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Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Zmeselo » 13 May 2021, 11:00

ፕረዚደንት ጊኒ - ኣልፋ ኮንደ፡ ፕረዚደንት ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ብዝገበረሉ ዕድመ መሰረት፡ ኣብ ኤርትራ ናይ ክልተ መዓልቲ ናይ ስራሕ ምብጻሕ ንምፍጻም፡ ሎሚ ሰዓት 4፡00 ድሕሪ-ቐትሪ ኣስመራ ኣትዩ።

On the invitation of President Isaias Afwerki, President of the Republic of Guinea, H.E. Alpha Conde, arrived in Asmara at 4:00 pm today for a two-day official visit. Pre. Isaias, accorded warm welcome to Pre. Alpha Conde & his delegation on their arrival at Asmara Intl. Airport.

The two Heads of State will discuss, in the Summit, enhancement of bilateral ties & continental issues of mutual importance. Africa's rightful place & role in the global order were extensively discussed, among other matters, during Pre. Alpha Conde's visit to Massawa in Feb. 2019.
Yemane G. Meskel: @hawelti

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Blueshift » 13 May 2021, 11:27


Who is visiting who? The guards at the airport look like Bantus. There is a small jet plane on the background with a visible single engine attached to the vertical stabilizer (like the old Boeing 728). I may have seen that airplane used by Isayas himself. I could be wrong. It is a bit confusing. The motorcade on the road gives a little resemblance to the road out of Asmara Airport though. Why is Isayas sitting on the left ?

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Temt » 13 May 2021, 11:39

Blueshift wrote:
13 May 2021, 11:27

Who is visiting who? The guards at the airport look like Bantus. There is a small jet plane on the background with a visible single engine attached to the vertical stabilizer (like the old Boeing 728). I may have seen that airplane used by Isayas himself. I could be wrong. It is a bit confusing. The motorcade on the road gives a little resemblance to the road out of Asmara Airport though. Why is Isayas sitting on the left ?
Look at this ዓባቕ ዓጋመ፡ talking about something he has no clue about. Let the aviation and aircraft issues to people who know something about flying, not a miserable ዑጉም like you! LOL! Boeing 728? Is that some non-existent airplane the Agames dream of hovering over their desolate ክልል፧ ኣየ ረሳሓት ፍጥረት፡ ፎእ፡ ተጥፍኣያ ኣዴኹም፡ በሳብስ ደቂ ለመንቲ።

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Zmeselo » 13 May 2021, 11:50


Blueshift wrote:
13 May 2021, 11:27

Who is visiting who? The guards at the airport look like Bantus. There is a small jet plane on the background with a visible single engine attached to the vertical stabilizer (like the old Boeing 728). I may have seen that airplane used by Isayas himself. I could be wrong. It is a bit confusing. The motorcade on the road gives a little resemblance to the road out of Asmara Airport though. Why is Isayas sitting on the left ?

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by ZEMEN » 13 May 2021, 11:53

Blueshift wrote:
13 May 2021, 11:27

Who is visiting who? The guards at the airport look like Bantus. There is a small jet plane on the background with a visible single engine attached to the vertical stabilizer (like the old Boeing 728). I may have seen that airplane used by Isayas himself. I could be wrong. It is a bit confusing. The motorcade on the road gives a little resemblance to the road out of Asmara Airport though. Why is Isayas sitting on the left ?
One thing. according the picture the motorcades are going in to city of Asmara not out. Look very carefully; behind the motorcades, there is banner reads Bone voyage. i.e. the motorcades are heading to Asmara.

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Zmeselo » 13 May 2021, 12:16

ብመሰረት ውሳነ ቅ. ሲኖዶስን ሕግታት ቅድስቲ ቤተ-ክርስትያንን ሎሚ ኣብ ዝተኻየደ ምርጫ፡ ሊቀ ጳጳስ ሃገረ ስብከት ዓዲቐይሕ ኰይኖም ከገልግሉ ዝጸንሑ ብጹእ ኣቡነ ቄርሎስ፡ 5ይ ፓትሪያርክ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሃዶ ቤተ-ክርስትያን ኤርትራ ኰይኖም ተመሪጾም፡፡
Paulos Netabay: @PNetabay

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Temt » 13 May 2021, 12:22

Zmeselo wrote:
13 May 2021, 12:16

ብመሰረት ውሳነ ቅ. ሲኖዶስን ሕግታት ቅድስቲ ቤተ-ክርስትያንን ሎሚ ኣብ ዝተኻየደ ምርጫ፡ ሊቀ ጳጳስ ሃገረ ስብከት ዓዲቐይሕ ኰይኖም ከገልግሉ ዝጸንሑ ብጹእ ኣቡነ ቄርሎስ፡ 5ይ ፓትሪያርክ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሃዶ ቤተ-ክርስትያን ኤርትራ ኰይኖም ተመሪጾም፡፡
Paulos Netabay: @PNetabay
Great news Zmeselo, and we wish him good health and godly wisdom in leading the Eritrean Orthodox holy church!

