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I was Born Ethiopian, has lived Ethiopian and die Ethiopian!

Post by Axumezana » 18 Nov 2021, 14:28

Abiy has betrayed the Ethiopian people ( he repeatedly claimed he loves Ethiopia) and is persecuting, arresting and gathering the very founders of Ethiopia, the Tigrayans in concentration camps exactly as Hitler did it 80 years ago. This is the climax of the Anti-Tigrayanism Isaias and Abiy have been preaching and what is remaining is starving and killing the Tigrayans in the concentration camps. As Abiy's army is facing defeat after defeat at the war fronts he is venting his frustration and nervousness in ugly and illegal way by killing and arresting Tigrayans and other Ethiopians( Oromos etc).Abiy broke his promise ( on his speech in Mekelle more than three years ago ) to the Tigray people and he is treating Tigrayans as 3rd class illegal foreigners and using Eritreans security personnel to revenge on Tigrayans. Abiy is today the leader of Ethiopia but tomorrow he will lose it but Ethiopia remains Ethiopia until the coming of the Kingdom of God. For me I was born Ethiopian , has lived Ethiopian and die Ethiopian. No persecution and illegal action by the government could cut my umbilical cord with my mother land that was established by the blood and bones of my ancestors.

Posts: 3057
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: I was Born Ethiopian, has lived Ethiopian and die Ethiopian!

Post by Meleket » 19 Nov 2021, 10:22

Axumezana wrote:
18 Nov 2021, 14:28
. . . For me I was born Ethiopian , has lived Ethiopian and die Ethiopian. No persecution and illegal action by the government could cut my umbilical cord with my mother land that was established by the blood and bones of my ancestors.
ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች የ Axumezanaን ኢትዮጵያዊነት እስቲ ወደ ላቦራቶሪ አስገብተን እንመርምረው።
Axumezana wrote:
28 Oct 2021, 01:36
Tigray was planned to be divided and shared among Eritrea, Gondar, Wollo and Afar. Isaias was to take the Central Tigray including the fertile land around Shire. The objective of the scramble was to reduce Tigray to nothing and irrelevant . ……
ጎበዝ ሽሬን ምዕራብ ትግራይ ለማለት አልደፈርክምሳ! ሌቦ ማእከላዊው ትግራይ የሽሬን ለም መሬት ጨምሮ፣ ማለት ወልቃይት ጠገዴ ምዕራብ ትግራይ ነው ለማለት ነው?
Axumezana wrote:
01 Nov 2021, 19:24
Despite the ongoing ugly civil war and infighting and rivalry between the Tigrayan and Amhara politicians, elites and activists, the people of Tigray and Amhara have a strong cultural and religious bond and strategic alliance that no one can damage. These two people are the pioneers of Ethiopia; they have shared history, culture, and values. The recent misunderstanding among these people is based on an ill-intended intensive, divisive and hate propaganda by Egypt and Isaias funded politicians and media out lets who have sold out their country. The border issue is not unique to Tigray and Amhara, as the same problem exists among all other regional governments. . .
ኣንተ ማን ይፈርልህ፡ ያንተው ህወሃት ኣይደለም እንዴ የአማራው ገዢ መደብ፡ ነፍጠኛው እያለ ድፍን 30 ዓመት ጭቁኑን የአማራ ህዝብ ሰቆቃና ድህነት ላይ ዘፍዝፎ፡ የሱን ትግራይ ለማልማት ደፋ ቀና ሲል የነበረው፡ ለመሆኑ ያ ሁሉ ግፍ በአማራ ህዝብ ላይ ሲወርድ የት ነበርክ ባባጃሌው! ግብጽ ምናምን እያልክ ኣታደናግር፡ ህወሓት ነው የጐንደርን የወሎን ከዚያም አልፎ የጎረቤት አገርን ለም መሬት ለመስረቅ የከጀለው። ምን መከጀል ብቻ ስንት ሽ ጭቁን አማራዎችን ከወልቃይትና ጠገዴ በማንነታቸው ምክንያት አፈናቅሎ፡ ለሰቆቃ የዳረጋቸው። ስንቱ የህወሓት ዘመን የቦለቲካ እስረኛ ምን ዓይነት አስከፊ ግፍ እንደተፈጸመበት’ኮ እናውቃለን። ግብጽና ኢሳይያስ ናቸው እንዴ ያን ግፍ የፈጸሙት ወዳጄ!
Axumezana wrote:
18 Jun 2020, 21:35
Demeke is Oromo from Kemisse Wollo
That is why he doesn't care about Amhara.
ይሄው እጅ ከፈንጅ ፡ ህወሃት ያስተማረህን ፍቅር ስትሰብክ፡ አማራ ኦሮሞ እያልክ ስትከፋፍል፡ ደሞ ሳታፍርጎ ግብጽ ማናምን ትላለህ። ወሬኛ! እንዲህም አድርጎ የለ ኢትዮጵያዊነት!
Axumezana wrote:
07 Sep 2021, 10:19
Why is the war in the Amhara state?
The victorious TDF has brought the war to the territory of the enemy, . . .
የአማሮቹ ኣገር ነው የጠላት አገር እያልከው ያለህ፡ ሳታፍር ደግሞ አማራ ወንድሜ ነው ትላለህ ኣዬ የእስስት ነገር። ኢትዮጵያዊነት ማለት የአማራን ርስት በጠላትነት መፈረጅንም ያጠቃልል መስሎሃል ኣይደል?
Axumezana wrote:
16 Oct 2021, 18:40
General Migebey said "this time TPLF will rule from Mekelle and Axum not from Arat Killo"!
I agree 100% !

