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Abe Abraham
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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Abe Abraham » 17 Jun 2021, 14:37


We know how you care about Eritrea just like your family members who are serving in the EDF.

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Cigar » 17 Jun 2021, 15:52

Kerenite the funfun agame and Abe (I don't know...I still think you are Eritrean), did you two dumb as*ses asked why the 85 thousand Eritreans sacrificed their lives in the previous struggle to freedom and to defend Eritrea?
Had every one thought like you two, that they want a stable and prosperous Eritrea for the future Eritreans, but they don't want the Eritrean people to fight and put their lives in danger, then Eritrea won't be a free country.
Not a single country sends all its citizens to go to war and because my kids (who are born abroad) or the millions of Eritreans who reside inside Eritrea didn't go to fight doesn't mean the courageous Eritrean troops who are trained to fight and kill Eritrea's enemies should not do it.
I knew that you illiterate, predictable a*ss holes were going to say " why I don't go and fight" crap. Well that is a predictable to not advocate for the stability of Eritrea. Well if every Eritrean has your stupid mind set, no one would have protected it......which is what you want and that is why you ask such stupid questions.
Eritrea belongs more to the Eritreans who are inside Eritrea than my kids or any diaspora Eritrean. Just like our previous tegadelties, I 100% believe it is their obligation to die if necessary for their sake. My kids life or any diaspora Eritrean life is not going to change whether Eritrea stay sovereign or destroyed. But since Eritrea is our country and we are not there to fight and die along them, we all should support them and their families. So, yes again not all of us (6 million) of us can't be in the front. To expect that is stupid. But yes we want to be called Eritreans and the least we can do is support them be it financially or morally. And people die in car accidents, sickness......and we already passed the wars which would have caused us more death of Eritreans. We are talking about cleaning the garbage woyane here now. And you a'ss holes can believe the 10th of thousand Eritrean troops and 20 to 30 thousands Ethios are killed by woyane, but I don't freaking believe even a bus load Eritreans or Eritreans died by the hands of the none existing corpse of tplf.
Other than that, saying that if one is not participating in defending Eritrea, let no Eritrean defend it is like wishing Eritrea get destroyed or colonized. And that is agames dream and wish.
Again yes, every able Eritrean who still resides inside Eritrea or any one who lives abroad and wants to be a part of it, or should be trained..... it is their obligation to be ready to die if necessary.
So rather than asking me your stupid questions, just answer this one question.
How do you as*s wipes want to see Eritrea stay peaceful, stable and prosperous if every Eritrean says if the 6 million Eritreans are not going to the front, we won't go? If you really are Eritreans.
If you don't answer that question then, you are hasadat, low IQ funfunat, medanagerti agames. At least I know that the Muslim fanatic kerenite is......inspite that tplf is fuc*king his agame Muslim brothers and refusing them to build a mosque in Axum or get buried there.
No pain no gain they say.
You destroy your enemy now paying a zillionth (a fraction of a zillion) pain of what you inflict on your enemy for tranquilty then after.
Agames got to be destroyed (eliminated) from the region at any cost.
And yes, doing so, is primary the obligation of the Eritreans who reside inside Eritrea and trained to do so, just like our martyrs who did and brought a free country.
You dumb as*ses are indirectly saying that those tegadelties shouldn't have put their heads in a chopping block to bring Eritrea.

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 17 Jun 2021, 16:13

Blueshift wrote:
17 Jun 2021, 02:11

It is kind of a little bit late. Abbiy can not handle them by himself. Isayas wants to destroy them for good very quickly. But, I doubt it. It is too late. . Tigrayans will do whatever it takes to wage a guerilla type warfare no matter how long it takes. Their people have been defiled. I don't believe Eritreans took part in the defiling. But, the amhara militia were very angry at Tigrayans. Hence, revenge. If Isayas does not secure a quick victory, he will be at risk in Eritrea himself. Abbiy is leaning too much on Isayas. Abbiy is not an asset to Isayas. He is a liability. Abbiy is kind of a child. He thinks the whole thing is a game. The junta Game !!! :lol: :lol:
Who said war is their cultural game.? It wasn't PM Abiy definitely!! :roll: Unless you are saying that he is a shiftshaper. :mrgreen: So keep your blueshit for your sorry self. :mrgreen:

Yes, the Amharas have been made the targets of hate by TPLF and Co. The Amharas are now being slaughtered left and right in every corner of the country because of the TPLF hate manifesto. However, they are in their own lands and have nothing to do with destroying what little is left of in Tigrai.
Eritreans have interests to defend against the TPLF daylight hyenas. How so quickly you forgot those volley of fires thrown at Eritrea by TPLF ? Moreover, do you think that TPLF won't do that again given the chances?