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Zmeselo » 13 May 2021, 13:00

Temt wrote:
13 May 2021, 12:22
Zmeselo wrote:
13 May 2021, 12:16

ብመሰረት ውሳነ ቅ. ሲኖዶስን ሕግታት ቅድስቲ ቤተ-ክርስትያንን ሎሚ ኣብ ዝተኻየደ ምርጫ፡ ሊቀ ጳጳስ ሃገረ ስብከት ዓዲቐይሕ ኰይኖም ከገልግሉ ዝጸንሑ ብጹእ ኣቡነ ቄርሎስ፡ 5ይ ፓትሪያርክ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሃዶ ቤተ-ክርስትያን ኤርትራ ኰይኖም ተመሪጾም፡፡
Paulos Netabay: @PNetabay
Great news Zmeselo, and we wish him good health and godly wisdom in leading the Eritrean Orthodox holy church!
Indeed, brother! And amen, to that good wish of yours!

Our Embassy in Washington, decorated & ready for May 24:

Digital Weyane
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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Digital Weyane » 13 May 2021, 13:20

ዋይ ዋይ! ኡዞም ሻዕዉያ ኡቱ ተፅዕኖኦም <ብፈረንጂ አነጋግራ - ኢንፍሉወንስ> ሽጋብ ምዕራብ አፍሪቃ እንትባፃሕ ልገብሩዎ ዘለዉ ስራሕቲ ለቶም ፈረንጂ ጎይቶትና፡ ቡተለይ ቡተለይ ልፈረንሳይ ሀምዘብሽቖም ጥርጥር የለይ።

<አፍሪቃ ብአፍሪቃውያን ልአፍሪቃውያን!> ልብል ሓደገይና ጭርሖ ሒዙ እተላዕለ ኢሰያስ ኡታ ልሓሰባ ነገር ከየተግበራ አይህርስን ኡዩ። ሁሉ ህዝቢ አፍሪቃ ሻዕዉያ ዝኾነሉ ኩነታት ኡዩ ዝመፅእ ዘኒኦ። መራሕቲ ሕወሓት ብህየቶም ነይሮም ተዝኾኑማ ለዙይ እላረአዩ ደም ምነብዑ ነይሮም። ሳላ አውነ አረጋዊ ፀሓይ ግን እዙይ ከይረአዩ ልዘልአለም አሸሊቦም። ዋይ ዋይ! ዋይ ዋይ! :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Zmeselo » 13 May 2021, 13:25

Tomorrow May 14th, 8pm GMT: Discussions with Eritrean young professionals on their vision, resilience, achievements & contributions to Eritrea. 'Dope Eritreans doing dope things' on Clubhouse
Hadnet Keleta: @hadnetkeleta

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Zmeselo » 13 May 2021, 14:40

ፕረዚደንት ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂን ፕረዚደንት ኣልፋ ኮንደን ሎሚ ኣብ ሰዓታት ምሸት ኣብ ኣዳራሽ ሃገር ኣብ ዘካየድዎ ርክብ፡ ኣብ ክልተኣዊ ዝምድናታትን ዞባዊ ኣፍሪቃዊ ጉዳያትን ዘትዮም። ኣብ ቀንዲ ጐደናታት ከተማ ኣስመራ ድማ ተዘዋዊሮም።

Eritrea & Guinea have agreed to cooperate in the political, diplomatic & developmental sectors - especially in education & health - in the meeting of the two leaders and their delegations at State House this evening.

Recognizing that Africa is facing numerous challenges & problems but is simultaneously endowed with greater endowments & opportunities, the two Heads of State agreed to work together for the promotion of cooperation among African States and the renaissance of the African Continent.

President Isaias and the visiting President of the Republic of Guinea, H.E. Alpha Conde had afterwards a stroll on the streets of Asmara.
Yemane G. Meskel: @hawelti

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Zmeselo » 13 May 2021, 17:49

The Amb of Argentina, HE Martin G. Bustillo, visited me today. We discussed bilateral issues & Eritrea's role & responsiblity pertaining to matters of peace, security & development of our region and Eritrea's age old desire & readiness to work wth all powers for the good of all.
AMB. Beyene Russom: @BeyeneRussom

lil kogne
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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by lil kogne » 13 May 2021, 19:33

Wow ! I do not condemn of an opposing opinion be it politics, religion and or personal opinion, but what is up on Bulshit's [deleted] ? It shows this a$$hole is real Agame. Who in the hell cares what position the president sits and whether the motorcade is heading in to Asmara or way out of Asmara ? What is up with nit picking about irrelevant issues ? The [deleted]'cker Agame is Saltry as a$$wash for his Junta has no prayers in coming back and all the menkeblal proven to be futile. I am beginning to think he may be related to Awetash.

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by eritrea » 13 May 2021, 20:20

Zmeselo wrote:
13 May 2021, 12:16

ብመሰረት ውሳነ ቅ. ሲኖዶስን ሕግታት ቅድስቲ ቤተ-ክርስትያንን ሎሚ ኣብ ዝተኻየደ ምርጫ፡ ሊቀ ጳጳስ ሃገረ ስብከት ዓዲቐይሕ ኰይኖም ከገልግሉ ዝጸንሑ ብጹእ ኣቡነ ቄርሎስ፡ 5ይ ፓትሪያርክ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሃዶ ቤተ-ክርስትያን ኤርትራ ኰይኖም ተመሪጾም፡፡
Paulos Netabay: @PNetabay
Why am I not surprised why a worthless african president was invited to visit Asmara specially at this special day. Of course to camfloage something of speciall interest to the publlic.