ታድያ ህወሓት ወደ አራት ኪሎ የሚያደርገው እስከ አሁን ያልተሳካው ሞቶ ሺ ትግሮችን ያስፈጀ ጉዞ ለምን ዓላማ ነው?ራስን ለመቻልና ለመገንጠል ነው፡ ወዳጄ።
Axumezana wrote:
04 Jun 2020, 16:10
. . . Phase 1 for TPLF is over, Phase 2 will continue to rapidly develop Tigray and it shall be culminated with phase 3 i.e the establishment of Axumite Federal States centered in Tigray.
ጄግናው “የነጯ ባህር ልጅ” ማእከሉን አዲስ ለምንድን ነው የጠላሀው። አንተ ትግራይ ውስጥ ማእከሉን እንደምትመኘው ሁሉ ሌሎችም ክልላቸው ማእከል እንዲሆንላቸው እንደሚሹ እንዴት አጣሀው። ወዳጄ! ራስን መቻል የምትለውን ነገር ለምንድነው የጠላችኋት ጥገኛው ወዳጄ?
Axumezana wrote:
04 Jun 2020, 14:08
The name Banda applies to most of Ethiopian politicians. Historically, every politician that came to power was supported by external powers including Dr. Abiy Ahmed. . . .
የናንተው መለስ ዜናዊን፡ የኛዎቹ ኤርትራዉያን ታጋዮች ናቸው አዝለው 4ኪሎ ያስገቡት፡ ስለዚህ ጆሮ ለባለቤቱ ባዳ ሆኖብህ እንጂ፡ ህወሓትና መለስም ባንዶች ናቸው። እነሱም ኣማደሉ ጠግበው፡ ለነጮች ታዛዥ ኣገልጋይ በመሆን ሱማሌ ውስጥ ስንትና ስንት ግፍ የፈጸሙት። ዮሃንስም ቢሆን ለነጮች ታዞ ሱዳናዉያንን ወግቷል፡ መጨረሻው እዛው ላይ ተደፋ እንጂ እንደታረደች ዶሮ!
Axumezana wrote:
08 Jun 2020, 20:32
Ethiopia and Africa never had in their history uncorruptable, visionery, independent and dedicated leader like Meles Zenawi. . . .
ትንሽ ኣታፍርም፡ ስንቱን ኢትዮጵያዊ በእስር ያማቀቀ፡ በምርጫ 97 ስንት ግፍ የፈጸመ፡ በኦሮሞዎች በዓል ስንቱን በጥይት የቆላ፡ ስኳር ያተነነ፡ የዓይን ቀለም ቦለቲካ የፈለሰፈ ሞላጫ “ባርያ ጸዓዱ” ወዲ ጻዕዳ ባሕሪን ኣሞካሸሀው ኣኮ፡ ጐበዝ።
Axumezana wrote:
12 Sep 2021, 02:51
Which foreign invaders?For Italy it was Alula, For Grange Ahmed it was queen Eleni Tigray force! For Egypt it was Alula!For Eritrea it was Siye Abraha and General Tsadikan, for Somalia it was General Aman! Name any non Tigrayan military leader.
እኔ ከእናቴ ከኢትዮጵያ አልለይም ደግሞ ይባልልኛል፡ እንዲህ ሆነህ ጠበህ ጠበህ ትግራይ ብቻ ጄግና እንደምታፈራ፡ ሌላው ኢትዮጵያ ሁሉ ግን ምናምን እንደሆነ የትግሬ ትምክህትህን አየነው። ወይ ኣለማፈር ኢትዮጵያዉያን አርበኞች ምን ይበሉ?
Axumezana wrote:
03 Sep 2021, 19:44
Heralding the fall of Gondar!
Gondar is going to fall to TDF soon and the following are it's implications:
- The begining of the end of the defeat of Gondare Elities and their ally Isaias. Gondar is the center of Arrogance(ትምክህት) against Tigray and the command center of lawless shiftas and fanos. It's fall to TDF will brake the back bone of both Gondar elities and Isaias and open the field for TDF to free Western Tigray. . .
- Last but not least most of the loots from Western Tigray were taken to Gondar and it's surroundings and shall be recovered.