The Ethiopian government is struggling to take control of its territory as it stands now or so it seems. Sudanese occupation is yet to be dealt with. The politics in the country has huge negative impact on the capabilities and reediness of the military. There are different and conflicting interests in the country that are the legacy of the TPLF era politics. These interests still have to be managed before Ethiopia is able to stand on its feet as a wholesome and defend itself decisively. The potential is there if the politicians are to make use of it for the good of the country and the region.

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Abe Abraham » 17 Jun 2021, 16:25

Cigar wrote:
17 Jun 2021, 15:52
Kerenite the funfun agame and Abe (I don't know...I still think you are Eritrean), did you two dumb as*ses asked why the 85 thousand Eritreans sacrificed their lives in the previous struggle to freedom and to defend Eritrea?
Had every one thought like you two, that they want a stable and prosperous Eritrea for the future Eritreans, but they don't want the Eritrean people to fight and put their lives in danger, then Eritrea won't be a free country.
Not a single country sends all its citizens to go to war and because my kids (who are born abroad) or the millions of Eritreans who reside inside Eritrea didn't go to fight doesn't mean the courageous Eritrean troops who are trained to fight and kill Eritrea's enemies should not do it.
I knew that you illiterate, predictable a*ss holes were going to say " why I don't go and fight" crap. Well that is a predictable to not advocate for the stability of Eritrea. Well if every Eritrean has your stupid mind set, no one would have protected it......which is what you want and that is why you ask such stupid questions.
Eritrea belongs more to the Eritreans who are inside Eritrea than my kids or any diaspora Eritrean. Just like our previous tegadelties, I 100% believe it is their obligation to die if necessary for their sake. My kids life or any diaspora Eritrean life is not going to change whether Eritrea stay sovereign or destroyed. But since Eritrea is our country and we are not there to fight and die along them, we all should support them and their families. So, yes again not all of us (6 million) of us can't be in the front. To expect that is stupid. But yes we want to be called Eritreans and the least we can do is support them be it financially or morally. And people die in car accidents, sickness......and we already passed the wars which would have caused us more death of Eritreans. We are talking about cleaning the garbage woyane here now. And you a'ss holes can believe the 10th of thousand Eritrean troops and 20 to 30 thousands Ethios are killed by woyane, but I don't freaking believe even a bus load Eritreans or Eritreans died by the hands of the none existing corpse of tplf.
Other than that, saying that if one is not participating in defending Eritrea, let no Eritrean defend it is like wishing Eritrea get destroyed or colonized. And that is agames dream and wish.
Again yes, every able Eritrean who still resides inside Eritrea or any one who lives abroad and wants to be a part of it, or should be trained..... it is their obligation to be ready to die if necessary.
So rather than asking me your stupid questions, just answer this one question.
How do you as*s wipes want to see Eritrea stay peaceful, stable and prosperous if every Eritrean says if the 6 million Eritreans are not going to the front, we won't go? If you really are Eritreans.
If you don't answer that question then, you are hasadat, low IQ funfunat, medanagerti agames. At least I know that the Muslim fanatic kerenite is......inspite that tplf is fuc*king his agame Muslim brothers and refusing them to build a mosque in Axum or get buried there.
No pain no gain they say.
You destroy your enemy now paying a zillionth (a fraction of a zillion) pain of what you inflict on your enemy for tranquilty then after.
Agames got to be destroyed (eliminated) from the region at any cost.
And yes, doing so, is primary the obligation of the Eritreans who reside inside Eritrea and trained to do so, just like our martyrs who did and brought a free country.
You dumb as*ses are indirectly saying that those tegadelties shouldn't have put their heads in a chopping block to bring Eritrea.

My dear brother, we all Eritreans have family members serving in the Eritrean Defence Forces.

