋጁ የውጭ ኃይሎችን ማለዘብም ማሸነፍም እንችላለን።

2.6. እንኳንስ የተባበሩት መንግስታት እና የአፍሪካ ህብረት መስራች አባል ሆነን ይቅርና ባንሆንም ጦርነቱን በውይይት መፍታት አለም አቀፍ መርሆ ነው።

2.7. ይህን አማራጭ መውሰድ ማለት የሚቆረቁሩ፣ የሚያም፣ የሚጐረብጥ ነገር የለም ማለት አይደለም።
Last edited by Educator on 20 Dec 2021, 21:41, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 5869
Joined: 28 Feb 2013, 17:55

Re: Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by sesame » 20 Dec 2021, 21:40

Poor Agame, You are delusional! Was the bombing and annihilation of tens of thousands Agame rag-tag militia part of the deal?

Posts: 1995
Joined: 03 Jun 2021, 00:14

Re: Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by Educator » 20 Dec 2021, 22:20

The only way tens of thousands of people could die in this war is if genocide on unarmed civilians is committed. Are you saying such genocide had been committed on "Agame rag-tag"?
sesame wrote:
20 Dec 2021, 21:40
Poor Agame, You are delusional! Was the bombing and annihilation of tens of thousands Agame rag-tag militia part of the deal?

Posts: 1995
Joined: 03 Jun 2021, 00:14

Re: Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by Educator » 14 Jan 2022, 18:03

Do you still think the deal is delusional? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
sesame wrote:
20 Dec 2021, 21:40
Poor Agame, You are delusional! Was the bombing and annihilation of tens of thousands Agame rag-tag militia part of the deal?

Posts: 1995
Joined: 03 Jun 2021, 00:14

Re: Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by Educator » 14 Jan 2022, 19:12

No. But releasing Sibhat Nega is part of the deal.
Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
20 Dec 2021, 20:40
Educator wrote:
07 Dec 2021, 14:47
Everything you see unfolding is a result of the deal just negotiated in secrecy. The major obstacle now is disclosing the deal to the people of both Tigray and Amhara. The people are against negotiations so very hard to implement the deal. That is why TPLF pretends to be losing in order to vacate the Amhara land as per the deal. And Abiy needs to convince his people that he defeated TPLF so he can smoothly hand over Wolkait and Raya again as per the deal.
Why are you all same? :lol: :mrgreen:
Is demolishing bridges also part of the negotiation? :mrgreen:

Posts: 1995
Joined: 03 Jun 2021, 00:14

Re: Yes, the deal is made. All what we see now is face saving activities

Post by Educator » 14 Jan 2022, 19:28

In Tigray yet?
Misraq wrote:
20 Dec 2021, 20:30
Educator wrote:
07 Dec 2021, 14:47
Everything you see unfolding is a result of the deal just negotiated in secrecy. The major obstacle now is disclosing the deal to the people of both Tigray and Amhara. The people are against negotiations so very hard to implement the deal. That is why TPLF pretends to be losing in order to vacate the Amhara land as per the deal. And Abiy needs to convince his people that he defeated TPLF so he can smoothly hand over Wolkait and Raya again as per the deal.
Unfortunately this hallucinations of you agames won't last due to the fact that all forces will be entertaining tigray in a few more days. Hey, you fggots said you liked 80k soldiers just last week eko

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