ጐንደሬን ትምክህተኛ ብለህ ያንተው ትምክህት አይታይህም ኣይደል። ምዕራብ ትግራይ ወደ ጎንደር ሄደ ይመለሳልም አልክ አይደል፡ ኢትዮጵያዊነት ማለት በቃ ይህ ነው? እያልከው ያለሀው መሬት ከኢትዮጵያ ውጭ ለባዕድ ተሰጠ ወይ? ድንቄም ኢትዮጵያዊነት! ያንተ ህልም ትግራይ ትስዕር! ማለት ነው። አሁን ደግሞ ስትጎመዥ ግዜ ግራይ ትስዕር ማለት ጀምረሀል፡ መቼም ጦግራይን ማለትም ትግራይ የምትዘውራትና የምትመራት ኢትዮጵያን የሚመኝ ኢትዮጵያዊ ከ6% የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ በላይ ይሆናል ቢለን ኣናስብም፡ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች። :mrgreen:
Axumezana wrote:
18 Nov 2021, 14:28
. . . For me I was born Ethiopian , has lived Ethiopian and die Ethiopian. No persecution and illegal action by the government could cut my umbilical cord with my mother land that was established by the blood and bones of my ancestors.
አሁን ሃሳብህ ሙሉ በሙሉ ገብቶናል “አምብሊካል ኮርድ” ማለት ለካ እንዲህ ነው።
The umbilical cord is a flexible, tube-like structure that, during pregnancy, connects the fetus to the mother. The umbilical cord is the baby's lifeline to the mother. It transports nutrients to the baby and also carries away the baby's waste products.

ከ3ሽህ ኣመት በኋላም ከእንግዴ ልጅነት ያልተገላገልክ እስስቱ ወንድሜ ራስህን ችለህ በራስህ ለመቆም ያልታደልክ ፍጡር የዘላለም ጥገኛ የእምዬ ኢትዮጵያ ሞልቃቃ ልጅ ነህ አይደል ጉረኛው Axumezana?

Posts: 1226
Joined: 30 Mar 2021, 19:34

Re: I was Born Ethiopian, has lived Ethiopian and die Ethiopian!

Post by Blueshift » 19 Nov 2021, 10:37

Agame Zana,

Then do it quick before you get stripped out of your citizenship. They don't plan to do it nicely. You should have known your place in the first place. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Agame Zana wrote,

I was Born Ethiopian, has lived Ethiopian and die Ethiopian!

Senior Member
Posts: 13645
Joined: 27 Jan 2020, 23:15

Re: I was Born Ethiopian, has lived Ethiopian and die Ethiopian!

Post by Axumezana » 20 Nov 2021, 01:25

Ascari mercenary slave, it is good this time you told us that you are an Eritrean ( because most of the time you pretend to be Ethiopian and try to sow division among Ethiopians). You have self appointed yourself to be a judge but you do not qualify for the following reasons:
- You suffer from post-colonial sychic disorder that blinds you not to understand the meaning of "ኢትዮጵያዊነት"
- The fact that you identify yourself with the Italy made so called Eritrea also automatically disqualifies you to be a judge.
As usual I recommended you to pass through an Agazian therapy to discover yourself including your "ኢትዮጵያዊነት", to help you remove the Italian filthy rag you dress yourself under the name of Eritrea and it may help you also to share my vision that states :
"Ethiopia was born from the womb of the Axumite Empire and for Ethiopia to be peaceful and prosper the center of Ethiopia has to return back to Axum by restructuring Ethiopia and the Horn Africa to a Hybrid Federated/Confedrated Ethiopia".

Posts: 3057
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: I was Born Ethiopian, has lived Ethiopian and die Ethiopian!