ከምኡ ስለ ዝኾነ ፡ ዝኾነ ሰብ ንዓኻ ናብ’ኡ ዘይትኸይድ ኢሉ ክዋራዘየልካ ኣይክእልን እዩ ። ኣነ ንዕዑ እየ ዘረጋገጽኩ ።

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by sebdoyeley » 17 Jun 2021, 16:30

Gahba-shiratam shire Kerenite, who invited here, I told you, I am not interested in your stink A$$. :P :P
kerenite wrote:
17 Jun 2021, 14:22
Cigar wrote:
17 Jun 2021, 13:05
Sebdelo, stay strong and Eritrea is in the right and had our mothers worried or cried about their children die in the 30 years freedom struggle or the woyane excursion war of 1998-2000 we would not have a country called home.
Now, I don't believe you are a snotty agame like some suspected you, but you are a thing like them for sure. The fact that aswash aka aba'q and blus*hit are praising you makes some Eritreans that you are one of them. Get a clue what kind of stupid game they are trying to play on their Eritrean masters.
After they got their as*ses spanked, the lies they are decimating is to convince weak Eritreans to support them.
Aren't seeing the fabricated pictures and videos, either of other countries misfortunes people or outdated sellassie tome agame draught pictures and presenting them as it happened by Eritrean troops.
Man, as an Eritrean you should believe that our troops are diciplenid even to the captured enemies troops.
But you seem to be convinced about the freaking rapes, theft of clay made dishes and only females who are supposedly chemical weapon victims.
You keep on saying that you want the destruction of the agames, right? Well in war destruction happens on both sides and as Eritreans we know it better, but we have to accept that fact and need to see the final picture.
You know that the war was initiated by woyane. Their idea was not to only neutralize the ethio North command, but to go to Addis, rule Ethiopia with iron fist like the last time and either hoodwink or force the ethiopians to go to war against Eritrea and steal more lands and sea from Eritrea and then create their tiny tigray republic.
If you see or hear then now even while their are burried 100 feet down, they are still telling us that they will do it.
So, as Eritreans we should not let up untill they are completely destroyed even if we have to lose few Eritrean troops lives now than loosing 29 thousand like in the 2000 war in their future adventure.
If you are getting ready to remember and celebrate the courage of our martyrs this June 20th, then it should make you proud that they sacrificed their lives and are being remembered every day. When you and me die, no one will remember us or honor us....except our family.
You keep on saying that Ethiopians should take the lead now.
But remember they destroyed the Ethio sophisticated arms and stole them. Ethiopia was in a grave danger. So had we let that happen, the filthy woyane would have been in power and we would have gone through what went through during their leadership in Ethiopia and even worse. So, paying measured cost will prevent our future Eritreans to go through being neighbors with these ungrateful scum bags
Eritrean mother cry only if their kids turn out to be traitors, sell outs not when they put their necks to the chopping block to free or defend Eritrea.
Stop thinking a quick fix like the low IQ agames. Quick fix is what did then finally.
If one wants to live longer and one has cancer, one needs to try to do what ever it takes to beat it.
Woyane is hemorrhoid of Ethio and Eritrea. So it needs to be surgically removed so both countries won't be in pain in their as*ses.
And finally, if you believe there is war or even was then you are not as smart as I though you were.
All these diaspora agames narratives are convincing their old masters, but it is very sad that an Eritrean falls for it. Think about it man. What are they eating, what are they drinking? Do you really believe they have the logistics like the Eritrean and Ethiopian troops who are being supplied with food, drinks and ammunitions? Heck no!
So if we are to believe that you hate the agames and wants them to ne destroyed like you said, then you got to be able to accept what ever hick ups we can face on doing so. Casuality of wars didn't happen only to the agames.
Had their low IQ woyane didn't initiat their as*s spanking, the supposedly snotty agames you are shedding your crocodile tears wouldn't be in the deep sh*it they are in us we speak.
So, focus or start pointing your finger to who brought all these crap.
By the way, I heard that Eritrean troops are leaving the northern tigray as we speak. I hope the ethiopian troops are capable monitoring it. If not we should be ready to go and destroy them again.
If you ask me, I don't agree with us vacating their barren and beggar land untill we stay there for double the time they sat (squatted) illegally in our lands, 4 decades i.e.
Again stop feeling sorry for any fabricated supposedly happened to these resahat, funfunat, ungrateful aliet.
As even if it happens for real, as an Eritrean, you should say, "good". Why is it only us the Eritreans expected to be honest and truthfull?
Their untruthful and dishonesty is what we are fighting now, not a war of troops against troops.
They have no troops. Period.
Aite hypocrite issu's useful idiot cigar,

So you are promoting that the involvement of eri troops in tigray should remain intact and eri FAMILIES should not mourn the "martyrdom" of their loved ones.