According to the Orthodox Church laws, a Patriarch, Priest, Diacon or what ever title there is in between, it is given for life as long as no morally offensive thing have been committed by those who have it.

But here we are, instead of healing differences, repulsive measures that lead to division, anger and powerlessness are chosen.

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Zmeselo » 13 May 2021, 21:05

Now, that's funny!

How is it camouflage, when the same govt news outlet is reporting about both events on the same day? ... patriarch/

Besides that, the case with the former patriarch has been known to the Eritrean public for a long time. It's nothing new, and a replacement was expected. I've posted articles & videos here previously, with testimonies & documents, that attest to the Synod's independence from the govt and that it only got involved because the Synod requested it; so I've no desire to go through that again.

eritrea wrote:
13 May 2021, 20:20
Zmeselo wrote:
13 May 2021, 12:16

ብመሰረት ውሳነ ቅ. ሲኖዶስን ሕግታት ቅድስቲ ቤተ-ክርስትያንን ሎሚ ኣብ ዝተኻየደ ምርጫ፡ ሊቀ ጳጳስ ሃገረ ስብከት ዓዲቐይሕ ኰይኖም ከገልግሉ ዝጸንሑ ብጹእ ኣቡነ ቄርሎስ፡ 5ይ ፓትሪያርክ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሃዶ ቤተ-ክርስትያን ኤርትራ ኰይኖም ተመሪጾም፡፡
Paulos Netabay: @PNetabay
Why am I not surprised why a worthless african president was invited to visit Asmara specially at this special day. Of course to camfloage something of speciall interest to the publlic.

According to the Orthodox Church laws, a Patriarch, Priest, Diacon or what ever title there is in between, it is given for life as long as no morally offensive thing have been committed by those who have it.

But here we are, instead of healing differences, repulsive measures that lead to division, anger and powerlessness are chosen.

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Blueshift » 13 May 2021, 21:16

Temt and Kogne, two of donkey's rifrafs (who are waiting the ethio-Eritrea federation, hopefully will never happen :lol: Finger crossed) calling a real Eritrean agame shows your inferiority complexity. BTW, I know a thing or two about airplanes. I used to fly them :lol: Temt, tell me how a vertical stabilizer stabilizes the airplane in flight ? What about the horizontal ? Anyhow, that is just a hobby. :lol:
ዒሉታት ሽልሖ ዓጋመ ካብ ኣፍኩም ኣውጽኡዎ: እቲ ለይቲን መዓልትን ትናፍቅዎ ሽልሖ የእዱግ ግና ከምልብኹም: እዚ ፈደረሽን ዝበሃል ሕልሚ ደርሆ እዩ ካብቲ ናይ ኣድጊ ርእስኹም ኣውጽእዎ: ረሰሓት ጠለምቲ ስውአት :twisted:

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Blueshift » 13 May 2021, 21:27


I did state that I observed what you did. What threw me off is that, all the guards look like bantus. Isayas is sitting on the left in the State reception hall. In the past, when he hosted foreign dignitaries, he always sat on the right. Like he should. Here, the bantu man perhaps another African dictator from a very small country is sitting on the right ! Did the man from Guinea or something brought a whole entourage on that small airplane ? :lol: :lol:

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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by Zmeselo » 13 May 2021, 21:52


lil kogne
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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by lil kogne » 13 May 2021, 23:03

አውውውዲ [ deleted ] ወዲ ሕርካም "I used to fly them" KKK mot'ther'fu'cker you couldn't fly a kite. ዐስታኽ ዐጋመ ልውጢno wonder you often talk about s'ucking c"ock for you are a fa'g'get. we do not accept Agame culture take it with you and your whole family to the cursed land. በካዕ ዐጋመ what a liar just like your parents and grand parents lying is your habit and culture. I used to fly them ሐንጎል ደርሆlet alone a plane could not fly a paper plane. ዝብእስ አብዘይፈልጥዎ ከይዱስ እግዚኦ አንጽፉበለ። አንቲ ውድ ደፉእ ዐረብያ ንመን ከተታልሊ ሳሕሳሕ ቆማል ዐጋመ ፡ a$$hole

lil kogne
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Re: Pre. Isaias, welcomes Pre. Conde of Guinea.

Post by lil kogne » 13 May 2021, 23:15

አጎዛ አንጽፉለይ፡ አንቲ [deleted] ከወል፡ ሉውጢ፡ ሽልሖ ምጥባው ክብ ኣዴኽን ሐፍትኽን ተማሂርኪ ነቲ ንጹህ ሕብረተሰብ ትርብሺ አሎኪ፡ ውድ ሸያጢት ምጥራ፡ወዲ ስራቂት ድራራ።

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