Post by Meleket » 20 Nov 2021, 03:50

ወዳጄ Axumezana መጀመሪያ ስለ ‘ኢትዮጵያዊነት” ከማውራትህ በፊት ከጐንደሬው ወንድምህ ጋር ታረቅ፤ እውነተኛ ኢትዮጵያዊነት ማለት ፍቅር ማለት ነውና! :mrgreen: “ትግሬ ብቻ ነው ጀግና” ብለህ አትጩህ ኣትፎልል፡ ኤርትራዉያንን ደግሞ አታስቀን! የሚገርመው ደግሞ ወጠርጠር ወጠርጠር ያደረገህን የጥላቻ ቦለቲካ ታቅፈህ ሳታፍር ስለ ኢትዮጵያዊነትና ስለ ያፍሪካቀንድ ታወራለህ? መጀመሪያ እንደ እውነተኞቹ ኣዅሱማዉያን ትህትና ተማር። የአኵሱሟን ማርያም የጠገኑትን የአጤ ፋሲል ልጆች ያጤ ኃይለሥላሴንም ልጆች ኣክብር ውደድ አፍቅር። ኣዅሱም የወደቀችው ያንተ ዓይነት ዕዉር ትዕቢት የተጠናወታቸው የእንግዴ ልጆችን ስላፈራች ነበር።

ኣግኣዝያን ነን ትላለህ እኛ ደግሞ ከኣጋዕዝያን መሆንህን እናውቃለን። አጋዕዝዪ ማለት አጨማልቅ አደፍርስ ማለት መሆኑን መቼም አትስተውም። እኛ የከስከሰዎቹ፡ እኛ የመጠራዎቹ፡ እኛ የቆሓይቶዎቹ፡ እኛ የአዱሊሶቹ፡ እኛ የቀይ ባህሮቹ ኤርትራዉያን ይህንን ሃቅ ስንነግርህ ቅር አይበልህ።

እውነተኛው ኢትዮጵያዊነት መለያዉ ትህትና ነው! ይህንንም ይበልጥ የተረዳነው ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች ያንተን ኢትዮጵያና ኢትዮጵያዊነት ላብራቶሪ ውስጥ አስገብተን በመመርመራችንም ነው።

ኢትዮጵያ ሃገሬ መከታ ጋሻዬ፣
ለኔ መመኪያ ነሽ ለልቤ መኵሪያዬ። የምትለውን የፍሬው ኃይሉ ሙዚቃ ጋብዘንሃል። እስቲ ስንኟን ድገማት፡ “ሞት ይሻላል!” እንዳትል እንጂ! :lol:

እንደ እውነተኞቹ ኣኵሱማዉያን ያሬዳዊ ሙዚቃ የምትወድ ከሆነም
በምን አወቅሽበት በመመላለሱ፡
ሲታሰር ወደኔ ሲፈታ ወደሱ። የሚለውን ዜማም ኣክለንልሃል፤ አንዴ ትግራይ፡ አንዴ ጦግራይ፡ አንዴ ኢትዮጵያ የሚለውን እስስታዊ ባህሪህን ያጤነው፡ እኛ የቀይ ባህሮቹ እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች።

Posts: 1226
Joined: 30 Mar 2021, 19:34

Re: I was Born Ethiopian, has lived Ethiopian and die Ethiopian!

Post by Blueshift » 20 Nov 2021, 04:00

Agame Zana wrote,
Ethiopia was born from the womb of the Axumite Empire and for Ethiopia to be peaceful and prosper the center of Ethiopia has to return back to Axum by restructuring Ethiopia and the Horn Africa to a Hybrid Federated/Confedrated Ethiopia".
Says the unshameful agame . :lol: :lol: Agame man, listen. Ethiopians are not joking. Your minority aszzz is targeted by Ethio's. You expect the capital city to relocate from Addis, world class city to Axum, a mere primitive village located in small dry land named Tigray ? :roll: :lol:

ዋይ ዋይ ፥ ኣንታ እንታይ ወሪዱካ ፤ ኣንቱም ዓጋም ቁሩብ ሕፍረት ኣይትፈልጡን ፥ ዘይናትኩም ክትምነዩ ክትነብሩ ፥ ሕጂሞ ኢትዮቭያውያብን ጎሪሖም ጉድኩም ተቃሊዓ ፤ ኣንታ ሕፈሩ ዘይናትኩም!
ዘይሓፍር ዱሙ ገብረኣነንያ ሹሙ :lol: :lol:

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