Man! Are you for real. Just 2 days ago, unasked, you told us about your 2 kids and how you are raising them. In other words, they are happily living with you.


Would you kindly send both or one of them to tembien, tigray to fight the agames in order to "safeguard" eritrea as you alluded? Come on.

And worse yet, the Representative of hgdef at the UN sophie tesfamariam, promotes that eri presence in tigray must continue and it is worth shedding blood for it. Now whose blood must be shed? Her 3 son's blood? Hahaha few weeks ago she was publicly bragging that she is proud of her sons and that they all go to best colleges in the states.This ain't out of the blue, many have heard her saying so.

Now would she send even one of her sons to tembien, tigray? Hahaha..Give me a break!

As long as the kids of deQi tekalat are falling in this ethio civil war and which has nothing to do with eritrea, hence who cares.

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Blueshift » 17 Jun 2021, 16:31

Stupid adgi aka Za-Ilmaknun ,

Do you think the amharas are going to change the Ethio constitution, starve the agames to death and bring Eritreans to your adgi community !!!! :lol: Dream does not cost anything. You carry genocide on the agames today, they do that to you tomorrow. As a matter of fact those adgis you call Fano behaved like animals expecting nothing will happen back to them. Watch out, both the agames and the Oromos are after you. :evil: It is not going to be pretty, but you have been asking for it. :twisted: :lol:

Scumbag adgi Cigar,
Wedi Wollo, what are you taking Eritreans for ? Wediza aregit adgi :lol: :lol: I know you parents used to guard the Asmara Airport long time ago. You said that yourself. But, Asmara airport chief security guards were members of the torserawit army. What does that make YOU ? :roll: 8) You said you were born in the middle of the airport. Back in the sixties, the Boeing 707-720 pure jet airplane used to land and take off from that airport. Those airplanes had pure jet engine as compared the turbo fan engines of today. In other words, they carried engines like jet fighters. Meaning, deafening noise, environmental toxic chemicals. You said you lived in the middle of the airport ? Your adgi brain must have been damaged badly. :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Blueshift on 17 Jun 2021, 16:58, edited 3 times in total.

Sadacha Macca
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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Sadacha Macca » 17 Jun 2021, 16:42

Obbo Isayas ain't joking-he's out for 2 things, 1-to make sure his former students, the tplf, is annihilated, and 2-to avenge himself and his country, Eritrea, for what the TPLF caused.
I am sure once his goals are accomplished, he'll withdraw his forces. It's not sustainable to stay for long, if the agames decide to wage a guerrilla war, but at the same time, those guerrillas can become a nuisance to Ethiopia and Eritrea, so what is he to do? He's a veteran, and knows what he's doing, but he's human, he can make mistakes. I think, once they withdraw, they should keep their side of the border entrenched and well-guarded, and on the amhara/afar-ethio side, ethiopian defense forces + militias + etc, can do their part. This ain't the days of the derg, the tplf has no allies in the region, as it did before when it could depend on sudan, eplf, the demoralized derg army, the amhara and oromo farmers/peasants/etc who gave them moral support, food, intelligence, etc.

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by sebdoyeley » 17 Jun 2021, 16:59

I think your agame blood start to boil Blueshift. I know 100%, you are agame and what I always amusing me is why all this trying to be some body else. I will tell you how I know.
you wrote.
Blueshift wrote:
17 Jun 2021, 09:21
I have this bad feeling, Ethiopia will turn against Eritrea one day. Tiny Eritrea can not sustain itself by losing her kids in this stupid war.
Agame Buleshitt,if you think people will mistake you in this century, you are wrong.
, I understand where you are coming from. Your loved ones were martyred during the war for Badme. I don't blame you for being very angry at agames for you loss. But, your loved ones were sacrificed in a war that the border ruling blamed Eritrea for starting the war. If Shaebya stood by ELF when ELF fought for Badme, your loved ones would have been alive today
now you wrote this to insult the man who is from the proud people of Amhara, even remotely he is not in this discussion. I know you insult the man from Amhara, you are hoping to create friction between Eritreans and Amhara but we are too smart for your prostitute catwalk.
Do you think the amharas are going to change the Ethio constitution, starve the agames to death and bring Eritreans to your adgi community !!!! :lol: Dream does not cost anything. You carry genocide on the agames today, they do that to you tomorrow. As a matter of fact those adgis you call Fano behaved like animals expecting nothing will happen back to them. Watch out, both the agames and the Oromos are after you. :evil: It is not going to be pretty, but you have been asking for it. :twisted: :lol:
you are one of the qomalat agame sahsih. full stop :lol: :lol:
Blueshift post_id=1193564 time=1623961864 user_id=53244]

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Blueshift » 17 Jun 2021, 17:03


If he does not eliminate them now, they will come back. Ethiopia will be in disarray. Problem, the Western Powers will not let him continue. He never saw that coming. He has catch 22 situation now. Damn if you do, damn if you don't. It is not if they come back. It is when they come back. They have been cornered. They have no choice.

lil kogne
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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by lil kogne » 17 Jun 2021, 17:10

Yes Indeed Sadacha, I always valued your opinion whether you are anti Eritrean or Ethiopian for you portray yourself as Oromian. Either way it is a valid point that it is better and convenient to kick a man when he is down. And it is the best time to chase the Agame juntas when their footing is in a quick sand. like you said without close allies. And so Eritrean army did not go to Chigray on a hasty decision but on a calculated surrogate plan. It is cardinal and paramount principle to evacuate the Chigray land for it has political and economical tax to pay if the stay is extended beyond expectations of the Eritrean mass. Although the Ethiopians might rejoice in sharing the burden, Eritrea can only endure to a certain extent it's stay on a foreign territory.
That been said, The Junta is hanging by a thread and Ethiopia is in a tight situation with the Sudan and with plethora internal issues. I am sure, Ethiopia and Eritrea has discussed what we are picking on today. But we need to keep hammering the Juntas till they are weakened beyond recovery.

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Blueshift » 17 Jun 2021, 17:17


You are intimidated aren't you? I know you are stupid and coward. You can not stand for the Eritrean people, can you ? Donqoro :lol: :lol: Hating agames will not bring relief to the Eritrean people. Actually, that is the very excuse they use your shi--ty brain like yourself. Foreigners, including Ethiopians are calling Eritreans cowards to be used by such cruelty and barbarity against them. It is shi--ty people like you who have allowed over 350 prisons to be built in newly born Eritrea. Population decreased by 40% since independence. There no Economy at all. Youngsters are dying in a war that does not concern them. Eritrea will left naked tomorrow. No one to defend her, and shi--t head, agame is your answer for that ? How many idiots has Eritrea produced ? :twisted: :lol: Se-gera Ne-gera has been telling you what is going to happen to the people of Eritrea, and you are hang up on the people of the agame land ? Are you indeed Eritrean, I thought your were TPLF cadre in the past . My goodness :roll: :twisted:

Abe Abraham
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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Abe Abraham » 17 Jun 2021, 17:20

Hear!! Hear !! An excellent point.

"But we need to keep hammering the Juntas till they are weakened beyond recovery. "

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by sebdoyeley » 17 Jun 2021, 17:23

You are qomal sahsah. :lol: :lol:
Blueshift wrote:
17 Jun 2021, 17:17

You are intimidated aren't you? I know you are stupid and coward. You can not stand for the Eritrean people, can you ? Donqoro :lol: :lol: Hating agames will not bring relief to the Eritrean people. Actually, that is the very excuse they use your shi--ty brain like yourself. Foreigners, including Ethiopians are calling Eritreans cowards to be used by such cruelty and barbarity against them. It is shi--ty people like you who have allowed over 350 prisons to be built in newly born Eritrea. Population decreased by 40% since independence. There no Economy at all. Youngsters are dying in a war that does not concern them. Eritrea will left naked tomorrow. No one to defend her, and shi--t head, agame is your answer for that ? How many idiots has Eritrea produced ? :twisted: :lol: Se-gera Ne-gera has been telling you what is going to happen to the people of Eritrea, and you are hang up on the people of the agame land ? Are you indeed Eritrean, I thought your were TPLF cadre in the past . My goodness :roll: :twisted:

Sadacha Macca
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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Sadacha Macca » 17 Jun 2021, 17:37


Yes, but what can the Tigrayans do, other than be guerrillas, to discourage others from trying to occupy Tigray? They have no allies, their stolen monies must be running short by now, they have no ports to import arms from, things are not in their favor, as they were in the 1980's and 1990s, when they had alliances with the Amhara's, Oromo's, Eritreans, even the Sudanese, all of whom wanted the Derg gone.
If they try to form a conventional army, it'd be crushed before it got the chance to carry out operations. A conventional army needs funds, training, bases, and other things, which would be easily identified and attacked by Ethiopia/and or Eritrea.
I really do hope Abiy, his government and allies, despite my disagreements with them, have a long term plan for this war, because this is not sustainable, whether it be from an economic perspective or other than that. Ethiopia has other issues to focus on and of course, Egypt is plotting day and night to exploit our weaknesses.

Lil Kogne,

Yes. I am not anti-Ethiopian or anti-Eritrean, but when I see anything wrong or something that harms my Oromo people, I will speak out on it, even it makes me unpopular, or called an ''Agame,'' when in reality, it's clear as day that I am an Oromo [Ani Oromo dha]. I really hope the eritrean's do not help abiy against his own people, the oromo's, because that will not end well for anyone, if oromia becomes ungovernable, ethiopia will most certainly collapse, because oromia ain't tigray-it's the heart of the countries economy.
On Tigray: The TPLF is a common threat and enemy to us all-be it Oromo, Amhara, Somali, Eritrean, etc, so trust me: No one is going to lose sleep or shed a tear for their defeat. They had it coming. They waged war all over Ethiopia and on Eritrea, so now that war came to their doorsteps, so they have no one to blame but themselves.

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Blueshift » 17 Jun 2021, 17:52


Every agame perhaps even including Abel Qael have been joining the struggle :lol: . Currently, Abbiy can not control them without the help from Isayas. It is Isayas war now. Ethiopia can not handle a disciplined guerilla warfare in Tigray in the future. Isayas knows all these. That is why he is trying to decimate them before they plant their feet on the ground. He trained them. He knows what they can do. Ethiopia has a lot of enemies now. Internally, Ethiopia is a fragile country. Ethiopia does not need a disciplined guerilla army facing it. As a start they have enough weapons. In the long run, they will get their weapons from Ethiopia itself. The people of Tigray are mad. They have been raped, they have been discarded for dead. ICC for Abbiy and Isayas, it will happen. Isayas has no problem with it. Abbiy, I am not sure. Now, many Eritreans including the cadres are thinking twice. Eritrea's population is very small. Eritreans dying for Ethiopia, that is not sustainable. Ethiopia needs ports. Ethiopia wants Eritrea back. This is its best opportunity ever to bring back Eritrea under the guise of Economic Union or federation. Abbiy is not hiding this. He spoke through Mufti not long ago. The Eritrean government did not even object. We are in deep shy---t. It hurts to say it, but it is what it is. Anyhow, Ethiopia has far more problems than that.

Shi-tty head Sebdeyeley,
You are a liability to Eritrea if you are Eritrean in the first place. You are not just an idiot, you are coward too. :twisted: :lol:

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by sebdoyeley » 17 Jun 2021, 18:08

too bad qomal agame, I am not impressed your pretending.
we Eritreans can spot an agame qomal from miles.
now go try pretending as Oromo.
negere agame, where ever they go failed miserably. :P
Blueshift wrote:
17 Jun 2021, 17:52

Every agame perhaps even including Abel Qael have been joining the struggle :lol: . Currently, Abbiy can not control them without the help from Isayas. It is Isayas war now. Ethiopia can not handle a disciplined guerilla warfare in Tigray in the future. Isayas knows all these. That is why he is trying to decimate them before they plant their feet on the ground. He trained them. He knows what they can do. Ethiopia has a lot of enemies now. Internally, Ethiopia is a fragile country. Ethiopia does not need a disciplined guerilla army facing it. As a start they have enough weapons. In the long run, they will get their weapons from Ethiopia itself. The people of Tigray are mad. They have been raped, they have been discarded for dead. ICC for Abbiy and Isayas, it will happen. Isayas has no problem with it. Abbiy, I am not sure. Now, many Eritreans including the cadres are thinking twice. Eritrea's population is very small. Eritreans dying for Ethiopia, that is not sustainable. Ethiopia needs ports. Ethiopia wants Eritrea back. This is its best opportunity ever to bring back Eritrea under the guise of Economic Union or federation. Abbiy is not hiding this. He spoke through Mufti not long ago. The Eritrean government did not even object. We are in deep shy---t. It hurts to say it, but it is what it is. Anyhow, Ethiopia has far more problems than that.

Shi-tty head Sebdeyeley,
You are a liability to Eritrea if you are Eritrean in the first place. You are not just an idiot, you are coward too. :twisted: :lol:

Sadacha Macca
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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Sadacha Macca » 17 Jun 2021, 18:28


Well, it's in Eritrea's best interests that the TPLF and its remnants are destroyed, beyond repair; it is what it is. I do not believe that, in its current shape, that TPLF/Tigrayan forces can mount an offensive against the rest of Ethiopia, or Eritrea, [unless they get some major help from a super-power or form alliances throughout Ethiopia which is impossible] all it can really do is be a strong guerrilla force, that overtime, can make Tigray ungovernable for Ethiopia. At that point, Abiy may have to take a loss and let Tigray go, meaning, be independent or stuck in limbo. I read somewhere they've already stopped issuing Ethio passports to Tigray? Or something to that effect, which is interesting and indicative of what the future may hold.
As long as a hostile Amhara region and a hostile Eritrea borders them, there's little they can do beyond forcing the two armies to withdraw, because the cons outweigh the pros of being there for a long time.

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by eritrea » 17 Jun 2021, 18:46

Blueshift wrote:
17 Jun 2021, 17:52

Every agame perhaps even including Abel Qael have been joining the struggle :lol: . Currently, Abbiy can not control them without the help from Isayas. It is Isayas war now. Ethiopia can not handle a disciplined guerilla warfare in Tigray in the future. Isayas knows all these. That is why he is trying to decimate them before they plant their feet on the ground. He trained them. He knows what they can do. Ethiopia has a lot of enemies now. Internally, Ethiopia is a fragile country. Ethiopia does not need a disciplined guerilla army facing it. As a start they have enough weapons. In the long run, they will get their weapons from Ethiopia itself. The people of Tigray are mad. They have been raped, they have been discarded for dead. ICC for Abbiy and Isayas, it will happen. Isayas has no problem with it. Abbiy, I am not sure. Now, many Eritreans including the cadres are thinking twice. Eritrea's population is very small. Eritreans dying for Ethiopia, that is not sustainable. Ethiopia needs ports. Ethiopia wants Eritrea back. This is its best opportunity ever to bring back Eritrea under the guise of Economic Union or federation. Abbiy is not hiding this. He spoke through Mufti not long ago. The Eritrean government did not even object. We are in deep shy---t. It hurts to say it, but it is what it is. Anyhow, Ethiopia has far more problems than that.

Shi-tty head Sebdeyeley,
You are a liability to Eritrea if you are Eritrean in the first place. You are not just an idiot, you are coward too. :twisted: :lol:
ከይተፈለጠካ እባ ሎምስ መን ሙዃንካ ኣፍሊጥካ። እንተኾነ ብሩህ ኢዩ ኔሩ ካብ ቀደሙ። ምስ ተጋሩ እንተ ዘቲኻ ጥራይ ኢኻ ሓንቲ cm ንቕድሚት ክትከይድ ዘይትኽእል ንድሕሪት እንተዘይኮይኑ። ኩነታትካ ድማ ከምኡ ኢዩ ኔሩ።

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Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by Hawzen » 17 Jun 2021, 18:59

Blueshift wrote:
17 Jun 2021, 17:52

Every agame perhaps even including Abel Qael have been joining the struggle :lol: . Currently, Abbiy can not control them without the help from Isayas. It is Isayas war now. Ethiopia can not handle a disciplined guerilla warfare in Tigray in the future. Isayas knows all these. That is why he is trying to decimate them before they plant their feet on the ground. He trained them. He knows what they can do. Ethiopia has a lot of enemies now. Internally, Ethiopia is a fragile country. Ethiopia does not need a disciplined guerilla army facing it. As a start they have enough weapons. In the long run, they will get their weapons from Ethiopia itself. The people of Tigray are mad. They have been raped, they have been discarded for dead. ICC for Abbiy and Isayas, it will happen. Isayas has no problem with it. Abbiy, I am not sure. Now, many Eritreans including the cadres are thinking twice. Eritrea's population is very small. Eritreans dying for Ethiopia, that is not sustainable. Ethiopia needs ports. Ethiopia wants Eritrea back. This is its best opportunity ever to bring back Eritrea under the guise of Economic Union or federation. Abbiy is not hiding this. He spoke through Mufti not long ago. The Eritrean government did not even object. We are in deep shy---t. It hurts to say it, but it is what it is. Anyhow, Ethiopia has far more problems than that.

Shi-tty head Sebdeyeley,
You are a liability to Eritrea if you are Eritrean in the first place. You are not just an idiot, you are coward too. :twisted: :lol:
Agame Blueshi*t aka sister Abi-gail aka Sister Aziza ,

You are funny but also a low IQ monkey... Why do you have to pretend as Eritrean when in fact you are from ተንከባላላይ ዘር.... As much as you open your agame mouth, your inferiority complexity is exposed... It is like as much as you exposed your stinky behind to Honorable Jimmy, that stinky behind is getting deformed beyond repair.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

By the way, what is new with the deformity of that stinky behind of yours :lol: :lol: ???

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF ዱቄት

Posts: 5507
Joined: 14 Feb 2020, 04:27

Re: I hate the agame, but this is overkill.Shaebia must evacuate now. I hate to see children being a fair play in this w

Post by sebdoyeley » 17 Jun 2021, 19:07

You got her, I was wondering for a week, asking myself, who is that old lady with nice batt dressed in blue?
you light our eyes today Brother Hawzin,
we thought sister Aziza is picked up arms for her dead republic, in fact, she is only changed dress.
thank you brother Hawzin thank you!!!!!
Hawzen wrote:
17 Jun 2021, 18:59
Blueshift wrote:
17 Jun 2021, 17:52

Every agame perhaps even including Abel Qael have been joining the struggle :lol: . Currently, Abbiy can not control them without the help from Isayas. It is Isayas war now. Ethiopia can not handle a disciplined guerilla warfare in Tigray in the future. Isayas knows all these. That is why he is trying to decimate them before they plant their feet on the ground. He trained them. He knows what they can do. Ethiopia has a lot of enemies now. Internally, Ethiopia is a fragile country. Ethiopia does not need a disciplined guerilla army facing it. As a start they have enough weapons. In the long run, they will get their weapons from Ethiopia itself. The people of Tigray are mad. They have been raped, they have been discarded for dead. ICC for Abbiy and Isayas, it will happen. Isayas has no problem with it. Abbiy, I am not sure. Now, many Eritreans including the cadres are thinking twice. Eritrea's population is very small. Eritreans dying for Ethiopia, that is not sustainable. Ethiopia needs ports. Ethiopia wants Eritrea back. This is its best opportunity ever to bring back Eritrea under the guise of Economic Union or federation. Abbiy is not hiding this. He spoke through Mufti not long ago. The Eritrean government did not even object. We are in deep shy---t. It hurts to say it, but it is what it is. Anyhow, Ethiopia has far more problems than that.

Shi-tty head Sebdeyeley,
You are a liability to Eritrea if you are Eritrean in the first place. You are not just an idiot, you are coward too. :twisted: :lol:
Agame Blueshi*t aka sister Abi-gail aka Sister Aziza ,

You are funny but also a low IQ monkey... Why do you have to pretend as Eritrean when in fact you are from ተንከባላላይ ዘር.... As much as you open your agame mouth, your inferiority complexity is exposed... It is like as much as you exposed your stinky behind to Honorable Jimmy, that stinky behind is getting deformed beyond repair.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

By the way, what is new with the deformity of that stinky behind of yours :lol: :lol: ???

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF ዱቄት

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